Пример #1
/*								-Thoric
 * Display your current exp, level, and surrounding level exp requirements
void do_level( CHAR_DATA * ch, const char *argument )
	char buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
	int x, lowlvl, hilvl;

	if ( ch->level == 1 )
		lowlvl = 1;
		lowlvl = UMAX( 2, ch->level - 5 );
	hilvl = URANGE( ch->level, ch->level + 5, MAX_LEVEL );
	set_char_color( AT_SCORE, ch );
	ch_printf( ch, "\r\nExperience required, levels %d to %d:\r\n______________________________________________\r\n\r\n", lowlvl, hilvl );
	snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, " exp  (Current: %12s)", num_punct( ch->exp ) );
	snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, " exp  (Needed:  %12s)", num_punct( exp_level( ch, ch->level + 1 ) - ch->exp ) );
	for ( x = lowlvl; x <= hilvl; x++ )
		ch_printf( ch, " (%2d) %12s%s\r\n", x, num_punct( exp_level( ch, x ) ), ( x == ch->level ) ? buf : ( x == ch->level + 1 ) ? buf2 : " exp" );
	send_to_char( "______________________________________________\r\n", ch );
Пример #2
void do_worth( CHAR_DATA* ch, const char* argument)
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   if( IS_NPC( ch ) )

   set_pager_color( AT_SCORE, ch );
   pager_printf( ch, "\r\nWorth for %s%s.\r\n", ch->name, ch->pcdata->title );
   send_to_pager( " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
   if( !ch->pcdata->deity )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "N/A" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 2250 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "loved" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 2000 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "cherished" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1750 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "honored" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1500 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "praised" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1250 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "favored" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1000 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "respected" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 750 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "liked" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 250 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "tolerated" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -250 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "ignored" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -750 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "shunned" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1000 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "disliked" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1250 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "dishonored" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1500 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "disowned" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1750 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "abandoned" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -2000 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "despised" );
   else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -2250 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "hated" );
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "damned" );

   if( ch->level < 10 )
      if( ch->alignment > 900 )
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "devout" );
      else if( ch->alignment > 700 )
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "noble" );
      else if( ch->alignment > 350 )
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "honorable" );
      else if( ch->alignment > 100 )
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "worthy" );
      else if( ch->alignment > -100 )
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "neutral" );
      else if( ch->alignment > -350 )
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "base" );
      else if( ch->alignment > -700 )
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "evil" );
      else if( ch->alignment > -900 )
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "ignoble" );
         snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fiendish" );
      snprintf( buf2, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%d", ch->alignment );
   pager_printf( ch, "|Level: %-4d |Favor: %-10s |Alignment: %-9s |Experience: %-9d|\r\n", ch->level, buf, buf2, ch->exp );
   send_to_pager( " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
   switch ( ch->style )
      case STYLE_EVASIVE:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "evasive" );
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "defensive" );
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "aggressive" );
      case STYLE_BERSERK:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "berserk" );
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "standard" );
   pager_printf( ch, "|Glory: %-4d |Weight: %-9d |Style: %-13s |Gold: %-14s |\r\n",
                 ch->pcdata->quest_curr, ch->carry_weight, buf, num_punct( ch->gold ) );
   send_to_pager( " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
   if( ch->level < 15 && !IS_PKILL( ch ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "|            |Hitroll: -------- |Damroll: ----------- |                     |\r\n" );
      pager_printf( ch, "|            |Hitroll: %-8d |Damroll: %-11d |                     |\r\n", GET_HITROLL( ch ),
                    GET_DAMROLL( ch ) );
   send_to_pager( " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
Пример #3
void do_gold( CHAR_DATA* ch, const char* argument)
   set_char_color( AT_GOLD, ch );
   ch_printf( ch, "You have %s gold pieces.\r\n", num_punct( ch->gold ) );
Пример #4
 * New score command by Haus
void do_score( CHAR_DATA* ch, const char* argument )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   AFFECT_DATA *paf;
   int iLang;
   /*const char *suf;
   short day;

   day = ch->pcdata->day + 1;

   if( day > 4 && day < 20 )
      suf = "th";
   else if( day % 10 == 1 )
      suf = "st";
   else if( day % 10 == 2 )
      suf = "nd";
   else if( day % 10 == 3 )
      suf = "rd";
      suf = "th";
   * - Uncomment this if you want Birthdays dispayed on score for players - Kayle 1/22/08

   set_pager_color( AT_SCORE, ch );

   pager_printf( ch, "\r\nScore for %s%s.\r\n", ch->name, IS_NPC(ch) ? "" : ch->pcdata->title );
   if( get_trust( ch ) != ch->level )
      pager_printf( ch, "You are trusted at level %d.\r\n", get_trust( ch ) );

   send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );

   /*if( time_info.day == ch->pcdata->day && time_info.month == ch->pcdata->month )
      send_to_char( "Today is your birthday!\r\n", ch );
      ch_printf( ch, "Your birthday is: Day of %s, %d%s day in the Month of %s, in the year %d.\r\n",
                 day_name[ch->pcdata->day % sysdata.daysperweek], day, suf, month_name[ch->pcdata->month], ch->pcdata->year );
   send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
   * - Uncomment this if you want players to see their birthday's on score. - Kayle 1/22/08

   pager_printf( ch, "LEVEL: %-3d         Race : %-10.10s        Played: %ld hours\r\n",
                 ch->level, capitalize( get_race( ch ) ), ( long int )GET_TIME_PLAYED( ch ) );

   pager_printf( ch, "YEARS: %-6d      Class: %-11.11s       Log In: %s\r",
                 calculate_age( ch ), capitalize( get_class( ch ) ), ctime( &( ch->logon ) ) );

   if( ch->level >= 15 || IS_PKILL( ch ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "STR  : %2.2d(%2.2d)    HitRoll: %-4d              Saved:  %s\r",
                    get_curr_str( ch ), ch->perm_str, GET_HITROLL( ch ),
                    ch->save_time ? ctime( &( ch->save_time ) ) : "no save this session\n" );

      pager_printf( ch, "INT  : %2.2d(%2.2d)    DamRoll: %-4d              Time:   %s\r",
                    get_curr_int( ch ), ch->perm_int, GET_DAMROLL( ch ), ctime( &current_time ) );
      pager_printf( ch, "STR  : %2.2d(%2.2d)                               Saved:  %s\r",
                    get_curr_str( ch ), ch->perm_str, ch->save_time ? ctime( &( ch->save_time ) ) : "no\n" );

      pager_printf( ch, "INT  : %2.2d(%2.2d)                               Time:   %s\r",
                    get_curr_int( ch ), ch->perm_int, ctime( &current_time ) );

   if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 101 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the rags of a beggar" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 80 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "improper for adventure" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 55 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "shabby and threadbare" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 40 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "of poor quality" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 20 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "scant protection" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 10 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "that of a knave" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= 0 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "moderately crafted" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -10 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "well crafted" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -20 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of squires" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -40 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "excellently crafted" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -60 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of knights" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -80 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of barons" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -100 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of dukes" );
   else if( GET_AC( ch ) >= -200 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "the envy of emperors" );
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "that of an avatar" );
   if( ch->level > 24 )
      pager_printf( ch, "WIS  : %2.2d(%2.2d)      Armor: %4.4d, %s\r\n",
                    get_curr_wis( ch ), ch->perm_wis, GET_AC( ch ), buf );
      pager_printf( ch, "WIS  : %2.2d(%2.2d)      Armor: %s \r\n", get_curr_wis( ch ), ch->perm_wis, buf );

   if( ch->alignment > 900 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "devout" );
   else if( ch->alignment > 700 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "noble" );
   else if( ch->alignment > 350 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "honorable" );
   else if( ch->alignment > 100 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "worthy" );
   else if( ch->alignment > -100 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "neutral" );
   else if( ch->alignment > -350 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "base" );
   else if( ch->alignment > -700 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "evil" );
   else if( ch->alignment > -900 )
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "ignoble" );
      snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fiendish" );
   if( ch->level < 10 )
      pager_printf( ch, "DEX  : %2.2d(%2.2d)      Align: %-20.20s    Items: %5.5d   (max %5.5d)\r\n",
                    get_curr_dex( ch ), ch->perm_dex, buf, ch->carry_number, can_carry_n( ch ) );
      pager_printf( ch, "DEX  : %2.2d(%2.2d)      Align: %+4.4d, %-14.14s   Items: %5.5d   (max %5.5d)\r\n",
                    get_curr_dex( ch ), ch->perm_dex, ch->alignment, buf, ch->carry_number, can_carry_n( ch ) );

   switch ( ch->position )
      case POS_DEAD:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "slowly decomposing" );
      case POS_MORTAL:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "mortally wounded" );
      case POS_INCAP:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "incapacitated" );
      case POS_STUNNED:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "stunned" );
      case POS_SLEEPING:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "sleeping" );
      case POS_RESTING:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "resting" );
      case POS_STANDING:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "standing" );
      case POS_FIGHTING:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting" );
      case POS_EVASIVE:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting (evasive)" );   /* Fighting style support -haus */
      case POS_DEFENSIVE:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting (defensive)" );
      case POS_AGGRESSIVE:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting (aggressive)" );
      case POS_BERSERK:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "fighting (berserk)" );
      case POS_MOUNTED:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "mounted" );
      case POS_SITTING:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "sitting" );
   pager_printf( ch, "CON  : %2.2d(%2.2d)      Pos'n: %-21.21s  Weight: %5.5d (max %7.7d)\r\n",
                 get_curr_con( ch ), ch->perm_con, buf, ch->carry_weight, can_carry_w( ch ) );

    * Fighting style support -haus
   pager_printf( ch, "CHA  : %2.2d(%2.2d)      Wimpy: %-5d      ", get_curr_cha( ch ), ch->perm_cha, ch->wimpy );

   switch ( ch->style )
      case STYLE_EVASIVE:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "evasive" );
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "defensive" );
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "aggressive" );
      case STYLE_BERSERK:
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "berserk" );
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "standard" );
   pager_printf( ch, "Style: %-10.10s\r\n", buf );

   pager_printf( ch, "LCK  : %2.2d(%2.2d) \r\n", get_curr_lck( ch ), ch->perm_lck );

   pager_printf( ch, "Glory: %4.4d(%4.4d) \r\n", ch->pcdata->quest_curr, ch->pcdata->quest_accum );

   pager_printf( ch, "PRACT: %3.3d         Hitpoints: %-5d of %5d   Pager: (%c) %3d    AutoExit(%c)\r\n",
                 ch->practice, ch->hit, ch->max_hit,
                 IS_SET( ch->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_PAGERON ) ? 'X' : ' ',
                 ch->pcdata->pagerlen, xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOEXIT ) ? 'X' : ' ' );

   if( IS_VAMPIRE( ch ) )
      pager_printf( ch, "XP   : %-9d       Blood: %-5d of %5d   MKills:  %-5.5d    AutoLoot(%c)\r\n",
                    ch->exp, ch->pcdata->condition[COND_BLOODTHIRST], 10 + ch->level, ch->pcdata->mkills,
                    xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOLOOT ) ? 'X' : ' ' );
   else if( ch->Class == CLASS_WARRIOR )
      pager_printf( ch, "XP   : %-9d                               MKills:  %-5.5d    AutoLoot(%c)\r\n",
                    ch->exp, ch->pcdata->mkills, xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOLOOT ) ? 'X' : ' ' );
      pager_printf( ch, "XP   : %-9d        Mana: %-5d of %5d   MKills:  %-5.5d    AutoLoot(%c)\r\n",
                    ch->exp, ch->mana, ch->max_mana, ch->pcdata->mkills, xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_AUTOLOOT ) ? 'X' : ' ' );

   pager_printf( ch, "GOLD : %-13s    Move: %-5d of %5d   Mdeaths: %-5.5d    AutoSac (%c)\r\n",
                 num_punct( ch->gold ), ch->move, ch->max_move, ch->pcdata->mdeaths, xIS_SET( ch->act,
                                                                                              PLR_AUTOSAC ) ? 'X' : ' ' );

   if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->condition[COND_DRUNK] > 10 )
      send_to_pager( "You are drunk.\r\n", ch );
   if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->condition[COND_THIRST] == 0 )
      send_to_pager( "You are in danger of dehydrating.\r\n", ch );
   if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->condition[COND_FULL] == 0 )
      send_to_pager( "You are starving to death.\r\n", ch );
   if( ch->position != POS_SLEEPING )
      switch ( ch->mental_state / 10 )
            send_to_pager( "You're completely messed up!\r\n", ch );
         case -10:
            send_to_pager( "You're barely conscious.\r\n", ch );
         case -9:
            send_to_pager( "You can barely keep your eyes open.\r\n", ch );
         case -8:
            send_to_pager( "You're extremely drowsy.\r\n", ch );
         case -7:
            send_to_pager( "You feel very unmotivated.\r\n", ch );
         case -6:
            send_to_pager( "You feel sedated.\r\n", ch );
         case -5:
            send_to_pager( "You feel sleepy.\r\n", ch );
         case -4:
            send_to_pager( "You feel tired.\r\n", ch );
         case -3:
            send_to_pager( "You could use a rest.\r\n", ch );
         case -2:
            send_to_pager( "You feel a little under the weather.\r\n", ch );
         case -1:
            send_to_pager( "You feel fine.\r\n", ch );
         case 0:
            send_to_pager( "You feel great.\r\n", ch );
         case 1:
            send_to_pager( "You feel energetic.\r\n", ch );
         case 2:
            send_to_pager( "Your mind is racing.\r\n", ch );
         case 3:
            send_to_pager( "You can't think straight.\r\n", ch );
         case 4:
            send_to_pager( "Your mind is going 100 miles an hour.\r\n", ch );
         case 5:
            send_to_pager( "You're high as a kite.\r\n", ch );
         case 6:
            send_to_pager( "Your mind and body are slipping apart.\r\n", ch );
         case 7:
            send_to_pager( "Reality is slipping away.\r\n", ch );
         case 8:
            send_to_pager( "You have no idea what is real, and what is not.\r\n", ch );
         case 9:
            send_to_pager( "You feel immortal.\r\n", ch );
         case 10:
            send_to_pager( "You are a Supreme Entity.\r\n", ch );
   else if( ch->mental_state > 45 )
      send_to_pager( "Your sleep is filled with strange and vivid dreams.\r\n", ch );
   else if( ch->mental_state > 25 )
      send_to_pager( "Your sleep is uneasy.\r\n", ch );
   else if( ch->mental_state < -35 )
      send_to_pager( "You are deep in a much needed sleep.\r\n", ch );
   else if( ch->mental_state < -25 )
      send_to_pager( "You are in deep slumber.\r\n", ch );
   send_to_pager( "Languages: ", ch );
   for( iLang = 0; lang_array[iLang] != LANG_UNKNOWN; iLang++ )
      if( knows_language( ch, lang_array[iLang], ch ) || ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->speaks == 0 ) )
         if( lang_array[iLang] & ch->speaking || ( IS_NPC( ch ) && !ch->speaking ) )
            set_pager_color( AT_RED, ch );
         send_to_pager( lang_names[iLang], ch );
         send_to_pager( " ", ch );
         set_pager_color( AT_SCORE, ch );
   send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

   if( ch->pcdata->bestowments && ch->pcdata->bestowments[0] != '\0' )
      pager_printf( ch, "You are bestowed with the command(s): %s.\r\n", ch->pcdata->bestowments );

   if( ch->morph && ch->morph->morph )
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
      if( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
         pager_printf( ch, "Morphed as (%d) %s with a timer of %d.\r\n",
                       ch->morph->morph->vnum, ch->morph->morph->short_desc, ch->morph->timer );
         pager_printf( ch, "You are morphed into a %s.\r\n", ch->morph->morph->short_desc );
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
   if( CAN_PKILL( ch ) )
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
      pager_printf( ch, "PKILL DATA:  Pkills (%3.3d)     Illegal Pkills (%3.3d)     Pdeaths (%3.3d)\r\n",
                    ch->pcdata->pkills, ch->pcdata->illegal_pk, ch->pcdata->pdeaths );
   if( ch->pcdata->clan && ch->pcdata->clan->clan_type != CLAN_ORDER && ch->pcdata->clan->clan_type != CLAN_GUILD )
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
      pager_printf( ch, "CLAN STATS:  %-14.14s  Clan AvPkills : %-5d  Clan NonAvpkills : %-5d\r\n",
                    ch->pcdata->clan->name, ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[6],
                    ( ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[1] + ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[2] +
                      ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[3] + ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[4] + ch->pcdata->clan->pkills[5] ) );
      pager_printf( ch, "                             Clan AvPdeaths: %-5d  Clan NonAvpdeaths: %-5d\r\n",
                    ( ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[1] + ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[2] +
                      ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[3] + ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[4] + ch->pcdata->clan->pdeaths[5] ) );
   if( ch->pcdata->deity )
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
      if( ch->pcdata->favor > 2250 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "loved" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 2000 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "cherished" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1750 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "honored" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1500 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "praised" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1250 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "favored" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 1000 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "respected" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 750 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "liked" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > 250 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "tolerated" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -250 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "ignored" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -750 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "shunned" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1000 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "disliked" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1250 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "dishonored" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1500 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "disowned" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -1750 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "abandoned" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -2000 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "despised" );
      else if( ch->pcdata->favor > -2250 )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "hated" );
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "damned" );
      pager_printf( ch, "Deity:  %-20s  Favor: %s\r\n", ch->pcdata->deity->name, buf );
   if( ch->pcdata->clan && ch->pcdata->clan->clan_type == CLAN_ORDER )
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
      pager_printf( ch, "Order:  %-20s  Order Mkills:  %-6d   Order MDeaths:  %-6d\r\n",
                    ch->pcdata->clan->name, ch->pcdata->clan->mkills, ch->pcdata->clan->mdeaths );
   if( ch->pcdata->clan && ch->pcdata->clan->clan_type == CLAN_GUILD )
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
      pager_printf( ch, "Guild:  %-20s  Guild Mkills:  %-6d   Guild MDeaths:  %-6d\r\n",
                    ch->pcdata->clan->name, ch->pcdata->clan->mkills, ch->pcdata->clan->mdeaths );
   if( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );

      pager_printf( ch, "IMMORTAL DATA:  Wizinvis [%s]  Wizlevel (%d)\r\n",
                    xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_WIZINVIS ) ? "X" : " ", ch->pcdata->wizinvis );

      pager_printf( ch, "Bamfin:  %s %s\r\n", ch->name, ( ch->pcdata->bamfin[0] != '\0' )
                    ? ch->pcdata->bamfin : "appears in a swirling mist." );
      pager_printf( ch, "Bamfout: %s %s\r\n", ch->name, ( ch->pcdata->bamfout[0] != '\0' )
                    ? ch->pcdata->bamfout : "leaves in a swirling mist." );

       * Area Loaded info - Scryn 8/11
      if( ch->pcdata->area )
         pager_printf( ch, "Vnums:   Room (%-5.5d - %-5.5d)   Object (%-5.5d - %-5.5d)   Mob (%-5.5d - %-5.5d)\r\n",
                       ch->pcdata->area->low_r_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->hi_r_vnum,
                       ch->pcdata->area->low_o_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->hi_o_vnum,
                       ch->pcdata->area->low_m_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->hi_m_vnum );
         pager_printf( ch, "Area Loaded [%s]\r\n", ( IS_SET( ch->pcdata->area->status, AREA_LOADED ) ) ? "yes" : "no" );
   if( ch->first_affect )
      int i;
      SKILLTYPE *sktmp;

      i = 0;
      send_to_pager( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
      send_to_pager( "AFFECT DATA:                            ", ch );
      for( paf = ch->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
         if( ( sktmp = get_skilltype( paf->type ) ) == NULL )
         if( ch->level < 20 )
            pager_printf( ch, "[%-34.34s]    ", sktmp->name );
            if( i == 0 )
               i = 2;
            if( ( ++i % 3 ) == 0 )
               send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );
         if( ch->level >= 20 )
            if( paf->modifier == 0 )
               pager_printf( ch, "[%-24.24s;%5d rds]    ", sktmp->name, paf->duration );
            else if( paf->modifier > 999 )
               pager_printf( ch, "[%-15.15s; %7.7s;%5d rds]    ",
                             sktmp->name, tiny_affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->duration );
               pager_printf( ch, "[%-11.11s;%+-3.3d %7.7s;%5d rds]    ",
                             sktmp->name, paf->modifier, tiny_affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->duration );
            if( i == 0 )
               i = 1;
            if( ( ++i % 2 ) == 0 )
               send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );
   send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );