Пример #1
ossim_uint32 ossimKeywordlist::numberOf(const char* prefix,
                                        const char* key) const
   if (!prefix && key)  // Must have key, sometimes no prefix.
      return numberOf(key);
   ossim_uint32 count = 0;
   if (prefix && key)
      KeywordMap::const_iterator i = m_map.begin();
      while (i != m_map.end())
         if ( (*i).first.contains(prefix) && (*i).first.contains(key))
   return count;
Пример #2
ossim_uint32 ossimKeywordlist::numberOf(const char* prefix,
                                        const char* key) const
   if ( key ) // Must have key, sometimes no prefix.
      std::string k(prefix ? (std::string(prefix)+std::string(key)) : key);
      return numberOf(k.c_str());
   return 0;
Пример #3
void UmlPackage::import(QString path)
    bool manual = path.isEmpty();

    if (manual)
        path = Q3FileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null, QString::null, 0, 0, "open xmi/xml file");

    if (! path.isEmpty()) {
        // note : QTextStream(FILE *) bugged under windows
        FILE * fp = fopen(path, "rb");

        if (fp == 0)
            UmlCom::trace("cannot open " + path);
        else {
            QString s = "import " + path + "<br>";


            FileIn in(path, fp);



            UmlCom::trace(WrapperStr("<br><font face=helvetica>xmi import done<br><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(numberOf() - 1) + WrapperStr(" packages </font><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlUseCase::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" use cases </font><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlClass::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" classes </font><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlActivity::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" activities </font><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlState::numberOf()) + " states </font><br>" +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlComponent::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" components </font><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlArtifact::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" artifacts </font><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlNode::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" deployment nodes </font><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlPackage::numberOfProfile()) + WrapperStr(" profiles </font><br>") +
                          WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") +
                          WrapperStr().setNum(UmlClass::numberOfStereotype()) + WrapperStr(" stereotypes </font><br><br>"));

            if (manual)
//! read particles matching a specific PDG name and run id from supplied
//  file. Must supply particle mass ourselves...
EventArray* readParticles(const std::string& file, 
                          const std::string& particle, 
                          const double mass, const std::string& runId) {
  int resultCode(0);
  size_t numberOf(0); 
  resultCode = countParticles(file, particle, runId, numberOf);
  if (resultCode) {
    std::cerr << "[pp6day3_muonanalysis:error] Failed to count particles in file "
              << file
              << std::endl;
    return 0;

  // With number of particles known, create the appropriately sized
  // EventArray and fill it
  return createParticles(file, numberOf, particle, mass, runId);
Пример #5
 int ZFan::numberOfConesOfDimension(int d, bool orbit, bool maximal)const
   return numberOf(table(orbit,maximal),d);