static void test_nvtable_realloc_leaves_original_intact_if_there_are_multiple_references(void) { NVTable *tab_ref1, *tab_ref2; gboolean success; gsize old_size; tab_ref1 = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 1024); tab_ref2 = nv_table_ref(tab_ref1); success = nv_table_add_value(tab_ref1, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, strlen(STATIC_NAME), "value", 5, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab_ref1, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab_ref2, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); old_size = tab_ref1->size; TEST_ASSERT(nv_table_realloc(tab_ref2, &tab_ref2)); TEST_ASSERT(tab_ref1->size == old_size); TEST_ASSERT(tab_ref2->size >= old_size); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab_ref1, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab_ref2, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); nv_table_unref(tab_ref1); nv_table_unref(tab_ref2); }
static void test_nvtable_clone_grows_the_cloned_structure(void) { NVTable *tab, *tab_clone; gboolean success; tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 64); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, strlen(STATIC_NAME), "value", 5, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); tab_clone = nv_table_clone(tab, 64); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab_clone, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); TEST_ASSERT(tab->size < tab_clone->size); nv_table_unref(tab_clone); nv_table_unref(tab); }
static void test_nvtable_clone_cannot_grow_nvtable_larger_than_nvtable_max_bytes(void) { NVTable *tab, *tab_clone; gboolean success; tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, NV_TABLE_MAX_BYTES - 1024); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, strlen(STATIC_NAME), "value", 5, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); tab_clone = nv_table_clone(tab, 2048); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab_clone, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); TEST_ASSERT(tab->size < tab_clone->size); TEST_ASSERT(tab_clone->size <= NV_TABLE_MAX_BYTES); nv_table_unref(tab_clone); nv_table_unref(tab); }
/* * * - other corner cases * - set zero length value in direct value * - add a zero-length value to non-existing entry * - add a zero-length value to an existing entry that is not zero-length * - add a zero-length value to an existing entry that is zero-length * - set zero length value in an indirect value * * - change an entry that is referenced by other entries */ static void test_nvtable_others(void) { NVTable *tab; NVHandle handle; gchar value[1024], name[16]; gboolean success; gint i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) value[i] = 'A' + (i % 26); handle = DYN_HANDLE+1; g_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "VAL%d", handle); fprintf(stderr, "Testing other cases, name: %s, handle: %d\n", name, handle); /* one that fits */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value + 32, 32, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value + 32, 32); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 1, 126); nv_table_unref(tab); /* one that doesn't fit */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 192); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value + 32, 32, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 1, 126); nv_table_unref(tab); }
int testcase_replace(const gchar *log, const gchar *re, gchar *replacement, const gchar *expected_result, const gint matcher_flags, LogMatcher *m) { LogMessage *msg; LogTemplate *r; gchar *result; gssize length; gchar buf[1024]; gssize msglen; NVHandle nonasciiz = log_msg_get_value_handle("NON-ASCIIZ"); const gchar *value; GSockAddr *sa; sa = g_sockaddr_inet_new("", 1010); msg = log_msg_new(log, strlen(log), sa, &parse_options); g_sockaddr_unref(sa); /* NOTE: we test how our matchers cope with non-zero terminated values. We don't change message_len, only the value */ g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%sAAAAAAAAAAAA", log_msg_get_value(msg, LM_V_MESSAGE, &msglen)); log_msg_set_value(msg, log_msg_get_value_handle("MESSAGE2"), buf, -1); /* add a non-zero terminated indirect value which contains the whole message */ log_msg_set_value_indirect(msg, nonasciiz, log_msg_get_value_handle("MESSAGE2"), 0, 0, msglen); log_matcher_set_flags(m, matcher_flags); log_matcher_compile(m, re); r = log_template_new(configuration, NULL); log_template_compile(r, replacement, NULL); NVTable *nv_table = nv_table_ref(msg->payload); value = log_msg_get_value(msg, nonasciiz, &msglen); result = log_matcher_replace(m, msg, nonasciiz, value, msglen, r, &length); value = log_msg_get_value(msg, nonasciiz, &msglen); nv_table_unref(nv_table); if (strncmp(result ? result : value, expected_result, result ? length : msglen) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Testcase failure. pattern=%s, result=%.*s, expected=%s\n", re, (gint) length, result ? result : value, expected_result); exit(1); } g_free(result); log_template_unref(r); log_matcher_unref(m); log_msg_unref(msg); return 0; }
static void test_nvtable_realloc_fails_if_size_is_at_maximum(void) { NVTable *tab; gboolean success; tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, NV_TABLE_MAX_BYTES); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, strlen(STATIC_NAME), "value", 5, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); TEST_ASSERT(nv_table_realloc(tab, &tab) == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->size == NV_TABLE_MAX_BYTES); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); nv_table_unref(tab); }
static void testcase(gchar *msg, goffset offset, gchar *timezone, gchar *format, gchar *expected) { LogTemplate *templ; LogMessage *logmsg; NVTable *nvtable; GlobalConfig *cfg = cfg_new (0x302); LogParser *parser = date_parser_new (cfg); gboolean success; const gchar *context_id = "test-context-id"; GString *res = g_string_sized_new(128); date_parser_set_offset(parser, offset); if (format != NULL) date_parser_set_format(parser, format); if (timezone != NULL) date_parser_set_timezone(parser, timezone); parse_options.flags = 0; logmsg = log_msg_new_empty(); logmsg->timestamps[LM_TS_RECVD].tv_sec = 1438793384; /* Wed Aug 5 2015 */ log_msg_set_value(logmsg, log_msg_get_value_handle("MESSAGE"), msg, -1); nvtable = nv_table_ref(logmsg->payload); success = log_parser_process(parser, &logmsg, NULL, log_msg_get_value(logmsg, LM_V_MESSAGE, NULL), -1); nv_table_unref(nvtable); if (!success) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to parse offset=%d format=%s msg=%s\n", offset, format, msg); exit(1); } /* Convert to ISODATE */ templ = compile_template("${ISODATE}", FALSE); log_template_format(templ, logmsg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 999, context_id, res); assert_nstring(res->str, res->len, expected, strlen(expected), "incorrect date parsed msg=%s offset=%d format=%s", msg, offset, format); log_template_unref(templ); g_string_free(res, TRUE); log_pipe_unref(&parser->super); log_msg_unref(logmsg); return; }
static void test_nvtable_lookup() { NVTable *tab; NVHandle handle; gchar name[16]; gboolean success; gint i; NVHandle handles[100]; gint x; srand(time(NULL)); for (x = 0; x < 100; x++) { /* test dynamic lookup */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 4096); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { do { handle = rand() & 0x8FFF; } while (handle == 0); g_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "VAL%d", handle); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), name, strlen(name), NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); handles[i] = handle; } for (i = 99; i >= 0; i--) { handle = handles[i]; g_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "VAL%d", handle); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handles[i], name, strlen(name)); TEST_ASSERT(nv_table_is_value_set(tab, handles[i])); } TEST_ASSERT(nv_table_is_value_set(tab, 0xFE00) == FALSE); nv_table_unref(tab); } }
static void test_nvtable_realloc_sets_size_to_nv_table_max_bytes_at_most(void) { NVTable *tab; gboolean success; gsize old_size; tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, NV_TABLE_MAX_BYTES - 1024); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, strlen(STATIC_NAME), "value", 5, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); old_size = tab->size; TEST_ASSERT(nv_table_realloc(tab, &tab)); TEST_ASSERT(tab->size > old_size); TEST_ASSERT(tab->size <= NV_TABLE_MAX_BYTES); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); nv_table_unref(tab); }
static void test_nvtable_realloc_doubles_nvtable_size(void) { NVTable *tab; gboolean success; gsize old_size; tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 1024); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, strlen(STATIC_NAME), "value", 5, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); old_size = tab->size; TEST_ASSERT(nv_table_realloc(tab, &tab)); TEST_ASSERT(tab->size >= old_size * 2); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "value", 5); nv_table_unref(tab); }
/* * - indirect values * - indirect static values are not possible * - set/get dynamic NV entries that refer to direct entries * - new NV entry * - entries that fit into the current NVTable * - entries that do not fit into the current NVTable * - overwrite indirect NV entry * - value always fits to a current NV entry, no other cases * - overwrite direct NV entry * - value that fits into the current entry * - value that doesn't fit into the current entry, but fits into NVTable * - value that doesn't fit into the current entry and neither to NVTable * - set/get dynamic NV entries that refer to indirect entry, they become direct entries * - new NV entry * - entries that fit into the current NVTable * - entries that do not fit into the current NVTable * - overwrite indirect NV entry * - value that fits into the current entry * - value that doesn't fit into the current entry, but fits into NVTable * - value that doesn't fit into the current entry and neither to NVTable * - overwrite direct NV entry * - value that fits into the current entry * - value that doesn't fit into the current entry, but fits into NVTable * - value that doesn't fit into the current entry and neither to NVTable * - set/get dynamic NV entries that refer to a non-existant entry * - */ static void test_nvtable_indirect() { NVTable *tab; NVHandle handle; gchar value[1024], name[16]; gboolean success; gint i; guint16 used; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) value[i] = 'A' + (i % 26); handle = DYN_HANDLE+1; g_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "VAL%d", handle); fprintf(stderr, "Testing indirect values, name: %s, handle: %d\n", name, handle); /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* indirect entries that refer to direct entries */ /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* new NV entry */ /*************************************************************/ /* one that fits */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 192); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 1, 126); nv_table_unref(tab); /* one that is too large */ /* NOTE: the sizing of the NVTable can easily be broken, it is sized to make it possible to store one direct entry */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, 0, 138+3); // direct: +3 success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); nv_table_unref(tab); /*************************************************************/ /* overwrite NV entry */ /*************************************************************/ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 192); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 62, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(used == tab->used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 1, 62); nv_table_unref(tab); /*************************************************************/ /* overwrite direct entry */ /*************************************************************/ /* the new entry fits to the space allocated to the old */ /* setup code: add static and a dynamic-direct entry */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 64, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used == used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 1, 126); nv_table_unref(tab); /* the new entry will not fit to the space allocated to the old */ /* setup code: add static and a dynamic-direct entry */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 1, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used > used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 1, 126); nv_table_unref(tab); /* the new entry will not fit to the space allocated to the old and neither to the NVTable */ /* setup code: add static and a dynamic-direct entry */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, 1, 154+3+4); // direct: +3, indirect: +4 success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 1, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value, 1); nv_table_unref(tab); /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* indirect entries that refer to indirect entries */ /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* new NV entry */ /*************************************************************/ /* one that fits */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, DYN_HANDLE, DYN_NAME, strlen(DYN_NAME), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), DYN_HANDLE, 0, 1, 122, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, DYN_HANDLE, value + 1, 126); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 2, 122); nv_table_unref(tab); /* one that is too large */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 192); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, DYN_HANDLE, DYN_NAME, strlen(DYN_NAME), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), DYN_HANDLE, 0, 1, 122, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, DYN_HANDLE, value + 1, 126); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, "", 0); nv_table_unref(tab); /*************************************************************/ /* overwrite indirect NV entry */ /*************************************************************/ /* we fit to the space of the old */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, DYN_HANDLE, DYN_NAME, strlen(DYN_NAME), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), DYN_HANDLE, 0, 1, 1, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used == used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, DYN_HANDLE, value + 1, 126); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 2, 1); nv_table_unref(tab); /* the new entry will not fit to the space allocated to the old */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, DYN_HANDLE, DYN_NAME, strlen(DYN_NAME), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), DYN_HANDLE, 0, 1, 16, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used > used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, DYN_HANDLE, value + 1, 126); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 2, 16); nv_table_unref(tab); /* one that is too large */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, 4, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, DYN_HANDLE, DYN_NAME, strlen(DYN_NAME), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), DYN_HANDLE, 0, 1, 124, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used == used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, DYN_HANDLE, value + 1, 126); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 1, 126); nv_table_unref(tab); /*************************************************************/ /* overwrite direct NV entry */ /*************************************************************/ /* we fit to the space of the old */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, DYN_HANDLE, DYN_NAME, strlen(DYN_NAME), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 64, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), DYN_HANDLE, 0, 1, 16, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used == used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, DYN_HANDLE, value + 1, 126); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 2, 16); nv_table_unref(tab); /* the new entry will not fit to the space allocated to the old */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, DYN_HANDLE, DYN_NAME, strlen(DYN_NAME), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 16, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), DYN_HANDLE, 0, 1, 32, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used > used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, DYN_HANDLE, value + 1, 126); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 2, 32); nv_table_unref(tab); /* one that is too large */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, 4, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, DYN_HANDLE, DYN_NAME, strlen(DYN_NAME), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 16, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), DYN_HANDLE, 0, 1, 124, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used == used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, DYN_HANDLE, value + 1, 126); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value, 16); nv_table_unref(tab); /*************************************************************/ /* indirect that refers to non-existant entry */ /*************************************************************/ /* one that fits */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 192); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(used == tab->used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, "", 0); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, "", 0); nv_table_unref(tab); }
static void test_nvtable_direct() { NVTable *tab; NVHandle handle; gchar value[1024], name[16]; gboolean success; gint i; guint16 used; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(value); i++) value[i] = 'A' + (i % 26); handle = STATIC_HANDLE; do { g_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "VAL%d", handle); fprintf(stderr, "Testing direct values, name: %s, handle: %d\n", name, handle); /*************************************************************/ /* new NV entry */ /*************************************************************/ /* one that fits */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value, 128); nv_table_unref(tab); /* one that is too large */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 512, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); nv_table_unref(tab); /*************************************************************/ /* overwrite NV entry */ /*************************************************************/ /* one that fits, but realloced size wouldn't fit */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 192); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 64, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used == used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value, 64); nv_table_unref(tab); /* one that is too large for the given entry, but still fits in the NVTable */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 64, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used > used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value, 128); nv_table_unref(tab); /* one that is too large for the given entry, and also for the NVTable */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 64, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 512, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value, 64); nv_table_unref(tab); /*************************************************************/ /* overwrite indirect entry */ /*************************************************************/ if (handle > STATIC_VALUES) { /* we can only test this with dynamic entries */ /* setup code: add static and a dynamic-indirect entry */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 192); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 126, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; /* store a direct entry over the indirect one */ success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 1, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used == used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 128); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value, 1); nv_table_unref(tab); /* setup code: add static and a dynamic-indirect entry */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 64, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 63, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; /* store a direct entry over the indirect one, we don't fit in the allocated space */ success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 128, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); TEST_ASSERT(tab->used > used); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 64); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value, 128); nv_table_unref(tab); /* setup code: add static and a dynamic-indirect entry */ tab = nv_table_new(STATIC_VALUES, STATIC_VALUES, 256); success = nv_table_add_value(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, STATIC_NAME, 4, value, 64, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); success = nv_table_add_value_indirect(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), STATIC_HANDLE, 0, 1, 62, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == TRUE); used = tab->used; /* store a direct entry over the indirect one, we don't fit in the allocated space */ success = nv_table_add_value(tab, handle, name, strlen(name), value, 256, NULL); TEST_ASSERT(success == FALSE); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, STATIC_HANDLE, value, 64); TEST_NVTABLE_ASSERT(tab, handle, value + 1, 62); nv_table_unref(tab); } handle += STATIC_VALUES; } while (handle < 2 * STATIC_VALUES); }
int testcase(gchar *msg, guint parse_flags, gint max_columns, guint32 flags, gchar *delimiters, gchar *quotes, gchar *null_value, gchar *first_value, ...) { LogMessage *logmsg; LogColumnParser *p; gchar *expected_value; gint i; va_list va; NVTable *nvtable; const gchar *column_array[] = { "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8", "C9", "C10", "C11", "C12", "C13", "C14", "C15", "C16", "C17", "C18", "C19", "C20", "C21", "C22", "C23", "C24", "C25", "C26", "C27", "C28", "C29", "C30", NULL }; gboolean success; if (max_columns != -1) { g_assert(max_columns < (sizeof(column_array) / sizeof(column_array[0]))); column_array[max_columns] = NULL; } parse_options.flags = parse_flags; logmsg = log_msg_new(msg, strlen(msg), NULL, &parse_options); p = log_csv_parser_new(); log_csv_parser_set_flags(p, flags); log_column_parser_set_columns(p, string_array_to_list(column_array)); if (delimiters) log_csv_parser_set_delimiters(p, delimiters); if (quotes) log_csv_parser_set_quote_pairs(p, quotes); if (null_value) log_csv_parser_set_null_value(p, null_value); nvtable = nv_table_ref(logmsg->payload); success = log_parser_process(&p->super, &logmsg, NULL, log_msg_get_value(logmsg, LM_V_MESSAGE, NULL), -1); nv_table_unref(nvtable); if (success && !first_value) { fprintf(stderr, "unexpected match; msg=%s\n", msg); exit(1); } if (!success && first_value) { fprintf(stderr, "unexpected non-match; msg=%s\n", msg); exit(1); } log_pipe_unref(&p->super.super); va_start(va, first_value); expected_value = first_value; i = 0; while (expected_value && column_array[i]) { const gchar *value; gssize value_len; value = log_msg_get_value(logmsg, log_msg_get_value_handle(column_array[i]), &value_len); if (expected_value && expected_value[0]) { TEST_ASSERT(value && value[0], "expected value set, but no actual value"); TEST_ASSERT(strlen(expected_value) == value_len, "value length doesn't match actual length"); TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(value, expected_value, value_len) == 0, "value does not match expected value"); } else { TEST_ASSERT(!(value && value[0]), "expected unset, but actual value present"); } expected_value = va_arg(va, char *); i++; } log_msg_unref(logmsg); return 1; }