Пример #1
bool AttitudeReference::GetTgtEulerAngles (VECTOR3 &tgt_euler) const
	if (!valid_tgteuler) {
		switch (tgtmode) {
			case 1:  // fixed
				tgteuler.y = tgteuler.z = 0.0;
				tgteuler += tgt_offs;
				have_tgteuler = true;
			case 2:  // direction of NAV source
			case 3: { // relative velocity of NAV source
				if (mode >= 4 && (hNav = v->GetNavSource (navid))) {
					VECTOR3 dir, sdir;
					if (tgtmode == 2) {
						oapiGetNavPos (hNav, &dir);
						v->GetGlobalPos (sdir);
						dir = tmul (GetFrameRotMatrix(), unit (dir-sdir));
					} else {
						v->GetGlobalVel (sdir);
						dir = tmul (GetFrameRotMatrix(), unit (tgt_rvel));
					if (projmode == 0) {
						tgteuler.y = asin (dir.y);
						tgteuler.z = atan2 (dir.x, dir.z);
					} else {
						tgteuler.y = atan2 (dir.y, dir.z);
						tgteuler.z = asin (dir.x);
					tgteuler += tgt_offs;
					//tgteuler += GetEulerAngles (projection_mode);
					// frame-relative --> ship-relative; is this a good idea?
					tgteuler.y = posangle(tgteuler.y);
					tgteuler.z = posangle(tgteuler.z);
					have_tgteuler = true;
				} else 
					have_tgteuler = false;
				} break;
				have_tgteuler = false;
	valid_tgteuler = true;
	tgt_euler = tgteuler;
	return have_tgteuler;;
Пример #2
bool InstrHSI::Redraw2D (SURFHANDLE surf)
	const float horzx = (float)(texw-312), horzy = (float)(texh-252);
	DWORD tp;
	int i, j, vofs;
	double c, sinc, cosc, brg, slope;
	double yaw = vessel->GetYaw();   if (yaw < 0.0) yaw += PI2;
	double siny = sin(yaw), cosy = cos(yaw);

	dev = 0.0;
	NAVHANDLE nv = vessel->GetNavSource (0);
	if (nv) {
		tp = oapiGetNavType(nv);
			nv = NULL;
	if (nv != nav) {
		if (nav = nv) {
			navRef = vessel->GetSurfaceRef();
			navType = tp;
			if (navRef) {
				VECTOR3 npos;
				NAVDATA data;
				double rad;
				oapiGetNavPos (nav, &npos);
				oapiGlobalToEqu (navRef, npos, &navlng, &navlat, &rad);
				oapiGetNavData (nav, &data);
				if (navType == TRANSMITTER_ILS) crs = data.ils.appdir;
			} else nav = NULL;
		} else {
		// transform glideslope background
		static float gs_tv[4] = {(horzy+171.5f)/(float)texh,(horzy+154.5f)/(float)texh,(horzy+171.5f)/(float)texh,(horzy+154.5f)/(float)texh};
		vofs = vtxofs+4;
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			grp->Vtx[vofs+i].tv = (navType == TRANSMITTER_ILS ? gs_tv[i] : (horzy+154.5f)/(float)texh);
		// transform glideslope indicator
		if (navType != TRANSMITTER_ILS) {
			vofs = vtxofs+8;
			for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) grp->Vtx[vofs+i].y = ycnt-64;
	if (nav) {
		double vlng, vlat, vrad, adist;
		OBJHANDLE hRef = vessel->GetEquPos (vlng, vlat, vrad);
		if (hRef && hRef == navRef) {
			Orthodome (vlng, vlat, navlng, navlat, adist, brg);
			adist *= oapiGetSize (hRef);
			dev = brg-crs;
			if      (dev < -PI) dev += PI2;
			else if (dev >= PI) dev -= PI2;
			if      (dev < -PI05) dev = -PI-dev;
			else if (dev >= PI05) dev =  PI-dev;

			// calculate slope
			if (navType == TRANSMITTER_ILS) {
				double s = adist * cos(crs-brg);
				double alt = vessel->GetAltitude();
				slope = atan2 (alt, s) * DEG;

				// transform glideslope indicator
				const double tgtslope = 4.0;
				double dslope = slope - tgtslope;
				float yshift = (float)min(fabs(dslope)*20.0,45.0);
				if (dslope < 0.0) yshift = -yshift;
				static float gs_y[4] = {ycnt-4.0f, ycnt-4.0f, ycnt+4.0f, ycnt+4.0f};
				vofs = vtxofs+8;
				for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
					grp->Vtx[vofs+i].y = gs_y[i]+yshift;

	static double xp[4] = {-60.5,60.5,-60.5,60.5};
	static double yp[4] = {-60.5,-60.5,60.5,60.5};

	// transform compass rose
	vofs = vtxofs;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		grp->Vtx[i+vofs].x = (float)(cosy*xp[i] + siny*yp[i] + xcnt);
		grp->Vtx[i+vofs].y = (float)(-siny*xp[i] + cosy*yp[i] + ycnt);
	// transform source bearing indicator
	vofs = vtxofs+12;
	if (nav) {
		c = yaw-brg;
		sinc = sin(c), cosc = cos(c);
		static double xs[4] = {-6.2,6.2,-6.2,6.2};
		static double ys[4] = {-61,-61,-45,-45};
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			grp->Vtx[i+vofs].x = (float)(cosc*xs[i] + sinc*ys[i] + xcnt);
			grp->Vtx[i+vofs].y = (float)(-sinc*xs[i] + cosc*ys[i] + ycnt);
	} else { // hide indicator
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			grp->Vtx[i+vofs].x = (float)(xcnt-65.0);
			grp->Vtx[i+vofs].y = (float)ycnt;
	// transform course indicator + scale
	c = yaw-crs;
	sinc = sin(c), cosc = cos(c);
	static double xc[8] = {-32.2,32.2,-32.2,32.2, -6.2, 6.2, -6.2, 6.2};
	static double yc[8] = { -4.7, -4.7, 4.7, 4.7,-60.5,-60.5,60.5,60.5};
	vofs = vtxofs+16;
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		grp->Vtx[i+vofs].x = (float)(cosc*xc[i] + sinc*yc[i] + xcnt);
		grp->Vtx[i+vofs].y = (float)(-sinc*xc[i] + cosc*yc[i] + ycnt);
	// transform deviation indicator
	static double xd[4] = {-3.65,3.65,-3.65,3.65};
	static double yd[4] = {-26.82,-26.82,26.82,26.82};
	double dx = min(8.0,fabs(dev)*DEG)*5.175;
	if (dev < 0.0) dx = -dx;
	vofs = vtxofs+24;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		grp->Vtx[i+vofs].x = (float)(cosc*(xd[i]+dx) + sinc*yd[i] + xcnt);
		grp->Vtx[i+vofs].y = (float)(-sinc*(xd[i]+dx) + cosc*yd[i] + ycnt);

	// course readout
	int icrs = (int)(crs*DEG+0.5) % 360;
	char *cc, cbuf[16];
	sprintf (cbuf, "%03d", icrs);
	vofs = vtxofs+32;
	static double numw = 10.0, num_ofs = horzx+1.0;
	static double tu_num[4] = {0,numw/texw,0,numw/texw};
	for (cc = cbuf, i = 0; i < 3; cc++, i++) {
		double x = ((*cc-'0') * numw + num_ofs)/texw;
		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			grp->Vtx[i*4+j+vofs].tu = (float)(tu_num[j]+x);

	return false;
Пример #3
const MATRIX3 &AttitudeReference::GetFrameRotMatrix () const
	// Returns rotation matrix for rotation from reference frame to global frame

	if (!valid_axes) {
		VECTOR3 axis1, axis2, axis3;
		switch (mode) {
		case 0:    // inertial (ecliptic)
			axis3 = _V(1,0,0);
			axis2 = _V(0,1,0);
		case 1: {  // inertial (equator)
			oapiGetPlanetObliquityMatrix (v->GetGravityRef(), &R);
			//axis3 = _V(R.m13, R.m23, R.m33);
			axis3 = _V(R.m11, R.m21, R.m31);
			axis2 = _V(R.m12, R.m22, R.m32);
			} break;
		case 2: {  // orbital velocity / orbital momentum vector
			OBJHANDLE hRef = v->GetGravityRef();
			v->GetRelativeVel (hRef, axis3);
			axis3 = unit (axis3);
			VECTOR3 vv, vm;
			v->GetRelativePos (hRef, vv);    // local vertical
			vm = crossp (axis3,vv);    // direction of orbital momentum
			axis2 = unit (crossp (vm,axis3));
			} break;
		case 3: {  // local horizon / local north (surface)
			OBJHANDLE hRef = v->GetSurfaceRef();
			v->GetRelativePos (hRef, axis2);
			axis2 = unit (axis2);
			MATRIX3 prot;
			oapiGetRotationMatrix (hRef, &prot);
			VECTOR3 paxis = {prot.m12, prot.m22, prot.m32};  // planet rotation axis in global frame
			VECTOR3 yaxis = unit (crossp (paxis,axis2));      // direction of yaw=+90 pole in global frame
			axis3 = crossp (axis2,yaxis);
			} break;
		case 4: {  // synced to NAV source (type-specific)
			NAVDATA ndata;
			NAVHANDLE hNav = v->GetNavSource (navid);
			axis3 = _V(0,0,1);
			axis2 = _V(0,1,0);
			if (hNav) {
				oapiGetNavData (hNav, &ndata);
				switch (ndata.type) {
					VECTOR3 pos, dir, rot;
					MATRIX3 R;
					VESSEL *vtgt = oapiGetVesselInterface (ndata.ids.hVessel);
					vtgt->GetRotationMatrix (R);
					vtgt->GetDockParams (ndata.ids.hDock, pos, dir, rot);
					axis3 = -mul(R,dir);
					axis2 = mul(R,rot);
					} break;
					OBJHANDLE hRef = v->GetSurfaceRef();
					VECTOR3 spos, npos;
					v->GetRelativePos (hRef, axis2);
					v->GetGlobalPos (spos);
					axis2 = unit (axis2);
					oapiGetNavPos (hNav, &npos);
					npos -= spos;
					axis3 = unit(crossp(crossp(axis2,npos),axis2));
					} break;
			} break;
		axis1 = crossp(axis2,axis3);
		R = _M(axis1.x, axis2.x, axis3.x,  axis1.y, axis2.y, axis3.y,  axis1.z, axis2.z, axis3.z);

		valid_axes = true;
		valid_euler = false;
	return R;