int OnTxtBubbleIBrowser(void *w, int mx, int my, char *txt) { GEM_WINDOW *wnd = (GEM_WINDOW *) w ; OBJECT *adr_form = wnd->DlgData->BaseObject ; int objet, trouve = 1 ; objet = objc_find( adr_form, 0, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my ) ; switch( objet ) { case IMGB_OPEN : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HIBOPEN]) ; break ; case IMGB_PREVIOUS : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HIBPREV]) ; break ; case IMGB_NEXT : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HIBNEXT]) ; break ; case IMGB_SCALE : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HIBSCALE]) ; break ; case IMGB_EDIT : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HIBEDIT]) ; break ; case IMGB_DELETE : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HIBDELETE]) ; break ; case IMGB_PRINT : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HIBPRINT]) ; break ; default : trouve = 0 ; } return( trouve ) ; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int16 hv_objc_find( OBJECT *tree, int16 start, int16 depth, int16 x, int16 y ) { int16 obj; obj = objc_find( tree, start, depth, x, y ); if( (obj != -1) && ( !(tree[obj].ob_flags & 0x8000) || (tree[obj].ob_flags & HIDETREE) || (tree[obj].ob_state & DISABLED)) ) obj = -1; return obj; }
int OnTxtBubblePref(void *w, int mx, int my, char *txt) { GEM_WINDOW *wnd = (GEM_WINDOW *) w ; OBJECT *adr_form = wnd->DlgData->BaseObject ; int objet, trouve = 1 ; objet = objc_find( adr_form, 0, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my ) ; switch( objet ) { case PREF_PECRAN : case PREF_TPECRAN : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFFULLSCR]) ; break ; case PREF_QUIT : case PREF_TQUIT : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFQUIT]) ; break ; case PREF_WKIND : case PREF_TWKIND : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFINFO]) ; break ; case PREF_MVISEUR : case PREF_TMVISEUR : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFMOUSE]) ; break ; case PREF_CLIP : case PREF_TCLIP : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFCLIP]) ; break ; case PREF_AIDE : case PREF_TAIDE : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFHELP]) ; break ; case PREF_LONGFNAME : case PREF_TLONGFNAME : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HLONGFNAME]) ; break ; case PREF_DITHERAUTO : case PREF_TDITHERAUTO: strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HDITHERAUTO]) ; break ; case PREF_DSP : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFDSP]) ; break ; case PREF_PATHS : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFPATH]) ; break ; case PREF_CP : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFGEMP]) ; break ; case PREF_DITHER : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HPREFDITHER]) ; break ; case PREF_SPLASH : case PREF_TSPLASH : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HSPLASH]) ; break ; default : trouve = 0 ; } return( trouve ) ; }
VOID spol_down(WORD mx, WORD my) { GRECT m; WORD curr_ob; curr_ob = objc_find((OBJECT FAR *)ad_spol, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my); if ( (curr_ob == ROOT) || (curr_ob == SPOLBOX) ) { m.g_x = mx; m.g_y = my; graf_rubbox(mx, my, 6, 6, &m.g_w, &m.g_h); act_allchg(curr_ob, &m, SELECTED, TRUE); } }
int OnTxtBubbleSldShow(void *w, int mx, int my, char *txt) { GEM_WINDOW *wnd = (GEM_WINDOW *) w ; OBJECT *adr_form = wnd->DlgData->BaseObject ; int objet, trouve = 1 ; objet = objc_find( adr_form, 0, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my ) ; switch( objet ) { case SSH_TRANSITION : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHTRANSIT] ) ; break ; case SSH_CYCLE : case SSH_TCYCLE : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHCYCLE] ) ; break ; case SSH_WAITMINI : case SSH_TWAITMINI : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHWAITMINI] ) ; break ; case SSH_CLSSCREEN : case SSH_TCLSSCREEN : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHCLS] ) ; break ; case SSH_SHOWNAME : case SSH_TSHOWNAME : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHAFFNAME] ) ; break ; case SSH_AFFZOOM : case SSH_TAFFZOOM : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHAFFZOOM] ) ; break ; case SSH_AFFREDUC : case SSH_TAFFREDUC : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHAFFREDUC] ) ; break ; case SSH_SHOWPROG : case SSH_TSHOWPROG : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHAFFPROG] ) ; break ; case SSH_NOTIMER : case SSH_TNOTIMER : strcpy( txt, msg[MSG_HSSHNOTIMER] ) ; break ; default : trouve = 0 ; } return( trouve ) ; }
static WORD own_form_do(OBJECT *tree,WORD editobj) { int ant_klick; WORD buffert[16]; WORD happ; int knapplage; int tangent; int tanglage; int x; int y; int newobj; while(1) { happ = evnt_multi(MU_KEYBD | MU_BUTTON,2,LEFT_BUTTON,LEFT_BUTTON, 0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,buffert,0,&x,&y,&knapplage,&tanglage, &tangent,&ant_klick); if((happ & MU_KEYBD) && (tangent == 0x1071)) { break; } if(happ & MU_KEYBD) { fprintf(stderr,"kc=%04x\r\n",tangent); } if(happ & MU_BUTTON) { WORD object = objc_find(tree,0,9,x,y); if(object != -1) { fprintf(stderr,"form_button()=%d", form_button(tree,object,ant_klick,&newobj)); fprintf(stderr," newobj=%d\r\n",newobj); } } } return 0; }
int OnTxtBubbleAlb(void *w, int mx, int my, char *txt) { GEM_WINDOW *wnd = (GEM_WINDOW *) w ; OBJECT *adr_form = wnd->DlgData->BaseObject ; int objet, trouve = 1 ; objet = objc_find( adr_form, 0, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my ) ; switch( objet ) { case ALBUM_NEW : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMNEW]) ; break ; case ALBUM_OPEN : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMOPEN]) ; break ; case ALBUM_INFOS : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMINFOS]) ; break ; case ALBUM_PPAL : case ALBUM_PTPAL : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMPAL]) ; break ; case ALBUM_INFOIMG : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMLOAD]) ; break ; case ALBUM_ADDIMG : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMADD]) ; break ; case ALBUM_ADDFOLDER : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMADDF]) ; break ; case ALBUM_REMOVE : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMREMOVE]) ; break ; case ALBUM_CONFIG : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMCONFIG]) ; break ; case ALBUM_UPDATE : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMUPDATE]) ; break ; case ALBUM_CATEGORIE1: case ALBUM_CATEGORIE2: case ALBUM_CATEGORIE3: sprintf(txt, msg[MSG_HALMCAT], 1+objet-ALBUM_CATEGORIE1) ; break ; case ALBUM_IMAGE : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMIMG]) ; break ; case ALBUM_TOVSS : strcpy(txt, msg[MSG_HALMTOVSS]) ; break ; default : trouve = 0 ; break ; } return( trouve ) ; }
VOID hndl_spsel(WORD mx, WORD my, WORD mb, WORD ks) { WORD curr_ob; WORD state, shifted; LONG tree; tree = ad_spol; shifted = (ks & K_LSHIFT) || (ks & K_RSHIFT); curr_ob = objc_find((OBJECT FAR *)tree, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my); if ( (curr_ob >= F1NAME) && (curr_ob <= F12NAME) && (gl_sppfn[curr_ob - F1NAME] != NULL) ) { state = the_spol[curr_ob].ob_state; if ( !shifted ) { if ( !(state & SELECTED) ) { act_allchg(curr_ob, &the_spol[0].ob_x, SELECTED, FALSE); state |= SELECTED; } } else { if (state & SELECTED) state &= ~SELECTED; else state |= SELECTED; } if (state != the_spol[curr_ob].ob_state ) spol_chg(curr_ob, state); } else { act_allchg(curr_ob, &the_spol[0].ob_x, SELECTED, FALSE); } graf_mkstate(&mx, &my, &mb, &ks); if (mb & 0x0001) spol_down(mx, my); }
void coup_mu_button( short m_x, short m_y, short breturn ) { short obj_x, obj_y ; /* object x and y return values */ short no_exit ; char names[60] ; /* string in which to format names */ coup_form.next_object = objc_find( coup_form.fm_ptr, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, m_x, m_y ) ; if( coup_form.next_object == NIL ) { Bconout( 2, '\a' ) ; objc_edit( coup_form.fm_ptr, coup_form.edit_object, 0, &(coup_form.cursor_position), ED_END ) ; coup_form.edit_object = 0 ; } else { no_exit = form_button( coup_form.fm_ptr, coup_form.next_object, breturn, &(coup_form.next_object) ) ; if( !no_exit ) { coup_form.next_object &= ~DOUBLE_CLICK ; /* deselect object if it an exit button */ if( coup_form.fm_ptr[coup_form.next_object].ob_flags & EXIT ) coup_form.fm_ptr[coup_form.next_object].ob_state &= ~SELECTED ; switch( coup_form.next_object ) { case C_CANCEL : close_couple() ; break ; case C_OK : save_couple( edit_coup_ref, edit_coup_block, edit_coup_cptr ) ; close_couple() ; break ; case C_DELETE : if( q_del_coup( edit_coup_ref, edit_coup_block, edit_coup_cptr ) ) close_couple() ; else objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, C_DELETE, MAX_DEPTH, ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ) ) ; break ; case C_HELP : help( marriage_help ) ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, C_HELP, 0, ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ) ) ; break ; case MALE : if( male = get_person_reference( NULL, FALSE ) ) { names_only( male, names, 40, FALSE ) ; strcpy( c_form_addrs.male, names ) ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, MALE, 0, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x,(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ; sprintf( c_form_addrs.m_ref, "%10d", male ) ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, M_REF, 0, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x,(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ; } break ; case FEMALE : if( female = get_person_reference( NULL, FALSE ) ) { names_only( female, names, 40, FALSE ) ; strcpy( c_form_addrs.female, names ) ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, FEMALE, 0, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x,(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ; sprintf( c_form_addrs.f_ref, "%10d", female ) ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, F_REF, 0, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x,(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ; } break ; case WED_QUALIFIER : popup_date_qualifier( c_form_addrs.wed_qual, coup_form.fm_ptr, WED_QUALIFIER ) ; break ; case C_SOURCE : wind_form_do( &co_src_form, WF_SOURCE ) ; break ; case C_DIVORCE : wind_form_do( &divorce_form, DI_DATE ) ; break ; case PROG0 : case PROG1 : case PROG2 : case PROG3 : case PROG4 : case PROG5 : case PROG6 : case PROG7 : case PROG8 : case PROG9 : select_progeny( coup_form.next_object - PROG0, coup_form.fm_box ) ; break ; case C_SLIDER : prog_oset = move_slide( coup_form.fm_ptr, C_SLIDER, C_SLIDERANGE, &coup_form.fm_box ) ; prog_oset = 30 * prog_oset / 1000 ; update_progeny() ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, PROGENY, MAX_DEPTH, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ; break ; case C_UP : if( prog_oset > 0 ) { prog_oset-- ; set_slide( prog_oset, 30, coup_form.fm_ptr, C_SLIDER, C_SLIDERANGE, &coup_form.fm_box ) ; update_progeny() ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, PROGENY, MAX_DEPTH, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ; } break ; case C_DOWN : if( prog_oset < 30 ) { prog_oset++ ; set_slide( prog_oset, 30, coup_form.fm_ptr, C_SLIDER, C_SLIDERANGE, &coup_form.fm_box ) ; update_progeny() ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, PROGENY, MAX_DEPTH, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ; } break ; case C_SLIDERANGE : objc_offset( coup_form.fm_ptr, C_SLIDER, &obj_x, &obj_y ) ; if( m_y > obj_y ) { prog_oset += 9 ; if( prog_oset > 30 ) prog_oset = 30 ; } else { prog_oset -= 9 ; if( prog_oset < 0 ) prog_oset = 0 ; } set_slide( prog_oset, 30, coup_form.fm_ptr, C_SLIDER, C_SLIDERANGE, &coup_form.fm_box ) ; update_progeny() ; objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, PROGENY, MAX_DEPTH, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ; break ; default : #ifndef NDEBUG report( 0x300 + coup_form.next_object ) ; #endif break ; } } } change_edit_object( &coup_form, MU_BUTTON ) ; }
/* ------------------------ */ button_click() { register int object; /* 'TOP LINE': oberste Begrenzung aller Zeichen. */ /* 'ASCENT LINE': oberste Zeile aller Gro�buchstaben */ /* 'HALF LINE': oberste Zeile aller Kleinbuchstaben */ /* 'BASE LINE': unterste Zeile aller Zeichen ohne Unterl�nge */ /*'DESCENT LINE': unterste Zeile aller Zeichen mit Unterl�ngen */ /* 'BOTTOM LINE': unterste Begrenzung aller Zeichen. */ object = objc_find(font_back, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, mousex, mousey); switch(object) { case TOP: case ASCENT: case HALF: case BASE: case BOTTOM: case DESCENT: if (clicks == 1 && object != TOP) move_line(object); else switch(object) { case TOP: form_alert(1, "[1]['TOP LINE':| |oberste Begrenzung aller |Zeichen.][ OK ]"); break; case ASCENT: form_alert(1, "[1]['ASCENT LINE':| |oberste Zeile aller |Gro�buchstaben.][ OK ]"); break; case HALF: form_alert(1, "[1]['HALF LINE':| |oberste Zeile aller |Kleinbuchstaben.][ OK ]"); break; case BASE: form_alert(1, "[1]['BASE LINE':| |unterste Zeile aller |Zeichen ohne Unterl�nge][ OK ]"); break; case BOTTOM: form_alert(1, "[1]['BOTTOM LINE':| |unterste Begrenzung |aller Zeichen.][ OK ]"); break; case DESCENT: form_alert(1, "[1]['DESCENT LINE':| |unterste Zeile aller |Zeichen mit Unterl�ngen.][ OK ]"); break; } break; case F_BKG: /* Editierfeld */ draw_fpoint(); break; case SCL_RGT: /* Skala rechts */ scale_right(); break; case SCL_LFT: /* Skala links */ scale_left(); break; case ROOT: /* Hintergrund */ break; case FONTNAME: /* Fontname */ edit_name(); break; case UP: /* Editorzeile hoch */ edit_up(); break; case DOWN: /* Editorzeile runter */ edit_dwn(); break; case LEFT: /* Editorspalte links */ edit_lft(); break; case RIGHT: /* Editorspalte rechts */ edit_rgt(); break; default: /* FONTLINE */ new_character(); break; } }
/* Pop_Up() *========================================================================== * DESCRIPTION: Entry point for performing popup menu items. * * IN: char *items[]: Pointer to string array. * Note: Text must already be formated to * be min of 2 blanks in front of text. * and 1 blank after longest menu item. * The remaining menu items must be padded * to be equal to the longest item. * The text will be right justified in the * objects. * int num_items: The number of menu objects - 1 based. * int default_item: The default menu item. ( zero based ) * This is the index into the text array * If -1, don't check any item. * int font_size: Either IBM or SMALL text * GRECT *button: The GRECT of the button pressed. * GRECT *world: The GRECT of the CPX. * Note: the GRECT.g_x and GRECT.g_y must * already be fixed up with objc_offset() * * Pop_Up() will perform its redraw by copying the cpx and then * redrawing by blitting the original screen back in. This way * the Pop_Up() routines do not need to know about the original * tree and is therefore, independent. * * There are only 5 slots available for the menu items. * If more menu items are needed, Pop_Up() will change slot 1 and * slot 5 to up and down scroll arrows respectively. * * OUT: Returns -1 if failed for any reason, (ie: not enough memory ) * Or the user clicked outside of the popup box. * Returns the object index into the text array if a menu item was * selected. * * When clicking on a menu item, if the user lets go of the button, * the user must click to execute an operation. Ergo, of the user is * still holding down the button, the user must let go of the button for * an operation to occur. */ short cdecl Pop_Up( char *items[], int num_items, int default_item, int font_size, GRECT *button, GRECT *world ) { OBJECT *tree; /* Our OBJECT Tree.... */ int offset; /* Offset if scrolling box */ int aflag = 0; /* Flag if arrows used.. */ long PopPtr; /* Pointer to malloced mem */ GRECT base; /* GRECT of POPUP box */ int obj; /* object selected */ MRETS mk; /* mouse structures */ int oldobj; /* old object */ int dirflag; /* direction for mouse hot spot */ int done = FALSE; /* Done flag to return.. */ int event; /* Mouse button event flag */ /* TRUE = event occurred */ GRECT wall; /* GRECT of mouse hotspot */ int outobj; /* return obj ( adjusted ) */ int exit_state; /* looking for up or down button*/ GRECT work; int dummy; Pop_FixUp(); offset = Pop_Text( items, num_items, default_item, font_size, ( button->g_w + 3 ) ); aflag = (offset & 0x8000 ); offset &= 0x7FFF; work = Pop_Offset( button, world ); if( !Pop_Blit( &PopPtr, &work, 0 )) return( -1 ); Objc_draw( ad_object, QBASE, MAX_DEPTH, &work ); ActiveTree( ad_object ); base = ObRect( QBASE ); objc_offset( ad_object, QBASE, &base.g_x, &base.g_y ); Evnt_timer( XDELAY ); Graf_mkstate( &mk ); exit_state = ( mk.buttons ^ TRUE ); oldobj = -1; obj = objc_find( ad_object, QBASE, MAX_DEPTH, mk.x, mk.y ); dirflag = (( obj == -1 ) ? ( LOOK_IN ) : ( LOOK_OUT )); do { if( obj != -1 ) { if( obj != oldobj ) { Select( obj ); wall = ObRect( obj ); objc_offset( ad_object, obj, &wall.g_x, &wall.g_y ); if( oldobj != -1 ) { Deselect( oldobj ); Objc_draw( ad_object, oldobj, 0, NULL ); } dirflag = LOOK_OUT; Objc_draw( ad_object, obj, 0, NULL ); } } else { wall = base; dirflag = LOOK_IN; if( oldobj != -1 ) { Deselect( oldobj ); Objc_draw( ad_object, oldobj, 0, NULL ); } } oldobj = obj; Graf_mkstate( &mk ); event = FALSE; if( (xy_inrect(mk.x, mk.y, &wall ) && dirflag ) || ( !xy_inrect(mk.x, mk.y, &wall ) && !dirflag ) ) event = rub_wait( &wall, dirflag, exit_state ); Graf_mkstate( &mk ); obj = objc_find( ad_object, QBASE, MAX_DEPTH, mk.x, mk.y ); if( event && aflag && (( obj == Q1 ) || ( obj == Q5 ) )) { event = FALSE; Pop_Arrow( obj, &offset, num_items, items ); Evnt_timer( DELAY ); } if( event ) done = TRUE; } while( !done ); /* Get rid of the Check Mark */ if( default_item != -1 ) *items[ default_item ] = 0x20; Pop_Blit( &PopPtr, &base, 1 ); /* Evnt_button( 1, 1, 0, &mk ); cjg - 05/12/92 */ /* Wait for up Button! */ do { Graf_mkstate( &mk ); } while( mk.buttons ); if( obj == -1 ) outobj = obj; else outobj = (( aflag ) ? ( obj - Q2 + offset ) : ( obj - Q1 + offset ) ); return( outobj ); }
int popup(char *string,int selected, OBJECT *tree,int object,char *choice) { POPUP_DATA pop; EVENT_DATA evnt; int dummy;; pop.s_antal=20; pop.d_antal=0; pop.number=0; pop.size=0; pop.tree=tree; pop.object=object; pop.string=string; pop.offset=-1; if(string==NULL) return(selected); init_popup(&pop); evnt.check=NOLL; evnt.end=FALSE; if(choice!=NULL) strcpy(choice,poptree[pop.number+P_CHOOSE0].ob_spec); do { if(evnt.check==NOLL) evnt.check=evnt_multi(MU_KEYBD|MU_BUTTON,258,MO_LEFT|MO_RIGHT,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,&evnt.mo_x,&evnt.mo_y,&evnt.mo_b,&evnt.k_s,&evnt.key,&evnt.m_r); if((evnt.check&MU_BUTTON)&&(evnt.mo_b==MO_LEFT)) { evnt.d1=objc_find(poptree,ROOT,MAX_DEPTH,evnt.mo_x,evnt.mo_y); if((evnt.mo_x<poptree[ROOT].ob_x)||(evnt.mo_x>poptree[ROOT].ob_x+poptree[ROOT].ob_width)||(evnt.mo_y<poptree[ROOT].ob_y)||(evnt.mo_y>poptree[ROOT].ob_y+poptree[ROOT].ob_height)) { evnt.end=TRUE; evnt.check&=~MU_BUTTON; } else if((evnt.d1>=P_CHOOSE0)&&(evnt.d1<=P_CHOOSE19)&&(poptree[evnt.d1].ob_type==G_STRING)&&(!(poptree[evnt.d1].ob_state&DISABLED))) { if((pop.number!=FAIL)&&(pop.number!=evnt.d1-P_CHOOSE0)) { objc_change(poptree,pop.number+P_CHOOSE0,0,screenx,screeny,screenw,screenh,NOLL,TRUE); objc_change(poptree,evnt.d1,0,screenx,screeny,screenw,screenh,SELECTED,TRUE); } else if(pop.number==FAIL) { objc_change(poptree,evnt.d1,0,screenx,screeny,screenw,screenh,SELECTED,TRUE); } pop.number=evnt.d1-P_CHOOSE0;; objc_offset(poptree,pop.number+P_CHOOSE0,&evnt.xy[X],&evnt.xy[Y]); evnt.xy[W]=poptree[pop.number+P_CHOOSE0].ob_width; evnt.xy[H]=poptree[pop.number+P_CHOOSE0].ob_height; dummy=evnt_multi(MU_BUTTON|MU_M1,1,MO_LEFT,MO_NO_BUTT,1,evnt.xy[X],evnt.xy[Y],evnt.xy[W],evnt.xy[H],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,&evnt.mo_x,&evnt.mo_y,&evnt.mo_b,&evnt.k_s,&evnt.key,&evnt.m_r); if(dummy&MU_BUTTON) { selected=pop.offset+pop.number; if(choice!=NULL) strcpy(choice,poptree[pop.number+P_CHOOSE0].ob_spec); evnt.end=TRUE; } } else { switch(evnt.d1) { break; case POPUP_UP: case POPUP_UP_IMG: if(pop.offset>0) { if(!(poptree[POPUP_UP].ob_state&SELECTED)) { poptree[POPUP_UP].ob_state|=SELECTED; objc_draw(poptree,POPUP_UP,1,screenx,screeny,screenw,screenh); } pop.offset--; if(pop.number!=FAIL) { poptree[pop.number+++P_CHOOSE0].ob_state=NOLL; if(pop.number>P_CHOOSE19-P_CHOOSE0) pop.number=FAIL; } if(pop.number==FAIL) { if((>FAIL)&&(<9)); } if(pop.number!=FAIL) poptree[pop.number+P_CHOOSE0].ob_state=SELECTED; for(dummy=P_CHOOSE19; dummy>P_CHOOSE0; dummy--) poptree[dummy].ob_spec=poptree[dummy-1].ob_spec; for(;*pop.pointer1!='\0';pop.pointer1--); pop.pointer1--; poptree[P_CHOOSE0].ob_spec=pop.pointer1+2; pop.pointer2=(char *)poptree[P_CHOOSE19].ob_spec; dummy=poptree[ROOT].ob_y; objc_draw(poptree,ROOT,MAX_DEPTH,poptree[ROOT].ob_x,dummy+poptree[P_CHOOSE0].ob_y,poptree[P_CHOOSE0].ob_width+1,dummy+poptree[P_CHOOSE19].ob_y+poptree[P_CHOOSE19].ob_height); dummy=evnt_multi(MU_BUTTON|MU_M1|MU_TIMER,1,MO_LEFT,MO_NO_BUTT,1,evnt.xy[X],evnt.xy[Y],evnt.xy[W],evnt.xy[H],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,&evnt.mo_x,&evnt.mo_y,&evnt.mo_b,&evnt.k_s,&evnt.key,&evnt.m_r); if(dummy&(MU_BUTTON|MU_M1)) { poptree[POPUP_UP].ob_state&=~SELECTED; objc_draw(poptree,POPUP_UP,1,screenx,screeny,screenw,screenh); } } break; case POPUP_DOWN: case POPUP_DOWN_IMG: if(pop.offset+pop.s_antal<pop.d_antal) { pop.offset++; if(pop.number!=FAIL) poptree[pop.number--+P_CHOOSE0].ob_state=NOLL; if(pop.number==FAIL) { if((>FAIL)&&(<9)); } if(pop.number!=FAIL) poptree[pop.number+P_CHOOSE0].ob_state=SELECTED; for(dummy=P_CHOOSE0; dummy<P_CHOOSE19; dummy++) poptree[dummy].ob_spec=poptree[dummy+1].ob_spec; for(;*pop.pointer2!='\0';pop.pointer2++); pop.pointer2++; poptree[P_CHOOSE19].ob_spec=pop.pointer2; pop.pointer1=(char *)poptree[P_CHOOSE0].ob_spec-2; dummy=poptree[ROOT].ob_y; objc_draw(poptree,ROOT,MAX_DEPTH,poptree[ROOT].ob_x,dummy+poptree[P_CHOOSE0].ob_y,poptree[P_CHOOSE0].ob_width+1,dummy+poptree[P_CHOOSE19].ob_y+poptree[P_CHOOSE19].ob_height); } break; default: break; } evnt.check&=~MU_BUTTON; } } else if((evnt.check&MU_BUTTON)&&(evnt.mo_b|MO_RIGHT)) { evnt.end=TRUE; evnt.check&=~MU_BUTTON; } else if(evnt.check&MU_KEYBD) { evnt.end=TRUE; evnt.check&=~MU_KEYBD; } } while(!evnt.end); deinit_popup(&pop); return(selected); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int16 menu_context( int16 mx, int16 my ) { int16 obj, pob, wh; wh = wind_find( mx, my ); set_state( tools, POP_ORIGIN, DISABLED, TRUE ); set_state( tools, POP_ITOPEN, DISABLED, TRUE ); set_flag( tools, POP_ITCLOSE, HIDETREE, TRUE ); set_flag( tools, POP_ITOPEN, HIDETREE, FALSE ); if( wh == wdial->win_handle && wdial->mode == WD_OPEN ) { obj = objc_find( wdial->tree, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my ); if( obj > -1 ) { dyn_fnode( wdial, obj ); if( clnode ) { my -= tools[POP_ITOPEN].ob_y; if( clnode->type == ItemTag && file_exist(clnode->attr.item->path) ) { set_state( tools, POP_ORIGIN, DISABLED, FALSE ); set_state( tools, POP_ITOPEN, DISABLED, FALSE ); } else if( clnode->type == FolderTag ) { set_state( tools, POP_ITOPEN, DISABLED, FALSE ); if( clnode->attr.folder->open ) { set_flag( tools, POP_ITOPEN, HIDETREE, TRUE ); set_flag( tools, POP_ITCLOSE, HIDETREE, FALSE ); } } } } pob = icn_popup( TOOLS, POPUP, mx, my ); switch( pob ) { case POP_INFO: simple_mdial( about, 0 ); break; case POP_ORIGIN: av_xwind( clnode->attr.item->path ); break; case POP_ITCLOSE: case POP_ITOPEN: click_node( clnode, wdial, obj ); break; case POP_HELP: open_hyp( "*:\\mcontrol.hyp", "" ); break; default: break; } } return 0; }
int ev2_loop(WINDFORM *wind,int mx,int my) { int x,y,kstate,key,clicks,event,state,org_state; int obj_id,ev2exit,fgexit=0; int pipe[8]; CORDS t; if((obj_id=objc_find(wind->formtree,CTRL_FIRST,1,mx,my))>=0) { if(wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_flags & SELECTABLE) { org_state=wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_state & SELECTED; toggle_object(wind,obj_id,TOGGLE); objc_offset(wind->formtree,obj_id,&t.x,&t.y); t.w=wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_width; t.h=wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_height; ev2exit=0; do { event = evnt_multi( MU_MESAG | MU_TIMER | MU_BUTTON | MU_M1 | MU_M2, 1, 0x1, 0x0, 0, t.x, t.y, t.w, t.h, 1, t.x, t.y, t.w, t.h, pipe, time_slice, 0, &x, &y, &state, &kstate, &key, &clicks ); if (event & MU_TIMER) if (replay) { if(first_init) checkhang(); load(1); update_time(); } if (event & MU_MESAG) fgexit=handle_message(pipe); if (event & MU_M1) /* Enter area */ { if(org_state==(wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_state & SELECTED)) toggle_object(wind,obj_id,TOGGLE); } if (event & MU_M2) /* Leave area */ { if(org_state!=(wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_state & SELECTED)) toggle_object(wind,obj_id,TOGGLE); } if (event & MU_BUTTON) { if(obj_id==objc_find(wind->formtree,CTRL_FIRST,1,x,y)) { if(wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_flags & KEEPSELECT) { if(org_state && (wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_state & SELECTED)) toggle_object(wind,obj_id,SET_NORMAL); if(!org_state && !(wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_state & SELECTED)) toggle_object(wind,obj_id,SET_SELECTED); } else if(wind->formtree[obj_id].ob_state & SELECTED) toggle_object(wind,obj_id,SET_NORMAL); fgexit=do_formstuff(obj_id); } else { objc_change(wind->formtree,obj_id,0,wind->form.x, wind->form.y,wind->form.w,wind->form.h,org_state,0); update_objects(wind,obj_id,1,0); } ev2exit=1; } } while (((replay || fgbg==FG) && !fgexit) && !ev2exit); event=0; return 1; } } return 0; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int16 icn_popup( int16 ptree, int16 obj, int16 x_off, int16 y_off ) { OBJECT *tree; GRECT rect, desk, rect1, rect2; GRECT kl_rect = {0,0,0,0}; int16 item, founditem, olditem; int16 first_child, last_child; int16 event, ret; UWORD uret; int16 bclicks, bmask, bstate; BOOL leave, found; EVNTDATA ev; rsrc_gaddr(R_TREE, ptree, &tree); first_child = (tree[obj].ob_head); last_child = (tree[obj].ob_tail); olditem = -1; while(last_child != -1) { olditem = last_child; last_child = (tree[last_child].ob_tail); } last_child = olditem; tree[R_TREE].ob_x = 0; /* Anpassen des Parent-Objekts */ tree[R_TREE].ob_y = 0; tree[obj].ob_x = x_off; /* Anpassen der Popup-Box */ tree[obj].ob_y = y_off; wind_get(0,WF_WORKXYWH, &desk.g_x, &desk.g_y, &desk.g_w, &desk.g_h); /* Das POPUP darf nicht ausserhalb des Bildschirms erscheinen) */ if( (tree[obj].ob_x + tree[obj].ob_width) > (desk.g_x + desk.g_w) ) tree[obj].ob_x = (desk.g_x + desk.g_w - tree[obj].ob_width); if( (tree[obj].ob_y + tree[obj].ob_height) > (desk.g_y + desk.g_h) ) tree[obj].ob_y = (desk.g_y + desk.g_h - tree[obj].ob_height); if(tree[obj].ob_x < 0) tree[obj].ob_x = desk.g_x; if(tree[obj].ob_y < 0) tree[obj].ob_y = desk.g_y; rect.g_x = tree[obj].ob_x - 8; rect.g_y = tree[obj].ob_y - 8; rect.g_w = tree[obj].ob_width + 16; rect.g_h = tree[obj].ob_height + 16; form_dial(FMD_START, &kl_rect, &rect); graf_mkstate( &ev ); olditem = NIL; founditem = item = objc_find(tree, obj, 1, ev.x, ev.y); /* In Men� ? */ if (item != NIL) if ((tree[item].ob_state & DISABLED) || !(tree[item].ob_flags & SELECTABLE)) item = NIL; if (item != NIL) tree[item].ob_state |= SELECTED; objc_draw(tree, obj, MAX_DEPTH, &rect); wind_update(BEG_MCTRL); /* Ich will die Kontrolle */ do { if (founditem != NIL) /* In Men�eintrag */ { leave = TRUE; objc_rect (tree, founditem, &rect1); } else /* Au�erhalb Pop-Up-Men� */ { leave = FALSE; objc_rect (tree, obj, &rect1); } graf_mkstate( &ev ); if( !((ev.bstate) & 3) ) bclicks = 258; else bclicks = 0; bmask = 3; bstate = 0; event = evnt_multi ( MU_KEYBD | MU_BUTTON | MU_M1, bclicks, bmask, bstate, leave, &rect1, 0, &kl_rect, NULL, 0, &ev, (int16 *)&uret, (int16 *)&ret); olditem = item; if(!(event & MU_KEYBD)) { founditem = item = objc_find (tree, obj, 1, ev.x, ev.y); if (item != NIL) { if ((tree[item].ob_state & DISABLED) || !(tree[item].ob_flags & SELECTABLE)) item = NIL; } } else { if((uret >> 8) == 80) /* Pfeil runter */ { found = FALSE; while(!found) { item++; if((item < first_child) || (item > last_child)) { item = first_child; } if ((tree[item].ob_flags & SELECTABLE)) { if( tree[item].ob_state & DISABLED ) found = FALSE; else found = TRUE; } } } if((uret >> 8) == 72) /* Pfeil rauf */ { found = FALSE; while(!found) { item--; if((item < first_child) || (item > last_child)) { item = last_child; } if ((tree[item].ob_flags & SELECTABLE)) { if( tree[item].ob_state & DISABLED ) found = FALSE; else found = TRUE; } } } if(((uret >> 8) == 28)||((uret >> 8) == 114)) /* Enter/Return */ event = MU_BUTTON; if(((uret >> 8) == 01)||((uret >> 8) == 97)) /* Esc/UNDO */ { item = NIL; event = MU_BUTTON; } } if (olditem != item) { if (olditem != NIL) { if(tree[olditem].ob_state & SELECTED) tree[olditem].ob_state &= ~SELECTED; else tree[olditem].ob_state |= SELECTED; objc_rect(tree, olditem, &rect2); objc_draw(tree, obj, MAX_DEPTH, &rect2); } if (item != NIL) { if(tree[item].ob_state & SELECTED) tree[item].ob_state &= ~SELECTED; else tree[item].ob_state |= SELECTED; objc_rect(tree, item, &rect2); objc_draw(tree, obj, MAX_DEPTH, &rect2); } } } while (! (event & MU_BUTTON)); wind_update(END_MCTRL); form_dial(FMD_FINISH, &kl_rect, &rect); if (item != NIL) tree[item].ob_state &= ~SELECTED; graf_mkstate( &ev ); bclicks = 0; if (~ev.bstate & bmask) evnt_button (bclicks, bmask, 0x00, &ev); /* Warte auf Mausknopf */ return(item); }
int aform_do(OBJECT *db,int start, int *cured, int movob) { int edob,nob,which,cont; int idx,mx,my,mb,ks,kr,br; nob=init_field(db,start); edob=0; cont=TRUE; wind_update(BEG_UPDATE); wind_update(BEG_MCTRL); while (cont) { if ( nob ne 0 and edob ne nob ) { edob=nob; nob=0; objc_edit(db,edob,0,&idx,ED_INIT); } which=evnt_multi( MU_KEYBD|MU_BUTTON, 2,1,1, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0, &mx,&my,&mb, &ks,&kr,&br); if (which & MU_KEYBD) { cont=form_keybd(db,edob,nob,kr,&nob,&kr); if (kr) objc_edit(db,edob,kr,&idx,ED_CHAR); } if (which & MU_BUTTON) { nob=objc_find(db,0,MAX_DEPTH,mx,my); if (nob eq -1) { ping; nob=0; othw cont = (movob and nob eq movob) ? FALSE : form_button(db,nob,br,&nob); } } if (!cont or (nob ne 0 and nob ne edob) ) objc_edit(db,edob,0,&idx,ED_END); } wind_update(END_MCTRL); wind_update(END_UPDATE); if (cured) *cured=edob; return nob; }
/* --------------------- | Form-do in window | --------------------- */ int win_formdo(OBJECT *tree, int start_fld, int wind_id) { int edit_obj; int next_obj; int which, cont; int idx; int mx, my, mb, ks, kr, br, msg[8]; int x, y, w, h; if (start_fld != -1) next_obj = fm_inifld(tree, start_fld); else next_obj = 0; edit_obj = 0; cont = TRUE; while(cont) { if (next_obj && edit_obj != next_obj) { edit_obj = next_obj; next_obj = 0; objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, 0, &idx, ED_INIT); } if (start_fld == -1) which = evnt_multi(MU_MESAG|MU_TIMER|MU_KEYBD, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg, 100, 0, &mx, &my, &mb, &ks, &kr, &br); else which = evnt_multi(MU_KEYBD|MU_BUTTON|MU_MESAG, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg, 0, 0, &mx, &my, &mb, &ks, &kr, &br); if (which & MU_KEYBD) { wind_update(BEG_UPDATE); cont = form_keybd(tree, edit_obj, next_obj, kr, &next_obj, &kr); if (kr) objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, kr, &idx, ED_CHAR); wind_update(END_UPDATE); } if (which & MU_BUTTON) { wind_update(BEG_UPDATE); next_obj = objc_find(tree, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my); if (next_obj == NIL) { Cconout(0x7); next_obj = 0; } else cont = form_button(tree, next_obj, br, &next_obj); wind_update(END_UPDATE); } if (which & MU_MESAG) { switch(msg[0]) { case WM_REDRAW: red_x = msg[4]; red_y = msg[5]; red_w = msg[6]; red_h = msg[7]; if (msg[3] == wind_id) { if (edit_obj) objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, 0, &idx, ED_END); dialog_window(wind_id, tree, RDW_DIA, ROOT); if (edit_obj) objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, 0, &idx, ED_INIT); } else { sample_redraw(msg[3]); seqs_redraw(msg[3]); } break; case WM_MOVED: if (msg[3] == wind_id) { wind_set(wind_id, WF_CURRXYWH, msg[4], msg[5], msg[6], msg[7]); wind_get(wind_id, WF_WORKXYWH, &x, &y, &w, &h); tree[ROOT].ob_x = x; tree[ROOT].ob_y = y; } break; } } if (!cont || (next_obj && next_obj != edit_obj)) objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, 0, &idx, ED_END); if (start_fld == -1 && which == MU_TIMER) break; if (start_fld == -1 && which == MU_KEYBD) break; } if (start_fld == -1) return ((kr & 0xFF) == 0x1B); else return(next_obj); }
/*---------------------------------------------------*/ void event_handler() { int dummy,ev_bkstate,ev_bkreturn,ev_bbutton,ev_breturn,ev_bmx,ev_bmy; int mbuff[8]/*,xs[4]*/; int mwhich,obn; int col,ba; while(1) { mwhich=evnt_multi(MU_KEYBD|MU_BUTTON|MU_MESAG,1,1, 1,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,mbuff,0, 0,&ev_bmx,&ev_bmy, &ev_bbutton,&ev_bkstate, &ev_bkreturn,&ev_breturn); if (mwhich&MU_KEYBD); if (mwhich&MU_BUTTON) { obn=objc_find(rs_object,0,10,ev_bmx,ev_bmy); if ((obn==SAVE)&!(rs_object[SAVE].ob_state&DISABLED)) { rs_object[SAVE].ob_state=SELECTED; redraw(SAVE); save(); rs_object[SAVE].ob_state=0; redraw(SAVE); } else if ((obn==SAVER)&!(rs_object[SAVER].ob_state&DISABLED)) { saver_flag=!saver_flag; rs_object[SAVER].ob_state=SELECTED*saver_flag; redraw(SAVER); get_modes(saver_flag,-3); /* Saver setzten */ } else { col=(obn-COL2R1)/5; ba=obn-5*col-COL2R1; if ((col>=0)&&(col<5)&&(ba>=0)&&(ba<=2)&& !(rs_object[COL2R1+5*col+ba].ob_state&DISABLED)) { radio(COL2R1+5*col+ba,COL2R1+5*col,COL2R1+5*col+2); if (ba==2) { get_modes(col,0); } else { get_modes(col,1+ba); } redraw(COL2BOX+5*col); } } (void)evnt_button(1,1,0,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); } if (mwhich&MU_MESAG) { if (mbuff[0]==WM_REDRAW) { get_conf(); redraw(TREE1); } if (mbuff[0]==WM_MOVED) { wind_set(wid,WF_CURRXYWH, mbuff[4],mbuff[5],mbuff[6],mbuff[7]); (void)wind_get(wid,WF_WORKXYWH, &rs_object[TREE1].ob_x,&rs_object[TREE1].ob_y, &dummy,&dummy); } if ((mbuff[0]==WM_TOPPED)||(mbuff[0]==WM_NEWTOP)) wind_set(wid,WF_TOP); if (mbuff[0]==WM_CLOSED) quit_all(); if ((mbuff[0]==AC_OPEN)&&(!open_f)) { open_w(); } if ((mbuff[0]==AC_CLOSE)&(open_f)) { open_f=0; } if ((mbuff[0]==WM_ICONIFY)||(mbuff[0]==WM_ALLICONIFY)) { wind_set(wid,WF_ICONIFY,mbuff[4],mbuff[5],82,32+24); } if ((mbuff[0]==WM_UNICONIFY)) { wind_set(wid,WF_UNICONIFY,mbuff[4],mbuff[5],mbuff[6],mbuff[7]); } } } }
/* ***enhanced form-do main function*** */ short wdial_formdo(int dwhndl, OBJECT *tree, short strt_fld, void (*msghndlr)(int msgbf[]), long msec, void (*tmrhndlr)()) { int edit_obj; int next_obj; register int which; int events=MU_KEYBD|MU_BUTTON|MU_MESAG; int cont; int idx; short kshift, kcode; int mx, my, mb, br; int obx, oby, obw, obh; /* Koordinaten des Dialogs */ int msgbuf[8]; if(msec>=0) events|=MU_TIMER; next_obj=fm_inifld(tree, strt_fld); edit_obj=0; cont=TRUE; while(cont && !endeflag) { if( (next_obj!=0) && (edit_obj!=next_obj) ) { edit_obj=next_obj; next_obj=0; objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, 0, idx, ED_INIT, &idx); } which=evnt_multi(events, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, msgbuf, (short)msec,(short)(msec>>16), &mx, &my, &mb, &kshift, &kcode, &br); if(which & MU_MESAG) { if(msgbuf[3]==dwhndl && msgbuf[0]>=WM_REDRAW && msgbuf[0]<=WM_NEWTOP) { switch(msgbuf[0]) { case WM_REDRAW: wdial_redraw(dwhndl, tree, (GRECT *)(&msgbuf[4])); if(edit_obj) objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, 0, idx, ED_INIT, &idx); break; case WM_TOPPED: wind_set(dwhndl, WF_TOP, 0L, 0L); break; case WM_MOVED: wind_set(dwhndl, WF_CURRXYWH, msgbuf[4], msgbuf[5], msgbuf[6], msgbuf[7]); wind_calc(WC_WORK, NAME|MOVER, msgbuf[4], msgbuf[5], msgbuf[6], msgbuf[7], &obx, &oby, &obw, &obh); tree[ROOT].ob_x=obx; tree[ROOT].ob_y=oby; break; } } else if( msghndlr ) msghndlr(msgbuf); } if( (which & MU_TIMER) && tmrhndlr ) tmrhndlr(); if(which & MU_KEYBD) { cont=form_keybd(tree, edit_obj, next_obj, kcode, &next_obj, &kcode); if(kcode) objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, kcode, idx, ED_CHAR, &idx); } if(which & MU_BUTTON) { next_obj=objc_find(tree, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my); if(next_obj == NO_OBJECT) /* outside of object? */ next_obj=0; else cont=form_button(tree, next_obj, br, &next_obj); } if( /*(which & (MU_BUTTON|MU_KEYBD)) &&*/ edit_obj!=0 && ((!cont) || (next_obj!=0 && next_obj!=edit_obj)) ) { objc_edit(tree, edit_obj, 0, idx, ED_END, &idx); } } return( next_obj ); }
/* button handling using XFORM_DO */ int handle_button( int button, WORD *msg ) { OBJECT *tree = (OBJECT *)rs_trindex[GENERAL]; int done = FALSE; BOOLEAN click_flag = FALSE; MRETS mk; int ox, oy; if( ( button != -1 ) && ( button & 0x8000 ) ) { click_flag = TRUE; button &= 0x7FFF; } switch( button ) { case GSAVE: if( (*xcpb->XGen_Alert)( SAVE_DEFAULTS ) ) { (*xcpb->CPX_Save)( &cur_value, sizeof( GEN ) ); push_data(); Set_Data(); } XDeselect( tree, GSAVE ); break; case GOK: done = TRUE; Set_Data(); Deselect( GOK ); break; case GCANCEL: done = TRUE; pop_data(); Deselect( GCANCEL ); break; case STATUS: graf_mkstate( &mk.x, &mk.y, &mk.buttons, &mk.kstate ); if( objc_find( tree, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, mk.x, mk.y ) == STATUS ) do_status(); break; case BELL: keybell_handle( BELLICON, &cur_value.bell ); break; case KEYCLICK:keybell_handle( KEYICON, &cur_value.keyclick ); break; case M0: case M1: case M2: case M3: case M4: Dclick_Select( button ); break; case DOUBLE: Dclick_Handle( click_flag, button ); break; case KREPEAT: (*xcpb->MFsave )( MFSAVE, &Other ); if( AES_Version >= 0x0320 ) graf_mouse( FLAT_HAND, 0L ); if(( AES_Version >= 0x0330 ) && ( numcol > LWHITE ) ) XSelect( tree, KREPEAT ); graf_mkstate( &ox, &mk.y, &mk.buttons, &mk.kstate ); do { graf_mkstate( &mk.x, &mk.y, &mk.buttons, &mk.kstate ); }while( mk.buttons && ( mk.x == ox )); if( mk.buttons && ( mk.x != ox )) { (*xcpb->Sl_dragx)( tree, REPTBASE, KREPEAT, KEYMIN, KEYMAX, &cur_value.repeat, KRepeat ); Set_Kbrate(); } if(( AES_Version >= 0x0330 ) && ( numcol > LWHITE ) ) XDeselect( tree, KREPEAT ); (*xcpb->MFsave)( MFRESTORE, &Other ); break; case KRESPONS: (*xcpb->MFsave)( MFSAVE, &Other ); if( AES_Version >= 0x0320 ) graf_mouse( FLAT_HAND, 0L ); if(( AES_Version >= 0x0330 ) && ( numcol > LWHITE ) ) XSelect( tree, KRESPONS ); graf_mkstate( &ox, &mk.y, &mk.buttons, &mk.kstate ); do { graf_mkstate( &mk.x, &mk.y, &mk.buttons, &mk.kstate ); }while( mk.buttons && ( mk.x == ox )); if( mk.buttons && ( mk.x != ox )) { (*xcpb->Sl_dragx)( tree, RESPBASE, KRESPONS, KEYMIN, KEYMAX, &cur_value.response, KResponse ); Set_Kbrate(); } if(( AES_Version >= 0x0330 ) && ( numcol > LWHITE ) ) XDeselect( tree, KRESPONS ); (*xcpb->MFsave)( MFRESTORE, &Other ); break; case RRESP: (*xcpb->Sl_arrow)( tree, RESPBASE, KRESPONS, RRESP, 1, KEYMIN, KEYMAX, &cur_value.response, HORIZONTAL, KResponse ); Set_Kbrate(); break; case LRESP: (*xcpb->Sl_arrow)( tree, RESPBASE, KRESPONS, LRESP, -1, KEYMIN, KEYMAX, &cur_value.response, HORIZONTAL, KResponse ); Set_Kbrate(); break; case RREPEAT: (*xcpb->Sl_arrow)( tree, REPTBASE, KREPEAT, RREPEAT, 1, KEYMIN, KEYMAX, &cur_value.repeat, HORIZONTAL, KRepeat ); Set_Kbrate(); break; case LREPEAT: (*xcpb->Sl_arrow)( tree, REPTBASE, KREPEAT, LREPEAT, -1, KEYMIN, KEYMAX, &cur_value.repeat, HORIZONTAL, KRepeat ); Set_Kbrate(); break; case REPTBASE: Graf_mkstate( &mk ); objc_offset( tree, KREPEAT, &ox, &oy ); oy = (( mk.x < ox ) ? ( -3 ) : ( 3 ) ); (*xcpb->Sl_arrow)( tree, REPTBASE, KREPEAT, -1, oy, KEYMIN, KEYMAX, &cur_value.repeat, HORIZONTAL, KRepeat ); Set_Kbrate(); break; case RESPBASE: Graf_mkstate( &mk ); objc_offset( tree, KRESPONS, &ox, &oy ); oy = (( mk.x < ox ) ? ( -3 ) : ( 3 )); (*xcpb->Sl_arrow)( tree, RESPBASE, KRESPONS, -1, oy, KEYMIN, KEYMAX, &cur_value.response, HORIZONTAL, KResponse ); Set_Kbrate(); break; case BLK1BUTT: Do_Speed(); break; case BLK2BUTT: Do_Block2(); default: if( button == -1 ) { switch( msg[0] ) { case WM_REDRAW: Redraw_Objects(); break; case AC_CLOSE: done = TRUE; pop_data(); break; case WM_CLOSED: done = TRUE; Set_Data(); break; default: break; } } break; } return( done ); }
/* ***PopUp darstellen*** */ short wdial_popup(OBJECT *ptree, short *pitem, short popupx, short popupy, void (*msghndlr)(int msgbf[]), unsigned long msec, void (*tmrhndlr)()) { int mpopupret, pwhndl; int dx, dy, dw, dh; int newitem=-1, olditem=-1; int msgbuf[8]; int which; int mx, my, mb, br; wind_get(0, WF_WORKXYWH, &dx, &dy, &dw, &dh); /* Desktopgr��e */ if(popupx+ptree->ob_width > dx+dw) popupx=dx+dw-ptree->ob_width; if(popupx<dx) popupx=dx; ptree->ob_x=popupx; if(*pitem > 0) popupy-=ptree[*pitem].ob_y; if(popupy+ptree->ob_height > dy+dh) popupy=dy+dh-ptree->ob_height; if(popupy<dy) popupy=dy; ptree->ob_y=popupy; wind_calc(WC_BORDER, 0, ptree->ob_x, ptree->ob_y, ptree->ob_width, ptree->ob_height, &dx, &dy, &dw, &dh); pwhndl=wind_create(0, dx, dy, dw, dh); /* Fenster anmelden */ if(pwhndl<0) return(FALSE); wind_open(pwhndl, dx, dy, dw, dh); /* Fenster �ffnen */ /*objc_draw(ptree, 0, 1, dx, dy, dw, dh); ->Durch WM_REDRAW zeichnen lassen*/ do graf_mkstate(&mx, &my, &mb, &dx); while(mb); /* Maustasten vorher loslassen */ do { which=evnt_multi(MU_MESAG|MU_BUTTON|MU_TIMER, 1,1,1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, msgbuf, (short)msec,(short)(msec>>16), &mx, &my, &mb, &dx, &dx, &br); if(which&MU_MESAG) { if(msgbuf[3]==pwhndl && msgbuf[0]>=WM_REDRAW && msgbuf[0]<=WM_NEWTOP) { switch(msgbuf[0]) { case WM_REDRAW: wdial_redraw(pwhndl, ptree, (GRECT *)(&msgbuf[4])); break; case WM_TOPPED: wind_set(pwhndl, WF_TOP, 0L, 0L); break; } } else if( msghndlr ) msghndlr(msgbuf); } if(which&MU_TIMER) { newitem=objc_find(ptree, 0, 1, mx, my); if(newitem>0 && newitem!=olditem) { if( (ptree[newitem].ob_flags&TOUCHEXIT) && !(ptree[newitem].ob_state&DISABLED) ) { GRECT prct; ptree[olditem].ob_state&=~SELECTED; ptree[newitem].ob_state|=SELECTED; prct.g_x=ptree->ob_x+ptree[olditem].ob_x; prct.g_y=ptree->ob_y+ptree[olditem].ob_y; prct.g_w=ptree[olditem].ob_width; prct.g_h=ptree[olditem].ob_height; wdial_redraw(pwhndl, ptree, &prct); prct.g_x=ptree->ob_x+ptree[newitem].ob_x; prct.g_y=ptree->ob_y+ptree[newitem].ob_y; prct.g_w=ptree[newitem].ob_width; prct.g_h=ptree[newitem].ob_height; wdial_redraw(pwhndl, ptree, &prct); olditem=newitem; } else newitem=olditem; } else newitem=olditem; if( tmrhndlr ) tmrhndlr(); } } while(mb!=1); /* Bis Maustaste gedr�ckt */ newitem=objc_find(ptree, 0, 1, mx, my); if(newitem>0 && (ptree[newitem].ob_flags&TOUCHEXIT) && !(ptree[newitem].ob_state&DISABLED) ) { *pitem=newitem; mpopupret=TRUE; } else { mpopupret=FALSE; } if(olditem>0) ptree[olditem].ob_state&=~SELECTED; wind_close(pwhndl); wind_delete(pwhndl); /* Fenster schliessen */ return(mpopupret); }
/* ................................................................ * Handle user interaction with a form in open window `w'. * * Initial conditions are as follows: * w->x is the address of the form. * window is open, with appropriate WINFO rects & coordinates set * form is drawn within window, at correct virtual coordinates * ROOT object of form has correct x,y coordinates * * This routine works just like form_do, but dispatches window * events, redrawing and fixing up the object tree as appropriate, * and maintaining the various rects and coordinates in the WINFO struct. * * Returns exit object selected, |= 0x8000 if double clicked a TOUCHEXIT, * OR -1 if a message was received which couldn't be handled. * In the latter case, the `puntmsg' array is filled with the message buffer * which xform_do() couldn't handle, and the application is responsible for * picking up where xform_do() left off. A cop-out, I know. * * NOTE: form_dial( FMD_START,... ) and form_dial( FMD_FINISH,... ) * should NOT be used with xform_do(). * * User defined objects could cause problems with this routine, as * the boundary of the object may lie outside the window coordinates. * Caveat programmer. */ WORD cdecl xform_do( OBJECT *tree, WORD start_field, WORD puntmsg[] ) { WORD next_obj, edit_obj, idx; BOOLEAN cont, doedit; WORD event; MRETS m; WORD key, clicks; DIRS direction; /* form_keybd */ GRECT rect; cpx_tree = tree; SetAccCloseState( FALSE ); SetWmCloseState( FALSE ); /* * Get the next editable object */ if( start_field == 0 ) next_obj = find_obj( tree, 0, FORWARD ); else next_obj = start_field; edit_obj = 0; cont = TRUE; cursor = FALSE; while( cont ) { /* * Put the cursor in the edit field * Note: This is skipped if there is only one field. */ if( (next_obj != 0) && (edit_obj != next_obj) ) { edit_obj = next_obj; next_obj = 0; doedit = can_edit( tree, edit_obj ); if( doedit && !cursor ) { objc_edit( tree, edit_obj, 0, (int *)&idx, ED_INIT ); cursor = TRUE; } } wind_update( FALSE ); /* * Wait... */ event = Evnt_multi( MU_KEYBD|MU_BUTTON|MU_MESAG, 2, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, msg, 0L, &m, &key, &clicks ); wind_update( TRUE ); if( EvMessage() ) { switch( MsgType(msg) ) { case AC_OPEN: acc_open( (int *)msg ); break; case WM_TOPPED: case WM_NEWTOP: Wm_Topped( ( int *)msg ); doedit = can_edit( tree, edit_obj ); if( doedit && !cursor ) { objc_edit( tree, edit_obj, 0, (int *)&idx, ED_INIT ); cursor = TRUE; } break; case WM_SIZED: doedit = can_edit( tree, edit_obj ); /* fall through */ case WM_MOVED: /* if moving, that means we are on top, therefore, cursor is already on */ doedit = can_edit( tree, edit_obj ); if( !doedit ) cursor = FALSE; case WM_REDRAW: case WM_FULLED: case WM_ARROWED: case WM_HSLID: case WM_VSLID: /* redraw 'n' shit */ if( edit_obj && ( msg[0] == WM_REDRAW )) { NoEdit( edit_obj ); rect = ObRect( edit_obj ); objc_offset( tree, edit_obj, &rect.g_x, &rect.g_y ); /* The offsets will take care of the blinking cursor * area that needs to be redraw to erase it. */ rect.g_y -= 3; rect.g_w += 3; rect.g_h += 6; /* Clip the rectangle to the work area of the form.*/ rc_intersect( &, &rect ); /* The redraw is necessary to turn off the blinking cursor. * We are going to need to send a redraw message to the calling * cpx in case they have any custom redraws that need to be done. */ Redraw_XForm_Do( &rect ); if( msg[0] == WM_REDRAW ) { for( idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++ ) puntmsg[idx] = msg[idx]; } } /* Here we redraw/move the area that is dirtied */ do_windows( (int *)msg, (int *)&event ); if( edit_obj ) MakeEditable( edit_obj ); doedit = can_edit( tree, edit_obj ); if( !doedit ) cursor = FALSE; if( msg[0] == WM_REDRAW ) { for( idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++ ) puntmsg[idx] = msg[idx]; return -1; } break; default:if( msg[0] == AC_CLOSE ) SetAccCloseState( TRUE ); if( msg[0] == AP_TERM ) { SetAccCloseState( TRUE ); msg[0] = AC_CLOSE; } if( msg[0] == WM_CLOSED ) SetWmCloseState( TRUE ); for( idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++ ) puntmsg[idx] = msg[idx]; return -1; } } /* * What about hot keys?? AIEEE!! */ if( EvKey() ) { /* * form_keybd() encapsulated here */ direction = NODIR; switch( key ) { case K_RETURN: case K_ENTER: next_obj = 0; direction = DEFAULTDIR; break; case K_BACKTAB: case K_UP: direction = BACKWARD; break; case K_TAB: case K_DOWN: direction = FORWARD; break; } if( direction != NODIR ) { key = 0; next_obj = find_obj( tree, edit_obj, direction ); if( (direction == DEFAULTDIR) && (next_obj != 0) ) { Objc_change( tree, next_obj, &, ObState(next_obj)|SELECTED, TRUE ); cont = FALSE; } } /* * End of form_keybd() */ /* The above code clears 'key', therefore, we'll * check key FIRST, then test the ASCII and * scancode */ if( key && ( !( key & 0xff ) ) ) { if( ( key != K_UP ) && ( key != K_DOWN ) && ( key != K_RIGHT ) && ( key != K_LEFT ) && ( key != K_RETURN ) && ( key != K_ENTER ) && ( key != K_TAB ) && ( key != K_BACKTAB) ) { puntmsg[0] = CT_KEY; puntmsg[3] = key; return -1; } } if( key && doedit ) objc_edit( tree, edit_obj, key, (int *)&idx, ED_CHAR ); } if( EvButton() ) { next_obj = objc_find( tree, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, m.x, m.y ); if( next_obj == NIL ) { Bconout( 2, 7 ); next_obj = 0; } else { cont = fm_button( tree, next_obj, clicks, &next_obj ); } } if( doedit && (!cont || (next_obj != 0)) && ( next_obj != edit_obj) ) { objc_edit( tree, edit_obj, 0, (int *)&idx, ED_END ); cursor = FALSE; } } return next_obj; }
static int xw_do_menu(WINDOW *w, int x, int y) { int title, otitle, item, p, i, c, exit_mstate; int pxy[8]; long mem; OBJECT *menu = w->xw_menu; RECT r, box; int stop, draw; MFDB bmfdb, smfdb; if (menu == NULL) return FALSE; xw_bar_rect(w, &r); if (xd_inrect(x, y, &r) == FALSE) return FALSE; p = menu[w->xw_bar].ob_head; exit_mstate = (xe_button_state() & 1) ? 0 : 1; if (((title = objc_find(menu, p, MAX_DEPTH, x, y)) >= 0) && (menu[title].ob_type == G_TITLE)) { xd_wdupdate(BEG_UPDATE); xd_wdupdate(BEG_MCTRL); item = -1; stop = FALSE; do { menu[title].ob_state |= SELECTED; xw_redraw_menu(w, title, &r); i = menu[p].ob_head; c = 0; /* Zoek welke titel geselekteerd is */ while (i != title) { i = menu[i].ob_next; c++; } i = menu[w->xw_mparent].ob_head; /* Zoek de bijbehorende box */ while (c > 0) { i = menu[i].ob_next; c--; } xd_objrect(menu, i, &box); box.x -= 1; box.y -= 1; box.w += 2; box.h += 2; mem = xd_initmfdb(&box, &bmfdb); otitle = title; if ((bmfdb.fd_addr = (*xd_malloc)(mem)) == NULL) stop = TRUE; else { if ((draw = xd_rcintersect(&box, &xd_desk, &box)) == TRUE) { xd_rect2pxy(&box, pxy); pxy[4] = 0; pxy[5] = 0; pxy[6] = box.w - 1; pxy[7] = box.h - 1; smfdb.fd_addr = NULL; xw_copy_screen(&bmfdb, &smfdb, pxy); xw_menu_draw(menu, i, &box); } do { int mx, my, oitem, dummy; oitem = item; stop = xe_mouse_event(exit_mstate, &mx, &my, &dummy); if ((title = objc_find(menu, p, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my)) < 0) { title = otitle; if (((item = objc_find(menu, i, MAX_DEPTH, mx, my)) >= 0) && (menu[item].ob_state & DISABLED)) item = -1; } else { item = -1; if (exit_mstate != 0) stop = FALSE; } if (item != oitem) { if (oitem >= 0) xw_menu_change(menu, oitem, FALSE, &box); if (item >= 0) xw_menu_change(menu, item, TRUE, &box); } } while ((title == otitle) && (stop == FALSE)); if (item >= 0) menu[item].ob_state &= ~SELECTED; if (draw == TRUE) { pxy[0] = 0; pxy[1] = 0; pxy[2] = box.w - 1; pxy[3] = box.h - 1; xd_rect2pxy(&box, &pxy[4]); smfdb.fd_addr = NULL; xw_copy_screen(&smfdb, &bmfdb, pxy); } (*xd_free)(bmfdb.fd_addr); } if (item < 0) { menu[otitle].ob_state &= ~SELECTED; xw_redraw_menu(w, otitle, &r); } } while (stop == FALSE); /* Wacht tot muisknop wordt losgelaten. */ while (xe_button_state() & 1); xd_wdupdate(END_MCTRL); xd_wdupdate(END_UPDATE); if (item >= 0) w->xw_func->wd_hndlmenu(w, title, item); } return TRUE; }