static void noise_gate_update(void *data, obs_data_t *s) { struct noise_gate_data *ng = data; float open_threshold_db; float close_threshold_db; float sample_rate; int attack_time_ms; int hold_time_ms; int release_time_ms; open_threshold_db = (float)obs_data_get_double(s, S_OPEN_THRESHOLD); close_threshold_db = (float)obs_data_get_double(s, S_CLOSE_THRESHOLD); attack_time_ms = (int)obs_data_get_int(s, S_ATTACK_TIME); hold_time_ms = (int)obs_data_get_int(s, S_HOLD_TIME); release_time_ms = (int)obs_data_get_int(s, S_RELEASE_TIME); sample_rate = (float)audio_output_get_sample_rate(obs_get_audio()); ng->sample_rate_i = 1.0f / sample_rate; ng->channels = audio_output_get_channels(obs_get_audio()); ng->open_threshold = db_to_mul(open_threshold_db); ng->close_threshold = db_to_mul(close_threshold_db); ng->attack_rate = 1.0f / (ms_to_secf(attack_time_ms) * sample_rate); ng->release_rate = 1.0f / (ms_to_secf(release_time_ms) * sample_rate); const float threshold_diff = ng->open_threshold - ng->close_threshold; const float min_decay_period = (1.0f / 75.0f) * sample_rate; ng->decay_rate = threshold_diff / min_decay_period; ng->hold_time = ms_to_secf(hold_time_ms); ng->is_open = false; ng->attenuation = 0.0f; ng->level = 0.0f; ng->held_time = 0.0f; }
static void expander_update(void *data, obs_data_t *s) { struct expander_data *cd = data; const char *presets = obs_data_get_string(s, S_PRESETS); if (strcmp(presets, "expander") == 0 && cd->is_gate) { obs_data_clear(s); obs_data_set_string(s, S_PRESETS, "expander"); expander_defaults(s); cd->is_gate = false; } if (strcmp(presets, "gate") == 0 && !cd->is_gate) { obs_data_clear(s); obs_data_set_string(s, S_PRESETS, "gate"); expander_defaults(s); cd->is_gate = true; } const uint32_t sample_rate = audio_output_get_sample_rate(obs_get_audio()); const size_t num_channels = audio_output_get_channels(obs_get_audio()); const float attack_time_ms = (float)obs_data_get_int(s, S_ATTACK_TIME); const float release_time_ms = (float)obs_data_get_int(s, S_RELEASE_TIME); const float output_gain_db = (float)obs_data_get_double(s, S_OUTPUT_GAIN); cd->ratio = (float)obs_data_get_double(s, S_RATIO); cd->threshold = (float)obs_data_get_double(s, S_THRESHOLD); cd->attack_gain = gain_coefficient(sample_rate, attack_time_ms / MS_IN_S_F); cd->release_gain = gain_coefficient(sample_rate, release_time_ms / MS_IN_S_F); cd->output_gain = db_to_mul(output_gain_db); cd->num_channels = num_channels; cd->sample_rate = sample_rate; cd->slope = 1.0f - cd->ratio; const char *detect_mode = obs_data_get_string(s, S_DETECTOR); if (strcmp(detect_mode, "RMS") == 0) cd->detector = RMS_DETECT; if (strcmp(detect_mode, "peak") == 0) cd->detector = PEAK_DETECT; if (strcmp(detect_mode, "none") == 0) cd->detector = NO_DETECT; size_t sample_len = sample_rate * DEFAULT_AUDIO_BUF_MS / MS_IN_S; if (cd->envelope_buf_len == 0) resize_env_buffer(cd, sample_len); if (cd->runaverage_len == 0) resize_runaverage_buffer(cd, sample_len); if (cd->maxspl_len == 0) resize_maxspl_buffer(cd, sample_len); if (cd->env_in_len == 0) resize_env_in_buffer(cd, sample_len); }
obs_output_t *obs_output_create(const char *id, const char *name, obs_data_t *settings, obs_data_t *hotkey_data) { const struct obs_output_info *info = find_output(id); struct obs_output *output; int ret; output = bzalloc(sizeof(struct obs_output)); pthread_mutex_init_value(&output->interleaved_mutex); pthread_mutex_init_value(&output->delay_mutex); if (pthread_mutex_init(&output->interleaved_mutex, NULL) != 0) goto fail; if (pthread_mutex_init(&output->delay_mutex, NULL) != 0) goto fail; if (!init_output_handlers(output, name, settings, hotkey_data)) goto fail; if (!info) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Output ID '%s' not found", id); output-> = bstrdup(id); output->owns_info_id = true; } else { output->info = *info; } output->video = obs_get_video(); output->audio = obs_get_audio(); if (output->info.get_defaults) output->info.get_defaults(output->context.settings); ret = os_event_init(&output->reconnect_stop_event, OS_EVENT_TYPE_MANUAL); if (ret < 0) goto fail; if (info) output-> = info->create(output->context.settings, output); if (!output-> blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create output '%s'!", name); output->reconnect_retry_sec = 2; output->reconnect_retry_max = 20; output->valid = true; output->control = bzalloc(sizeof(obs_weak_output_t)); output->control->output = output; obs_context_data_insert(&output->context, &obs->data.outputs_mutex, &obs->data.first_output); blog(LOG_INFO, "output '%s' (%s) created", name, id); return output; fail: obs_output_destroy(output); return NULL; }
static void add_audio_encoder_params(struct dstr *cmd, obs_encoder_t *aencoder) { obs_data_t *settings = obs_encoder_get_settings(aencoder); int bitrate = (int)obs_data_get_int(settings, "bitrate"); audio_t *audio = obs_get_audio(); struct dstr name = {0}; obs_data_release(settings); dstr_copy(&name, obs_encoder_get_name(aencoder)); dstr_replace(&name, "\"", "\"\""); dstr_catf(cmd, "\"%s\" %d %d %d ", name.array, bitrate, (int)obs_encoder_get_sample_rate(aencoder), (int)audio_output_get_channels(audio)); dstr_free(&name); }
mssapi_captions::mssapi_captions( captions_cb callback, const std::string &lang) try : captions_handler(callback, AUDIO_FORMAT_16BIT, 16000) { HRESULT hr; std::wstring wlang; wlang.resize(lang.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < lang.size(); i++) wlang[i] = (wchar_t)lang[i]; LCID lang_id = LocaleNameToLCID(wlang.c_str(), 0); wchar_t lang_str[32]; _snwprintf(lang_str, 31, L"language=%x", (int)lang_id); stop = CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, nullptr); if (!stop.Valid()) throw "Failed to create event"; hr = SpFindBestToken(SPCAT_RECOGNIZERS, lang_str, nullptr, &token); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("SpFindBestToken failed", hr); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SpInprocRecognizer, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(ISpRecognizer), (void**)&recognizer); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("CoCreateInstance for recognizer failed", hr); hr = recognizer->SetRecognizer(token); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("SetRecognizer failed", hr); hr = recognizer->SetRecoState(SPRST_INACTIVE); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("SetRecoState(SPRST_INACTIVE) failed", hr); hr = recognizer->CreateRecoContext(&context); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("CreateRecoContext failed", hr); ULONGLONG interest = SPFEI(SPEI_RECOGNITION) | SPFEI(SPEI_END_SR_STREAM); hr = context->SetInterest(interest, interest); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("SetInterest failed", hr); hr = context->SetNotifyWin32Event(); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("SetNotifyWin32Event", hr); notify = context->GetNotifyEventHandle(); if (notify == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) throw HRError("GetNotifyEventHandle failed", E_NOINTERFACE); size_t sample_rate = audio_output_get_sample_rate(obs_get_audio()); audio = new CaptionStream((DWORD)sample_rate, this); audio->Release(); hr = recognizer->SetInput(audio, false); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("SetInput failed", hr); hr = context->CreateGrammar(1, &grammar); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("CreateGrammar failed", hr); hr = grammar->LoadDictation(nullptr, SPLO_STATIC); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("LoadDictation failed", hr); try { t = std::thread([this] () {main_thread();}); } catch (...) { throw "Failed to create thread"; } } catch (const char *err) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, err); throw CAPTIONS_ERROR_GENERIC_FAIL; } catch (HRError err) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s (%lX)", __FUNCTION__, err.str,; throw CAPTIONS_ERROR_GENERIC_FAIL; }