Пример #1
//! This function is documented in the header file
void nbnxn_gpu_upload_shiftvec(gmx_nbnxn_ocl_t        *nb,
                               const nbnxn_atomdata_t *nbatom)
    cl_atomdata_t   *adat  = nb->atdat;
    cl_command_queue ls    = nb->stream[eintLocal];

    /* only if we have a dynamic box */
    if (nbatom->bDynamicBox || !adat->bShiftVecUploaded)
        ocl_copy_H2D_async(adat->shift_vec, nbatom->shift_vec, 0,
                           SHIFTS * adat->shift_vec_elem_size, ls, nullptr);
        adat->bShiftVecUploaded = CL_TRUE;
Пример #2
/*! \brief Launch GPU kernel

   As we execute nonbonded workload in separate queues, before launching
   the kernel we need to make sure that he following operations have completed:
   - atomdata allocation and related H2D transfers (every nstlist step);
   - pair list H2D transfer (every nstlist step);
   - shift vector H2D transfer (every nstlist step);
   - force (+shift force and energy) output clearing (every step).

   These operations are issued in the local queue at the beginning of the step
   and therefore always complete before the local kernel launch. The non-local
   kernel is launched after the local on the same device/context, so this is
   inherently scheduled after the operations in the local stream (including the
   above "misc_ops").
   However, for the sake of having a future-proof implementation, we use the
   misc_ops_done event to record the point in time when the above  operations
   are finished and synchronize with this event in the non-local stream.
void nbnxn_gpu_launch_kernel(gmx_nbnxn_ocl_t               *nb,
                             const struct nbnxn_atomdata_t *nbatom,
                             int                            flags,
                             int                            iloc)
    cl_int               cl_error;
    int                  adat_begin, adat_len; /* local/nonlocal offset and length used for xq and f */
    /* OpenCL kernel launch-related stuff */
    int                  shmem;
    size_t               local_work_size[3], global_work_size[3];
    cl_kernel            nb_kernel = NULL; /* fn pointer to the nonbonded kernel */

    cl_atomdata_t       *adat    = nb->atdat;
    cl_nbparam_t        *nbp     = nb->nbparam;
    cl_plist_t          *plist   = nb->plist[iloc];
    cl_timers_t         *t       = nb->timers;
    cl_command_queue     stream  = nb->stream[iloc];

    bool                 bCalcEner   = flags & GMX_FORCE_ENERGY;
    int                  bCalcFshift = flags & GMX_FORCE_VIRIAL;
    bool                 bDoTime     = nb->bDoTime;
    cl_uint              arg_no;

    cl_nbparam_params_t  nbparams_params;
#ifdef DEBUG_OCL
    float              * debug_buffer_h;
    size_t               debug_buffer_size;

    /* turn energy calculation always on/off (for debugging/testing only) */
    bCalcEner = (bCalcEner || always_ener) && !never_ener;

    /* Don't launch the non-local kernel if there is no work to do.
       Doing the same for the local kernel is more complicated, since the
       local part of the force array also depends on the non-local kernel.
       So to avoid complicating the code and to reduce the risk of bugs,
       we always call the local kernel, the local x+q copy and later (not in
       this function) the stream wait, local f copyback and the f buffer
       clearing. All these operations, except for the local interaction kernel,
       are needed for the non-local interactions. The skip of the local kernel
       call is taken care of later in this function. */
    if (iloc == eintNonlocal && plist->nsci == 0)

    /* calculate the atom data index range based on locality */
    if (LOCAL_I(iloc))
        adat_begin  = 0;
        adat_len    = adat->natoms_local;
        adat_begin  = adat->natoms_local;
        adat_len    = adat->natoms - adat->natoms_local;

    /* beginning of timed HtoD section */

    /* HtoD x, q */
    ocl_copy_H2D_async(adat->xq, nbatom->x + adat_begin * 4, adat_begin*sizeof(float)*4,
                       adat_len * sizeof(float) * 4, stream, bDoTime ? (&(t->nb_h2d[iloc])) : NULL);

    /* When we get here all misc operations issues in the local stream as well as
       the local xq H2D are done,
       so we record that in the local stream and wait for it in the nonlocal one. */
    if (nb->bUseTwoStreams)
        if (iloc == eintLocal)
#ifdef CL_VERSION_1_2
            cl_error = clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList(stream, 0, NULL, &(nb->misc_ops_and_local_H2D_done));
            cl_error = clEnqueueMarker(stream, &(nb->misc_ops_and_local_H2D_done));
            assert(CL_SUCCESS == cl_error);

            /* Based on the v1.2 section 5.13 of the OpenCL spec, a flush is needed
             * in the local stream in order to be able to sync with the above event
             * from the non-local stream.
            cl_error = clFlush(stream);
            assert(CL_SUCCESS == cl_error);
            sync_ocl_event(stream, &(nb->misc_ops_and_local_H2D_done));

    if (plist->nsci == 0)
        /* Don't launch an empty local kernel (is not allowed with OpenCL).
         * TODO: Separate H2D and kernel launch into separate functions.

    /* beginning of timed nonbonded calculation section */

    /* get the pointer to the kernel flavor we need to use */
    nb_kernel = select_nbnxn_kernel(nb,
                                    plist->bDoPrune || always_prune);

    /* kernel launch config */
    local_work_size[0] = CL_SIZE;
    local_work_size[1] = CL_SIZE;
    local_work_size[2] = 1;

    global_work_size[0] = plist->nsci * local_work_size[0];
    global_work_size[1] = 1 * local_work_size[1];
    global_work_size[2] = 1 * local_work_size[2];

    validate_global_work_size(global_work_size, 3, nb->dev_info);

    shmem     = calc_shmem_required();

#ifdef DEBUG_OCL
        static int run_step = 1;

        if (DEBUG_RUN_STEP == run_step)
            debug_buffer_size = global_work_size[0] * global_work_size[1] * global_work_size[2] * sizeof(float);
            debug_buffer_h    = (float*)calloc(1, debug_buffer_size);
            assert(NULL != debug_buffer_h);

            if (NULL == nb->debug_buffer)
                nb->debug_buffer = clCreateBuffer(nb->dev_info->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
                                                  debug_buffer_size, debug_buffer_h, &cl_error);

                assert(CL_SUCCESS == cl_error);

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "GPU launch configuration:\n\tLocal work size: %dx%dx%d\n\t"
                "Global work size : %dx%d\n\t#Super-clusters/clusters: %d/%d (%d)\n",
                (int)(local_work_size[0]), (int)(local_work_size[1]), (int)(local_work_size[2]),
                (int)(global_work_size[0]), (int)(global_work_size[1]), plist->nsci*NCL_PER_SUPERCL,
                NCL_PER_SUPERCL, plist->na_c);

    fillin_ocl_structures(nbp, &nbparams_params);

    arg_no    = 0;
    cl_error  = clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(int), &(adat->ntypes));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(nbparams_params), &(nbparams_params));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(adat->xq));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(adat->f));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(adat->e_lj));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(adat->e_el));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(adat->fshift));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(adat->atom_types));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(adat->shift_vec));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(nbp->nbfp_climg2d));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(nbp->nbfp_comb_climg2d));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(nbp->coulomb_tab_climg2d));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(plist->sci));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(plist->cj4));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(plist->excl));
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(int), &bCalcFshift);
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, shmem, NULL);
    cl_error |= clSetKernelArg(nb_kernel, arg_no++, sizeof(cl_mem), &(nb->debug_buffer));

    assert(cl_error == CL_SUCCESS);

    if (cl_error)
        printf("ClERROR! %d\n", cl_error);
    cl_error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(stream, nb_kernel, 3, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, bDoTime ? &(t->nb_k[iloc]) : NULL);
    assert(cl_error == CL_SUCCESS);

#ifdef DEBUG_OCL
        static int run_step = 1;

        if (DEBUG_RUN_STEP == run_step)
            FILE *pf;
            char  file_name[256] = {0};

            ocl_copy_D2H_async(debug_buffer_h, nb->debug_buffer, 0,
                               debug_buffer_size, stream, NULL);

            // Make sure all data has been transfered back from device

            printf("\nWriting debug_buffer to debug_buffer_ocl.txt...");

            sprintf(file_name, "debug_buffer_ocl_%d.txt", DEBUG_RUN_STEP);
            pf = fopen(file_name, "wt");
            assert(pf != NULL);

            fprintf(pf, "%20s", "");
            for (int j = 0; j < global_work_size[0]; j++)
                char label[20];
                sprintf(label, "(wIdx=%2d thIdx=%2d)", j / local_work_size[0], j % local_work_size[0]);
                fprintf(pf, "%20s", label);

            for (int i = 0; i < global_work_size[1]; i++)
                char label[20];
                sprintf(label, "(wIdy=%2d thIdy=%2d)", i / local_work_size[1], i % local_work_size[1]);
                fprintf(pf, "\n%20s", label);

                for (int j = 0; j < global_work_size[0]; j++)
                    fprintf(pf, "%20.5f", debug_buffer_h[i * global_work_size[0] + j]);

                //fprintf(pf, "\n");


            printf(" done.\n");

            debug_buffer_h = NULL;

Пример #3
//! This function is documented in the header file
void nbnxn_gpu_init_atomdata(gmx_nbnxn_ocl_t               *nb,
                             const nbnxn_atomdata_t        *nbat)
    cl_int           cl_error;
    int              nalloc, natoms;
    bool             realloced;
    bool             bDoTime = nb->bDoTime == CL_TRUE;
    cl_timers_t     *timers  = nb->timers;
    cl_atomdata_t   *d_atdat = nb->atdat;
    cl_command_queue ls      = nb->stream[eintLocal];

    natoms    = nbat->natoms;
    realloced = false;

    if (bDoTime)
        /* time async copy */

    /* need to reallocate if we have to copy more atoms than the amount of space
       available and only allocate if we haven't initialized yet, i.e d_atdat->natoms == -1 */
    if (natoms > d_atdat->nalloc)
        nalloc = over_alloc_small(natoms);

        /* free up first if the arrays have already been initialized */
        if (d_atdat->nalloc != -1)

        d_atdat->f_elem_size = sizeof(rvec);

        // TODO: handle errors, check clCreateBuffer flags
        d_atdat->f = clCreateBuffer(nb->dev_rundata->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, nalloc * d_atdat->f_elem_size, nullptr, &cl_error);
        assert(CL_SUCCESS == cl_error);

        // TODO: change the flag to read-only
        d_atdat->xq = clCreateBuffer(nb->dev_rundata->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, nalloc * sizeof(cl_float4), nullptr, &cl_error);
        assert(CL_SUCCESS == cl_error);
        // TODO: handle errors, check clCreateBuffer flags

        if (useLjCombRule(nb->nbparam->vdwtype))
            // TODO: change the flag to read-only
            d_atdat->lj_comb = clCreateBuffer(nb->dev_rundata->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, nalloc * sizeof(cl_float2), nullptr, &cl_error);
            assert(CL_SUCCESS == cl_error);
            // TODO: handle errors, check clCreateBuffer flags
            // TODO: change the flag to read-only
            d_atdat->atom_types = clCreateBuffer(nb->dev_rundata->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, nalloc * sizeof(int), nullptr, &cl_error);
            assert(CL_SUCCESS == cl_error);
            // TODO: handle errors, check clCreateBuffer flags

        d_atdat->nalloc = nalloc;
        realloced       = true;

    d_atdat->natoms       = natoms;
    d_atdat->natoms_local = nbat->natoms_local;

    /* need to clear GPU f output if realloc happened */
    if (realloced)
        nbnxn_ocl_clear_f(nb, nalloc);

    if (useLjCombRule(nb->nbparam->vdwtype))
        ocl_copy_H2D_async(d_atdat->lj_comb, nbat->lj_comb, 0,
                           natoms*sizeof(cl_float2), ls, bDoTime ? timers->atdat.fetchNextEvent() : nullptr);
        ocl_copy_H2D_async(d_atdat->atom_types, nbat->type, 0,
                           natoms*sizeof(int), ls, bDoTime ? timers->atdat.fetchNextEvent() : nullptr);


    if (bDoTime)

    /* kick off the tasks enqueued above to ensure concurrency with the search */
    cl_error = clFlush(ls);
    assert(CL_SUCCESS == cl_error);