Пример #1
void ofxBulletCapsule::create( btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* a_world, ofVec3f a_loc, float a_mass, float a_radius, float a_height ) {
	create(a_world, ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f( a_loc ), a_mass, a_radius, a_height);
Пример #2
void ofxBulletCapsule::create( btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* a_world, ofVec3f a_loc, ofQuaternion a_rot, float a_mass, float a_radius, float a_height ) {
	btTransform tr	= ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f( a_loc );
	tr.setRotation( btQuaternion(btVector3(a_rot.x(), a_rot.y(), a_rot.z()), a_rot.w()) );
	create( a_world, tr, a_mass, a_radius, a_height );
Пример #3
void testApp::setup() {
	ofBackground( 10, 10, 10);
	camera.setPosition(ofVec3f(0, -3.f, -40.f));
	camera.lookAt(ofVec3f(0, 0, 0), ofVec3f(0, -1, 0));
	world.setGravity( ofVec3f(0, 25., 0) );
	ofVec3f startLoc;
	ofPoint dimens;
	boundsWidth = 30.;
	float hwidth = boundsWidth*.5;
	float depth = 2.;
	float hdepth = depth*.5;
	boundsShape = new ofxBulletCustomShape();
	boundsShape->create(world.world, ofVec3f(0, 0, 0), 10.);
	for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		bounds.push_back( new ofxBulletBox() );
		if(i == 0) { // ground //
			startLoc.set( 0., hwidth+hdepth, 0. );
			dimens.set(boundsWidth, depth, boundsWidth);
		} else if (i == 1) { // back wall //
			startLoc.set(0, 0, hwidth+hdepth);
			dimens.set(boundsWidth, boundsWidth, depth);
		} else if (i == 2) { // right wall //
			startLoc.set(hwidth+hdepth, 0, 0.);
			dimens.set(depth, boundsWidth, boundsWidth);
		} else if (i == 3) { // left wall //
			startLoc.set(-hwidth-hdepth, 0, 0.);
			dimens.set(depth, boundsWidth, boundsWidth);
		} else if (i == 4) { // ceiling //
			startLoc.set(0, -hwidth-hdepth, 0.);
			dimens.set(boundsWidth, depth, boundsWidth);
		} else if (i == 5) { // front wall //
			startLoc.set(0, 0, -hwidth-hdepth);
			dimens.set(boundsWidth, boundsWidth, depth);
		btBoxShape* boxShape = ofBtGetBoxCollisionShape( dimens.x, dimens.y, dimens.z );
		boundsShape->addShape( boxShape, startLoc );
		bounds[i]->create( world.world, startLoc, 0., dimens.x, dimens.y, dimens.z );
		bounds[i]->setProperties(.25, .95);
	bDropBox	= false;
	bDrawDebug	= false;
	// this model is huge! scale it down 
	ofVec3f scale(.0009, .0009, .0009);
	// 3D logo by Lauren Licherdell | http://www.laurenlicherdell.com/ // 
	assimpModel.loadModel("OFlogo.dae", false);
	assimpModel.setScale(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);
	assimpModel.setPosition(0, 0, 0);
	logoMesh = assimpModel.getMesh(0);

	float blobScale = 5;
	blobModel.loadModel("blob.dae", false );
	blobMesh = blobModel.getMesh(1);
	ofMesh blobMesh_wobbly = blobModel.getMesh(0);
	MeshHelper::scaleMesh( blobMesh, blobScale );
	MeshHelper::scaleMesh( blobMesh_wobbly, blobScale );
	// don't need to scale any more
	blobScale = 1;
	MeshHelper::fuseNeighbours( blobMesh );
	MeshHelper::fuseNeighbours( blobMesh_wobbly );
	blobMesh_attachIndexEnd = blobMesh.getNumVertices();
	MeshHelper::appendMesh( blobMesh, blobMesh_wobbly, true );
	float blobMass = 3.f;
	ofQuaternion startRot = ofQuaternion(1., 0., 0., PI);
	// let's make an object for the light to follow //
	shapes.push_back( new ofxBulletSphere() );
	((ofxBulletSphere*)shapes[0])->create(world.world, ofVec3f(0, -hwidth+5, -5), .15f, 2.);
	((ofxBulletSphere*)shapes[0])->setSphereResolution( 10 );
	((ofxBulletSphere*)shapes[0])->setActivationState( DISABLE_DEACTIVATION );
	for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++) {
		logos.push_back( new ofxBulletCustomShape() );
		startLoc = ofVec3f( ofRandom(-5, 5), ofRandom(0, -hwidth+5), ofRandom(-5, 5) );
		if(i == 0) {
			for(int i = 0; i < assimpModel.getNumMeshes(); i++) {
				logos[i]->addMesh(assimpModel.getMesh(i), scale, true);
		} else {
			logos[i]->init( (btCompoundShape*)logos[0]->getCollisionShape(), logos[0]->getCentroid() );
		logos[i]->create( world.world, startLoc, startRot, 3. );
	for ( int i=0; i<0; i++ )
		shapes.push_back( new ofxBulletCapsule() );
		startLoc = ofVec3f( ofRandom(-5, 5), ofRandom(0, -hwidth+5), ofRandom(-5, 5) );

		float mass = 1.0f;
		float radius = 1.f;
		float height = 2.f;
		((ofxBulletCapsule*)shapes.back())->create( world.world, startLoc, mass, radius, height );
		((ofxBulletCapsule*)shapes.back())->setActivationState( DISABLE_DEACTIVATION );
	for ( int i=0; i<1; i++ )
		softShapes.push_back( new ofxBulletBaseSoftShape() );

		//startLoc = ofVec3f( ofRandom(-5, 5), ofRandom(0, -hwidth+5), ofRandom(-5, 5) );
		startLoc = ofVec3f(0,0,0);
		ofBuffer faceFile = ofBufferFromFile( "blob.1.face" );
		ofBuffer nodeFile = ofBufferFromFile( "blob.1.node" );
		ofBuffer eleFile = ofBufferFromFile( "blob.1.ele" );
		float tetraMass = 0.3f;
		float tetraScale = 5;
		softShapes.back()->createFromTetraBuffer( world.world, eleFile, faceFile, nodeFile, ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f(startLoc), tetraMass, tetraScale );*/

		softShapes.back()->createFromOfMesh( world.world, blobMesh, ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f(startLoc), blobMass, blobScale );
		softShapes.back()->setPressure( 10.f );
		softShapes.back()->setDamping( 0.01f );

		blobShape = softShapes.back();
	float lightScale = 0.1f;
	light.setAmbientColor(ofColor(.0, .0, .0));
	light.setDiffuseColor(ofColor(128*lightScale, 128*lightScale, 128*lightScale));
	light.setSpecularColor(ofColor(192*lightScale, 180*lightScale, 180*lightScale ));
	light.setAttenuation(0, 0.5, 0);
	float keyScale = 0.5f;
	keyLight.setPosition( -15, -10, -40 );
	keyLight.setAmbientColor(ofColor(.0, .0, .0));
	keyLight.setDiffuseColor(ofColor(192*keyScale, 192*keyScale, 128*keyScale));
	keyLight.setSpecularColor(ofColor(192*keyScale, 180*keyScale, 180*keyScale ));
	//	keyLight.setAttenuation(0,1,0);
	float fillScale = 0.3f;
	fillLight.setPosition( 15, 20, -40 );
	fillLight.setAmbientColor(ofColor(.0, .0, .0));
	fillLight.setDiffuseColor(ofColor(192*fillScale, 128*fillScale, 128*fillScale));
	fillLight.setSpecularColor(ofColor(192*fillScale, 180*fillScale, 180*fillScale ));
	//	keyLight.setAttenuation(0,1,0);
	logoMat.setAmbientColor(ofFloatColor(0, 0, 0));
	logoMat.setDiffuseColor(ofFloatColor(150, 0, 150));
	logoMat.setSpecularColor(ofFloatColor(220, 0, 220));
	boundsMat.setAmbientColor(ofFloatColor(10, 9, 10));
	boundsMat.setDiffuseColor(ofFloatColor(12, 10, 12));
	boundsMat.setSpecularColor(ofFloatColor(1, 1, 1));
Пример #4
void ofxBulletSphere::create( btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* a_world, ofVec3f a_loc, float a_mass, float a_radius ) {
	btTransform tr=ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f( a_loc );
	create(a_world, tr, a_mass, a_radius);
Пример #5
void ofxBulletCustomShape::create( btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* a_world, ofVec3f a_loc, float a_mass ) {
	btTransform tr = ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f( a_loc );
	create( a_world, tr, a_mass );
void ofxBulletSoftTriMesh::create( ofxBulletWorldSoft* a_world, ofMesh& aMesh, glm::vec3 a_loc, float a_mass ) {
    btTransform tr=ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f( a_loc );
    create(a_world, aMesh, tr, a_mass );
void ofxBulletTriMeshShape::create( btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* a_world, ofMesh& aMesh, glm::vec3 a_loc, glm::quat a_rot, float a_mass, glm::vec3 aAAbbMin, glm::vec3 aAAbbMax ) {
    btTransform tr	= ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f( a_loc );
	tr.setRotation( btQuaternion( a_rot.x, a_rot.y, a_rot.z, a_rot.w ));
    create( a_world, aMesh, tr, a_mass );
void ofxBulletTriMeshShape::create( btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* a_world, ofMesh& aMesh, glm::vec3 a_loc, float a_mass, glm::vec3 aAAbbMin, glm::vec3 aAAbbMax ) {
    btTransform tr=ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f( a_loc );
    create( a_world, aMesh, tr, a_mass );
Пример #9
void ofxBulletBox::create( btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* a_world, ofVec3f a_loc, float a_mass, float a_sizeX, float a_sizeY, float a_sizeZ ) {
	create( a_world, ofGetBtTransformFromVec3f( a_loc ), a_mass, a_sizeX, a_sizeY, a_sizeZ );