void testApp :: toggleFullScreen() { ofToggleFullscreen(); if( ofGetWindowMode() == OF_WINDOW ) { renderArea.x = renderAreaWindow.x; renderArea.y = renderAreaWindow.y; renderArea.width = renderAreaWindow.width; renderArea.height = renderAreaWindow.height; } if( ofGetWindowMode() == OF_FULLSCREEN ) { renderArea.x = renderAreaFullScreen.x; renderArea.y = renderAreaFullScreen.y; renderArea.width = renderAreaFullScreen.width; renderArea.height = renderAreaFullScreen.height; } screenGrabUtil.setArea( &renderArea ); if( julApp != NULL ) julApp->setRenderArea( renderArea.x, renderArea.y, renderArea.width, renderArea.height ); }
Workspace::Workspace() { // create log viewers for each REPL replLog = new ReplLog(repl); screplLog = new ReplLog(screpl); createEditor(repl); createEditor(screpl); #ifdef SPLIT_SCREEN // 3rd editor for split screen Editor* ed = createEditor(); subThread.setEditor(ed); subThread.startThread(true); #endif repl.start("data/tidalStartup.hss"); screpl.start("data/scStartup.scd"); currentEditor = 0; showReplBuffer = true; // force resize to position editors int w = (ofGetWindowMode() == OF_WINDOW) ? ofGetViewportWidth() : ofGetScreenWidth(); int h = (ofGetWindowMode() == OF_WINDOW) ? ofGetViewportHeight() : ofGetScreenHeight(); resize(w, h); }
void ofxGLEditor::reShape() { int w = (ofGetWindowMode() == OF_WINDOW)?ofGetWidth():ofGetScreenWidth(); int h = (ofGetWindowMode() == OF_WINDOW)?ofGetHeight():ofGetScreenHeight(); for (int i = 0; i < glEditor.size(); i++) { glEditor[i]->Reshape(w*1.2, h); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void MotionTracker::keyPressed (int key){ switch (key){ case 't':if(ofGetWindowMode() == OF_WINDOW) vidGrabber.videoSettings(); break; case 's': bLearnBG = true; break; } }
void testApp::keyPressed(int key){ if (key == 'f') { // No fullscreen if (ofGetWindowMode() == 0) { ofSetFullscreen(true); } else { ofSetFullscreen(false); } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxMtlMapping2DControls::windowResized() { if (ofGetWindowMode() == OF_FULLSCREEN) { ((ofxUIImageToggle *)_toolsCanvas->getWidget(kSettingMappingFullscreen))->setImage(&_fullscreenContractIcon); } else { ((ofxUIImageToggle *)_toolsCanvas->getWidget(kSettingMappingFullscreen))->setImage(&_fullscreenExpandIcon); } _toolsCanvas->setHeight(720); _gridSettingsCanvas->setPosition(_toolsCanvas->getRect()->width, 720 - 90); }
void imageLoader::chooseDir(){ if(ofGetWindowMode() == 0){ ofBackground(0); ofFileDialogResult result = ofSystemLoadDialog("Folder To Watch...", true); if(result.bSuccess) { path = result.getPath(); // img01 = 0; //img02 = 1; // alpha01 = 255; //alpha02 = 0; loadDir(); //cout << "path: " << path << endl; } }else { help = true; } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::keyPressed(int key){ if( key == 'f' ){ int mode = ofGetWindowMode(); if (mode == OF_WINDOW) { ofSetFullscreen(1); } else if (mode == OF_FULLSCREEN){ ofSetFullscreen(0); } } if( key == '1' ){ toggle0 = !toggle0; } if( key == '2'){ toggle1 = !toggle1; } if( key == '3' ){ toggle2 = !toggle2; } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::keyPressed (int key){ // cout << "key pressed ("<<key<<")\n"; switch (key) { case 'f': { if (ofGetWindowMode()==OF_FULLSCREEN){ ofSetWindowShape(1024,768); ofSetFullscreen(false); op1.setDimensions(1024/2, 768/2, 1024-200); }else{ ofSetWindowShape(ofGetScreenWidth(),ofGetScreenHeight()); ofSetFullscreen(true); op1.setDimensions(ofGetScreenWidth()/2, ofGetScreenHeight()/2, ofGetScreenWidth()-200); } } break; default: break; } }
void liveApp::keyPressed (int key) { if ( key == 'm') ofHideCursor(); if ( key == 'M') ofShowCursor(); if ( key == 'g') { for (int t = 0; t < 1; t++) { int x1i = int(ofRandom(0,63)); int x1j = int(ofRandom(0,63)); int x2i = int(ofRandom(0,63)); int x2j = int(ofRandom(0,63)); int y1i = int(ofRandom(0,63)); int y1j = int(ofRandom(0,63)); int y2i = int(ofRandom(0,63)); int y2j = int(ofRandom(0,63)); //SetColor(citrusColor[int(ofRandom(0,11))]); ofSetColor(255,255,255,255); myFont11.drawString("0",gridX[x1i][x1j], gridY[y1i][y1j]); myFont11.drawString("1",gridX[x2i][x2j], gridY[y2i][y2j]); ofSetColor(255,255,255,12); //ofCurve(0,0, gridX[x1i][x1j], gridY[y1i][y1j], gridX[x2i][x2j], gridY[y2i][y2j], 1000,1000); ofLine(gridX[x1i][x1j], gridY[y1i][y1j], gridX[x2i][x2j], gridY[y2i][y2j]); } } if ( key == 'G') { glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(ofGetWidth()/2,ofGetHeight()/2,0); gluLookAt(2*mouseX, 2*mouseY, 2*mouseX, // eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // centerX, centerY, centerZ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); glRotatef(-2*mouseY,1,0,0); glRotatef(2*mouseX,0,1,0); ofSetColor(255,255,255,255); glBegin(GL_POINTS); //GL_POINTS,GL_LINE_LOOP, GL_LINE_STRIP (http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/documentation/manual/glBegin.3G.xml) for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MATRIX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_MATRIX; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < MAX_MATRIX; k++) { //ofPoint() matrix3d.x = gridX3d[i][j][k]; matrix3d.y = gridY3d[i][j][k]; matrix3d.z = gridZ3d[i][j][k]; glVertex3i(matrix3d.x, matrix3d.y, matrix3d.z); } } } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); } if(key == 'f' or key == 'F'){ int previousWindowX, previousWindowY; if(ofGetWindowMode() == 0){ ofSetFullscreen(true); ofBackground(0, 0, 0); }else{ ofSetFullscreen(false); ofBackground(0, 0, 0); } } if(key == 'b' or key == 'B'){ ofBackground(0, 0, 0); } if(key == 't' or key == 'T'){ //ofBackground(0,0,0); glTranslatef(ofGetWidth()/2,ofGetHeight(),0); seed1(dotSize, (270*3.1415926)/180, 0, 0); } if(key == 'p') { slowMotion = !slowMotion; if(slowMotion) timeStep = .05; else timeStep = 1; } }
void liveApp::setup() { { ofBackground(0,0,0); int windowMode = ofGetWindowMode(); if(windowMode == OF_FULLSCREEN){ this->windowWidth = ofGetScreenWidth(); this->windowHeight = ofGetScreenHeight(); } else if(windowMode == OF_WINDOW){ this->windowWidth = ofGetScreenWidth(); this->windowHeight = ofGetScreenHeight(); } //ofSetCircleResolution(200); texScreen.allocate(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight(),GL_RGB);// GL_RGBA); ofSetBackgroundAuto(false); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); //glutSetCursor(GLUT_CURSOR_CYCLE); // change cursor icon (http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/documentation/manual/glutSetCursor.3GLUT.html) cout << "recieving OSC at port: 12345 " << PORTlisten << "\n"; receiver.setup( PORTlisten ); current_msg_string = 0; ofSetWindowTitle("Rhythmanalysis"); ofSetFrameRate(60); // if vertical sync is off, we can go a bit fast... this caps the framerate at 60fps. ofSetVerticalSync(false); } // Setup { memAlloc = true; float cellX = 0, cellY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MATRIX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_MATRIX; j++) { gridX[i][j] = cellX; gridY[i][j] = cellY; cellX = cellX + 20; } cellX = 0; cellY = cellY + 20; } float cellX3d = 0, cellY3d = 0, cellZ3d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MATRIX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_MATRIX; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < MAX_MATRIX; k++) { gridX3d[i][j][k] = cellX3d; gridY3d[i][j][k] = cellY3d; gridZ3d[i][j][k] = cellZ3d; cellX3d = cellX3d + 40; } cellX3d = 0; cellY3d = cellY3d + 40; } //cellX3d = 0; cellY3d = 0; cellZ3d = cellZ3d + 40; } } // memAlloc { //video videoX=videoY=0; //destruct destruct = 0; destructCase = 1; //camera camera=false; //superformula superformula = false; //sketch aSound = 5; rSketch = gSketch = bSketch = aSketch = 255; // Tree dotSize = 15; angleOffsetA = (1.5*3.14)/180; // Convert 1.5 degrees to radians angleOffsetB = (50*3.14)/180; // Convert 50 degrees to radians //background aBack = 0; view_fillBackground = 1; //sound viewSoundChanels = 1; drawWithMouse = 0; numMouseSketches = 99; minMouseElasticity = 0.0; maxMouseElasticity = 0.99; minMouseDamping = 0.0; maxMouseDamping = 0.99; numSoundSketches = 99; minSoundElasticity = 0.0; maxSoundElasticity = 0.99; minSoundDamping = 0.0; maxSoundDamping = 0.99; mouseLines = 1; soundLines = 0; ampInLow =0.0; ampInHigh = 0.15; freqInLow = 20; freqInHigh = 4000; feedbackView = 0; feedbackSpeedX = 0; feedbackSpeedY = 0; timeLine = 0; viewRotate = 0; } // Initial Values { // Imagenes // GROUP 1 string imageDir = "/Users/ari/Media/images/paintings/lyon/"; for (int i = 0; i < 61; i++) { string number; std::string s; std::stringstream out; out << i; s = out.str(); imageDir += s; imageDir += ".jpg"; cout << imageDir << endl; image[i].loadImage(imageDir); imageDir = "/Users/ari/Media/images/paintings/lyon/"; } // GROUP 2 imageDir = "/Users/ari/Media/images/maps/google/grenoble/"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { string number; std::string s; std::stringstream out; out << i; s = out.str(); imageDir += s; imageDir += ".png"; cout << imageDir << endl; image[100+i].loadImage(imageDir); imageDir = "/Users/ari/Media/images/maps/google/grenoble/"; } // Video myVideo = new ofVideoPlayer(); playVideo = 0; rVideo = gVideo = bVideo = aVideo = 255; //=================================== // Fonts myFont11.loadFont("/Users/ari/Media/fonts/favorites/Batang.ttf", 11, true, true, true); myFont350.loadFont("/Users/ari/Media/fonts/favorites/Batang.ttf", 350, true, true, true); } // data (images, fonts, video ...) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SKETCHES; i++){ sketch[i].init(0, ofRandom(minSoundElasticity, maxSoundElasticity), ofRandom(minSoundDamping, maxSoundDamping)); //to 1o stoixeio einai to id 0: sketch[i].init(1, ofRandom(minMouseElasticity, maxMouseElasticity), ofRandom(minMouseDamping, maxMouseDamping)); //id:1 => mouse init(int sketchID, float elast, float aposv) } sketchPhrase = false; } // sKeTch { playSpectro = 0; rSound = gSound = bSound = 255; aSound = 25; textureRed = textureGreen = textureBlue = textureAlpha = 255; reverseEllipse = ofGetWidth(); reverseTexture = -1; mirrorMode = 9; spectroRed = spectroGreen = spectroBlue = 1; soundEffectNoto = false; } // Sound Interaction { // this number describes how many bins are used // on my machine, 2 is the ideal number (2^2 = 4x4 pixel bins) // if this number is too high, binning is not effective // because the screen is not subdivided enough. if // it's too low, the bins take up so much memory as to // become inefficient. int binPower = 4; particleSystem.setup(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight(), binPower); /* kParticles = 2; // change that to 5 for MacBook Pro float padding = 0; float maxVelocity = .5; for(int i = 0; i < kParticles * 1024; i++) { float x = ofRandom(padding, ofGetWidth() - padding); float y = ofRandom(padding, ofGetHeight() - padding); float xv = ofRandom(-maxVelocity, maxVelocity); float yv = ofRandom(-maxVelocity, maxVelocity); Particle particle(x, y, xv, yv); particleSystem.add(particle); } */ rConColor=gConColor=bConColor=rDotColor=gDotColor=bDotColor=255; ofBackground(0, 0, 0); timeStep = 1; lineOpacity = 0; pointOpacity = 255; isMousePressed = false; slowMotion = false; particleNeighborhood = 15; particleRepulsion = 1; centerAttraction = .01; forceRadius = 100; forceScale = 10; bounceXstart = 0; bounceYstart = 0; bounceXend = ofGetWidth(); bounceYend = ofGetHeight(); viewParticles = false; } // Particles { // w = ofGetWidth(); // h = ofGetHeight(); w = 1280; h = 1024; mirrowEffect4 = false; texMirrow.allocate(w,h, GL_RGB); noiseEffect = false; texGray.allocate(w,h,GL_LUMINANCE); grayPixels = new unsigned char [w*h]; // gray pixels, set them randomly for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++){ grayPixels[i] = (unsigned char)(ofRandomuf() * 255); } texGray.loadData(grayPixels, w,h, GL_LUMINANCE); } // Texture effects }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxGLEditor::resize() { int w = (ofGetWindowMode() == OF_WINDOW) ? ofGetViewportWidth() : ofGetScreenWidth(); int h = (ofGetWindowMode() == OF_WINDOW) ? ofGetViewportHeight() : ofGetScreenHeight(); resize(w, h); }