void ofApp::callApi() { video.setPaused(true); visionImage.grabScreen(10, 10, 1280, 720); visionImage.save("visionImage.png"); cout << "API CALL" << endl; string json = ofSystem("php /Users/shma/work/vision/vision.php " + ofFilePath::getAbsolutePath("visionImage.png") + " LABEL_DETECTION"); vision.parse(json); loading = true; words.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < vision["responses"][0]["labelAnnotations"][0].size(); i++) { words.push_back(vision["responses"][0]["labelAnnotations"][i]["description"].asString()); } string word = ofJoinString(words, ","); string fileName = "abc.txt"; int frame = video.getCurrentFrame(); b = b + ("[" + ofToString(frame) + "," + word + "]\r\n,"); ofBuffer buffer = ofBuffer( b ); ofBufferToFile( fileName, buffer ); video.setPaused(false); }
void KinectV2Classifier::eventLoad(ofxControlButtonEventArgs & evt) { if (!foundUser) { ofSystem("Error! You must have a skeleton detected first before loading the preset."); return; } ofFileDialogResult result = ofSystemLoadDialog("Select preset", false, ofToDataPath("")); if (result.bSuccess) { loadPreset(result.filePath); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::videoSaved(ofVideoSavedEventArgs& e){ // the ofQTKitGrabber sends a message with the file name and any errors when the video is done recording if(e.error.empty()){ recordedVideoPlayback.load(e.videoPath); recordedVideoPlayback.play(); if(bLaunchInQuicktime) { ofSystem("open " + e.videoPath); } } else { ofLogError("videoSavedEvent") << "Video save error: " << e.error; } }
string ofxEyeTribe::startServer() { string res; // TODO: support multi platform switch (ofGetTargetPlatform()) { case OF_TARGET_OSX: res = ofSystem("open -n /Applications/EyeTribe/EyeTribe"); break; default: ofLogError("ofxEyeTribe", "sorry, this addon is not supported your platform..."); break; } ofLogNotice("ofxEyeTribe", res); return res; }
Boolean systemVolume::readMute() { // check to see if the system is muted 10 times per second // note: significantly reduces speed of system. // question: how do we run this in a different thread? refTime = floor(ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() % 1000); // if it's been 100 ms, update the system state if (refTime != prevRefTime) { string argument; argument = ofToString(ofSystem("osascript -e 'output muted of (get volume settings)'")); char muteChar = ofToChar(argument); if (muteChar == 't') muteState = true; if (muteChar == 'f') muteState = false; } // cout << ofToString(prevRefTime) + " " + ofToString(refTime) << endl; // updated muted and unmuted flags: // transition from muted to not muted indicates start of recording if (!muteState && prevMuteState) { bUnmuted = true; } // transition to muted signals end of recording else if (muteState && !prevMuteState) { bMuted = true; } // set previous mute state prevMuteState = muteState; // set previous time prevRefTime = refTime; return muteState; }
Application::Application(){ _surfaceManager.setMediaServer(&_mediaServer); _gui.setMediaServer(&_mediaServer); _gui.setCmdManager(&_cmdManager); _gui.setSurfaceManager(&_surfaceManager); setState(PresentationState::instance()); ofAddListener(ofEvents().keyPressed, this, &Application::onKeyPressed); ofAddListener(ofEvents().keyReleased, this, &Application::onKeyReleased); ofAddListener(ofEvents().mousePressed, this, &Application::onMousePressed); ofAddListener(Gui::instance()->jointPressedEvent, this, &Application::onJointPressed); ofAddListener(Gui::instance()->surfacePressedEvent, this, &Application::onSurfacePressed); ofAddListener(Gui::instance()->backgroundPressedEvent, this, &Application::onBackgroundPressed); string SSHConnection = ofSystem("if [ -z $SSH_CONNECTION ]; then echo no; else echo yes; fi"); if(SSHConnection == "yes"){ _isSSHConnection = true; }else{ _isSSHConnection = false; } }
void SuperColliderLooper::guiEvent(ofxUIEventArgs &evt) { if (evt.getName() == "Bpm") { setBpm(bpm); } else if (evt.getName() == "Record") { string filename = ofSystem("Filename"); } else if (evt.getName() == "+1" && ((ofxUILabelButton *) gui->getWidget("+1"))->getValue()) { addNewElement(1, elements.size()); } else if (evt.getName() == "+2" && ((ofxUILabelButton *) gui->getWidget("+2"))->getValue()) { addNewElement(2, elements.size()); } else if (evt.getName() == "+4" && ((ofxUILabelButton *) gui->getWidget("+4"))->getValue()) { addNewElement(4, elements.size()); } else if (evt.getName() == "+8" && ((ofxUILabelButton *) gui->getWidget("+8"))->getValue()) { addNewElement(8, elements.size()); } else if (evt.getName() == "+16" && ((ofxUILabelButton *) gui->getWidget("+16"))->getValue()) { addNewElement(16, elements.size()); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void BYBGui::arduinoButtonPressed(){ ofSystem("open " + ofToDataPath("arduino/HackerHand_v2.3/") ); }