Пример #1
void FindDialog::OnOK()
	CString str;
	CEdit *pED = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FO_EDIT);

	// Perform a synax check, and if it is bogus display a message
	// box.
	OrganismFinder ofc(m_find_expression, true);
	if( ofc.error ) {
		str = "Invalid Find Expression: " + ofc.error_message;
		AfxMessageBox(str, MB_OK, 0);
	} else {

Пример #2
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<wv::Point>> points;
    std::vector<std::string> answers;

    log_netw->info("Hello world");
    if (!ex::readDataSet("../data/compound", NumDimensionsSynthetic, points, answers))
        std::cerr << "readIrisDataSet function works incorrect" << std::endl;
    std::string output_filename = "points";
    //good result
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 100 /*age_max*/, 50 /*lambda*/, 0.7 /*C1*/, 0.1 /*C2*/); //Круто для s2 работает
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 50 /*age_max*/, 25 /*lambda*/, 0.1 /*C1*/, 0.05 /*C2*/); //Compound dataset mcl 1.2        
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 25 /*age_max*/, 26 /*lambda*/, 0.1 /*C1*/, 0.05 /*C2*/); //Compound dataset mcl 1.2        
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 100 /*age_max*/, 50 /*lambda*/, 0.9 /*C1*/, 0.9 /*C2*/); //S2 dataset mcl 1.2        10,20 итераций
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 15 /*age_max*/, 30 /*lambda*/, 0.9 /*C1*/, 0.9 /*C2*/); //S2 dataset mcl 1.2        10,20 итераций
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 30 /*age_max*/, 15 /*lambda*/, 0.1 /*C1*/, 0.05 /*C2*/); //Pathbased dataset mcl 1.2    20,30 итераций    
    nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 23 /*age_max*/, 25 /*lambda*/, 0.1 /*C1*/, 0.05 /*C2*/); //Compound dataset mcl 1.2     10,50 итераций   
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 100 /*age_max*/, 50 /*lambda*/, 0.72 /*C1*/, 0.9 /*C2*/); //S2 dataset mcl 1.2        10,20 итераций
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 15 /*age_max*/, 30 /*lambda*/, 0.9 /*C1*/, 0.9 /*C2*/); //S4 dataset mcl 1.2        10,20 итераций
    //nn::ESoinn ns(NumDimensionsSynthetic, 50 /*age_max*/, 60 /*lambda*/, 0.7 /*C1*/, 0.1 /*C2*/); //Jain dataset mcl 1.2

    std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> conn_comp;
    ns.trainNetwork(points, conn_comp, answers, 10, 50);   
    std::cout << "Number of clusters " << conn_comp.size() << std::endl;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < conn_comp.size(); i++)
        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < conn_comp[i].size(); j++)
            neuron_clusters.emplace(conn_comp[i][j], i);
    //run mcl algorithm
    std::string mcl_path = "/home/yura/local/bin/mcl ";
    std::string output_mcl = "clusters";    
    std::string options = " -I 2.0 --abc -o ";
    std::string command = mcl_path + output_filename + options + output_mcl;
    //read answer from mcl
    //print file for visualization
    std::ofstream of("visualize_file", std::ios::out);
    std::ofstream ofc("cluster_file", std::ios::out);
    std::vector<uint32_t> find_clusters;
    for (const auto p: points)
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p->getNumDimensions(); i++)
            of << p->getConcreteCoord(i);
            ofc << p->getConcreteCoord(i) << " ";

            if (i != p->getNumDimensions() - 1)
                of << " ";
        of << std::endl;
        uint32_t cluster_id = ns.findPointCluster(p.get(), neuron_clusters);
        ofc << cluster_id << std::endl;      

    qm::QualityMeasures qlm(answers, find_clusters);
    std::cout << "QUALITY MEASURES" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Purity = " << qlm.evalPurity() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Normalized mutual information = " << qlm.evalNormalizedMutualInformation() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Rand index = " << qlm.randIndex() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "precision = " << qlm.precision() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "recall = " << qlm.recall() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Fscore(1) = " << qlm.Fscore(1) << std::endl;
    //define clusters
    uint32_t i = 0;
    for (const auto p: points)
        log_netw->info((boost::format("%d ") % ns.findPointCluster(p.get(), neuron_clusters)).str(), true);
        if (i % 50 == 0) log_netw->info("\n", true);
    ns.exportNetworkGDF("network.gdf", neuron_clusters);
    log_netw->info("\n", true);
    log_netw->info("The program is succesfully ended");
    return 0;