Пример #1
ofl_structs_bucket_unpack(struct ofp_bucket *src, size_t *len, uint8_t gtype, struct ofl_bucket **dst, struct ofl_exp *exp, char *errbuf) {
    struct ofl_bucket *b;
    struct ofp_action_header *act;
    size_t blen;
    ofl_err error;
    size_t i;

    if (*len < sizeof(struct ofp_bucket)) {
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received bucket is too short (%zu).", *len);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN);

    if (*len < ntohs(src->len)) {
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received bucket has invalid length (set to %u, but only %zu received).", ntohs(src->len), *len);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN);

    blen = ntohs(src->len) - sizeof(struct ofp_bucket);

    if (gtype == OFPGT_SELECT && ntohs(src->weight) == 0) {
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received bucket has no weight for SELECT group.");

    if (gtype != OFPGT_SELECT && ntohs(src->weight) > 0) {
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received bucket has weight for non-SELECT group.");

    b = (struct ofl_bucket *)malloc(sizeof(struct ofl_bucket));

    b->weight =      ntohs(src->weight);
    b->watch_port =  ntohl(src->watch_port);
    b->watch_group = ntohl(src->watch_group);

    error = ofl_utils_count_ofp_actions((uint8_t *)src->actions, blen, &b->actions_num, errbuf);
    if (error) {
        return error;
    b->actions = (struct ofl_action_header **)malloc(b->actions_num * sizeof(struct ofl_action_header *));

    act = src->actions;
    for (i = 0; i < b->actions_num; i++) {
        error = ofl_actions_unpack(act, &blen, &(b->actions[i]), exp, errbuf);
        if (error) {
            *len = *len - ntohs(src->len) + blen;
            OFL_UTILS_FREE_ARR_FUN3(b->actions, i,
                                    ofl_actions_free, exp, errbuf);
            //TODO error
            return error;
        act = (struct ofp_action_header *)((uint8_t *)act + ntohs(act->len));

    if (blen >= 8) {
        *len = *len - ntohs(src->len) + blen;
        ofl_structs_free_bucket(b, exp, errbuf);
        //TODO error
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received bucket has more than 64 bit padding (%zu).", blen);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);
    *len -= ntohs(src->len);

    *dst = b;
    return 0;
Пример #2
ofl_structs_instructions_unpack(struct ofp_instruction *src, size_t *len, struct ofl_instruction_header **dst, struct ofl_exp *exp) {
    size_t ilen;
    struct ofl_instruction_header *inst = NULL;

    if (*len < sizeof(struct ofp_instruction)) {
        OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received instruction is too short (%zu).", *len);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN);

    if (*len < ntohs(src->len)) {
        OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received instruction has invalid length (set to %u, but only %zu received).", ntohs(src->len), *len);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN);
    ilen = ntohs(src->len);

    switch (ntohs(src->type)) {
        case OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE: {
            struct ofp_instruction_goto_table *si;
            struct ofl_instruction_goto_table *di;

            if (ilen < sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_goto_table)) {
                OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received GOTO_TABLE instruction has invalid length (%zu).", *len);
                return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);

            si = (struct ofp_instruction_goto_table *)src;

            if (si->table_id >= PIPELINE_TABLES) {
                if (OFL_LOG_IS_WARN_ENABLED(LOG_MODULE)) {
                    char *ts = ofl_table_to_string(si->table_id);
                    OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received GOTO_TABLE instruction has invalid table_id (%s).", ts);
                return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_INSTRUCTION, OFPBIC_BAD_TABLE_ID);

            di = (struct ofl_instruction_goto_table *)malloc(sizeof(struct ofl_instruction_goto_table));

            di->table_id = si->table_id;

            inst = (struct ofl_instruction_header *)di;
            ilen -= sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_goto_table);

        case OFPIT_WRITE_METADATA: {
            struct ofp_instruction_write_metadata *si;
            struct ofl_instruction_write_metadata *di;

            if (ilen < sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_write_metadata)) {
                OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received WRITE_METADATA instruction has invalid length (%zu).", *len);
                return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);

            si = (struct ofp_instruction_write_metadata *)src;
            di = (struct ofl_instruction_write_metadata *)malloc(sizeof(struct ofl_instruction_write_metadata));

            di->metadata =      ntoh64(si->metadata);
            di->metadata_mask = ntoh64(si->metadata_mask);

            inst = (struct ofl_instruction_header *)di;
            ilen -= sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_write_metadata);
        case OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS: {
            struct ofp_instruction_actions *si;
            struct ofl_instruction_actions *di;
            struct ofp_action_header *act;
            ofl_err error;
            size_t i;

            if (ilen < sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_actions)) {
                OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received *_ACTIONS instruction has invalid length (%zu).", *len);
                return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);
            ilen -= sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_actions);

            si = (struct ofp_instruction_actions *)src;
            di = (struct ofl_instruction_actions *)malloc(sizeof(struct ofl_instruction_actions));

            error = ofl_utils_count_ofp_actions((uint8_t *)si->actions, ilen, &di->actions_num);
            if (error) {
                return error;
            di->actions = (struct ofl_action_header **)malloc(di->actions_num * sizeof(struct ofl_action_header *));

            act = si->actions;
            for (i = 0; i < di->actions_num; i++) {
                error = ofl_actions_unpack(act, &ilen, &(di->actions[i]), exp);
                if (error) {
                    *len = *len - ntohs(src->len) + ilen;
                    OFL_UTILS_FREE_ARR_FUN2(di->actions, i,
                                            ofl_actions_free, exp);
                    return error;
                act = (struct ofp_action_header *)((uint8_t *)act + ntohs(act->len));

            inst = (struct ofl_instruction_header *)di;
        case OFPIT_CLEAR_ACTIONS: {
            if (ilen < sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_actions)) {
                OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received CLEAR_ACTIONS instruction has invalid length (%zu).", *len);
                return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);

            inst = (struct ofl_instruction_header *)malloc(sizeof(struct ofl_instruction_header));
            inst->type = (enum ofp_instruction_type)ntohs(src->type);

            ilen -= sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_actions);
        case OFPIT_METER: {
            struct ofp_instruction_meter *si;
            struct ofl_instruction_meter *di;
            if (ilen < sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_meter)) {
                OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received METER instruction has invalid length (%zu).", *len);
                return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);
            si = (struct ofp_instruction_meter*)src;
            di = (struct ofl_instruction_meter *)malloc(sizeof(struct ofl_instruction_meter));

            di->meter_id = ntohl(si->meter_id);

            inst = (struct ofl_instruction_header *)di;
            ilen -= sizeof(struct ofp_instruction_meter);
        case OFPIT_EXPERIMENTER: {
            ofl_err error;

            if (exp == NULL || exp->inst == NULL || exp->inst->unpack == NULL) {
                OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "Received EXPERIMENTER instruction, but no callback was given.");
                return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_INSTRUCTION, OFPBIC_UNSUP_INST);
            error = exp->inst->unpack(src, &ilen, &inst);
            if (error) {
                return error;
            OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "The received instruction type (%u) is invalid.", ntohs(src->type));
            return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_INSTRUCTION, OFPBIC_UNKNOWN_INST);

    // must set type before check, so free works correctly
    inst->type = (enum ofp_instruction_type)ntohs(src->type);

    if (ilen != 0) {
        *len = *len - ntohs(src->len) + ilen;
        OFL_LOG_WARN(LOG_MODULE, "The received instruction contained extra bytes (%zu).", ilen);
        ofl_structs_free_instruction(inst, exp);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);

    *len -= ntohs(src->len);
    (*dst) = inst;

    return 0;
Пример #3
static ofl_err
ofl_msg_unpack_packet_out(struct ofp_header *src, size_t *len, struct ofl_msg_header **msg, struct ofl_exp *exp, char *errbuf) {
    struct ofp_packet_out *sp;
    struct ofl_msg_packet_out *dp;
    struct ofp_action_header *act;
    uint8_t *data;
    ofl_err error;
    size_t i, actions_num;

    if (*len < sizeof(struct ofp_packet_out)) {
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received PACKET_OUT message has invalid length (%zu).", *len);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);

    sp = (struct ofp_packet_out *)src;

    if (ntohl(sp->in_port) == 0 ||
        (ntohl(sp->in_port) > OFPP_MAX && ntohl(sp->in_port) != OFPP_CONTROLLER)) {
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            char *ps = ofl_port_to_string(ntohl(sp->in_port));
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received PACKET_OUT message with invalid in_port (%s).", ps);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT);

    if (ntohl(sp->buffer_id) != 0xffffffff &&
        *len != sizeof(struct ofp_packet_out) + ntohs(sp->actions_len)) {
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            char *bs = ofl_buffer_to_string(ntohl(sp->buffer_id));
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received PACKET_OUT message with data and buffer_id (%s).", bs);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);
    *len -= sizeof(struct ofp_packet_out);

    dp = (struct ofl_msg_packet_out *)malloc(sizeof(struct ofl_msg_packet_out));

    dp->buffer_id = ntohl(sp->buffer_id);
    dp->in_port = ntohl(sp->in_port);

    if (*len < ntohs(sp->actions_len)) {
        if (errbuf != NULL) {
            snprintf(errbuf, OFL_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Received PACKET_OUT message has invalid action length (%zu).", *len);
        return ofl_error(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN);

    error = ofl_utils_count_ofp_actions(&(sp->actions), ntohs(sp->actions_len), &actions_num, errbuf);
    if (error) {
        return error;
    dp->actions_num = actions_num;
    dp->actions = (struct ofl_action_header **)malloc(dp->actions_num * sizeof(struct ofp_action_header *));

    // TODO Zoltan: Output actions can contain OFPP_TABLE
    act = sp->actions;
    for (i = 0; i < dp->actions_num; i++) {
        error = ofl_actions_unpack(act, len, &(dp->actions[i]), exp, errbuf);
        if (error) {
            OFL_UTILS_FREE_ARR_FUN3(dp->actions, i,
                                    ofl_actions_free, exp, errbuf);
        act = (struct ofp_action_header *)((uint8_t *)act + ntohs(act->len));

    data = ((uint8_t *)sp->actions) + ntohs(sp->actions_len);
    dp->data_length = *len;
    dp->data = *len > 0 ? (uint8_t *)memcpy(malloc(*len), data, *len) : NULL;
    *len = 0;

    *msg = (struct ofl_msg_header *)dp;
    return 0;