Пример #1
	Adds the authentication token to the user cache.  The timeout for the
	auth token is based on the type of login as well as (if type=='opac')
	the org location id.
	Returns the event that should be returned to the user.
	Event must be freed
static oilsEvent* oilsAuthHandleLoginOK( jsonObject* userObj, const char* uname,
		const char* type, int orgloc, const char* workstation ) {

	oilsEvent* response;

	long timeout;
	char* wsorg = jsonObjectToSimpleString(oilsFMGetObject(userObj, "ws_ou"));
	if(wsorg) { /* if there is a workstation, use it for the timeout */
		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
				"Auth session trying workstation id %d for auth timeout", atoi(wsorg));
		timeout = oilsAuthGetTimeout( userObj, type, atoi(wsorg) );
	} else {
		osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
				"Auth session trying org from param [%d] for auth timeout", orgloc );
		timeout = oilsAuthGetTimeout( userObj, type, orgloc );
	osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Auth session timeout for %s: %ld", uname, timeout );

	char* string = va_list_to_string(
			"%d.%ld.%s", (long) getpid(), time(NULL), uname );
	char* authToken = md5sum(string);
	char* authKey = va_list_to_string(
			"%s%s", OILS_AUTH_CACHE_PRFX, authToken );

	const char* ws = (workstation) ? workstation : "";
		"successful login: username=%s, authtoken=%s, workstation=%s", uname, authToken, ws );

	oilsFMSetString( userObj, "passwd", "" );
	jsonObject* cacheObj = jsonParseFmt( "{\"authtime\": %ld}", timeout );
	jsonObjectSetKey( cacheObj, "userobj", jsonObjectClone(userObj));

	if( !strcmp( type, OILS_AUTH_PERSIST )) {
		// Add entries for endtime and reset_interval, so that we can gracefully
		// extend the session a bit if the user is active toward the end of the 
		// timeout originally specified.
		time_t endtime = time( NULL ) + timeout;
		jsonObjectSetKey( cacheObj, "endtime", jsonNewNumberObject( (double) endtime ) );

		// Reset interval is hard-coded for now, but if we ever want to make it
		// configurable, this is the place to do it:
		jsonObjectSetKey( cacheObj, "reset_interval",
			jsonNewNumberObject( (double) DEFAULT_RESET_INTERVAL ));

	osrfCachePutObject( authKey, cacheObj, (time_t) timeout );
	osrfLogInternal(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "oilsAuthHandleLoginOK(): Placed user object into cache");
	jsonObject* payload = jsonParseFmt(
		"{ \"authtoken\": \"%s\", \"authtime\": %ld }", authToken, timeout );

	response = oilsNewEvent2( OSRF_LOG_MARK, OILS_EVENT_SUCCESS, payload );
	free(string); free(authToken); free(authKey);

	return response;
Пример #2
oilsEvent* oilsUtilsCheckPerms( int userid, int orgid, char* permissions[], int size ) {
    if (!permissions) return NULL;
    int i;
    oilsEvent* evt = NULL;

    // Find the root org unit, i.e. the one with no parent.
    // Assumption: there is only one org unit with no parent.
    if (orgid == -1) {
        jsonObject* where_clause = jsonParse( "{\"parent_ou\":null}" );
        jsonObject* org = oilsUtilsQuickReq(
        jsonObjectFree( where_clause );

        orgid = (int)jsonObjectGetNumber( oilsFMGetObject( org, "id" ) );


    for( i = 0; i < size && permissions[i]; i++ ) {

        char* perm = permissions[i];
        jsonObject* params = jsonParseFmt("[%d, \"%s\", %d]", userid, perm, orgid);
        jsonObject* o = oilsUtilsQuickReq( "open-ils.storage",
                                           "open-ils.storage.permission.user_has_perm", params );

        char* r = jsonObjectToSimpleString(o);

        if(r && !strcmp(r, "0"))
            evt = oilsNewEvent3( OSRF_LOG_MARK, OILS_EVENT_PERM_FAILURE, perm, orgid );



    return evt;
Пример #3
int oilsUtilsGetRootOrgId() {

    // return the cached value if we have it.
    if (rootOrgId > 0) return rootOrgId;

    jsonObject* where_clause = jsonParse("{\"parent_ou\":null}");
    jsonObject* org = oilsUtilsQuickReq(

    rootOrgId = (int) 
        jsonObjectGetNumber(oilsFMGetObject(org, "id"));


    return rootOrgId;
Пример #4
	@brief Determine the login timeout.
	@param userObj Pointer to an object describing the user.
	@param type Pointer to one of four possible character strings identifying the login type.
	@param orgloc Org unit to use for settings lookups (negative or zero means unspecified)
	@return The length of the timeout, in seconds.

	The default timeout value comes from the configuration file, and depends on the
	login type.

	The default may be overridden by a corresponding org unit setting.  The @a orgloc
	parameter says what org unit to use for the lookup.  If @a orgloc <= 0, or if the
	lookup for @a orgloc yields no result, we look up the setting for the user's home org unit
	instead (except that if it's the same as @a orgloc we don't bother repeating the lookup).

	Whether defined in the config file or in an org unit setting, a timeout value may be
	expressed as a raw number (i.e. all digits, possibly with leading and/or trailing white
	space) or as an interval string to be translated into seconds by PostgreSQL.
static long oilsAuthGetTimeout( const jsonObject* userObj, const char* type, int orgloc ) {

	if(!_oilsAuthOPACTimeout) { /* Load the default timeouts */

		jsonObject* value_obj;

		value_obj = osrf_settings_host_value_object(
			"/apps/open-ils.auth/app_settings/default_timeout/opac" );
		_oilsAuthOPACTimeout = oilsUtilsIntervalToSeconds( jsonObjectGetString( value_obj ));
		if( -1 == _oilsAuthOPACTimeout ) {
			osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid default timeout for OPAC logins" );
			_oilsAuthOPACTimeout = 0;

		value_obj = osrf_settings_host_value_object(
			"/apps/open-ils.auth/app_settings/default_timeout/staff" );
		_oilsAuthStaffTimeout = oilsUtilsIntervalToSeconds( jsonObjectGetString( value_obj ));
		if( -1 == _oilsAuthStaffTimeout ) {
			osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid default timeout for staff logins" );
			_oilsAuthStaffTimeout = 0;

		value_obj = osrf_settings_host_value_object(
			"/apps/open-ils.auth/app_settings/default_timeout/temp" );
		_oilsAuthOverrideTimeout = oilsUtilsIntervalToSeconds( jsonObjectGetString( value_obj ));
		if( -1 == _oilsAuthOverrideTimeout ) {
			osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid default timeout for temp logins" );
			_oilsAuthOverrideTimeout = 0;

		value_obj = osrf_settings_host_value_object(
			"/apps/open-ils.auth/app_settings/default_timeout/persist" );
		_oilsAuthPersistTimeout = oilsUtilsIntervalToSeconds( jsonObjectGetString( value_obj ));
		if( -1 == _oilsAuthPersistTimeout ) {
			osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Invalid default timeout for persist logins" );
			_oilsAuthPersistTimeout = 0;

		osrfLogInfo(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Set default auth timeouts: "
			"opac => %ld : staff => %ld : temp => %ld : persist => %ld",
			_oilsAuthOPACTimeout, _oilsAuthStaffTimeout,
			_oilsAuthOverrideTimeout, _oilsAuthPersistTimeout );

	int home_ou = (int) jsonObjectGetNumber( oilsFMGetObject( userObj, "home_ou" ));
	if(orgloc < 1)
		orgloc = home_ou;

	char* setting = NULL;
	long default_timeout = 0;

	if( !strcmp( type, OILS_AUTH_OPAC )) {
		default_timeout = _oilsAuthOPACTimeout;
	} else if( !strcmp( type, OILS_AUTH_STAFF )) {
		default_timeout = _oilsAuthStaffTimeout;
	} else if( !strcmp( type, OILS_AUTH_TEMP )) {
		default_timeout = _oilsAuthOverrideTimeout;
	} else if( !strcmp( type, OILS_AUTH_PERSIST )) {
		default_timeout = _oilsAuthPersistTimeout;

	// Get the org unit setting, if there is one.
	char* timeout = oilsUtilsFetchOrgSetting( orgloc, setting );
	if(!timeout) {
		if( orgloc != home_ou ) {
			osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Auth timeout not defined for org %d, "
				"trying home_ou %d", orgloc, home_ou );
			timeout = oilsUtilsFetchOrgSetting( home_ou, setting );

		return default_timeout;   // No override from org unit setting

	// Translate the org unit setting to a number
	long t;
	if( !*timeout ) {
		osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
			"Timeout org unit setting is an empty string for %s login; using default",
			timeout, type );
		t = default_timeout;
	} else {
		// Treat timeout string as an interval, and convert it to seconds
		t = oilsUtilsIntervalToSeconds( timeout );
		if( -1 == t ) {
			// Unable to convert; possibly an invalid interval string
			osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
				"Unable to convert timeout interval \"%s\" for %s login; using default",
				timeout, type );
			t = default_timeout;

	return t;
Пример #5
	@brief Return a string with the value of a specified column in a row object.
	@param object Pointer to the row object.
	@param field Name of the column.
	@return Pointer to a newly allocated string representing the value of the specified column,
		or NULL in case of error.

	The row object must be a JSON_ARRAY with a classname.  The column value must be a
	JSON_STRING or a JSON_NUMBER.  Any other object type results in a return of NULL.

	The calling code is responsible for freeing the returned string by calling free().
char* oilsFMGetString( const jsonObject* object, const char* field ) {
	return jsonObjectToSimpleString(oilsFMGetObject( object, field ));
Пример #6
	@brief Return a const string with the value of a specified column in a row object.
	@param object Pointer to the row object.
	@param field Name of the column.
	@return Pointer to a const string representing the value of the specified column,
		or NULL in case of error.

	The row object must be a JSON_ARRAY with a classname.  The column value must be a
	JSON_STRING or a JSON_NUMBER.  Any other object type results in a return of NULL.

	The return value points into the internal contents of the row object, which
	retains ownership.
const char* oilsFMGetStringConst( const jsonObject* object, const char* field ) {
	return jsonObjectGetString(oilsFMGetObject( object, field ));