Пример #1
dump(FILE *fp, int forever, int oldfmt)
	struct utmp ut;
	struct oldutmp uto;

	if (forever)
		fseek(fp, -10 * (oldfmt ? sizeof uto : sizeof ut), SEEK_END);

	do {
		if (oldfmt)
			while (fread(&uto, sizeof uto, 1, fp) == 1)
			while (fread(&ut, sizeof ut, 1, fp) == 1)
		if (forever) sleep(1);
	} while (forever);
void NDG2D::OutputSampleXYZ
        int sample_N,
        DMat &newX, 
        DMat &newY, 
        DMat &newZ,     // e.g. triangles on a sphere
  const DMat &FData,    // old field data
        DMat &newFData, // new field data
        int zfield      // if>0, use as z-elevation
  DVec newR, newS, newT;
  DMat newVDM;
  int newNpts = 0;

  // Triangles
  OutputSampleNodes2D(sample_N, newR, newS);
  newNpts = newR.size();
  newVDM = Vandermonde2D(this->N, newR, newS);

  const DMat& oldV = this->V;
  DMat oldtonew(newNpts, this->Np, "OldToNew");
  oldtonew = trans(trans(oldV) | trans(newVDM));

  // interpolate the field data
  int Nfields = FData.num_cols();
  newFData.resize(newNpts*this->K, Nfields);
  //DVec scales(Nfields);

  // For each field, use tOldF to wrap field i.
  // Use tNewF to load the interpolated field
  // directly into column i of the output array.
  DMat tOldF, tNewF;
  for (int i=1; i<=Nfields; ++i) {
    tOldF.borrow(this->Np, this->K, (double*)   FData.pCol(i));
    tNewF.borrow(newNpts,  this->K, (double*)newFData.pCol(i));
    tNewF = oldtonew * tOldF;
  //scales(i) = tNewF.max_col_val_abs(i);

  // interpolate the vertices
  newX = oldtonew * this->x;
  newY = oldtonew * this->y;

  if (this->bCoord3D) {
    newZ = oldtonew * this->z;
    if (zfield>=1 && zfield<=Nfields) {
      // use field data for z-height
      newZ.load(newNpts, K, newFData.pCol(Nfields));
    } else {
      // set z-data to 0.0
      newZ.resize(newNpts, K, true, 0.0);