Пример #1
static inline int
mca_btl_ugni_progress_rdma (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module)
    ompi_common_ugni_post_desc_t *desc;
    mca_btl_ugni_base_frag_t *frag;
    gni_cq_entry_t event_data = 0;
    uint32_t recoverable = 1;
    gni_return_t rc;

    rc = GNI_CqGetEvent (ugni_module->rdma_local_cq, &event_data);
    if (GNI_RC_NOT_DONE == rc) {
        return 0;

    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY((GNI_RC_SUCCESS != rc && !event_data) || GNI_CQ_OVERRUN(event_data))) {
        /* TODO -- need to handle overrun -- how do we do this without an event?
           will the event eventually come back? Ask Cray */
        BTL_ERROR(("unhandled post error! ugni rc = %d", rc));
        assert (0);
        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (rc);

    rc = GNI_GetCompleted (ugni_module->rdma_local_cq, event_data, (gni_post_descriptor_t **) &desc);
        BTL_ERROR(("Error in GNI_GetComplete %s", gni_err_str[rc]));
        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (rc);

    frag = MCA_BTL_UGNI_DESC_TO_FRAG(desc);

    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(GNI_RC_SUCCESS != rc || !GNI_CQ_STATUS_OK(event_data))) {
        (void) GNI_CqErrorRecoverable (event_data, &recoverable);

        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(++frag->post_desc.tries >= mca_btl_ugni_component.rdma_max_retries ||
                          !recoverable)) {
            /* give up */
            BTL_ERROR(("giving up on frag %p", (void *) frag));
            frag->cbfunc (frag, OMPI_ERROR);

            return OMPI_ERROR;

        /* repost transaction */
        mca_btl_ugni_repost (frag, OMPI_SUCCESS);

        return 0;

    BTL_VERBOSE(("RDMA/FMA complete for frag %p", (void *) frag));

    frag->cbfunc (frag, ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (rc));

    return 1;
Пример #2
static inline int mca_btl_ugni_directed_ep_post (mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *ep) {
    gni_return_t rc;

    rc = GNI_EpPostDataWId (ep->smsg_ep_handle, &ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib, sizeof (ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib),
                            &ep->remote_smsg_attrib, sizeof (ep->remote_smsg_attrib),
                            MCA_BTL_UGNI_CONNECT_DIRECTED_ID | ep->common->ep_rem_id);

    return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (rc);
static inline int
mca_btl_ugni_progress_datagram (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module)
    uint32_t remote_addr, remote_id;
    mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *ep;
    gni_post_state_t post_state;
    gni_ep_handle_t handle;
    uint64_t datagram_id;
    gni_return_t grc;
    int count = 0;

    /* check for datagram completion */
    grc = GNI_PostDataProbeById (ugni_module->device->dev_handle, &datagram_id);
    if (OPAL_LIKELY(GNI_RC_SUCCESS != grc)) {
        return 0;

    if ((datagram_id & MCA_BTL_UGNI_DATAGRAM_MASK) ==
        handle = ugni_module->wildcard_ep;
    } else {
        handle =
            ugni_module->endpoints[(uint32_t)(datagram_id & 0xffffffffull)]->smsg_ep_handle;

    /* wait for the incoming datagram to complete (in case it isn't) */
    grc = GNI_EpPostDataWaitById (handle, datagram_id, -1, &post_state,
                                  &remote_addr, &remote_id);
    if (GNI_RC_SUCCESS != grc) {
        BTL_ERROR(("GNI_EpPostDataWaitById failed with rc = %d", grc));
        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (grc);

    BTL_VERBOSE(("got a datagram completion: id = %" PRIx64 ", state = %d, "
                 "peer = %d", datagram_id, post_state, remote_id));

    ep = ugni_module->endpoints[remote_id];

    /* NTH: TODO -- error handling */
    (void) mca_btl_ugni_ep_connect_progress (ep);

    if (MCA_BTL_UGNI_EP_STATE_CONNECTED == ep->state) {
        /*  process messages waiting in the endpoint's smsg mailbox */
        count = mca_btl_ugni_smsg_process (ep);

    /* repost the wildcard datagram */
    if ((datagram_id & MCA_BTL_UGNI_DATAGRAM_MASK) ==
        mca_btl_ugni_wildcard_ep_post (ugni_module);

    return count;
Пример #4
int mca_btl_ugni_smsg_init (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module)
    gni_return_t rc;

    rc = GNI_SmsgSetMaxRetrans (ugni_module->device->dev_handle,
    if (GNI_RC_SUCCESS != rc) {
        BTL_ERROR(("error setting maximum SMSG retries"));
        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (rc);

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
mca_btl_ugni_module_init (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module,
                          ompi_common_ugni_device_t *dev)
    int rc;

    BTL_VERBOSE(("binding module %p to device %p", (void *) ugni_module,
                 (void *) dev));

    /* copy module defaults (and function pointers) */
    memmove (ugni_module, &mca_btl_ugni_module, sizeof (mca_btl_ugni_module));

    ugni_module->initialized = false;
    ugni_module->nlocal_procs = 0;
    ugni_module->active_send_count = 0;

    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->failed_frags, opal_list_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->eager_frags_send, ompi_free_list_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->eager_frags_recv, ompi_free_list_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->smsg_frags, ompi_free_list_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->rdma_frags, ompi_free_list_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->rdma_int_frags, ompi_free_list_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->pending_smsg_frags_bb, opal_pointer_array_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->ep_wait_list, opal_list_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->endpoints, opal_pointer_array_t);
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ugni_module->id_to_endpoint, opal_hash_table_t);

    ugni_module->device = dev;
    dev->btl_ctx = (void *) ugni_module;

    /* create wildcard endpoint to listen for connections.
     * there is no need to bind this endpoint. */
    rc = GNI_EpCreate (ugni_module->device->dev_handle, NULL,
        BTL_ERROR(("error creating wildcard ugni endpoint"));
        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (rc);

    /* post wildcard datagram */
    rc = mca_btl_ugni_wildcard_ep_post (ugni_module);
        BTL_ERROR(("error posting wildcard datagram"));
        return rc;

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
int mca_btl_ugni_progress_remote_smsg (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *btl)
    mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *ep;
    gni_cq_entry_t event_data;
    gni_return_t grc;
    uint64_t inst_id;

    grc = GNI_CqGetEvent (btl->smsg_remote_cq, &event_data);
    if (GNI_RC_NOT_DONE == grc) {
        return 0;

    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(GNI_RC_SUCCESS != grc || !GNI_CQ_STATUS_OK(event_data) ||
                      GNI_CQ_OVERRUN(event_data))) {
        if (GNI_RC_ERROR_RESOURCE == grc ||
            (GNI_RC_SUCCESS == grc && GNI_CQ_OVERRUN(event_data))) {
            /* recover from smsg cq overrun */
            return mca_btl_ugni_handle_remote_smsg_overrun (btl);

        BTL_ERROR(("unhandled error in GNI_CqGetEvent"));

        /* unhandled error: crash */
        assert (0);
        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (grc);

    BTL_VERBOSE(("REMOTE CQ: Got event 0x%" PRIx64 ". msg id = %" PRIu64
                 ". ok = %d, type = %" PRIu64 "\n", (uint64_t) event_data,
                 GNI_CQ_GET_MSG_ID(event_data), GNI_CQ_STATUS_OK(event_data),

    inst_id = GNI_CQ_GET_INST_ID(event_data);

    ep = btl->endpoints[inst_id & 0xffffffff];
        /* due to the nature of datagrams we may get a smsg completion before
           we get mailbox info from the peer */
        BTL_VERBOSE(("event occurred on an unconnected endpoint! ep state = %d", ep->state));
        return 0;

    return mca_btl_ugni_smsg_process (ep);
static int mca_btl_ugni_smsg_setup (void) {
    gni_smsg_attr_t tmp_smsg_attrib;
    unsigned int mbox_size;
    size_t nprocs;
    gni_return_t rc;

    (void) ompi_proc_world (&nprocs);

    if (0 == mca_btl_ugni_component.ugni_smsg_limit) {
        /* auto-set the smsg limit based on the number of ranks */
        if (nprocs <= 512) {
            mca_btl_ugni_component.ugni_smsg_limit = 8192;
        } else if (nprocs <= 1024) {
            mca_btl_ugni_component.ugni_smsg_limit = 2048;
        } else if (nprocs <= 8192) {
            mca_btl_ugni_component.ugni_smsg_limit = 1024;
        } else if (nprocs <= 16384) {
            mca_btl_ugni_component.ugni_smsg_limit = 512;
        } else {
            mca_btl_ugni_component.ugni_smsg_limit = 256;

    mca_btl_ugni_component.smsg_max_data = mca_btl_ugni_component.ugni_smsg_limit -
        sizeof (mca_btl_ugni_send_frag_hdr_t);

    /* calculate mailbox size */
    tmp_smsg_attrib.msg_type       = GNI_SMSG_TYPE_MBOX_AUTO_RETRANSMIT;
    tmp_smsg_attrib.msg_maxsize    = mca_btl_ugni_component.ugni_smsg_limit;
    tmp_smsg_attrib.mbox_maxcredit = mca_btl_ugni_component.smsg_max_credits;

    rc = GNI_SmsgBufferSizeNeeded (&tmp_smsg_attrib, &mbox_size);
        BTL_ERROR(("error in GNI_SmsgBufferSizeNeeded"));
        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (rc);

    mca_btl_ugni_component.smsg_mbox_size = OPAL_ALIGN(mbox_size, 64, unsigned int);

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
static inline int mca_btl_ugni_ep_connect_finish (mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *ep) {
    gni_return_t grc;
    int rc;

    BTL_VERBOSE(("finishing connection. remote attributes: msg_type = %d, msg_buffer = %p, buff_size = %d, "
                 "mem_hndl = {qword1 = %" PRIu64 ", qword2 = %" PRIu64 "}, mbox = %d, mbox_maxcredit = %d, "
                 "msg_maxsize = %d", ep->remote_smsg_attrib.msg_type, ep->remote_smsg_attrib.msg_buffer,
                 ep->remote_smsg_attrib.buff_size, ep->remote_smsg_attrib.mem_hndl.qword1,
                 ep->remote_smsg_attrib.mem_hndl.qword2, ep->remote_smsg_attrib.mbox_offset,
                 ep->remote_smsg_attrib.mbox_maxcredit, ep->remote_smsg_attrib.msg_maxsize));

    BTL_VERBOSE(("finishing connection. local attributes: msg_type = %d, msg_buffer = %p, buff_size = %d, "
                 "mem_hndl = {qword1 = %" PRIu64 ", qword2 = %" PRIu64 "}, mbox = %d, mbox_maxcredit = %d, "
                 "msg_maxsize = %d", ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib.msg_type, ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib.msg_buffer,
                 ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib.buff_size, ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib.mem_hndl.qword1,
                 ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib.mem_hndl.qword2, ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib.mbox_offset,
                 ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib.mbox_maxcredit, ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib.msg_maxsize));

    grc = GNI_SmsgInit (ep->smsg_ep_handle, &ep->mailbox->smsg_attrib, &ep->remote_smsg_attrib);
        BTL_ERROR(("error initializing SMSG protocol. rc = %d", grc));

        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (grc);


    /* send all pending messages */
    BTL_VERBOSE(("endpoint connected. posting %u sends", (unsigned int) opal_list_get_size (&ep->frag_wait_list)));

    rc = mca_btl_progress_send_wait_list (ep);
        ep->wait_listed = true;
        opal_list_append (&ep->btl->ep_wait_list, &ep->super);

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Пример #9
static inline int
mca_btl_ugni_progress_datagram (mca_btl_ugni_module_t *ugni_module)
    uint32_t remote_addr, remote_id;
    uint64_t datagram_id, data;
    mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *ep;
    gni_post_state_t post_state;
    gni_ep_handle_t handle;
    gni_return_t grc;
    int count = 0, rc;

    /* check for datagram completion */
    grc = GNI_PostDataProbeById (ugni_module->device->dev_handle, &datagram_id);
    if (OPAL_LIKELY(GNI_RC_SUCCESS != grc)) {
        return 0;

    data = datagram_id & ~(MCA_BTL_UGNI_DATAGRAM_MASK);

    BTL_VERBOSE(("datgram_id: %" PRIx64 ", mask: %" PRIx64, datagram_id, (uint64_t) (datagram_id & MCA_BTL_UGNI_DATAGRAM_MASK)));

        ep = (mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *) opal_pointer_array_get_item (&ugni_module->endpoints, data);
        handle = ep->smsg_ep_handle;
    } else {
        handle = ugni_module->wildcard_ep;

    /* wait for the incoming datagram to complete (in case it isn't) */
    grc = GNI_EpPostDataWaitById (handle, datagram_id, -1, &post_state,
                                  &remote_addr, &remote_id);
    if (GNI_RC_SUCCESS != grc) {
        BTL_ERROR(("GNI_EpPostDataWaitById failed with rc = %d", grc));
        return ompi_common_rc_ugni_to_ompi (grc);

    /* if this is a wildcard endpoint lookup the remote peer by the proc id we received */
    if (handle == ugni_module->wildcard_ep) {
        BTL_VERBOSE(("received connection attempt on wildcard endpoint from proc id: %" PRIx64, ugni_module->wc_remote_attr.proc_id));
        rc = opal_hash_table_get_value_uint64 (&ugni_module->id_to_endpoint,
                                               (void *) &ep);
        /* check if the endpoint is known */
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OPAL_SUCCESS != rc || NULL == ep)) {
            BTL_ERROR(("received connection attempt from an unknown peer. rc: %d, ep: %p, id: 0x%" PRIx64,
                       rc, ep, ugni_module->wc_remote_attr.proc_id));
            return OMPI_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
    } else {
        BTL_VERBOSE(("directed datagram complete for endpoint %p", ep));

    /* should not have gotten a NULL endpoint */
    assert (NULL != ep);

    BTL_VERBOSE(("got a datagram completion: id = %" PRIx64 ", state = %d, "
                 "data = 0x%" PRIx64 ", ep = %p, remote id: %d", datagram_id, post_state,
                 data, ep, remote_id));

    /* NTH: TODO -- error handling */
    (void) mca_btl_ugni_ep_connect_progress (ep);

    if (MCA_BTL_UGNI_EP_STATE_CONNECTED == ep->state) {
        /*  process messages waiting in the endpoint's smsg mailbox */
        count = mca_btl_ugni_smsg_process (ep);

    /* repost the wildcard datagram */
    if (handle == ugni_module->wildcard_ep) {
        mca_btl_ugni_wildcard_ep_post (ugni_module);

    return count;