Пример #1
void flattenDataToVector(omxMatrix* cov, omxMatrix* means, omxMatrix *obsThresholdMat,
			 std::vector< omxThresholdColumn > &thresholds, omxMatrix* vector) {
	// TODO: vectorize data flattening
	// if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Flattening out data vectors: cov 0x%x, mean 0x%x, thresh 0x%x[n=%d] ==> 0x%x", 
	//         cov, means, thresholds, nThresholds, vector); }
	int nextLoc = 0;
	for(int j = 0; j < cov->rows; j++) {
		for(int k = j; k < cov->rows; k++) {
			omxSetVectorElement(vector, nextLoc, omxMatrixElement(cov, j, k)); // Use upper triangle in case of SYMM-style mat.
	if (means != NULL) {
		for(int j = 0; j < cov->rows; j++) {
			omxSetVectorElement(vector, nextLoc, omxVectorElement(means, j));
	for(int j = 0; j < int(thresholds.size()); j++) {
		omxThresholdColumn* thresh = &thresholds[j];
		for(int k = 0; k < thresh->numThresholds; k++) {
			omxSetVectorElement(vector, nextLoc, omxMatrixElement(obsThresholdMat, k, thresh->column));
Пример #2
static void exportLatentDistToOMX(ba81NormalQuad &quad, double *latentDist1, omxMatrix *meanOut, omxMatrix *covOut)
	const int maxAbilities = quad.abilities();

	if (meanOut) {
		for (int d1=0; d1 < maxAbilities; d1++) {
			omxSetVectorElement(meanOut, d1, latentDist1[d1]);

	if (covOut) {
		for (int d1=0; d1 < maxAbilities; d1++) {
			int cx = maxAbilities + triangleLoc1(d1);
			for (int d2=0; d2 <= d1; d2++) {
				double cov = latentDist1[cx];
				omxSetMatrixElement(covOut, d1, d2, cov);
				if (d1 != d2) omxSetMatrixElement(covOut, d2, d1, cov);
Пример #3
static void omxRowFitFunctionSingleIteration(omxFitFunction *localobj, omxFitFunction *sharedobj, int rowbegin, int rowcount,
					     FitContext *fc) {

    omxRowFitFunction* oro = ((omxRowFitFunction*) localobj->argStruct);
    omxRowFitFunction* shared_oro = ((omxRowFitFunction*) sharedobj->argStruct);

    omxMatrix *rowAlgebra, *rowResults;
    omxMatrix *filteredDataRow, *dataRow, *existenceVector;
    omxMatrix *dataColumns;
	omxData *data;
	int isContiguous, contiguousStart, contiguousLength;

	rowAlgebra	    = oro->rowAlgebra;
	rowResults	    = shared_oro->rowResults;
	data		    = oro->data;
    dataColumns     = oro->dataColumns;
    dataRow         = oro->dataRow;
    filteredDataRow = oro->filteredDataRow;
    existenceVector = oro->existenceVector;
    isContiguous    = oro->contiguous.isContiguous;
	contiguousStart = oro->contiguous.start;
	contiguousLength = oro->contiguous.length;

	int *toRemove = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * dataColumns->cols);
	int *zeros = (int*) calloc(dataColumns->cols, sizeof(int));

	for(int row = rowbegin; row < data->rows && (row - rowbegin) < rowcount; row++) {

		data->loadDefVars(localobj->matrix->currentState, row);

        // Populate data row
		if (isContiguous) {
			omxContiguousDataRow(data, row, contiguousStart, contiguousLength, dataRow);
		} else {
			omxDataRow(data, row, dataColumns, dataRow);	// Populate data row

		markDataRowDependencies(localobj->matrix->currentState, oro);
		for(int j = 0; j < dataColumns->cols; j++) {
			if(omxDataElementMissing(data, row, j)) {
				toRemove[j] = 1;
				omxSetVectorElement(existenceVector, j, 0);
			} else {
			    toRemove[j] = 0;
			    omxSetVectorElement(existenceVector, j, 1);
		omxCopyMatrix(filteredDataRow, dataRow);
		omxRemoveRowsAndColumns(filteredDataRow, zeros, toRemove);

		omxRecompute(rowAlgebra, fc);

		omxCopyMatrixToRow(rowAlgebra, row, rowResults);
Пример #4
static void omxRowFitFunctionSingleIteration(omxFitFunction *localobj, omxFitFunction *sharedobj, int rowbegin, int rowcount,
					     FitContext *fc) {

    omxRowFitFunction* oro = ((omxRowFitFunction*) localobj->argStruct);
    omxRowFitFunction* shared_oro = ((omxRowFitFunction*) sharedobj->argStruct);

    omxMatrix *rowAlgebra, *rowResults;
    omxMatrix *filteredDataRow, *dataRow, *existenceVector;
    omxMatrix *dataColumns;
	omxData *data;
	int isContiguous, contiguousStart, contiguousLength;
    int numCols, numRemoves;

	rowAlgebra	    = oro->rowAlgebra;
	rowResults	    = shared_oro->rowResults;
	data		    = oro->data;
    dataColumns     = oro->dataColumns;
    dataRow         = oro->dataRow;
    filteredDataRow = oro->filteredDataRow;
    existenceVector = oro->existenceVector;
    isContiguous    = oro->contiguous.isContiguous;
	contiguousStart = oro->contiguous.start;
	contiguousLength = oro->contiguous.length;

	Eigen::VectorXd oldDefs;

	numCols = dataColumns->cols;
	int *toRemove = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * dataColumns->cols);
	int *zeros = (int*) calloc(dataColumns->cols, sizeof(int));

	for(int row = rowbegin; row < data->rows && (row - rowbegin) < rowcount; row++) {

		data->handleDefinitionVarList(localobj->matrix->currentState, row, oldDefs.data());

		omxStateNextRow(localobj->matrix->currentState);						// Advance row
        // Populate data row
		numRemoves = 0;
		if (isContiguous) {
			omxContiguousDataRow(data, row, contiguousStart, contiguousLength, dataRow);
		} else {
			omxDataRow(data, row, dataColumns, dataRow);	// Populate data row

		markDataRowDependencies(localobj->matrix->currentState, oro);
		for(int j = 0; j < dataColumns->cols; j++) {
			double dataValue = omxVectorElement(dataRow, j);
			if(std::isnan(dataValue)) {
				toRemove[j] = 1;
                omxSetVectorElement(existenceVector, j, 0);
			} else {
			    toRemove[j] = 0;
                omxSetVectorElement(existenceVector, j, 1);
		// TODO: Determine if this is the correct response.
		if(numRemoves == numCols) {
			char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
			sprintf(errstr, "Row %d completely missing.  omxRowFitFunction cannot have completely missing rows.", omxDataIndex(data, row));

		omxCopyMatrix(filteredDataRow, dataRow);
		omxRemoveRowsAndColumns(filteredDataRow, 0, numRemoves, zeros, toRemove);

		omxRecompute(rowAlgebra, fc);

		omxCopyMatrixToRow(rowAlgebra, omxDataIndex(data, row), rowResults);