void AnimatedSprite::update(const sf::Time& deltaTime) { if(_status == Playing and _animation) { _elapsed += deltaTime; if(_elapsed > _delta) { _elapsed -= _delta; if(_currentFrame + 1 < _animation->size()) ++_currentFrame; else { _currentFrame = 0; if(not _loop) { --_repeat; if(_repeat<=0) { _status = Stopped; on_finished(); } } } } setFrame(_currentFrame,false); } }
void CWindowMain::on_execut(const QList<CExecutObject *> &lstObj) { if (!lstObj.isEmpty() && m_executThread == NULL) { m_executThread = new CExecutThread(this,lstObj); connect(m_executThread,SIGNAL(executOperation(QString)), m_widgetConsol,SLOT(executingOperation(QString))); connect(m_executThread,SIGNAL(message(QString)), m_widgetConsol,SLOT(messageAppend(QString))); connect(m_executThread,SIGNAL(started()), this,SIGNAL(locked())); connect(m_executThread,SIGNAL(timerWork(uint)), this,SLOT(on_timerWork(uint))); connect(this,SIGNAL(terminated()), m_executThread,SLOT(on_terminated())); connect(m_executThread,SIGNAL(finished()), this,SIGNAL(unlocked())); connect(m_executThread,SIGNAL(finished()), this,SLOT(on_finished())); m_executThread->start(); } }
/** * @brief Calls the on_finished() method of a Lua menu. * @param menu_ref A reference to the menu object. */ void LuaContext::menu_on_finished(int menu_ref) { push_ref(l, menu_ref); on_finished(); remove_timers(-1); // Stop timers associated to this menu. lua_pop(l, 1); }
RetrieveFiles::RetrieveFiles(QString name, QObject * parent) : PActionItem(name, parent) { thread = new RetrieveFilesThread(this); if (!connect(thread,SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(on_finished()))) { general_errors.error("Could not connect retrieve files finished signal"); } }
/** * \brief Calls sol.main.on_finished() if it exists. * * This function is called when the program is reset or stopped. */ void LuaContext::main_on_finished() { push_main(l); on_finished(); remove_timers(-1); // Stop timers associated to sol.main. remove_menus(-1); // Stop menus associated to sol.main. lua_pop(l, 1); }
/** * \brief Calls the on_finished() method of a Lua menu. * \param menu_ref A reference to the menu object. */ void LuaContext::menu_on_finished(const ScopedLuaRef& menu_ref) { push_ref(l, menu_ref); remove_menus(-1); // First, stop children menus if any. on_finished(); remove_timers(-1); // Stop timers associated to this menu. lua_pop(l, 1); }
/** * @brief Calls the on_finished() method of a Lua game. * @param game A game. */ void LuaContext::game_on_finished(Game& game) { push_game(l, game.get_savegame()); on_finished(); remove_timers(-1); // Stop timers and menus associated to this game. remove_menus(-1); lua_pop(l, 1); }
/** * \brief Calls the on_finished() method of a Lua equipment item. * * Does nothing if the method is not defined. * * \param item An equipment item. */ void LuaContext::item_on_finished(EquipmentItem& item) { push_item(l, item); if (userdata_has_field(item, "on_finished")) { on_finished(); } remove_timers(-1); // Stop timers and menus associated to this item. remove_menus(-1); lua_pop(l, 1); }
void speech_processor::finish() { if(!input.empty()) { on_input(); input.clear(); if(is_stopped()) return; } on_end_of_input(); if(is_stopped()) return; on_output(); if(is_stopped()) return; if(!next) { on_finished(); return; } if(!insertion.empty()) { next->insert(&insertion[0],insertion.size()); insertion.clear(); if(is_stopped()) { output.clear(); return; } } if(!output.empty()) { next->process(&output[0],output.size()); output.clear(); } if(is_stopped()) return; next->finish(); if(is_stopped()) return; on_finished(); }
DiffCm::DiffCm(QString name, QObject * parent) : PActionItem(name, parent) { thread = new DiffCmThread(this); if (!connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(on_finished()))) { general_errors.error("Could not connect"); } QString cm; getVar("cm", cm); thread->setPath(cm); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(&this->test,SIGNAL(updateState(QString)),this,SLOT(updateStatus(QString))); connect(&this->test,SIGNAL(workFinish(QList<QString>)),this,SLOT(on_finished(QList<QString>))); }
EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread::~EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread () { QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(terminated()), this, SLOT(on_terminated())); QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(finished ()), this, SLOT(on_finished ())); QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(started ()), this, SLOT(on_started ())); QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(dbg_terminated(EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*)), &debugger(), SLOT(terminated(EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*))); QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(dbg_finished (EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*)), &debugger(), SLOT(finished (EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*))); QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(dbg_started (EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*)), &debugger(), SLOT(started (EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*))); debugger().destroyed(this); }
EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread::EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread (Name name) : name(name) { debugger().constructed(this); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(dbg_started (EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*)), &debugger(), SLOT(started (EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*))); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(dbg_finished (EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*)), &debugger(), SLOT(finished (EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*))); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(dbg_terminated(EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*)), &debugger(), SLOT(terminated(EventProcessingBlockInOwnThread*))); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(started ()), this, SLOT(on_started ())); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(finished ()), this, SLOT(on_finished ())); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(terminated()), this, SLOT(on_terminated())); }
int DiffCm::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = PActionItem::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: on_finished(); break; default: ; } _id -= 1; } return _id; }
/** * \brief Calls the on_finished() method of a Lua game if it is defined. * * Also stops timers and menus associated to the game. * * \param game A game. */ void LuaContext::game_on_finished(Game& game) { if (!game.get_savegame().is_known_to_lua()) { return; } push_game(l, game.get_savegame()); if (userdata_has_field(game.get_savegame(), "on_finished")) { on_finished(); } remove_timers(-1); // Stop timers and menus associated to this game. remove_menus(-1); lua_pop(l, 1); }
void RemoteFileCopier::Session::cancel() { BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(_mutex); if (_finished) { return; } brpc::StartCancel(_rpc_call); if (bthread_timer_del(_timer) == 0) { // Release reference of the timer task Release(); } if (_st.ok()) { _st.set_error(ECANCELED, "%s", berror(ECANCELED)); } on_finished(); }
int RetrieveFiles::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = PActionItem::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: on_retrieve((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 1: on_finished(); break; default: ; } _id -= 2; } return _id; }
void RemoteFileCopier::Session::on_rpc_returned() { scoped_refptr<Session> ref_gurad; Session* this_ref = this; ref_gurad.swap(&this_ref); std::unique_lock<raft_mutex_t> lck(_mutex); if (_finished) { return; } if (_cntl.Failed()) { // Reset count to make next rpc retry the previous one _request.set_count(0); if (_cntl.ErrorCode() == ECANCELED) { if (_st.ok()) { _st.set_error(_cntl.ErrorCode(), _cntl.ErrorText()); return on_finished(); } } // Throttled reading failure does not increase _retry_times if (_cntl.ErrorCode() != EAGAIN && _retry_times++ >= _options.max_retry) { if (_st.ok()) { _st.set_error(_cntl.ErrorCode(), _cntl.ErrorText()); return on_finished(); } } AddRef(); if (bthread_timer_add( &_timer, butil::milliseconds_from_now(_options.retry_interval_ms), on_timer, this) != 0) { lck.unlock(); LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to add timer"; return on_timer(this); } return; } _retry_times = 0; // Reset count to |real_read_size| to make next rpc get the right offset if (_response.has_read_size() && (_response.read_size() != 0)) { _request.set_count(_response.read_size()); } if (_file) { FileSegData data(_cntl.response_attachment()); uint64_t seg_offset = 0; butil::IOBuf seg_data; while (0 != data.next(&seg_offset, &seg_data)) { ssize_t nwritten = _file->write(seg_data, seg_offset); if (static_cast<size_t>(nwritten) != seg_data.size()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Fail to write into file: " << _dest_path; _st.set_error(EIO, "%s", berror(EIO)); return on_finished(); } seg_data.clear(); } } else { FileSegData data(_cntl.response_attachment()); uint64_t seg_offset = 0; butil::IOBuf seg_data; while (0 != data.next(&seg_offset, &seg_data)) { CHECK_GE((size_t)seg_offset, _buf->length()); _buf->resize(seg_offset); _buf->append(seg_data); } } if (_response.eof()) { on_finished(); return; } lck.unlock(); return send_next_rpc(); }