Пример #1
int app_main(char * trackerip, DISPLAYINFO * disp)
  UINT16 i, j;
  char our_file_name[260] = "TEST";
  char verstr[50];
  int eyelink_ver = 0;
  int tracker_software_ver = 0;
  if(open_eyelink_connection(0)) return -1;    /* abort if we can't open link */
  flush_getkey_queue();                        /* initialize getkey() system */

  eyelink_ver = eyelink_get_tracker_version(verstr);
  if (eyelink_ver == 3)
	  tracker_software_ver = get_tracker_sw_version(verstr);

  if(init_expt_graphics(NULL, disp))
	  goto shutdown;   /* register window with EXPTSPPT */

  window = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
  get_display_information(&dispinfo);          /* get window size, characteristics */

		NOTE: Camera display does not support 16-color modes
		NOTE: Picture display examples don't work well with 256-color modes
		However, all other sample programs should work well.

  if(dispinfo.palsize)     /* 256-color modes: palettes not supported by this example */
      alert_printf("This program is not optimized for 256-color displays");


  i = SCRWIDTH/60;		  /* select best size for calibration target */
  j = SCRWIDTH/300;       /* and focal spot in target */
  if(j < 2) j = 2;
  set_target_size(i, j);  /* tell DLL the size of target features */

  /* color of calibration target */
  SETCOLOR(target_foreground_color, 0,0,0);
  /* background for calibration and drift correction */
  SETCOLOR(target_background_color, 128,128,128);
  /* tell EXPTSPPT the colors */
  set_calibration_colors(&target_foreground_color, &target_background_color);

  set_cal_sounds("", "", "");
  set_dcorr_sounds("", "off", "off");

  /* draw a title screen */
  clear_full_screen_window(target_background_color);    /* clear screen */
  get_new_font("Times Roman", SCRHEIGHT/32, 1);         /* select a font */
                                                        /* Draw text */
  graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color,  CENTER, SCRWIDTH/2, 1*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "EyeLink Demonstration Experiment: Communicate with Listener");
  graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color,  CENTER, SCRWIDTH/2, 2*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "Included with the Experiment Programming Kit for Windows");
  graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color,  CENTER, SCRWIDTH/2, 3*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "All code is Copyright (c) 1997-2002 SR Research Ltd.");
  graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color,  CENTER, SCRWIDTH/5, 4*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "Source code may be used as template for your experiments.");

  eyelink_set_name("comm_simple");  /* NEW: set our network name */

  if(check_for_listener())   /* check for COMM_LISTENER application */
      alert_printf("Could not communicate with COMM_LISTENER application.");
      goto shutdown;

  if(i==1)  our_file_name[0] = 0;   /* Cancelled: No file name */
  if(our_file_name[0])    /* If file name set, open it */
      if(!strstr(our_file_name, ".")) strcat(our_file_name, ".EDF");  /* add extension   */
      i = open_data_file(our_file_name);                              /* open file       */
      if(i!=0)                                                        /* check for error */
          alert_printf("Cannot create EDF file '%s'", our_file_name);
          goto shutdown;
	  /* add title to preamble */
      eyecmd_printf("add_file_preamble_text 'RECORDED BY %s' ", program_name);
		NOTE: set contents before sending messages!
		set EDF file contents
      eyecmd_printf("select_parser_configuration 0");  // 0 = standard sensitivity
	  if(eyelink_ver == 2) //turn off scenelink camera stuff
		eyecmd_printf("scene_camera_gazemap = NO");
      eyecmd_printf("saccade_velocity_threshold = 35");
      eyecmd_printf("saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500");
  // NOTE: set contents before sending messages!
		     // set EDF file contents 
  eyecmd_printf("file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON");
  eyecmd_printf("file_sample_data  = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS%s",(tracker_software_ver>=4)?",HTARGET":"");
		      // set link data (used for gaze cursor) 
  eyecmd_printf("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON");
  eyecmd_printf("link_sample_data  = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS%s",(tracker_software_ver>=4)?",HTARGET":"");

  /* NEW: Allow EyeLink I (v2.1+) to echo messages back to listener */
  eyecmd_printf("link_nonrecord_events = BUTTONS, MESSAGES");

  /* Program button #5 for use in drift correction */
  eyecmd_printf("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'");

  /* Now configure tracker for display resolution */
  eyecmd_printf("screen_pixel_coords = %ld %ld %ld %ld",    /* Set display resolution */
                 dispinfo.left, dispinfo.top, dispinfo.right, dispinfo.bottom);
  eyecmd_printf("calibration_type = HV9");       /* Setup calibration type */
  eyemsg_printf("DISPLAY_COORDS %ld %ld %ld %ld",/* Add resolution to EDF file */
                 dispinfo.left, dispinfo.top, dispinfo.right, dispinfo.bottom);
    eyemsg_printf("FRAMERATE %1.2f Hz.", dispinfo.refresh);


  /* make sure we're still alive */
  if(!eyelink_is_connected() || break_pressed()) goto end_expt;

	 RUN THE EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS (code depends on type of experiment)
     Calling run_trials() performs a calibration followed by trials
     This is equivalent to one block of an experiment
     It will return ABORT_EXPT if the program should exit
  i = run_trials();

end_expt:                /* END: close, transfer EDF file */
  set_offline_mode();    /* set offline mode so we can transfer file */
  pump_delay(500);       /* delay so tracker is ready */
  eyecmd_printf("close_data_file"); /* close data file */

  if(break_pressed()) goto shutdown;/* don't get file if we aborted experiment */
  if(our_file_name[0])              /* make sure we created a file */
    receive_data_file(our_file_name, "", 0);  /* transfer the file, ask for a local name */

shutdown:                /* CLEANUP */
  close_expt_graphics();           /* tell EXPTSPPT to release window */
  close_eyelink_connection();      /* disconnect from tracker */
  return 0;
Пример #2
// ######################################################################
void EyeTrackerEyeLink::start1()
  LFATAL("Proprietary EyeLink developer API not installed");
  // get the link to the eye-tracker going:
  if (open_eyelink_connection(0))
    LFATAL("Cannot open link to EyeLink tracker - make sure your "
           "hostname resolves to (check /etc/hosts)");

  // Basic initializations:
  flush_getkey_queue();/* initialize getkey() system */

  // Open EyeLink version of SDL

  // set the display characteristics: 
  DISPLAYINFO di; // defined in eyelink/core_expt.h
  di.width = itsDims.getVal().w(); di.height = itsDims.getVal().h();
  di.left = 0; di.top = 0; di.right = di.width-1; di.bottom = di.height-1;
  di.bits = 24; di.palsize = 0; di.pages = 0; di.refresh = 60.0F;
  di.winnt = 0;

  set_calibration_colors(&target_foreground_color, &target_background_color);

	// open EDF file if set:
  if (itsEDFfname.getVal().empty() == false)
      if (open_data_file((char *)(itsEDFfname.getVal().c_str())) != 0)
        LFATAL("Cannot open EDF file '%s'", itsEDFfname.getVal().c_str());

      eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("add_file_preamble_text 'RECORDED BY iLab code' "));

  // Add resolution to EDF file:
  eyemsg_printf(const_cast<char*>("DISPLAY_COORDS %ld %ld %ld %ld"),
                di.left, di.top, di.right, di.bottom);

  /* set parser saccade thresholds (conservative settings) */
  /* 0 = standard sensitivity */
  eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("select_parser_configuration 0"));

  // set EDF file contents:
  eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,"
  eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS"));

  // set link data (used for gaze cursor):
  eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,FIXUPDATE,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON"));
  eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS"));

  // Program button #5 for use in drift correction:
  eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'"));
	// setup eyelink filtering: default is "1 2"
	eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("heuristic_filter = 1 2"));

  // make sure we're still alive:
  if (!eyelink_is_connected() || break_pressed())
    LFATAL("Connection to EyeLink broken or aborted");

  /* TRIAL_VAR_LABELS message is recorded for EyeLink Data Viewer analysis
     It specifies the list of trial variables for the trial
     This should be written once only and put before the recording of
     individual trials */
  eyemsg_printf(const_cast<char*>("TRIAL_VAR_LABELS CONDITION"));

  // Configure EyeLink to send fixation updates every 50 msec:
  //eyecmd_printf("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXUPDATE");
  //eyecmd_printf("fixation_update_interval = 50");
  //eyecmd_printf("fixation_update_accumulate = 50");

Пример #3
  int i, j;
  char our_file_name[260] = "TEST";

  if(open_eyelink_connection(0)) return -1;    // abort if we can't open link
  flush_getkey_queue();                        // initialize getkey() system
  is_eyelink2 = (2 == eyelink_get_tracker_version(NULL) );

  get_display_information(&dispinfo);          // get window size, characteristics
     // NOTE: Camera display does not support 16-color modes
     // NOTE: Picture display examples don't work well with 256-color modes
     //       However, all other sample programs should work well.
  if(dispinfo.palsize==16)      // 16-color modes not functional
      alert_printf("This program cannot use 16-color displays");
      goto shutdown;
  if(dispinfo.refresh < 40)  // wait_for_refresh doesn't work!
      alert_printf("No refresh synchroniztion available!");
  if(dispinfo.palsize)     // 256-color modes: palettes not supported by this example
      alert_printf("This program is not optimized for 256-color displays");

  //SEAN  -display window
  if(make_full_screen_window(application_instance)) goto shutdown;  // create the window
  if(init_expt_graphics(full_screen_window, NULL)) goto shutdown;   // register window with EXPTSPPT

  i = SCRWIDTH/60;        // select best size for calibration target
  j = SCRWIDTH/300;       // and focal spot in target
  if(j < 2) j = 2;
  set_target_size(i, j);  // tell DLL the size of target features

  target_foreground_color = RGB(0,0,0);    // color of calibration target
  target_background_color = RGB(128,128,128);       // background for calibration and drift correction
  set_calibration_colors(target_foreground_color, target_background_color); // tell EXPTSPPT the colors

  set_cal_sounds("", "", "");
  set_dcorr_sounds("", "off", "off");
                                     // draw a title screen
  // SEAN
  clear_full_screen_window(target_background_color);    // clear screen

  get_new_font("Times Roman", SCRHEIGHT/32, 1);         // select a font
                                                        // Draw text
  graphic_printf(target_foreground_color, target_background_color, 1, SCRWIDTH/2, 1*SCRHEIGHT/30, 
                 "EyeLink Demonstration Experiment: Sample Code");
  graphic_printf(target_foreground_color, target_background_color, 1, SCRWIDTH/2, 2*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "Included with the Experiment Programming Kit for Windows");
  graphic_printf(target_foreground_color, target_background_color, 1, SCRWIDTH/2, 3*SCRHEIGHT/30, 
                 "All code is Copyright (c) 1997-2002 SR Research Ltd.");
  graphic_printf(target_foreground_color, target_background_color, 0, SCRWIDTH/5, 4*SCRHEIGHT/30, 
                 "Source code may be used as template for your experiments.");

//SEAN - file i/o
  i = edit_dialog(full_screen_window, "Create EDF File",            // Get the EDF file name
                 "Enter Tracker EDF file name:", our_file_name, 8);

  if(i==-1) goto shutdown;          // ALT-F4: terminate
  if(i==1)  our_file_name[0] = 0;   // Cancelled: No file name
  if(our_file_name[0])    // If file name set, open it
      if(!strstr(our_file_name, ".")) strcat(our_file_name, ".EDF");  // add extension
      i = open_data_file(our_file_name);                              // open file
      if(i!=0)                                                        // check for error
          alert_printf("Cannot create EDF file '%s'", our_file_name);
          goto shutdown;
        }                                                              // add title to preamble
      eyecmd_printf("add_file_preamble_text 'RECORDED BY %s' ", program_name);
                                      // Now configure tracker for display resolution
  eyecmd_printf("screen_pixel_coords = %ld %ld %ld %ld",    // Set display resolution   
                 dispinfo.left, dispinfo.top, dispinfo.right, dispinfo.bottom);
  eyecmd_printf("calibration_type = HV9");                  // Setup calibration type
  eyemsg_printf("DISPLAY_COORDS %ld %ld %ld %ld",           // Add resolution to EDF file
                 dispinfo.left, dispinfo.top, dispinfo.right, dispinfo.bottom);
    eyemsg_printf("FRAMERATE %1.2f Hz.", dispinfo.refresh);

		      // set parser saccade thresholds (conservative settings)
      eyecmd_printf("select_parser_configuration 0");  // 0 = standard sensitivity
      eyecmd_printf("saccade_velocity_threshold = 35");
      eyecmd_printf("saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500");
		      // set EDF file contents 
  eyecmd_printf("file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON");
  eyecmd_printf("file_sample_data  = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS");
		      // set link data (used for gaze cursor) 
  eyecmd_printf("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON");
  eyecmd_printf("link_sample_data  = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS");
                      // Program button #5 for use in drift correction
  eyecmd_printf("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'");

  if(!eyelink_is_connected() || break_pressed()) goto end_expt;  // make sure we're still alive

       // RUN THE EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS (code depends on type of experiment)
                // Calling run_trials() performs a calibration followed by trials
                // This is equivalent to one block of an experiment 
                // It will return ABORT_EXPT if the program should exit

  i = run_trials();

end_expt:                // END: close, transfer EDF file
  set_offline_mode();               // set offline mode so we can transfer file
  pump_delay(500);                  // delay so tracker is ready
  eyecmd_printf("close_data_file"); // close data file

  if(break_pressed()) goto shutdown;          // don't get file if we aborted experiment
  if(our_file_name[0])                        // make sure we created a file
    receive_data_file(our_file_name, "", 0);  // transfer the file, ask for a local name

shutdown:                // CLEANUP
  close_expt_graphics();           // tell EXPTSPPT to release window
  close_eyelink_connection();      // disconnect from tracker
  return 0;
bool Eyelink::initialize(){
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(EyelinkDriverLock);
	if (Eyelink_Initialized) {
        merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Eyelink was previously initialized! Trying again, but this is dangerous!!");
    Eyelink_Initialized = false;
	// Initializes the link
	//mprintf(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN, "Trying to find Eyelink System at %s",tracker_ip);
	if (set_eyelink_address( &tracker_ip[0] ) )
	    merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Failed to set Tracker to address %s", tracker_ip.c_str());
	    merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Failed to connect to Tracker at %s", tracker_ip.c_str());
	else {
        // generate data file name
        time_t now = time(NULL);
        struct tm* t = gmtime(&now);
        sprintf(data_file_name, "%02d%06d.edf",(t->tm_year-100),t->tm_yday*1440 + t->tm_hour*60 + t->tm_min);
        //YYMMMMMM : YY=Years since 2k, MMMMMM=Minutes in current year
        if ( open_data_file( data_file_name ) ) {
            mwarning(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Eyelink datafile setting failed (%s)",data_file_name);
        else {
            mprintf(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Eyelink logs to local file %s",data_file_name);
        // Tell the tracker what data to include in samples
        if (OK_RESULT != eyecmd_printf("link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,HREF,PUPIL,AREA")) {
                     "Eyelink did not respond to link_sample_data command; sample data may be incomplete");
		// tell the tracker who we are
		// verify the name
		if( eyelink_get_node(0,&node) != OK_RESULT )
			merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Error, EyeLink doesn't respond");
		else eyemsg_printf((char*)("%s connected"), node.name);
		// Enable link data reception
	// Eyelink should now be in "TCP-Link Open" mode
	if(eyelink_is_connected()) {
		tracker_version = eyelink_get_tracker_version(version_info);
		mprintf(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN, "Eyelink %d System Version %s connected via Socket",tracker_version,version_info);
		Eyelink_Initialized = true;
        stopped = true;
	else {
		merror(M_IODEVICE_MESSAGE_DOMAIN,"Error, Eyelink Connection could not be established");
	return Eyelink_Initialized;