Пример #1
Файл: ops.c Проект: vr3d/heman
heman_image* heman_ops_warp_core(heman_image* img, heman_image* secondary,
    int seed, int octaves)
    struct osn_context* ctx;
    open_simplex_noise(seed, &ctx);
    int width = img->width;
    int height = img->height;
    int nbands = img->nbands;
    heman_image* result = heman_image_create(width, height, nbands);
    heman_image* result2 = secondary ? heman_image_create(width, height, secondary->nbands) : 0;
    HEMAN_FLOAT invw = 1.0 / width;
    HEMAN_FLOAT invh = 1.0 / height;
    HEMAN_FLOAT inv = MIN(invw, invh);
    HEMAN_FLOAT aspect = (float) width / height;
    float gain = 0.6;
    float lacunarity = 2.0;
    float initial_amplitude = 0.05;
    float initial_frequency = 8.0;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        HEMAN_FLOAT* dst = result->data + y * width * nbands;
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {

            float a = initial_amplitude;
            float f = initial_frequency;

            HEMAN_FLOAT* src;

            // This is a little hack that modulates noise according to
            // elevation, to prevent "swimming" at high elevations.
            if (nbands == 4) {
                src = heman_image_texel(img, x, y);
                HEMAN_FLOAT elev = 1 - src[3];
                a *= pow(elev, 4);

            float s = x * inv;
            float t = y * inv;
            float u = x * invw;
            float v = y * invh;
            for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++) {
                u += NOISEX(s, t, a, f);
                v += aspect * NOISEY(s, t, a, f);
                a *= gain;
                f *= lacunarity;
            int i = CLAMP(u * width, 0, width - 1);
            int j = CLAMP(v * height, 0, height - 1);
            src = heman_image_texel(img, i, j);
            for (int n = 0; n < nbands; n++) {
                *dst++ = *src++;
            if (secondary) {
                src = heman_image_texel(secondary, x, y);
                HEMAN_FLOAT* dst2 = heman_image_texel(result2, i, j);
                for (int n = 0; n < secondary->nbands; n++) {
                    *dst2++ = *src++;
    if (secondary) {
        secondary->data = result2->data;
    return result;
Пример #2
OsnNoise::~OsnNoise() {
    if (_context) {