Пример #1
static ReadSlide *
readslide_new( const char *filename, VipsImage *out, 
	int layer, const char *associated )
	ReadSlide *rslide;
	int64_t w, h;
	const char *background;
	const char * const *properties;

	rslide = VIPS_NEW( out, ReadSlide );
	memset( rslide, 0, sizeof( *rslide ) );
	g_signal_connect( out, "close", G_CALLBACK( readslide_destroy_cb ),
		rslide );

	rslide->layer = layer;
	rslide->associated = g_strdup( associated );

	rslide->osr = openslide_open( filename );
	if( rslide->osr == NULL ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips", 
			"%s", _( "failure opening slide" ) );
		return( NULL );

	if( layer < 0 || 
		layer >= openslide_get_layer_count( rslide->osr ) ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips",
			"%s", _( "invalid slide level" ) );
		return( NULL );

	if( associated &&
		check_associated_image( rslide->osr, associated ) )
		return( NULL );

	if( associated ) {
		openslide_get_associated_image_dimensions( rslide->osr,
			associated, &w, &h );
		vips_image_set_string( out, "slide-associated-image",
			associated );
		vips_demand_hint( out, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_THINSTRIP, NULL );
	else {
		openslide_get_layer_dimensions( rslide->osr, 
			layer, &w, &h );
		rslide->downsample = openslide_get_layer_downsample(
			rslide->osr, layer );
		vips_image_set_int( out, "slide-level", layer );
		vips_demand_hint( out, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_SMALLTILE, NULL );

	/* This tag is used by argb2rgba() to paint fully-transparent pixels.
	background = openslide_get_property_value( rslide->osr,
	if( background != NULL )
		vips_image_set_int( out, 
			strtoul( background, NULL, 16 ) );
		vips_image_set_int( out, VIPS_META_BACKGROUND_RGB, 0xffffff );

	if( w < 0 || h < 0 || rslide->downsample < 0 ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips", _( "getting dimensions: %s" ),
			openslide_get_error( rslide->osr ) );
		return( NULL );
	if( w > INT_MAX || 
		h > INT_MAX ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips",
			"%s", _( "image dimensions overflow int" ) );
		return( NULL );

	vips_image_init_fields( out, w, h, 4, VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR,

	for( properties = openslide_get_property_names( rslide->osr );
		*properties != NULL; properties++ )
		vips_image_set_string( out, *properties,
			openslide_get_property_value( rslide->osr,
			*properties ) );

	associated = g_strjoinv( ", ", (char **)
		openslide_get_associated_image_names( rslide->osr ) );
	vips_image_set_string( out, "slide-associated-images", associated );

	return( rslide );
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

	char *buffer; /*array for input string*/
	int32_t levels; /*number of levels*/
	int64_t w, h; /*width, height of each level*/
	double *dims, *ds; /*pointers to outputs - for convenience*/
	const char *objective, *mppx, *mppy;
	openslide_t *slide; /*openslide struct*/
	int i; /*loop iterator*/
	/*check input arguments*/
	if(nrhs != 1) {
		mexErrMsgTxt("'openslide_check_levels.m' requires one input argument.");
	if(nlhs > 5) {
		mexErrMsgTxt("'openslide_check_levels.m' produces two outputs.");
	/*check input type*/
	if(!mxIsChar(prhs[0]) || (mxGetM(prhs[0]) != 1)) {
		mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be character array.");
	buffer = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);
	/*copy input*/
	if(openslide_can_open(buffer) == 1) {
		slide = openslide_open(buffer);

		/*check for error*/
		if(openslide_get_error(slide) != NULL) {
			mexErrMsgTxt("'openslide_check_levels.m' cannot open slide.");
		else {
			/*get # of levels*/
			levels = openslide_get_layer_count(slide);
			/*allocate arrays*/
			plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix((mwSize)levels, 2, mxREAL);
			plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix((mwSize)levels, 1, mxREAL);
			/*get output addresses*/
			dims = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
			ds = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
			/*loop through levels, get dimensions/downsample factor of each*/
			for(i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
				/*get level info*/
				openslide_get_layer_dimensions(slide, (int32_t)i, &w, &h);
				*ds = openslide_get_layer_downsample(slide, (int32_t)i);
				ds = ds + 1;
				/*copy dimensions to outputs*/
				*dims = (double)h;
				*(dims+levels) = (double)w;
				dims = dims + 1;

			/*get properties*/
			objective = openslide_get_property_value(slide, OPENSLIDE_PROPERTY_NAME_OBJECTIVE_POWER);
			mppx = openslide_get_property_value(slide, OPENSLIDE_PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X);
			mppy = openslide_get_property_value(slide, OPENSLIDE_PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_Y);
			/*assign properties to outputs*/
			plhs[2] = mxCreateString(objective);
			plhs[3] = mxCreateString(mppx);
			plhs[4] = mxCreateString(mppy);
	else{ /*can't open slide*/
		mexErrMsgTxt("'openslide_check_levels.m' cannot open slide.");
	/*free input buffer copy*/