Пример #1
bool opj_set_MCT(opj_cparameters_t *parameters,OPJ_FLOAT32 * pEncodingMatrix,OPJ_INT32 * p_dc_shift,OPJ_UINT32 pNbComp)
  OPJ_UINT32 l_matrix_size = pNbComp * pNbComp * sizeof(OPJ_FLOAT32);
  OPJ_UINT32 l_dc_shift_size = pNbComp * sizeof(OPJ_INT32);
  OPJ_UINT32 l_mct_total_size = l_matrix_size + l_dc_shift_size;
  // add MCT capability
  int rsiz = (int)parameters->cp_rsiz | (int)MCT;
  parameters->cp_rsiz = (OPJ_RSIZ_CAPABILITIES)rsiz;
  parameters->irreversible = 1;
  // use array based MCT
  parameters->tcp_mct = 2;
  parameters->mct_data = opj_malloc(l_mct_total_size);
    (! parameters->mct_data)
    return false;
  memcpy(((OPJ_BYTE *) parameters->mct_data) +  l_matrix_size,p_dc_shift,l_dc_shift_size);
  return true;
Пример #2
opj_thread_t* opj_thread_create( opj_thread_fn thread_fn, void* user_data )
    opj_thread_t* thread;

    assert( thread_fn );

    thread = (opj_thread_t*) opj_malloc( sizeof(opj_thread_t) );
    if( !thread )
        return NULL;
    thread->thread_fn = thread_fn;
    thread->user_data = user_data;

    thread->hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0,
                                    opj_thread_callback_adapter, thread, 0, NULL);

    if( thread->hThread == NULL )
        opj_free( thread );
        return NULL;
    return thread;
Пример #3
opj_image_t* OPJ_CALLCONV opj_image_create(int numcmpts, opj_image_cmptparm_t *cmptparms, OPJ_COLOR_SPACE clrspc) {
	int compno;
	opj_image_t *image = NULL;

	image = (opj_image_t*) opj_calloc(1, sizeof(opj_image_t));
	if(image) {
		image->color_space = clrspc;
		image->numcomps = numcmpts;
		/* allocate memory for the per-component information */
		image->comps = (opj_image_comp_t*)opj_malloc(image->numcomps * sizeof(opj_image_comp_t));
		if(!image->comps) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for image.\n");
			return NULL;
		/* create the individual image components */
		for(compno = 0; compno < numcmpts; compno++) {
			opj_image_comp_t *comp = &image->comps[compno];
			comp->dx = cmptparms[compno].dx;
			comp->dy = cmptparms[compno].dy;
			comp->w = cmptparms[compno].w;
			comp->h = cmptparms[compno].h;
			comp->x0 = cmptparms[compno].x0;
			comp->y0 = cmptparms[compno].y0;
			comp->prec = cmptparms[compno].prec;
			comp->bpp = cmptparms[compno].bpp;
			comp->sgnd = cmptparms[compno].sgnd;
			comp->data = (int*) opj_calloc(comp->w * comp->h, sizeof(int));
			if(!comp->data) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for image.\n");
				return NULL;

	return image;
Пример #4
void opj_cond_wait(opj_cond_t* cond, opj_mutex_t* mutex)
    opj_cond_waiter_list_t* item;
    HANDLE hEvent = (HANDLE) TlsGetValue( TLSKey );
    if (hEvent == NULL)
        hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, /* security attributes */
                             0,    /* manual reset = no */
                             0,    /* initial state = unsignaled */
                             NULL  /* no name */);

        TlsSetValue( TLSKey, hEvent );

    /* Insert the waiter into the waiter list of the condition */

    item = (opj_cond_waiter_list_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_cond_waiter_list_t));
    assert(item != NULL);

    item->hEvent = hEvent;
    item->next = cond->waiter_list;

    cond->waiter_list = item;


    /* Release the client mutex before waiting for the event being signaled */

    /* Ideally we would check that we do not get WAIT_FAILED but it is hard */
    /* to report a failure. */
    WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);

    /* Reacquire the client mutex */
Пример #5
opj_dinfo_t* OPJ_CALLCONV opj_create_decompress(OPJ_CODEC_FORMAT format) {
	opj_dinfo_t *dinfo = (opj_dinfo_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_dinfo_t));
	if(!dinfo) return NULL;
	dinfo->is_decompressor = true;
	switch(format) {
		case CODEC_J3D:
		case CODEC_J2K:
			/* get a J3D decoder handle */
			dinfo->j3d_handle = (void*)j3d_create_decompress((opj_common_ptr)dinfo);
			if(!dinfo->j3d_handle) {
				return NULL;
			return NULL;

	dinfo->codec_format = format;

	return dinfo;
Пример #6
opj_thread_t* opj_thread_create( opj_thread_fn thread_fn, void* user_data )
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    opj_thread_t* thread;

    assert( thread_fn );

    thread = (opj_thread_t*) opj_malloc( sizeof(opj_thread_t) );
    if( !thread )
        return NULL;
    thread->thread_fn = thread_fn;
    thread->user_data = user_data;

    pthread_attr_init( &attr );
    pthread_attr_setdetachstate( &attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE );
    if( pthread_create( &(thread->thread), &attr,
                        opj_thread_callback_adapter, (void *) thread ) != 0 )
        opj_free( thread );
        return NULL;
    return thread;
Пример #7
OPJ_BOOL OPJ_CALLCONV fread_jpip( const char fname[], jpip_dec_param_t *dec)
  int infd;

  if(( infd = open( fname, O_RDONLY)) == -1){
    fprintf( stderr, "file %s not exist\n", fname);
    return OPJ_FALSE;
  if(!(dec->jpiplen = (Byte8_t)get_filesize(infd)))
    return OPJ_FALSE;
  dec->jpipstream = (Byte_t *)opj_malloc( dec->jpiplen);

  if( read( infd, dec->jpipstream, dec->jpiplen) != (int)dec->jpiplen){
    fprintf( stderr, "file reading error\n");
    opj_free( dec->jpipstream);
    return OPJ_FALSE;


  return OPJ_TRUE;
Пример #8
ihdrbox_param_t * get_SIZ_from_jpipstream( Byte_t *jpipstream, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte8_t csn)
  ihdrbox_param_t *ihdrbox;
  Byte_t *j2kstream;
  Byte8_t j2klen;
  SIZmarker_param_t SIZ;

  j2kstream = recons_j2kmainhead( msgqueue, jpipstream, csn, &j2klen);
  if( !get_mainheader_from_j2kstream( j2kstream, &SIZ, NULL)){
    opj_free( j2kstream);
    return NULL;

  ihdrbox = (ihdrbox_param_t *)opj_malloc( sizeof(ihdrbox_param_t));

  ihdrbox->width = SIZ.Xsiz;
  ihdrbox->height = SIZ.Ysiz;
  ihdrbox->nc = SIZ.Csiz;
  ihdrbox->bpc = SIZ.Ssiz[0];
  opj_free( j2kstream);

  return ihdrbox;
Пример #9
static opj_worker_thread_job_t* opj_thread_pool_get_next_job(opj_thread_pool_t* tp,
                                                             opj_worker_thread_t* worker_thread,
                                                             OPJ_BOOL signal_job_finished)
    while( OPJ_TRUE )
        opj_job_list_t* top_job_iter;


        if( signal_job_finished )
            signal_job_finished = OPJ_FALSE;
            tp->pending_jobs_count --;
            /*printf("tp=%p, remaining jobs: %d\n", tp, tp->pending_jobs_count);*/
            if( tp->pending_jobs_count <= tp->signaling_threshold )

        if( tp->state == OPJWTS_STOP )
            return NULL;
        top_job_iter = tp->job_queue;
        if( top_job_iter )
            opj_worker_thread_job_t* job;
            tp->job_queue = top_job_iter->next;

            job = top_job_iter->job;
            return job;

        /* opj_waiting(); */
        if( !worker_thread->marked_as_waiting )
            opj_worker_thread_list_t* item;

            worker_thread->marked_as_waiting = OPJ_TRUE;
            tp->waiting_worker_thread_count ++;
            assert(tp->waiting_worker_thread_count <= tp->worker_threads_count);

            item= (opj_worker_thread_list_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_worker_thread_list_t));
            if( item == NULL )
                tp->state = OPJWTS_ERROR;

                return NULL;

            item->worker_thread = worker_thread;
            item->next = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list;
            tp->waiting_worker_thread_list = item;

        /* printf("signaling that worker thread is ready\n"); */


        /* printf("waiting for job\n"); */
        opj_cond_wait( worker_thread->cond, worker_thread->mutex );

        /* printf("got job\n"); */
Пример #10
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   --------------------   MAIN METHOD, CALLED BY JAVA -----------------------*/
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_openJpeg_OpenJPEGJavaDecoder_internalDecodeJ2KtoImage(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobjectArray javaParameters) {
	int argc;		/* To simulate the command line parameters (taken from the javaParameters variable) and be able to re-use the */
	char **argv;	/*  'parse_cmdline_decoder' method taken from the j2k_to_image project */
	opj_dparameters_t parameters;	/* decompression parameters */
	img_fol_t img_fol;
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr;		/* event manager */
	opj_image_t *image = NULL;
	FILE *fsrc = NULL;
	unsigned char *src = NULL;
	int file_length;
	int num_images;
	int i,j,imageno;
	opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL;	/* handle to a decompressor */
	opj_cio_t *cio = NULL;
	int w,h;
	long min_value, max_value;
	short tempS; unsigned char tempUC, tempUC1, tempUC2;
	/* ==> Access variables to the Java member variables*/
	jsize		arraySize;
	jclass		cls;
	jobject		object;
	jboolean	isCopy;
	jfieldID	fid;
	jbyteArray	jba;
	jshortArray jsa;
	jintArray	jia;
	jbyte		*jbBody, *ptrBBody;
	jshort		*jsBody, *ptrSBody;
	jint		*jiBody, *ptrIBody;
	callback_variables_t msgErrorCallback_vars;
	/* <=== access variable to Java member variables */
	int *ptr, *ptr1, *ptr2;				/* <== To transfer the decoded image to Java*/

	/* configure the event callbacks */
	memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t));	
	event_mgr.error_handler = error_callback;
	event_mgr.warning_handler = warning_callback;
	event_mgr.info_handler = info_callback;

	/* JNI reference to the calling class*/
	cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj);

	/* Pointers to be able to call a Java method for all the info and error messages*/
	msgErrorCallback_vars.env = env;
	msgErrorCallback_vars.jobj = &obj;
	msgErrorCallback_vars.message_mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "logMessage", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
	msgErrorCallback_vars.error_mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "logError", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");

	/* Get the String[] containing the parameters, and converts it into a char** to simulate command line arguments.*/
	arraySize = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, javaParameters);
	argc = (int) arraySize +1;
	argv = opj_malloc(argc*sizeof(char*));
	argv[0] = "ProgramName.exe";	/* The program name: useless*/
	for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
		object = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, javaParameters, i-1);
		argv[i] = (char*)(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, object, &isCopy);

	/*printf("C: decoder params = ");
	for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {

	/* set decoding parameters to default values */
	parameters.decod_format = J2K_CFMT;

	/* parse input and get user encoding parameters */
	if(parse_cmdline_decoder(argc, argv, &parameters,&img_fol) == 1) {
		/* Release the Java arguments array*/
		for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
			(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, javaParameters, i-1), argv[i]);
		return -1;
	/* Release the Java arguments array*/
	for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
		(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, javaParameters, i-1), argv[i]);


	/* Get additional information from the Java object variables*/
	fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls,"skippedResolutions", "I");
	parameters.cp_reduce = (short) (*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, fid);

	/*Decoding image one by one*/
	for(imageno = 0; imageno < num_images ; imageno++)
		image = NULL;

		/* read the input file and put it in memory into the 'src' object, if the -i option is given in JavaParameters.
		   Implemented for debug purpose. */
		/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (parameters.infile && parameters.infile[0]!='\0') {
			/*printf("C: opening [%s]\n", parameters.infile);*/
			fsrc = fopen(parameters.infile, "rb");
			if (!fsrc) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to open %s for reading\n", parameters.infile);
				return 1;
			fseek(fsrc, 0, SEEK_END);
			file_length = ftell(fsrc);
			fseek(fsrc, 0, SEEK_SET);
			src = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc(file_length);
			fread(src, 1, file_length, fsrc);
			/*printf("C: %d bytes read from file\n",file_length);*/
		} else {
			/* Preparing the transfer of the codestream from Java to C*/
			/*printf("C: before transfering codestream\n");*/
			fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls,"compressedStream", "[B");
			jba = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, obj, fid);
			file_length = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jba);
			jbBody = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, jba, &isCopy);
			src = (unsigned char*)jbBody;

		/* decode the code-stream */
		/* ---------------------- */

		switch(parameters.decod_format) {
		case J2K_CFMT:
			/* JPEG-2000 codestream */

			/* get a decoder handle */
			dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_J2K);

			/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
			opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, &msgErrorCallback_vars);

			/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */
			opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, &parameters);

			/* open a byte stream */
			cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, file_length);

			/* decode the stream and fill the image structure */
			image = opj_decode(dinfo, cio);
			if(!image) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> j2k_to_image: failed to decode image!\n");
				return 1;

			/* close the byte stream */

		case JP2_CFMT:
			/* JPEG 2000 compressed image data */

			/* get a decoder handle */
			dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_JP2);

			/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
			opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, &msgErrorCallback_vars);

			/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using the current image and user parameters */
			opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, &parameters);

			/* open a byte stream */
			cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, file_length);

			/* decode the stream and fill the image structure */
			image = opj_decode(dinfo, cio);
			if(!image) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> j2k_to_image: failed to decode image!\n");
				return 1;

			/* close the byte stream */


		case JPT_CFMT:
			/* JPEG 2000, JPIP */

			/* get a decoder handle */
			dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_JPT);

			/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
			opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, &msgErrorCallback_vars);

			/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */
			opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, &parameters);

			/* open a byte stream */
			cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, file_length);

			/* decode the stream and fill the image structure */
			image = opj_decode(dinfo, cio);
			if(!image) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> j2k_to_image: failed to decode image!\n");
				return 1;

			/* close the byte stream */

			fprintf(stderr, "skipping file..\n");

		/* free the memory containing the code-stream */
		if (parameters.infile && parameters.infile[0]!='\0') {
		} else {
			(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jba, jbBody, 0);
		src = NULL;

		/* create output image.
			If the -o parameter is given in the JavaParameters, write the decoded version into a file.
			Implemented for debug purpose. */
		/* ---------------------------------- */
		switch (parameters.cod_format) {
		case PXM_DFMT:			/* PNM PGM PPM */
			if (imagetopnm(image, parameters.outfile)) {
				fprintf(stdout,"Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile);
			else {
				fprintf(stdout,"Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile);

		case PGX_DFMT:			/* PGX */
			if(imagetopgx(image, parameters.outfile)){
				fprintf(stdout,"Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile);
			else {
				fprintf(stdout,"Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile);

		case BMP_DFMT:			/* BMP */
			if(imagetobmp(image, parameters.outfile)){
				fprintf(stdout,"Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile);
			else {
				fprintf(stdout,"Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile);


		/* ========= Return the image to the Java structure ===============*/
		printf("C: checking thresholds\n");
		/* First compute the real with and height, in function of the resolutions decoded.*/
		/*wr = (image->comps[0].w + (1 << image->comps[0].factor) -1) >> image->comps[0].factor;*/
		/*hr = (image->comps[0].h + (1 << image->comps[0].factor) -1) >> image->comps[0].factor;*/
		w = image->comps[0].w;
		h = image->comps[0].h;

		if (image->numcomps==3) {	/* 3 components color image*/
			ptr = image->comps[0].data;
			ptr1 = image->comps[1].data;
			ptr2 = image->comps[2].data;
			if (image->comps[0].sgnd) {
				min_value = -128;
				max_value = 127;
			} else {
				min_value = 0;
				max_value = 255;
			/* Get the pointer to the Java structure where the data must be copied*/
			fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls,"image24", "[I");
			jia = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, obj, fid);
			jiBody = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, jia, 0);
			ptrIBody = jiBody;
			printf("C: transfering image24: %d int to Java pointer=%d\n",image->numcomps*w*h, ptrIBody);

			for (i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
				tempUC = (unsigned char)(ptr[i]);
				tempUC1 = (unsigned char)(ptr1[i]);
				tempUC2 = (unsigned char)(ptr2[i]);
				if (tempUC < min_value)
				else if (tempUC > max_value)
				if (tempUC1 < min_value)
				else if (tempUC1 > max_value)
				if (tempUC2 < min_value)
				else if (tempUC2 > max_value)
				*(ptrIBody++)  = (int) ( (tempUC2<<16) + (tempUC1<<8) + tempUC );
			(*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, jia, jiBody, 0);

		} else {	/* 1 component 8 or 16 bpp image*/
			ptr = image->comps[0].data;
			printf("C: before transfering a %d bpp image to java (length = %d)\n",image->comps[0].prec ,w*h);
			if (image->comps[0].prec<=8) {
				fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls,"image8", "[B");
				jba = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, obj, fid);
				jbBody = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, jba, 0);
				ptrBBody = jbBody;
				if (image->comps[0].sgnd) {
					min_value = -128;
					max_value = 127;
				} else {
					min_value = 0;
					max_value = 255;
				/*printf("C: transfering %d shorts to Java image8 pointer = %d\n", wr*hr,ptrSBody);*/
				for (i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
					tempUC = (unsigned char) (ptr[i]);
					if (tempUC<min_value)
						tempUC = min_value;
					else if (tempUC > max_value)
						tempUC = max_value;
					*(ptrBBody++) = tempUC;
				(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, jba, jbBody, 0);
				printf("C: image8 transfered to Java\n");
			} else {
				fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls,"image16", "[S");
				jsa = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, obj, fid);
				jsBody = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, jsa, 0);
				ptrSBody = jsBody;
				if (image->comps[0].sgnd) {
					min_value = -32768;
					max_value = 32767;
				} else {
					min_value = 0;
					max_value = 65535;
				printf("C: minValue = %d, maxValue = %d\n", min_value, max_value);
				printf("C: transfering %d shorts to Java image16 pointer = %d\n", w*h,ptrSBody);
				for (i=0; i<w*h; i++) {
					tempS = (short) (ptr[i]);
					if (tempS<min_value) {
						printf("C: value %d truncated to %d\n", tempS, min_value);
						tempS = min_value;
					} else if (tempS > max_value) {
						printf("C: value %d truncated to %d\n", tempS, max_value);
						tempS = max_value;
					*(ptrSBody++) = tempS;
				(*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env, jsa, jsBody, 0);
				printf("C: image16 completely filled\n");

		/* free remaining structures */
		if(dinfo) {
		/* free image data structure */

	return 1; /* OK */
Пример #11
int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_dparameters_t *parameters,img_fol_t *img_fol) {
	/* parse the command line */
	int totlen;
	opj_option_t long_option[]={
		{"ImgDir",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'y'},
		{"OutFor",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'O'},

/* UniPG>> */
	const char optlist[] = "i:o:r:l:hx:"

#ifdef USE_JPWL
#endif /* USE_JPWL */
	/*for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {

/* <<UniPG */
	img_fol->set_out_format = 0;

	while (1) {
		int c = opj_getopt_long(argc, argv,optlist,long_option,totlen);
		if (c == -1)
		switch (c) {
			case 'i':			/* input file */
				char *infile = opj_optarg;
				parameters->decod_format = get_file_format(infile);
				switch(parameters->decod_format) {
					case J2K_CFMT:
					case JP2_CFMT:
					case JPT_CFMT:
							"!! Unrecognized format for infile : %s [accept only *.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpc or *.jpt] !!\n\n", 
						return 1;
				strncpy(parameters->infile, infile, sizeof(parameters->infile)-1);
				/* ----------------------------------------------------- */

			case 'o':			/* output file */
				char *outfile = opj_optarg;
				parameters->cod_format = get_file_format(outfile);
				switch(parameters->cod_format) {
					case PGX_DFMT:
					case PXM_DFMT:
					case BMP_DFMT:
					case TIF_DFMT:
					case RAW_DFMT:
					case TGA_DFMT:
						fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output format image %s [only *.pnm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.pgx, *.bmp, *.tif, *.raw or *.tga]!! \n", outfile);
						return 1;
				strncpy(parameters->outfile, outfile, sizeof(parameters->outfile)-1);
				/* ----------------------------------------------------- */

			case 'O':			/* output format */
				char outformat[50];
				char *of = opj_optarg;
				img_fol->set_out_format = 1;
				parameters->cod_format = get_file_format(outformat);
				switch(parameters->cod_format) {
					case PGX_DFMT:
						img_fol->out_format = "pgx";
					case PXM_DFMT:
						img_fol->out_format = "ppm";
					case BMP_DFMT:
						img_fol->out_format = "bmp";
					case TIF_DFMT:
						img_fol->out_format = "tif";
					case RAW_DFMT:
						img_fol->out_format = "raw";
					case TGA_DFMT:
						img_fol->out_format = "raw";
						fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output format image %s [only *.pnm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.pgx, *.bmp, *.tif, *.raw or *.tga]!! \n", outformat);
						return 1;

				/* ----------------------------------------------------- */

			case 'r':		/* reduce option */
				sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d", &parameters->cp_reduce);
				/* ----------------------------------------------------- */

			case 'l':		/* layering option */
				sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d", &parameters->cp_layer);
				/* ----------------------------------------------------- */

			case 'h': 			/* display an help description */
				return 1;				

				/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

			case 'y':			/* Image Directory path */
					img_fol->imgdirpath = (char*)opj_malloc(strlen(opj_optarg) + 1);
				/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
/* UniPG>> */
#ifdef USE_JPWL
			case 'W': 			/* activate JPWL correction */
				char *token = NULL;

				token = strtok(opj_optarg, ",");
				while(token != NULL) {

					/* search expected number of components */
					if (*token == 'c') {

						static int compno;

						compno = JPWL_EXPECTED_COMPONENTS; /* predefined no. of components */

						if(sscanf(token, "c=%d", &compno) == 1) {
							/* Specified */
							if ((compno < 1) || (compno > 256)) {
								fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid number of components c = %d\n", compno);
								return 1;
							parameters->jpwl_exp_comps = compno;

						} else if (!strcmp(token, "c")) {
							/* default */
							parameters->jpwl_exp_comps = compno; /* auto for default size */

						} else {
							fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid components specified = %s\n", token);
							return 1;

					/* search maximum number of tiles */
					if (*token == 't') {

						static int tileno;

						tileno = JPWL_MAXIMUM_TILES; /* maximum no. of tiles */

						if(sscanf(token, "t=%d", &tileno) == 1) {
							/* Specified */
							if ((tileno < 1) || (tileno > JPWL_MAXIMUM_TILES)) {
								fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid number of tiles t = %d\n", tileno);
								return 1;
							parameters->jpwl_max_tiles = tileno;

						} else if (!strcmp(token, "t")) {
							/* default */
							parameters->jpwl_max_tiles = tileno; /* auto for default size */

						} else {
							fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tiles specified = %s\n", token);
							return 1;

					/* next token or bust */
					token = strtok(NULL, ",");
				parameters->jpwl_correct = true;
				fprintf(stdout, "JPWL correction capability activated\n");
				fprintf(stdout, "- expecting %d components\n", parameters->jpwl_exp_comps);
#endif /* USE_JPWL */
/* <<UniPG */            

				/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
				fprintf(stderr,"WARNING -> this option is not valid \"-%c %s\"\n",c, opj_optarg);

	/* No check for possible errors before the -i and -o options are of course not mandatory*/

	return 0;
Пример #12
static void jp2_apply_pclr(opj_jp2_color_t *color, opj_image_t *image, opj_common_ptr cinfo)
	opj_image_comp_t *old_comps, *new_comps;
	unsigned char *channel_size, *channel_sign;
	unsigned int *entries;
	opj_jp2_cmap_comp_t *cmap;
	int *src, *dst;
	unsigned int j, max;
	unsigned short i, nr_channels, cmp, pcol;
	int k, top_k;

	channel_size = color->jp2_pclr->channel_size;
	channel_sign = color->jp2_pclr->channel_sign;
	entries = color->jp2_pclr->entries;
	cmap = color->jp2_pclr->cmap;
	nr_channels = color->jp2_pclr->nr_channels;

	old_comps = image->comps;
	new_comps = (opj_image_comp_t*)
	 opj_malloc(nr_channels * sizeof(opj_image_comp_t));

	for(i = 0; i < nr_channels; ++i)
	pcol = cmap[i].pcol; cmp = cmap[i].cmp;

  if( pcol < nr_channels )
    new_comps[pcol] = old_comps[cmp];
    opj_event_msg(cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Error with pcol value %d (max: %d). skipping\n", pcol, nr_channels);

	if(cmap[i].mtyp == 0) /* Direct use */
	old_comps[cmp].data = NULL; continue;
/* Palette mapping: */
	new_comps[pcol].data = (int*)
	 opj_malloc(old_comps[cmp].w * old_comps[cmp].h * sizeof(int));
	new_comps[pcol].prec = channel_size[i];
	new_comps[pcol].sgnd = channel_sign[i];
	top_k = color->jp2_pclr->nr_entries - 1;

	for(i = 0; i < nr_channels; ++i)
/* Direct use: */
	if(cmap[i].mtyp == 0) continue;

/* Palette mapping: */
	cmp = cmap[i].cmp; pcol = cmap[i].pcol;
	src = old_comps[cmp].data; 
	dst = new_comps[pcol].data;
	max = new_comps[pcol].w * new_comps[pcol].h;

	for(j = 0; j < max; ++j)
/* The index */
	if((k = src[j]) < 0) k = 0; else if(k > top_k) k = top_k;
/* The colour */
	dst[j] = entries[k * nr_channels + pcol];
	max = image->numcomps;
	for(i = 0; i < max; ++i)
	if(old_comps[i].data) opj_free(old_comps[i].data);
	image->comps = new_comps;
	image->numcomps = nr_channels;


}/* apply_pclr() */
Пример #13
void jp2_setup_encoder(opj_jp2_t *jp2, opj_cparameters_t *parameters, opj_image_t *image) {
	int i;
	int depth_0, sign;

	if(!jp2 || !parameters || !image)

	/* setup the J2K codec */
	/* ------------------- */

	/* Check if number of components respects standard */
	if (image->numcomps < 1 || image->numcomps > 16384) {
		opj_event_msg(jp2->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Invalid number of components specified while setting up JP2 encoder\n");

	j2k_setup_encoder(jp2->j2k, parameters, image);

	/* setup the JP2 codec */
	/* ------------------- */
	/* Profile box */

	jp2->brand = JP2_JP2;	/* BR */
	jp2->minversion = 0;	/* MinV */
	jp2->numcl = 1;
	jp2->cl = (unsigned int*) opj_malloc(jp2->numcl * sizeof(unsigned int));
	jp2->cl[0] = JP2_JP2;	/* CL0 : JP2 */

	/* Image Header box */

	jp2->numcomps = image->numcomps;	/* NC */
	jp2->comps = (opj_jp2_comps_t*) opj_malloc(jp2->numcomps * sizeof(opj_jp2_comps_t));
	jp2->h = image->y1 - image->y0;		/* HEIGHT */
	jp2->w = image->x1 - image->x0;		/* WIDTH */
	/* BPC */
	depth_0 = image->comps[0].prec - 1;
	sign = image->comps[0].sgnd;
	jp2->bpc = depth_0 + (sign << 7);
	for (i = 1; i < image->numcomps; i++) {
		int depth = image->comps[i].prec - 1;
		sign = image->comps[i].sgnd;
		if (depth_0 != depth)
			jp2->bpc = 255;
	jp2->C = 7;			/* C : Always 7 */
	jp2->UnkC = 0;		/* UnkC, colorspace specified in colr box */
	jp2->IPR = 0;		/* IPR, no intellectual property */
	/* BitsPerComponent box */

	for (i = 0; i < image->numcomps; i++) {
		jp2->comps[i].bpcc = image->comps[i].prec - 1 + (image->comps[i].sgnd << 7);
	jp2->meth = 1;
	if (image->color_space == 1)
		jp2->enumcs = 16;	/* sRGB as defined by IEC 61966-2.1 */
	else if (image->color_space == 2)
		jp2->enumcs = 17;	/* greyscale */
	else if (image->color_space == 3)
		jp2->enumcs = 18;	/* YUV */
	jp2->precedence = 0;	/* PRECEDENCE */
	jp2->approx = 0;		/* APPROX */
Пример #14
opj_pi_iterator_t *pi_initialise_encode(opj_image_t *image, opj_cp_t *cp, int tileno, J2K_T2_MODE t2_mode){ 
	int p, q, pino;
	int compno, resno;
	int maxres = 0;
	int maxprec = 0;
	opj_pi_iterator_t *pi = NULL;
	opj_tcp_t *tcp = NULL;
	opj_tccp_t *tccp = NULL;
	size_t array_size;
	tcp = &cp->tcps[tileno];

	array_size = (tcp->numpocs + 1) * sizeof(opj_pi_iterator_t);
	pi = (opj_pi_iterator_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
	if(!pi) {	return NULL;}
	pi->tp_on = cp->tp_on;
	for(pino = 0;pino < tcp->numpocs+1 ; pino ++){
		p = tileno % cp->tw;
		q = tileno / cp->tw;

		pi[pino].tx0 = int_max(cp->tx0 + p * cp->tdx, image->x0);
		pi[pino].ty0 = int_max(cp->ty0 + q * cp->tdy, image->y0);
		pi[pino].tx1 = int_min(cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * cp->tdx, image->x1);
		pi[pino].ty1 = int_min(cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * cp->tdy, image->y1);
		pi[pino].numcomps = image->numcomps;
		array_size = image->numcomps * sizeof(opj_pi_comp_t);
		pi[pino].comps = (opj_pi_comp_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
		if(!pi[pino].comps) {
			pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
			return NULL;
		memset(pi[pino].comps, 0, array_size);
		for (compno = 0; compno < pi[pino].numcomps; compno++) {
			int tcx0, tcy0, tcx1, tcy1;
			opj_pi_comp_t *comp = &pi[pino].comps[compno];
			tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
			comp->dx = image->comps[compno].dx;
			comp->dy = image->comps[compno].dy;
			comp->numresolutions = tccp->numresolutions;

			array_size = comp->numresolutions * sizeof(opj_pi_resolution_t);
			comp->resolutions =	(opj_pi_resolution_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
			if(!comp->resolutions) {
				pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
				return NULL;

			tcx0 = int_ceildiv(pi[pino].tx0, comp->dx);
			tcy0 = int_ceildiv(pi[pino].ty0, comp->dy);
			tcx1 = int_ceildiv(pi[pino].tx1, comp->dx);
			tcy1 = int_ceildiv(pi[pino].ty1, comp->dy);
			if (comp->numresolutions > maxres) {
				maxres = comp->numresolutions;

			for (resno = 0; resno < comp->numresolutions; resno++) {
				int levelno;
				int rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1;
				int px0, py0, px1, py1;
				opj_pi_resolution_t *res = &comp->resolutions[resno];
				if (tccp->csty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
					res->pdx = tccp->prcw[resno];
					res->pdy = tccp->prch[resno];
				} else {
					res->pdx = 15;
					res->pdy = 15;
				levelno = comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno;
				rx0 = int_ceildivpow2(tcx0, levelno);
				ry0 = int_ceildivpow2(tcy0, levelno);
				rx1 = int_ceildivpow2(tcx1, levelno);
				ry1 = int_ceildivpow2(tcy1, levelno);
				px0 = int_floordivpow2(rx0, res->pdx) << res->pdx;
				py0 = int_floordivpow2(ry0, res->pdy) << res->pdy;
				px1 = int_ceildivpow2(rx1, res->pdx) << res->pdx;
				py1 = int_ceildivpow2(ry1, res->pdy) << res->pdy;
				res->pw = (rx0==rx1)?0:((px1 - px0) >> res->pdx);
				res->ph = (ry0==ry1)?0:((py1 - py0) >> res->pdy);

				if (res->pw*res->ph > maxprec) {
					maxprec = res->pw * res->ph;
		tccp = &tcp->tccps[0];
		pi[pino].step_p = 1;
		pi[pino].step_c = maxprec * pi[pino].step_p;
		pi[pino].step_r = image->numcomps * pi[pino].step_c;
		pi[pino].step_l = maxres * pi[pino].step_r;
		for (compno = 0; compno < pi->numcomps; compno++) {
			opj_pi_comp_t *comp = &pi->comps[compno];
			for (resno = 0; resno < comp->numresolutions; resno++) {
				int dx, dy;
				opj_pi_resolution_t *res = &comp->resolutions[resno];
				dx = comp->dx * (1 << (res->pdx + comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno));
				dy = comp->dy * (1 << (res->pdy + comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno));
				pi[pino].dx = !pi->dx ? dx : int_min(pi->dx, dx);
				pi[pino].dy = !pi->dy ? dy : int_min(pi->dy, dy);

		if (pino == 0) {
			array_size = tcp->numlayers * pi[pino].step_l * sizeof(short int);
			pi[pino].include = (short int *) opj_malloc(array_size);
			if(!pi[pino].include) {
				pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
				return NULL;
		else {
			pi[pino].include = pi[pino - 1].include;
		/* Generation of boundaries for each prog flag*/
			if(tcp->POC & (t2_mode == FINAL_PASS)){
				tcp->pocs[pino].compS= tcp->pocs[pino].compno0;
				tcp->pocs[pino].compE= tcp->pocs[pino].compno1;
				tcp->pocs[pino].resS = tcp->pocs[pino].resno0;
				tcp->pocs[pino].resE = tcp->pocs[pino].resno1;
				tcp->pocs[pino].layE = tcp->pocs[pino].layno1;
				tcp->pocs[pino].prg  = tcp->pocs[pino].prg1;
				if (pino > 0)
					tcp->pocs[pino].layS = (tcp->pocs[pino].layE > tcp->pocs[pino - 1].layE) ? tcp->pocs[pino - 1].layE : 0;
			}else {
				tcp->pocs[pino].compS= 0;
				tcp->pocs[pino].compE= image->numcomps;
				tcp->pocs[pino].resS = 0;
				tcp->pocs[pino].resE = maxres;
				tcp->pocs[pino].layS = 0;
				tcp->pocs[pino].layE = tcp->numlayers;
				tcp->pocs[pino].prg  = tcp->prg;
			tcp->pocs[pino].prcS = 0;
			tcp->pocs[pino].prcE = maxprec;;
			tcp->pocs[pino].txS = pi[pino].tx0;
			tcp->pocs[pino].txE = pi[pino].tx1;
			tcp->pocs[pino].tyS = pi[pino].ty0;
			tcp->pocs[pino].tyE = pi[pino].ty1;
			tcp->pocs[pino].dx = pi[pino].dx;
			tcp->pocs[pino].dy = pi[pino].dy;
			return pi;
Пример #15
opj_tgt_tree_t *tgt_create(int numleafsh, int numleafsv, int numleafsz) {
	int nplh[32];
	int nplv[32];
	int nplz[32];
	opj_tgt_node_t *node = NULL;
	opj_tgt_node_t *parentnode = NULL;
	opj_tgt_node_t *parentnode0 = NULL;
	opj_tgt_node_t *parentnode1 = NULL;
	opj_tgt_tree_t *tree = NULL;
	int i, j, k, p, p0;
	int numlvls;
	int n, z = 0;

	tree = (opj_tgt_tree_t *) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tgt_tree_t));
		return NULL;
	tree->numleafsh = numleafsh;
	tree->numleafsv = numleafsv;
	tree->numleafsz = numleafsz;

	numlvls = 0;
	nplh[0] = numleafsh;
	nplv[0] = numleafsv;
	nplz[0] = numleafsz;
	tree->numnodes = 0;
	do {
		n = nplh[numlvls] * nplv[numlvls] * nplz[numlvls]; 
		nplh[numlvls + 1] = (nplh[numlvls] + 1) / 2;
		nplv[numlvls + 1] = (nplv[numlvls] + 1) / 2;
		nplz[numlvls + 1] = (nplz[numlvls] + 1) / 2;
		tree->numnodes += n;
	} while (n > 1);

	if (tree->numnodes == 0) {
		return NULL;

	tree->nodes = (opj_tgt_node_t *) opj_malloc(tree->numnodes * sizeof(opj_tgt_node_t));
	if(!tree->nodes) {
		return NULL;

	node = tree->nodes;
	parentnode = &tree->nodes[tree->numleafsh * tree->numleafsv * tree->numleafsz];
	parentnode0 = parentnode;
	parentnode1 = parentnode;
	/*fprintf(stdout,"\nH %d V %d Z %d numlvls %d nodes %d\n",tree->numleafsh,tree->numleafsv,tree->numleafsz,numlvls,tree->numnodes);*/
	for (i = 0; i < numlvls - 1; ++i) {
		for (z = 0; z < nplz[i]; ++z) {
			for (j = 0; j < nplv[i]; ++j) {
				k = nplh[i];
				while(--k >= 0) {
					node->parent = parentnode;		/*fprintf(stdout,"node[%d].parent = node[%d]\n",n,p);*/
					if(--k >= 0) {
						node->parent = parentnode;	/*fprintf(stdout,"node[%d].parent = node[%d]\n",n,p);*/
				if((j & 1) || j == nplv[i] - 1) {
					parentnode0 = parentnode;
				} else {
					parentnode = parentnode0;
			if ((z & 1) || z == nplz[i] - 1) {
				parentnode1 = parentnode;
			} else {
				parentnode0 = parentnode1;
				parentnode = parentnode1;
	node->parent = 0;


	return tree;
Пример #16
opj_tgt_tree_t *tgt_create(int numleafsh, int numleafsv) {
	int nplh[32];
	int nplv[32];
	opj_tgt_node_t *node = NULL;
	opj_tgt_node_t *parentnode = NULL;
	opj_tgt_node_t *parentnode0 = NULL;
	opj_tgt_tree_t *tree = NULL;
	int i, j, k;
	int numlvls;
	int n;

	tree = (opj_tgt_tree_t *) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tgt_tree_t));
	if(!tree) return NULL;
	tree->numleafsh = numleafsh;
	tree->numleafsv = numleafsv;

	numlvls = 0;
	nplh[0] = numleafsh;
	nplv[0] = numleafsv;
	tree->numnodes = 0;
	do {
		n = nplh[numlvls] * nplv[numlvls];
		nplh[numlvls + 1] = (nplh[numlvls] + 1) / 2;
		nplv[numlvls + 1] = (nplv[numlvls] + 1) / 2;
		tree->numnodes += n;
	} while (n > 1);
	/* ADD */
	if (tree->numnodes == 0) {
		return NULL;

	tree->nodes = (opj_tgt_node_t *) opj_malloc(tree->numnodes * sizeof(opj_tgt_node_t));
	if(!tree->nodes) {
		return NULL;

	node = tree->nodes;
	parentnode = &tree->nodes[tree->numleafsh * tree->numleafsv];
	parentnode0 = parentnode;
	for (i = 0; i < numlvls - 1; ++i) {
		for (j = 0; j < nplv[i]; ++j) {
			k = nplh[i];
			while (--k >= 0) {
				node->parent = parentnode;
				if (--k >= 0) {
					node->parent = parentnode;
			if ((j & 1) || j == nplv[i] - 1) {
				parentnode0 = parentnode;
			} else {
				parentnode = parentnode0;
				parentnode0 += nplh[i];
	node->parent = 0;
	return tree;
Пример #17
void tcd_init_encode(opj_tcd_t *tcd, opj_image_t * image, opj_cp_t * cp, int curtileno) {
	int tileno, compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno;

	for (tileno = 0; tileno < 1; tileno++) {
		opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[curtileno];
		int j;
		/* cfr p59 ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
		int p = curtileno % cp->tw;
		int q = curtileno / cp->tw;

		opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = tcd->tcd_image->tiles;
		/* 4 borders of the tile rescale on the image if necessary */
		tile->x0 = int_max(cp->tx0 + p * cp->tdx, image->x0);
		tile->y0 = int_max(cp->ty0 + q * cp->tdy, image->y0);
		tile->x1 = int_min(cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * cp->tdx, image->x1);
		tile->y1 = int_min(cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * cp->tdy, image->y1);
		tile->numcomps = image->numcomps;
		/* tile->PPT=image->PPT; */

		/* Modification of the RATE >> */
		for (j = 0; j < tcp->numlayers; j++) {
			tcp->rates[j] = tcp->rates[j] ? 
				* (tile->x1 - tile->x0) 
				* (tile->y1 - tile->y0) 
				* image->comps[0].prec, 
				(tcp->rates[j] * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy)) 
				: 0;

			if (tcp->rates[j]) {
				if (j && tcp->rates[j] < tcp->rates[j - 1] + 10) {
					tcp->rates[j] = tcp->rates[j - 1] + 20;
				} else {
					if (!j && tcp->rates[j] < 30)
						tcp->rates[j] = 30;
		/* << Modification of the RATE */

		/* tile->comps=(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t*)opj_realloc(tile->comps,image->numcomps*sizeof(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t)); */
		for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
			opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
			opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];

			/* border of each tile component (global) */
			tilec->x0 = int_ceildiv(tile->x0, image->comps[compno].dx);
			tilec->y0 = int_ceildiv(tile->y0, image->comps[compno].dy);
			tilec->x1 = int_ceildiv(tile->x1, image->comps[compno].dx);
			tilec->y1 = int_ceildiv(tile->y1, image->comps[compno].dy);
			tilec->data = (int *) opj_malloc((tilec->x1 - tilec->x0) * (tilec->y1 - tilec->y0) * sizeof(int));
			tilec->numresolutions = tccp->numresolutions;
			/* tilec->resolutions=(opj_tcd_resolution_t*)opj_realloc(tilec->resolutions,tilec->numresolutions*sizeof(opj_tcd_resolution_t)); */
			for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
				int pdx, pdy;

				int levelno = tilec->numresolutions - 1 - resno;
				int tlprcxstart, tlprcystart, brprcxend, brprcyend;
				int tlcbgxstart, tlcbgystart, brcbgxend, brcbgyend;
				int cbgwidthexpn, cbgheightexpn;
				int cblkwidthexpn, cblkheightexpn;
				opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];

				/* border for each resolution level (global) */
				res->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
				res->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
				res->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
				res->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);	
				res->numbands = resno == 0 ? 1 : 3;

				/* p. 35, table A-23, ISO/IEC FDIS154444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
				if (tccp->csty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
					pdx = tccp->prcw[resno];
					pdy = tccp->prch[resno];
				} else {
					pdx = 15;
					pdy = 15;
				/* p. 64, B.6, ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000)  */
				tlprcxstart = int_floordivpow2(res->x0, pdx) << pdx;
				tlprcystart = int_floordivpow2(res->y0, pdy) << pdy;
				brprcxend = int_ceildivpow2(res->x1, pdx) << pdx;
				brprcyend = int_ceildivpow2(res->y1, pdy) << pdy;
				res->pw = (brprcxend - tlprcxstart) >> pdx;
				res->ph = (brprcyend - tlprcystart) >> pdy;
				if (resno == 0) {
					tlcbgxstart = tlprcxstart;
					tlcbgystart = tlprcystart;
					brcbgxend = brprcxend;
					brcbgyend = brprcyend;
					cbgwidthexpn = pdx;
					cbgheightexpn = pdy;
				} else {
					tlcbgxstart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcxstart, 1);
					tlcbgystart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcystart, 1);
					brcbgxend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcxend, 1);
					brcbgyend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcyend, 1);
					cbgwidthexpn = pdx - 1;
					cbgheightexpn = pdy - 1;
				cblkwidthexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkw, cbgwidthexpn);
				cblkheightexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkh, cbgheightexpn);
				for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
					int x0b, y0b;
					int gain, numbps;
					opj_stepsize_t *ss = NULL;

					opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];

					band->bandno = resno == 0 ? 0 : bandno + 1;
					x0b = (band->bandno == 1) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
					y0b = (band->bandno == 2) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
					if (band->bandno == 0) {
						/* band border */
						band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
						band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
						band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
						band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
					} else {
						band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
						band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
						band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
						band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
					ss = &tccp->stepsizes[resno == 0 ? 0 : 3 * (resno - 1) + bandno + 1];
					gain = tccp->qmfbid == 0 ? dwt_getgain_real(band->bandno) : dwt_getgain(band->bandno);
					numbps = image->comps[compno].prec + gain;
					band->stepsize = (float)((1.0 + ss->mant / 2048.0) * pow(2.0, numbps - ss->expn));
					band->numbps = ss->expn + tccp->numgbits - 1;	/* WHY -1 ? */
					for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
						int tlcblkxstart, tlcblkystart, brcblkxend, brcblkyend;

						int cbgxstart = tlcbgxstart + (precno % res->pw) * (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
						int cbgystart = tlcbgystart + (precno / res->pw) * (1 << cbgheightexpn);
						int cbgxend = cbgxstart + (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
						int cbgyend = cbgystart + (1 << cbgheightexpn);
						opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];

						/* precinct size (global) */
						prc->x0 = int_max(cbgxstart, band->x0);
						prc->y0 = int_max(cbgystart, band->y0);
						prc->x1 = int_min(cbgxend, band->x1);
						prc->y1 = int_min(cbgyend, band->y1);

						tlcblkxstart = int_floordivpow2(prc->x0, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
						tlcblkystart = int_floordivpow2(prc->y0, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
						brcblkxend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->x1, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
						brcblkyend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->y1, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
						prc->cw = (brcblkxend - tlcblkxstart) >> cblkwidthexpn;
						prc->ch = (brcblkyend - tlcblkystart) >> cblkheightexpn;

						prc->cblks = (opj_tcd_cblk_t *) opj_malloc(prc->cw * prc->ch * sizeof(opj_tcd_cblk_t));

						if (prc->incltree != NULL) {
						if (prc->imsbtree != NULL) {
						prc->incltree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
						prc->imsbtree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);

						for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
							int cblkxstart = tlcblkxstart + (cblkno % prc->cw) * (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
							int cblkystart = tlcblkystart + (cblkno / prc->cw) * (1 << cblkheightexpn);
							int cblkxend = cblkxstart + (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
							int cblkyend = cblkystart + (1 << cblkheightexpn);

							opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
							/* code-block size (global) */
							cblk->x0 = int_max(cblkxstart, prc->x0);
							cblk->y0 = int_max(cblkystart, prc->y0);
							cblk->x1 = int_min(cblkxend, prc->x1);
							cblk->y1 = int_min(cblkyend, prc->y1);
					} /* precno */
				} /* bandno */
			} /* resno */
		} /* compno */
	} /* tileno */

	/* tcd_dump(stdout, tcd, &tcd->tcd_image); */
Пример #18
static int t2_encode_packet(opj_tcd_tile_t * tile, opj_tcp_t * tcp, opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, unsigned char *dest, int length, opj_image_info_t * image_info, int tileno) {
	int bandno, cblkno;
	unsigned char *sop = 0, *eph = 0;
	unsigned char *c = dest;

	int compno = pi->compno;	/* component value */
	int resno  = pi->resno;		/* resolution level value */
	int precno = pi->precno;	/* precinct value */
	int layno  = pi->layno;		/* quality layer value */

	opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
	opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
	opj_bio_t *bio = NULL;	/* BIO component */
	/* <SOP 0xff91> */
	if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_SOP) {
		sop = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc(6 * sizeof(unsigned char));
		sop[0] = 255;
		sop[1] = 145;
		sop[2] = 0;
		sop[3] = 4;
		sop[4] = (image_info->num % 65536) / 256;
		sop[5] = (image_info->num % 65536) % 256;
		memcpy(c, sop, 6);
		c += 6;
	/* </SOP> */
	if (!layno) {
		for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
			opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
			opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
			for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
				opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
				cblk->numpasses = 0;
				tgt_setvalue(prc->imsbtree, cblkno, band->numbps - cblk->numbps);
	bio = bio_create();
	bio_init_enc(bio, c, length);
	bio_write(bio, 1, 1);		/* Empty header bit */
	/* Writing Packet header */
	for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
		opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
		opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
		for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
			opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
			opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno];
			if (!cblk->numpasses && layer->numpasses) {
				tgt_setvalue(prc->incltree, cblkno, layno);
		for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
			opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
			opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno];
			int increment = 0;
			int nump = 0;
			int len = 0, passno;
			/* cblk inclusion bits */
			if (!cblk->numpasses) {
				tgt_encode(bio, prc->incltree, cblkno, layno + 1);
			} else {
				bio_write(bio, layer->numpasses != 0, 1);
			/* if cblk not included, go to the next cblk  */
			if (!layer->numpasses) {
			/* if first instance of cblk --> zero bit-planes information */
			if (!cblk->numpasses) {
				cblk->numlenbits = 3;
				tgt_encode(bio, prc->imsbtree, cblkno, 999);
			/* number of coding passes included */
			t2_putnumpasses(bio, layer->numpasses);
			/* computation of the increase of the length indicator and insertion in the header     */
			for (passno = cblk->numpasses; passno < cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses; passno++) {
				opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno];
				len += pass->len;
				if (pass->term || passno == (cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses) - 1) {
					increment = int_max(increment, int_floorlog2(len) + 1 - (cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(nump)));
					len = 0;
					nump = 0;
			t2_putcommacode(bio, increment);

			/* computation of the new Length indicator */
			cblk->numlenbits += increment;

			/* insertion of the codeword segment length */
			for (passno = cblk->numpasses; passno < cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses; passno++) {
				opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno];
				len += pass->len;
				if (pass->term || passno == (cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses) - 1) {
					bio_write(bio, len, cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(nump));
					len = 0;
					nump = 0;
	if (bio_flush(bio)) {
		return -999;		/* modified to eliminate longjmp !! */
	c += bio_numbytes(bio);

	/* <EPH 0xff92> */
	if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) {
		eph = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc(2 * sizeof(unsigned char));
		eph[0] = 255;
		eph[1] = 146;
		memcpy(c, eph, 2);
		c += 2;
	/* </EPH> */
	/* Writing the packet body */
	for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
		opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
		opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
		for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
			opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
			opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno];
			if (!layer->numpasses) {
			if (c + layer->len > dest + length) {
				return -999;
			memcpy(c, layer->data, layer->len);
			cblk->numpasses += layer->numpasses;
			c += layer->len;
			/* ADD for index Cfr. Marcela --> delta disto by packet */
			if(image_info && image_info->index_write && image_info->index_on) {
				opj_tile_info_t *info_TL = &image_info->tile[tileno];
				opj_packet_info_t *info_PK = &info_TL->packet[image_info->num];
				info_PK->disto += layer->disto;
				if (image_info->D_max < info_PK->disto) {
					image_info->D_max = info_PK->disto;
			/* </ADD> */
	return (c - dest);
Пример #19
opj_pi_iterator_t *pi_create(opj_volume_t *volume, opj_cp_t *cp, int tileno) {
	int p, q, r;
	int compno, resno, pino;
	opj_pi_iterator_t *pi = NULL;
	opj_tcp_t *tcp = NULL;
	opj_tccp_t *tccp = NULL;
	size_t array_size;

	tcp = &cp->tcps[tileno];

	array_size = (tcp->numpocs + 1) * sizeof(opj_pi_iterator_t);
	pi = (opj_pi_iterator_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
	if(!pi) {
		fprintf(stdout,"[ERROR] Malloc of opj_pi_iterator failed \n");
		return NULL;

	for (pino = 0; pino < tcp->numpocs + 1; pino++) {	/* change */
		int maxres = 0;
		int maxprec = 0;
		p = tileno % cp->tw;
		q = tileno / cp->tw;
		r = tileno / (cp->tw * cp->th);

		pi[pino].tx0 = int_max(cp->tx0 + p * cp->tdx, volume->x0);
		pi[pino].ty0 = int_max(cp->ty0 + q * cp->tdy, volume->y0);
		pi[pino].tz0 = int_max(cp->tz0 + r * cp->tdz, volume->z0);
		pi[pino].tx1 = int_min(cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * cp->tdx, volume->x1);
		pi[pino].ty1 = int_min(cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * cp->tdy, volume->y1);
		pi[pino].tz1 = int_min(cp->tz0 + (r + 1) * cp->tdz, volume->z1);
		pi[pino].numcomps = volume->numcomps;

		array_size = volume->numcomps * sizeof(opj_pi_comp_t);
		pi[pino].comps = (opj_pi_comp_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
		if(!pi[pino].comps) {
			fprintf(stdout,"[ERROR] Malloc of opj_pi_comp failed \n");
			pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
			return NULL;
		memset(pi[pino].comps, 0, array_size);

		for (compno = 0; compno < pi->numcomps; compno++) {
			int tcx0, tcx1, tcy0, tcy1, tcz0, tcz1;
			int i;
			opj_pi_comp_t *comp = &pi[pino].comps[compno];
			tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];

			comp->dx = volume->comps[compno].dx;
			comp->dy = volume->comps[compno].dy;
			comp->dz = volume->comps[compno].dz;
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				comp->numresolution[i] = tccp->numresolution[i];
				if (comp->numresolution[i] > maxres) {
					maxres = comp->numresolution[i];
			array_size = comp->numresolution[0] * sizeof(opj_pi_resolution_t);
			comp->resolutions =	(opj_pi_resolution_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
			if(!comp->resolutions) {
				fprintf(stdout,"[ERROR] Malloc of opj_pi_resolution failed \n");
				pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
				return NULL;

			tcx0 = int_ceildiv(pi->tx0, comp->dx);
			tcy0 = int_ceildiv(pi->ty0, comp->dy);
			tcz0 = int_ceildiv(pi->tz0, comp->dz);
			tcx1 = int_ceildiv(pi->tx1, comp->dx);
			tcy1 = int_ceildiv(pi->ty1, comp->dy);
			tcz1 = int_ceildiv(pi->tz1, comp->dz);

			for (resno = 0; resno < comp->numresolution[0]; resno++) {
				int levelnox, levelnoy, levelnoz, diff;
				int rx0, ry0, rz0, rx1, ry1, rz1;
				int px0, py0, pz0, px1, py1, pz1;
				opj_pi_resolution_t *res = &comp->resolutions[resno];
				if (tccp->csty & J3D_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
					res->pdx = tccp->prctsiz[0][resno];
					res->pdy = tccp->prctsiz[1][resno];
					res->pdz = tccp->prctsiz[2][resno];
				} else {
					res->pdx = 15;
					res->pdy = 15;
					res->pdz = 15;
				levelnox = comp->numresolution[0] - 1 - resno;
				levelnoy = comp->numresolution[1] - 1 - resno;
        levelnoz = comp->numresolution[2] - 1 - resno;
				if (levelnoz < 0) levelnoz = 0;
				diff = comp->numresolution[0] - comp->numresolution[2];

				rx0 = int_ceildivpow2(tcx0, levelnox);
				ry0 = int_ceildivpow2(tcy0, levelnoy);
				rz0 = int_ceildivpow2(tcz0, levelnoz);
				rx1 = int_ceildivpow2(tcx1, levelnox);
				ry1 = int_ceildivpow2(tcy1, levelnoy);
				rz1 = int_ceildivpow2(tcz1, levelnoz);
				px0 = int_floordivpow2(rx0, res->pdx) << res->pdx;
				py0 = int_floordivpow2(ry0, res->pdy) << res->pdy;
				pz0 = int_floordivpow2(rz0, res->pdz) << res->pdz;
				px1 = int_ceildivpow2(rx1, res->pdx) << res->pdx;
				py1 = int_ceildivpow2(ry1, res->pdy) << res->pdy;
				pz1 = int_ceildivpow2(rz1, res->pdz) << res->pdz;
				res->prctno[0] = (rx0==rx1)? 0 : ((px1 - px0) >> res->pdx);
				res->prctno[1] = (ry0==ry1)? 0 : ((py1 - py0) >> res->pdy);
				res->prctno[2] = (rz0==rz1)? 0 : ((pz1 - pz0) >> res->pdz);

				if (res->prctno[0]*res->prctno[1]*res->prctno[2] > maxprec) {
					maxprec = res->prctno[0]*res->prctno[1]*res->prctno[2];

		tccp = &tcp->tccps[0];
		pi[pino].step_p = 1;
		pi[pino].step_c = maxprec * pi[pino].step_p;
		pi[pino].step_r = volume->numcomps * pi[pino].step_c;
		pi[pino].step_l = maxres * pi[pino].step_r;

		if (pino == 0) {
			array_size = volume->numcomps * maxres * tcp->numlayers * maxprec * sizeof(short int);
			pi[pino].include = (short int *) opj_malloc(array_size);
			if(!pi[pino].include) {
				fprintf(stdout,"[ERROR] Malloc of pi[pino].include failed \n");
				pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
				return NULL;
		else {
			pi[pino].include = pi[pino - 1].include;

		if (tcp->POC == 0) {
			pi[pino].first = 1;
			pi[pino].poc.resno0 = 0;
			pi[pino].poc.compno0 = 0;
			pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->numlayers;
			pi[pino].poc.resno1 = maxres;
			pi[pino].poc.compno1 = volume->numcomps;
			pi[pino].poc.prg = tcp->prg;
		} else {
			pi[pino].first = 1;
			pi[pino].poc.resno0 = tcp->pocs[pino].resno0;
			pi[pino].poc.compno0 = tcp->pocs[pino].compno0;
			pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->pocs[pino].layno1;
			pi[pino].poc.resno1 = tcp->pocs[pino].resno1;
			pi[pino].poc.compno1 = tcp->pocs[pino].compno1;
			pi[pino].poc.prg = tcp->pocs[pino].prg;

	return pi;
Пример #20
opj_image_t* opj_image_create0(void) {
  opj_image_t *image = (opj_image_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_image_t));
  return image;
Пример #21
void tcd_malloc_decode(opj_tcd_t *tcd, opj_image_t * image, opj_cp_t * cp) {
	int tileno, compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno, i, j, p, q;
	unsigned int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0, w, h;

	tcd->image = image;
	tcd->cp = cp;
	tcd->tcd_image->tw = cp->tw;
	tcd->tcd_image->th = cp->th;
	tcd->tcd_image->tiles = (opj_tcd_tile_t *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * sizeof(opj_tcd_tile_t));
	for (i = 0; i < cp->tileno_size; i++) {
		opj_tcp_t *tcp = &(cp->tcps[cp->tileno[i]]);
		opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = &(tcd->tcd_image->tiles[cp->tileno[i]]);
		/* cfr p59 ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
		tileno = cp->tileno[i];
		p = tileno % cp->tw;	/* si numerotation matricielle .. */
		q = tileno / cp->tw;	/* .. coordonnees de la tile (q,p) q pour ligne et p pour colonne */

		/* 4 borders of the tile rescale on the image if necessary */
		tile->x0 = int_max(cp->tx0 + p * cp->tdx, image->x0);
		tile->y0 = int_max(cp->ty0 + q * cp->tdy, image->y0);
		tile->x1 = int_min(cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * cp->tdx, image->x1);
		tile->y1 = int_min(cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * cp->tdy, image->y1);
		tile->numcomps = image->numcomps;
		tile->comps = (opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *) opj_malloc(image->numcomps * sizeof(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t));
		for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
			opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
			opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];

			/* border of each tile component (global) */
			tilec->x0 = int_ceildiv(tile->x0, image->comps[compno].dx);
			tilec->y0 = int_ceildiv(tile->y0, image->comps[compno].dy);
			tilec->x1 = int_ceildiv(tile->x1, image->comps[compno].dx);
			tilec->y1 = int_ceildiv(tile->y1, image->comps[compno].dy);
			tilec->data = (int *) opj_malloc((tilec->x1 - tilec->x0) * (tilec->y1 - tilec->y0) * sizeof(int));
			tilec->numresolutions = tccp->numresolutions;
			tilec->resolutions = (opj_tcd_resolution_t *) opj_malloc(tilec->numresolutions * sizeof(opj_tcd_resolution_t));

			for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
				int pdx, pdy;
				int levelno = tilec->numresolutions - 1 - resno;
				int tlprcxstart, tlprcystart, brprcxend, brprcyend;
				int tlcbgxstart, tlcbgystart, brcbgxend, brcbgyend;
				int cbgwidthexpn, cbgheightexpn;
				int cblkwidthexpn, cblkheightexpn;

				opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
				/* border for each resolution level (global) */
				res->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
				res->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
				res->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
				res->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
				res->numbands = resno == 0 ? 1 : 3;
				/* p. 35, table A-23, ISO/IEC FDIS154444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
				if (tccp->csty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
					pdx = tccp->prcw[resno];
					pdy = tccp->prch[resno];
				} else {
					pdx = 15;
					pdy = 15;
				/* p. 64, B.6, ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000)  */
				tlprcxstart = int_floordivpow2(res->x0, pdx) << pdx;
				tlprcystart = int_floordivpow2(res->y0, pdy) << pdy;
				brprcxend = int_ceildivpow2(res->x1, pdx) << pdx;
				brprcyend = int_ceildivpow2(res->y1, pdy) << pdy;

				res->pw = (res->x0 == res->x1) ? 0 : ((brprcxend - tlprcxstart) >> pdx);
				res->ph = (res->y0 == res->y1) ? 0 : ((brprcyend - tlprcystart) >> pdy);
				if (resno == 0) {
					tlcbgxstart = tlprcxstart;
					tlcbgystart = tlprcystart;
					brcbgxend = brprcxend;
					brcbgyend = brprcyend;
					cbgwidthexpn = pdx;
					cbgheightexpn = pdy;
				} else {
					tlcbgxstart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcxstart, 1);
					tlcbgystart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcystart, 1);
					brcbgxend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcxend, 1);
					brcbgyend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcyend, 1);
					cbgwidthexpn = pdx - 1;
					cbgheightexpn = pdy - 1;
				cblkwidthexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkw, cbgwidthexpn);
				cblkheightexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkh, cbgheightexpn);
				for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
					int x0b, y0b;
					int gain, numbps;
					opj_stepsize_t *ss = NULL;

					opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
					band->bandno = resno == 0 ? 0 : bandno + 1;
					x0b = (band->bandno == 1) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
					y0b = (band->bandno == 2) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
					if (band->bandno == 0) {
						/* band border (global) */
						band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
						band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
						band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
						band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
					} else {
						/* band border (global) */
						band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
						band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
						band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
						band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
					ss = &tccp->stepsizes[resno == 0 ? 0 : 3 * (resno - 1) + bandno + 1];
					gain = tccp->qmfbid == 0 ? dwt_getgain_real(band->bandno) : dwt_getgain(band->bandno);
					numbps = image->comps[compno].prec + gain;
					band->stepsize = (float)((1.0 + ss->mant / 2048.0) * pow(2.0, numbps - ss->expn));
					band->numbps = ss->expn + tccp->numgbits - 1;	/* WHY -1 ? */
					band->precincts = (opj_tcd_precinct_t *) opj_malloc(res->pw * res->ph * sizeof(opj_tcd_precinct_t));
					for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
						int tlcblkxstart, tlcblkystart, brcblkxend, brcblkyend;
						int cbgxstart = tlcbgxstart + (precno % res->pw) * (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
						int cbgystart = tlcbgystart + (precno / res->pw) * (1 << cbgheightexpn);
						int cbgxend = cbgxstart + (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
						int cbgyend = cbgystart + (1 << cbgheightexpn);

						opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
						/* precinct size (global) */
						prc->x0 = int_max(cbgxstart, band->x0);
						prc->y0 = int_max(cbgystart, band->y0);
						prc->x1 = int_min(cbgxend, band->x1);
						prc->y1 = int_min(cbgyend, band->y1);
						tlcblkxstart = int_floordivpow2(prc->x0, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
						tlcblkystart = int_floordivpow2(prc->y0, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
						brcblkxend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->x1, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
						brcblkyend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->y1, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
						prc->cw = (brcblkxend - tlcblkxstart) >> cblkwidthexpn;
						prc->ch = (brcblkyend - tlcblkystart) >> cblkheightexpn;
						prc->cblks = (opj_tcd_cblk_t *) opj_malloc(prc->cw * prc->ch * sizeof(opj_tcd_cblk_t));
						prc->incltree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
						prc->imsbtree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
						for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
							int cblkxstart = tlcblkxstart + (cblkno % prc->cw) * (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
							int cblkystart = tlcblkystart + (cblkno / prc->cw) * (1 << cblkheightexpn);
							int cblkxend = cblkxstart + (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
							int cblkyend = cblkystart + (1 << cblkheightexpn);					
							/* code-block size (global) */
							opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
							cblk->x0 = int_max(cblkxstart, prc->x0);
							cblk->y0 = int_max(cblkystart, prc->y0);
							cblk->x1 = int_min(cblkxend, prc->x1);
							cblk->y1 = int_min(cblkyend, prc->y1);
					} /* precno */
				} /* bandno */
			} /* resno */
		} /* compno */
	} /* i = 0..cp->tileno_size */

	/* tcd_dump(stdout, tcd, &tcd->tcd_image); */

	Allocate place to store the decoded data = final image
	Place limited by the tile really present in the codestream 
	for (i = 0; i < image->numcomps; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < cp->tileno_size; j++) {
			tileno = cp->tileno[j];
			x0 = j == 0 ? tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].x0 : int_min(x0,
				(unsigned int) tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].x0);
			y0 = j == 0 ? tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].y0 : int_min(y0,
				(unsigned int) tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].y0);
			x1 = j == 0 ? tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].x1 : int_max(x1,
				(unsigned int) tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].x1);
			y1 = j == 0 ? tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].y1 : int_max(y1, 
				(unsigned int) tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].y1);
		w = x1 - x0;
		h = y1 - y0;
		image->comps[i].data = (int *) opj_malloc(w * h * sizeof(int));
		image->comps[i].w = w;
		image->comps[i].h = h;
		image->comps[i].x0 = x0;
		image->comps[i].y0 = y0;
Пример #22
opj_bio_t* bio_create(void) {
	opj_bio_t *bio = (opj_bio_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_bio_t));
	return bio;
Пример #23
opj_tgt_tree_t *opj_tgt_create(OPJ_UINT32 numleafsh, OPJ_UINT32 numleafsv) {
        OPJ_INT32 nplh[32];
        OPJ_INT32 nplv[32];
        opj_tgt_node_t *node = 00;
        opj_tgt_node_t *l_parent_node = 00;
        opj_tgt_node_t *l_parent_node0 = 00;
        opj_tgt_tree_t *tree = 00;
        OPJ_UINT32 i;
        OPJ_INT32  j,k;
        OPJ_UINT32 numlvls;
        OPJ_UINT32 n;

        tree = (opj_tgt_tree_t *) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tgt_tree_t));
        if(!tree) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in tgt_create while allocating tree\n");
                return 00;

        tree->numleafsh = numleafsh;
        tree->numleafsv = numleafsv;

        numlvls = 0;
        nplh[0] = (OPJ_INT32)numleafsh;
        nplv[0] = (OPJ_INT32)numleafsv;
        tree->numnodes = 0;
        do {
                n = (OPJ_UINT32)(nplh[numlvls] * nplv[numlvls]);
                nplh[numlvls + 1] = (nplh[numlvls] + 1) / 2;
                nplv[numlvls + 1] = (nplv[numlvls] + 1) / 2;
                tree->numnodes += n;
        } while (n > 1);

        /* ADD */
        if (tree->numnodes == 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "WARNING in tgt_create tree->numnodes == 0, no tree created.\n");
                return 00;

        tree->nodes = (opj_tgt_node_t*) opj_calloc(tree->numnodes, sizeof(opj_tgt_node_t));
        if(!tree->nodes) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in tgt_create while allocating node of the tree\n");
                return 00;
        memset(tree->nodes,0,tree->numnodes * sizeof(opj_tgt_node_t));
        tree->nodes_size = tree->numnodes * (OPJ_UINT32)sizeof(opj_tgt_node_t);

        node = tree->nodes;
        l_parent_node = &tree->nodes[tree->numleafsh * tree->numleafsv];
        l_parent_node0 = l_parent_node;

        for (i = 0; i < numlvls - 1; ++i) {
                for (j = 0; j < nplv[i]; ++j) {
                        k = nplh[i];
                        while (--k >= 0) {
                                node->parent = l_parent_node;
                                if (--k >= 0) {
                                        node->parent = l_parent_node;
                        if ((j & 1) || j == nplv[i] - 1) {
                                l_parent_node0 = l_parent_node;
                        } else {
                                l_parent_node = l_parent_node0;
                                l_parent_node0 += nplh[i];
        node->parent = 0;
        return tree;
Пример #24
opj_pi_iterator_t *pi_create_decode(opj_image_t *image, opj_cp_t *cp, int tileno) {
	int p, q;
	int compno, resno, pino;
	opj_pi_iterator_t *pi = NULL;
	opj_tcp_t *tcp = NULL;
	opj_tccp_t *tccp = NULL;
	size_t array_size;
	tcp = &cp->tcps[tileno];

	array_size = (tcp->numpocs + 1) * sizeof(opj_pi_iterator_t);
	pi = (opj_pi_iterator_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
	if(!pi) {
		/* TODO: throw an error */
		return NULL;
	for (pino = 0; pino < tcp->numpocs + 1; pino++) {	/* change */
		int maxres = 0;
		int maxprec = 0;
		p = tileno % cp->tw;
		q = tileno / cp->tw;

		pi[pino].tx0 = int_max(cp->tx0 + p * cp->tdx, image->x0);
		pi[pino].ty0 = int_max(cp->ty0 + q * cp->tdy, image->y0);
		pi[pino].tx1 = int_min(cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * cp->tdx, image->x1);
		pi[pino].ty1 = int_min(cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * cp->tdy, image->y1);
		pi[pino].numcomps = image->numcomps;

		array_size = image->numcomps * sizeof(opj_pi_comp_t);
		pi[pino].comps = (opj_pi_comp_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
		if(!pi[pino].comps) {
			/* TODO: throw an error */
			pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
			return NULL;
		memset(pi[pino].comps, 0, array_size);
		for (compno = 0; compno < pi->numcomps; compno++) {
			int tcx0, tcy0, tcx1, tcy1;
			opj_pi_comp_t *comp = &pi[pino].comps[compno];
			tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
			comp->dx = image->comps[compno].dx;
			comp->dy = image->comps[compno].dy;
			comp->numresolutions = tccp->numresolutions;

			array_size = comp->numresolutions * sizeof(opj_pi_resolution_t);
			comp->resolutions =	(opj_pi_resolution_t *) opj_malloc(array_size);
			if(!comp->resolutions) {
				/* TODO: throw an error */
				pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
				return NULL;

			tcx0 = int_ceildiv(pi->tx0, comp->dx);
			tcy0 = int_ceildiv(pi->ty0, comp->dy);
			tcx1 = int_ceildiv(pi->tx1, comp->dx);
			tcy1 = int_ceildiv(pi->ty1, comp->dy);
			if (comp->numresolutions > maxres) {
				maxres = comp->numresolutions;

			for (resno = 0; resno < comp->numresolutions; resno++) {
				int levelno;
				int rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1;
				int px0, py0, px1, py1;
				opj_pi_resolution_t *res = &comp->resolutions[resno];
				if (tccp->csty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
					res->pdx = tccp->prcw[resno];
					res->pdy = tccp->prch[resno];
				} else {
					res->pdx = 15;
					res->pdy = 15;
				levelno = comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno;
				rx0 = int_ceildivpow2(tcx0, levelno);
				ry0 = int_ceildivpow2(tcy0, levelno);
				rx1 = int_ceildivpow2(tcx1, levelno);
				ry1 = int_ceildivpow2(tcy1, levelno);
				px0 = int_floordivpow2(rx0, res->pdx) << res->pdx;
				py0 = int_floordivpow2(ry0, res->pdy) << res->pdy;
				px1 = int_ceildivpow2(rx1, res->pdx) << res->pdx;
				py1 = int_ceildivpow2(ry1, res->pdy) << res->pdy;
				res->pw = (rx0==rx1)?0:((px1 - px0) >> res->pdx);
				res->ph = (ry0==ry1)?0:((py1 - py0) >> res->pdy);
				if (res->pw*res->ph > maxprec) {
					maxprec = res->pw*res->ph;
		tccp = &tcp->tccps[0];
		pi[pino].step_p = 1;
		pi[pino].step_c = maxprec * pi[pino].step_p;
		pi[pino].step_r = image->numcomps * pi[pino].step_c;
		pi[pino].step_l = maxres * pi[pino].step_r;
		if (pino == 0) {
			array_size = image->numcomps * maxres * tcp->numlayers * maxprec * sizeof(short int);
			pi[pino].include = (short int *) opj_malloc(array_size);
			if(!pi[pino].include) {
				/* TODO: throw an error */
				pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
				return NULL;
		else {
			pi[pino].include = pi[pino - 1].include;
		if (tcp->POC == 0) {
			pi[pino].first = 1;
			pi[pino].poc.resno0 = 0;
			pi[pino].poc.compno0 = 0;
			pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->numlayers;
			pi[pino].poc.resno1 = maxres;
			pi[pino].poc.compno1 = image->numcomps;
			pi[pino].poc.prg = tcp->prg;
		} else {
			pi[pino].first = 1;
			pi[pino].poc.resno0 = tcp->pocs[pino].resno0;
			pi[pino].poc.compno0 = tcp->pocs[pino].compno0;
			pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->pocs[pino].layno1;
			pi[pino].poc.resno1 = tcp->pocs[pino].resno1;
			pi[pino].poc.compno1 = tcp->pocs[pino].compno1;
			pi[pino].poc.prg = tcp->pocs[pino].prg;
		pi[pino].poc.layno0  = 0;
		pi[pino].poc.precno0 = 0; 
		pi[pino].poc.precno1 = maxprec;
	return pi;
Пример #25
OPJ_BOOL opj_thread_pool_submit_job(opj_thread_pool_t* tp,
                                    opj_job_fn job_fn,
                                    void* user_data)
    opj_worker_thread_job_t* job;
    opj_job_list_t* item;

    if( tp->mutex == NULL )
        job_fn( user_data, tp->tls );
        return OPJ_TRUE;

    job = (opj_worker_thread_job_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_worker_thread_job_t));
    if( job == NULL )
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    job->job_fn = job_fn;
    job->user_data = user_data;

    item = (opj_job_list_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_job_list_t));
    if( item == NULL )
        return OPJ_FALSE;
    item->job = job;


    tp->signaling_threshold = 100 * tp->worker_threads_count;
    while( tp->pending_jobs_count > tp->signaling_threshold )
        /* printf("%d jobs enqueued. Waiting\n", tp->pending_jobs_count); */
        opj_cond_wait(tp->cond, tp->mutex);
        /* printf("...%d jobs enqueued.\n", tp->pending_jobs_count); */

    item->next = tp->job_queue;
    tp->job_queue = item;
    tp->pending_jobs_count ++;

    if( tp->waiting_worker_thread_list )
        opj_worker_thread_t* worker_thread;
        opj_worker_thread_list_t* next;
        opj_worker_thread_list_t* to_opj_free;

        worker_thread = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list->worker_thread;

        assert( worker_thread->marked_as_waiting );
        worker_thread->marked_as_waiting = OPJ_FALSE;

        next = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list->next;
        to_opj_free = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list;
        tp->waiting_worker_thread_list = next;
        tp->waiting_worker_thread_count --;



    return OPJ_TRUE;