const char * option_get_string(const char var[]) { const char * val; val = option_get(var); return val; }
double option_get_double(const char var[]) { const char * val; val = option_get(var); return atof(val); }
int option_get_int(const char var[]) { const char * val; val = option_get(var); return atoi(val); }
int option_get_int(option_list_t *option, const char name[]) { const char * value; value = option_get(option,name); return atoi(value); }
const char * option_get_string(option_list_t *option, const char name[]) { const char * value; value = option_get(option,name); return value; }
double option_get_double(option_list_t *option, const char name[]) { const char * value; value = option_get(option,name); return atof(value); }
bool option_get_bool(const char var[]) { const char * val; val = option_get(var); if (false) { } else if (my_string_equal(val,"true") || my_string_equal(val,"yes") || my_string_equal(val,"1")) { return true; } else if (my_string_equal(val,"false") || my_string_equal(val,"no") || my_string_equal(val,"0")) { return false; } ASSERT(false); return false; }
bool option_get_bool(option_list_t *option, const char name[]) { const char * value; value = option_get(option,name); if (FALSE) { } else if (my_string_case_equal(value,"true") || my_string_case_equal(value,"yes") || my_string_equal(value,"1")) { return TRUE; } else if (my_string_case_equal(value,"false") || my_string_case_equal(value,"no") || my_string_equal(value,"0")) { return FALSE; } ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
static void display_fps() { static Uint32 timer = 0; Uint32 new_timer; static char fps[64]; double sample; option_t * option; static int num_frame = 0; if( frame_rate ) { option = option_get(); if( option->show_fps ) { num_frame++; new_timer = SDL_GetTicks(); if( timer + 1000 < new_timer ) { sample = (double)num_frame / ((double)new_timer - (double)timer ) * 1000.0; num_frame = 0; timer = new_timer; sprintf(fps,"%f",sample); } item_set_string(frame_rate,fps); } } }
/****************************************************** create a list of item for the currently selected screen ******************************************************/ static void compose_scr(context_t * context) { static TTF_Font * font = NULL; option_t * option = option_get(); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(context->render, 0, 0, 0, 255); switch(current_screen) { case SCREEN_SELECT: item_list = scr_select_compose(context); break; case SCREEN_PLAY: item_list = scr_play_compose(context); break; } if( option->show_fps ) { font = font_get(context,ITEM_FONT, ITEM_FONT_SIZE); frame_rate = item_list_add(&item_list); item_set_font(frame_rate,font); item_set_anim_shape(frame_rate,50,50,20,20); item_set_overlay(frame_rate,1); } }
static int config_ldap(void) { int i = 0, j = 0; char *value; option_list *mapping; if (!config.configured) { /* syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Configuring the LDAP settings for the first time"); */ /* Search Base */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_searchbase, 1, NULL); if (value) { config.searchbase = strdup(value); } else { config_error(err_ldap_missing, opt_ldap_searchbase); return -1; } /* Scope */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_scope, 1, NULL); if (value) { if (strcasecmp(value, "subtree") == 0) { config.scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; } else if (strcasecmp(value, "base") == 0) { config.scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; } else if (strcasecmp(value, "onelevel") == 0) { config.scope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; } else { config_error(err_ldap_badvalue, opt_ldap_scope); return -1; } } else { config_error(err_ldap_missing, opt_ldap_scope); return -1; } /* LDAP Server Hostname */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_ldaphost, 1, NULL); if (value) { config.ldaphost = strdup(value); } else { config_error(err_ldap_missing, opt_ldap_ldaphost); return -1; } /* LDAP Server Port Number */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_ldapport, 1); if (value) { config.ldapport = atoi(value); } else { config.ldapport = LDAP_PORT; } /* Fullname Attribute */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_fullnameattr, 1, NULL); if (value) { config.fullnameattr = strdup(value); } else { config_error(err_ldap_missing, opt_ldap_fullnameattr); return -1; } /* Unique Attribute */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_uniqueattr, 1, NULL); if (value) { config.uniqueattr = strdup(value); } else { config_error(err_ldap_missing, opt_ldap_uniqueattr); return -1; } /* Default Search Filter */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_defaultfilter, 1, NULL); if (value) { config.defaultfilter = strdup(value); } else { config_error(err_ldap_missing, opt_ldap_defaultfilter); return -1; } /* Mapping from IMSP fields to LDAP attributes */ mapping = option_getlist("", opt_ldap_attrmap, 1); if (mapping == NULL) { config_error(err_ldap_missing, opt_ldap_attrmap); return -1; } /* there must be an even number of items to form pairs */ if (mapping->count == 0 || (mapping->count % 2) != 0 || (mapping->count / 2) > ATTRMAPSIZE) { config_error(err_ldap_badvalue, opt_ldap_attrmap); return -1; } /* step through the items in the map option, assigning them alternatively to the "field" and "value" halfs of the map structure. */ for (i = 0; i < mapping->count; i++) { if (strcasecmp(mapping->item[i], "null") == 0) value = NULL; else value = strdup(mapping->item[i]); if (i % 2 == 0)[i / 2].field = value; else[i / 2].attr = value;[i / 2].append = NULL; } /* add a null terminator pair at the end */[i / 2].field = NULL;[i / 2].attr = NULL; /* appendmap */ mapping = option_getlist("", opt_ldap_appendmap, 1); if (mapping != NULL) { if (mapping->count == 0 || (mapping->count % 2) != 0 || (mapping->count / 2) > ATTRMAPSIZE) { config_error(err_ldap_badvalue, opt_ldap_appendmap); return -1; } /* * step through the items in the appendmap, * assigning them to the "append" field of the * map structure, where necessary */ for (i = 0; i < mapping->count; i++) { for (j = 0;[j].field != NULL ; j++) { if (strcmp(mapping->item[i],[j].field) == 0) { i++;[j].append = strdup(mapping->item[i]); } } } } /* Secondary search settings, if applicable */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_secondary_searchbase, 1, NULL); if (value) { secondaryconfig.searchbase = strdup(value); /* Scope */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_secondary_scope, 1, NULL); if (value) { if (strcasecmp(value, "subtree") == 0) { secondaryconfig.scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; } else if (strcasecmp(value, "base") == 0) { secondaryconfig.scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; } else if (strcasecmp(value, "onelevel") == 0) { secondaryconfig.scope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; } else { config_error(err_ldap_badvalue, opt_ldap_secondary_scope); return -1; } } else { secondaryconfig.scope = config.scope; } /* LDAP Server Hostname */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_secondary_ldaphost, 1, NULL); if (value) { secondaryconfig.ldaphost = strdup(value); } else { secondaryconfig.ldaphost = strdup(config.ldaphost); } /* LDAP Server Port Number */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_secondary_ldapport, 1); if (value) { secondaryconfig.ldapport = atoi(value); } else { secondaryconfig.ldapport = config.ldapport; } /* Fullname Attribute */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_secondary_fullnameattr, 1, NULL); if (value) { secondaryconfig.fullnameattr = strdup(value); } else { secondaryconfig.fullnameattr = strdup(config.fullnameattr); } /* Unique Attribute */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_secondary_uniqueattr, 1, NULL); if (value) { secondaryconfig.uniqueattr = strdup(value); } else { secondaryconfig.uniqueattr = strdup(config.uniqueattr); } /* Default Search Filter */ value = option_get("", opt_ldap_secondary_defaultfilter, 1, NULL); if (value) { secondaryconfig.defaultfilter = strdup(value); } else { secondaryconfig.defaultfilter = strdup(config.defaultfilter); } /* Mapping from IMSP fields to LDAP attributes */ mapping = option_getlist("", opt_ldap_secondary_attrmap, 1); if (mapping == NULL) { mapping = mapping; } /* there must be an even number of items to form pairs */ if (mapping->count == 0 || (mapping->count % 2) != 0 || (mapping->count / 2) > ATTRMAPSIZE) { config_error(err_ldap_badvalue, opt_ldap_secondary_attrmap); return -1; } /* step through the items in the map option, assigning them alternatively to the "field" and "value" halfs of the map structure. */ for (i = 0; i < mapping->count; i++) { if (strcasecmp(mapping->item[i], "null") == 0) value = NULL; else value = strdup(mapping->item[i]); if (i % 2 == 0)[i / 2].field = value; else[i / 2].attr = value;[i / 2].append = NULL; } /* add a null terminator pair at the end */[i / 2].field = NULL;[i / 2].attr = NULL; /* appendmap */ mapping = option_getlist("", opt_ldap_secondary_appendmap, 1); if (mapping != NULL) { if (mapping->count == 0 || (mapping->count % 2) != 0 || (mapping->count / 2) > ATTRMAPSIZE) { config_error(err_ldap_badvalue, opt_ldap_secondary_appendmap); return -1; } /* * step through the items in the appendmap, * assigning them to the "append" field of the * map structure, where necessary */ for (i = 0; i < mapping->count; i++) { for (j = 0;[j].field != NULL ; j++) { if (strcmp(mapping->item[i],[j].field) == 0) { i++;[j].append = strdup(mapping->item[i]); } } } } secondaryconfig.configured = 1; } else { /* no secondary search defined */ } config.configured = 1; } return 0; }
/********************************** Compose the character select screen **********************************/ item_t * scr_play_compose(context_t * ctx) { int bg_red = 0; int bg_blue = 0; int bg_green = 0; char * map_filename; int layer_index = 0; char * old_sfx = NULL; option = option_get(); if(item_list) { item_list_free(item_list); item_list = NULL; } if(ctx->map == NULL ) { if(context_update_from_file(ctx) == RET_NOK) { return NULL; } } if(init) { /* Register this character to receive server notifications */ network_request_start(ctx,ctx->id); ui_play_init(); init = false; } sdl_free_keycb(); sdl_free_mousecb(); sdl_add_mousecb(MOUSE_WHEEL_UP,cb_zoom); sdl_add_mousecb(MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN,cb_unzoom); change_map = ctx->change_map; if( change_map == true ) { map_filename = strconcat( MAP_TABLE,"/",ctx->map,NULL); network_send_req_file(ctx,map_filename); free(map_filename); if(default_layer) { map_layer_delete(default_layer); } default_layer = map_layer_new(ctx->map,DEFAULT_LAYER,NULL); } if( default_layer && default_layer->active ) { // Make sure map data are available for(layer_index = 0; layer_index < MAX_LAYER; layer_index++) { compose_map_set(ctx,layer_index); compose_map_scenery(ctx,layer_index); compose_item(ctx,layer_index); compose_sprite(ctx,layer_index); compose_type(ctx,layer_index); } compose_map_button(ctx); compose_select(ctx); ui_play_compose(ctx,item_list); // force virtual coordinate on map change if( change_map == true ) { sdl_force_virtual_x(map_t2p_x(ctx->pos_tx,ctx->pos_ty,default_layer) + default_layer->col_width[ctx->pos_tx%default_layer->col_num]/2 + default_layer->row_width[ctx->pos_ty%default_layer->row_num]/2 ); sdl_force_virtual_y(map_t2p_y(ctx->pos_tx,ctx->pos_ty,default_layer) + default_layer->col_height[ctx->pos_tx%default_layer->col_num]/2 + default_layer->row_height[ctx->pos_ty%default_layer->row_num]/2 ); } // set virtual coordinate on the same map else { sdl_set_virtual_x(map_t2p_x(ctx->pos_tx,ctx->pos_ty,default_layer) + default_layer->col_width[ctx->pos_tx%default_layer->col_num]/2 + default_layer->row_width[ctx->pos_ty%default_layer->row_num]/2 ); sdl_set_virtual_y(map_t2p_y(ctx->pos_tx,ctx->pos_ty,default_layer) + default_layer->col_height[ctx->pos_tx%default_layer->col_num]/2 + default_layer->row_height[ctx->pos_ty%default_layer->row_num]/2 ); } } entry_read_int(MAP_TABLE,ctx->map,&bg_red,MAP_KEY_BG_RED,NULL); entry_read_int(MAP_TABLE,ctx->map,&bg_blue,MAP_KEY_BG_BLUE,NULL); entry_read_int(MAP_TABLE,ctx->map,&bg_green,MAP_KEY_BG_GREEN,NULL); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->render, bg_red, bg_blue, bg_green, 255); old_sfx = sfx; sfx = NULL; entry_read_string(MAP_TABLE,ctx->map,&sfx,MAP_SFX,NULL); if(old_sfx) { if( sfx ) { if( strcmp(old_sfx,sfx) ) { sfx_stop(ctx,old_sfx); } } else { // sfx == NULL sfx_stop(ctx,old_sfx); } free(old_sfx); } if( sfx && sfx[0]!=0 ) { sfx_play(ctx,sfx,NO_RESTART); } return item_list; }