Пример #1
OpusMSEncoder *opus_multistream_surround_encoder_create(
      opus_int32 Fs,
      int channels,
      int mapping_family,
      int *streams,
      int *coupled_streams,
      unsigned char *mapping,
      int application,
      int *error
   int ret;
   opus_int32 size;
   OpusMSEncoder *st;
   if ((channels>255) || (channels<1))
      if (error)
         *error = OPUS_BAD_ARG;
      return NULL;
   size = opus_multistream_surround_encoder_get_size(channels, mapping_family);
   if (!size)
      if (error)
         *error = OPUS_UNIMPLEMENTED;
      return NULL;
   st = (OpusMSEncoder *)opus_alloc(size);
   if (st==NULL)
      if (error)
         *error = OPUS_ALLOC_FAIL;
      return NULL;
   ret = opus_multistream_surround_encoder_init(st, Fs, channels, mapping_family, streams, coupled_streams, mapping, application);
   if (ret != OPUS_OK)
      st = NULL;
   if (error)
      *error = ret;
   return st;
Пример #2
	virtual bool CookSurround(FName Format, const TArray<TArray<uint8> >& SrcBuffers, FSoundQualityInfo& QualityInfo, TArray<uint8>& CompressedDataStore) const override
		check(Format == NAME_OPUS);

		// Get best compatible sample rate
		const uint16 kOpusSampleRate = GetBestOutputSampleRate(QualityInfo.SampleRate);
		// Frame size must be one of 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 ms
		const int32 kOpusFrameSizeMs = 60;
		// Calculate frame size required by Opus
		const int32 kOpusFrameSizeSamples = (kOpusSampleRate * kOpusFrameSizeMs) / 1000;
		const uint32 kSampleStride = SAMPLE_SIZE * QualityInfo.NumChannels;
		const int32 kBytesPerFrame = kOpusFrameSizeSamples * kSampleStride;

		// Check whether source has compatible sample rate
		TArray<TArray<uint8>> SrcBufferCopies;
		if (QualityInfo.SampleRate != kOpusSampleRate)
			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SrcBuffers.Num(); Index++)
				TArray<uint8>& NewCopy = *new (SrcBufferCopies) TArray<uint8>;
				if (!ResamplePCM(1, SrcBuffers[Index], QualityInfo.SampleRate, NewCopy, kOpusSampleRate))
					return false;
			// Take a copy of the source regardless
			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SrcBuffers.Num(); Index++)
				SrcBufferCopies[Index] = SrcBuffers[Index];

		// Ensure that all channels are the same length
		int32 SourceSize = -1;
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SrcBufferCopies.Num(); Index++)
			if (!Index)
				SourceSize = SrcBufferCopies[Index].Num();
				if (SourceSize != SrcBufferCopies[Index].Num())
					return false;
		if (SourceSize <= 0)
			return false;

		// Initialise the Opus multistream encoder
		OpusMSEncoder* Encoder = NULL;
		int32 EncError = 0;
		int32 streams = 0;
		int32 coupled_streams = 0;
		// mapping_family not documented but figured out: 0 = 1 or 2 channels, 1 = 1 to 8 channel surround sound, 255 = up to 255 channels with no surround processing
		int32 mapping_family = 1;
		TArray<uint8> mapping;
		int32 EncSize = opus_multistream_surround_encoder_get_size(QualityInfo.NumChannels, mapping_family);
		Encoder = (OpusMSEncoder*)FMemory::Malloc(EncSize);
		EncError = opus_multistream_surround_encoder_init(Encoder, kOpusSampleRate, QualityInfo.NumChannels, mapping_family, &streams, &coupled_streams, mapping.GetData(), OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO);
		Encoder = opus_multistream_surround_encoder_create(kOpusSampleRate, QualityInfo.NumChannels, mapping_family, &streams, &coupled_streams, mapping.GetData(), OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, &EncError);
		if (EncError != OPUS_OK)
			return false;

		int32 BitRate = GetBitRateFromQuality(QualityInfo);
		opus_multistream_encoder_ctl(Encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(BitRate));

		// Create a buffer to store compressed data
		FMemoryWriter CompressedData(CompressedDataStore);
		int32 SrcBufferOffset = 0;

		// Calc frame and sample count
		int32 FramesToEncode = SourceSize / (kOpusFrameSizeSamples * SAMPLE_SIZE);
		uint32 TrueSampleCount = SourceSize / SAMPLE_SIZE;

		// Add another frame if Source does not divide into an equal number of frames
		if (SourceSize % (kOpusFrameSizeSamples * SAMPLE_SIZE) != 0)

		check(QualityInfo.NumChannels <= MAX_uint8);
		check(FramesToEncode <= MAX_uint16);
		SerializeHeaderData(CompressedData, kOpusSampleRate, TrueSampleCount, QualityInfo.NumChannels, FramesToEncode);

		// Temporary storage for source data in an interleaved format
		TArray<uint8> TempInterleavedSrc;

		// Temporary storage with more than enough to store any compressed frame
		TArray<uint8> TempCompressedData;

		while (SrcBufferOffset < SourceSize)
			// Read a frames worth of data from the source and pack it into interleaved temporary storage
			for (int32 SampleIndex = 0; SampleIndex < kOpusFrameSizeSamples; ++SampleIndex)
				int32 CurrSrcOffset = SrcBufferOffset + SampleIndex*SAMPLE_SIZE;
				int32 CurrInterleavedOffset = SampleIndex*kSampleStride;
				if (CurrSrcOffset < SourceSize)
					for (uint32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex < QualityInfo.NumChannels; ++ChannelIndex)
						// Interleave the channels in the Vorbis format, so that the correct channel is used for LFE
						int32 OrderedChannelIndex = VorbisChannelInfo::Order[QualityInfo.NumChannels - 1][ChannelIndex];
						int32 CurrInterleavedIndex = CurrInterleavedOffset + ChannelIndex*SAMPLE_SIZE;

						// Copy both bytes that make up a single sample
						TempInterleavedSrc[CurrInterleavedIndex] = SrcBufferCopies[OrderedChannelIndex][CurrSrcOffset];
						TempInterleavedSrc[CurrInterleavedIndex + 1] = SrcBufferCopies[OrderedChannelIndex][CurrSrcOffset + 1];
					// Zero the rest of the temp buffer to make it an exact frame
					FMemory::Memzero(TempInterleavedSrc.GetData() + CurrInterleavedOffset, kBytesPerFrame - CurrInterleavedOffset);
					SampleIndex = kOpusFrameSizeSamples;

			int32 CompressedLength = opus_multistream_encode(Encoder, (const opus_int16*)(TempInterleavedSrc.GetData()), kOpusFrameSizeSamples, TempCompressedData.GetData(), TempCompressedData.Num());

			if (CompressedLength < 0)
				const char* ErrorStr = opus_strerror(CompressedLength);
				UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT("Failed to encode: [%d] %s"), CompressedLength, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(ErrorStr));


				return false;
				// Store frame length and copy compressed data before incrementing pointers
				check(CompressedLength < MAX_uint16);
				SerialiseFrameData(CompressedData, TempCompressedData.GetData(), CompressedLength);
				SrcBufferOffset += kOpusFrameSizeSamples * SAMPLE_SIZE;


		return CompressedDataStore.Num() > 0;