Пример #1
/** \brief Test construction of an empty grid
void export_cube_base_test::test_1() {

    static const char *testname = "export_cube_base_test::test_1()";

    try {

    export_cube_test ex;
    mat dm1(ex.nao(), ex.nao(), fill::randu);
    mat dm2(ex.nao(), ex.nao(), fill::randu);
    mat orb1(ex.nao(), 4, fill::randu);
    mat orb2(ex.nao(), 5, fill::randu);
    std::vector<size_t> i1(4, 0), i2(5, 0);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) i1[i] = 2 * i;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) i2[i] = i;

    ex.perform("dm1", "First test density matrix", dm1);
    ex.perform("dm2", "Second test density matrix", dm2);
    ex.perform("orb1", "First test density matrix", i1, orb1);
    ex.perform("orb2", "Second test density matrix", i2, orb2);


    } catch (libwfa_exception &e) {
        fail_test(testname, __FILE__, __LINE__, e.what());
Пример #2
   void ORBStereoInit::triangulateFeatures( std::vector<DepthInitResult> & triangulated,
                                            const std::vector<Vector2f> & avoidPositionsImg0,
                                            const Image& view0, const Image& view1 )
       Parameters* params = _pset.ptr<Parameters>();

       _matcher.setMaxDescDist( params->maxDescriptorDistance );
       _matcher.setMaxLineDist( params->maxEpilineDistance );
       Rangef depthRange( params->minDepth, params->maxDepth );

       ORB orb0( view0, 2, 0.5f, params->fastThreshold, params->orbMaxFeatures, true );
       ORB orb1( view1, 2, 0.5f, params->fastThreshold, params->orbMaxFeatures, true );

       // find stereoMatches by avoiding already found matches
       std::set<size_t> doNotUse;
       for( size_t i = 0; i < orb0.size(); i++ ){
           const Vector2f& po = orb0[ i ].pt;
           for( size_t k = 0; k < avoidPositionsImg0.size(); k++ ){
               if( ( po - avoidPositionsImg0[ k ] ).lengthSqr() < Math::sqr( 16.0f ) ){
                   doNotUse.insert( i );

       FeatureMatch match;
       DepthInitResult result;

       for( size_t i = 0; i < orb0.size(); ++i ){
           match.feature0 = &orb0[ i ];
           size_t idx = _matcher.matchEpipolar( match, orb1, doNotUse );
           if( match.feature1 ){
                doNotUse.insert( idx );

                // TODO: check the SAD between the two features for savety?
                //if( checkFeatureSAD( match.feature0->pt, match.feature1->pt, first, second ) )

                // correct the correspondences
                result.meas0 = match.feature0->pt;
                result.meas1 = match.feature1->pt;
                Vision::correctCorrespondencesSampson( result.meas0, result.meas1, _matcher.fundamental() );

                triangulateSinglePoint( result,
                                        depthRange );

                if( result.reprojectionError < params->maxReprojectionError ){
                    triangulated.push_back( result );