Пример #1
main (int argc, char **argv)

    int             c,
                    errflg = 0;

    char           *in,
    int             orbin,
    double          maxpkts = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER ;
    int             quit;
    char           *pktmatch = strdup(".*/pf/evtinfo"),
                   *reject = 0;
    int             nmatch;
    int             specified_after = 0;
    double          after = 0.0,
                    until = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER ;
    double          start_time,
                    delta_t ;
    double          totpkts = 0,
                    totbytes = 0;
    Flags           flags;
    static int      last_pktid = -1;
    static double   last_pkttime = 0.0;
    char           *statefile = 0;
    double          last_burial = 0.0;
    double          decent_interval = 300.0;
    int             mode = PKT_NOSAMPLES;
    int             rcode;
    char            srcname[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE];
    double          pkttime = 0.0 ;
    int             pktid;
    int             nbytes;
    char           *packet = 0;
    int             packetsz = 0;
    Packet         *unstuffed = 0;
	Pf				*pf;
	Tbl				*tbl;
	Arr				*arr;
	char			*arrkey;
	char			*pffilename;

	Tbl				*channels;
	char			*net;
	char			*sta;
	char			*chan;
	char			netstachan[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE];
	Srcname			parts;
	double			maxtime,mintime,starttime,triggertime,duration,min_g,max_g,snr;
	char			*datalogger;
	int				evtfilesize,channelno,maxcts,mincts;
	char			*errors,*evtfilename,*ft,*filter,*srcid;
	char			*line;
	int				i;
	Pf				*pfnew;
	Dbptr			db;
	int 			put_tests=0;
	char 			*chanmatch=0;
	Hook			*hook=0;
	char			*tdummy=0;
	char 			*match=malloc(100);


    memset (&flags, 0, sizeof (flags));
    elog_init (argc, argv);
    elog_notify (0, "%s $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2005/05/10 07:34:43 $\n",

    while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "m:n:r:S:c:tvV")) != -1) {
	switch (c) {
	  case 'm':
	    match = optarg;
	  case 'c':
	 	chanmatch = optarg;
	  case 't':
	  	put_tests = 1;
	  case 'n':
	    maxpkts = atoi (optarg);

	  case 'r':
	    reject = optarg;

	  case 'S':
	    statefile = optarg;

	  case 'v':

	  case 'V':

	  case '?':

    if (errflg || argc - optind < 2 || argc - optind > 4)
	usage ();

    in = argv[optind++];
    out = argv[optind++];

    if (argc > optind) {
	after = str2epoch (argv[optind++]);
	specified_after = 1;
	if (argc > optind) {
	    until = str2epoch (argv[optind++]);
	    if (until < after) {
		until += after ;
    if ((orbin = orbopen (in, "r&")) < 0)
	die (0, "Can't open input '%s'\n", in);

    if (statefile != 0) {
		char           *s;
		if (exhume (statefile, &quit, RT_MAX_DIE_SECS, 0) != 0) {
	    elog_notify (0, "read old state file\n");
		if (orbresurrect (orbin, &last_pktid, &last_pkttime) == 0) {
	    	elog_notify (0, "resurrection successful: repositioned to pktid #%d @ %s\n",
			 last_pktid, s = strtime (last_pkttime));
	    	free (s);
		} else {
	    	complain (0, "resurrection unsuccessful\n");
    if ((orbout = orbopen (out, "w&")) < 0) {
	die (0, "Can't open output '%s'\n", out);
    if (pktmatch) {
	nmatch = orbselect (orbin, pktmatch);
    if (nmatch < 0) {
	die (1, "select '%s' returned %d\n", pktmatch, nmatch);
    if (reject) {
	nmatch = orbreject (orbin, reject);
    if (nmatch < 0) {
		elog_die (1, "reject '%s' returned %d\n", reject, nmatch);
    } else {
		if (flags.verbose) {
			elog_notify (1,"%d sources selected\n", nmatch);

    if (specified_after) {
	pktid = orbafter (orbin, after);
	if (pktid < 0) {
	    char           *s;
	    elog_complain (1, "seek to %s failed\n", s = strtime (after));
	    free (s);
	    pktid = forbtell (orbin);
	    elog_complain (1,"pktid is still #%d\n", pktid);
	} else {
	    if (flags.verbose) elog_notify (1,"new starting pktid is #%d\n", pktid);
    start_time = now ();

	db = dbtmp("rt1.0");

    while (!quit && pkttime < until && totpkts < maxpkts) {
	rcode = orbreap (orbin,
		    &pktid, srcname, &pkttime, &packet, &nbytes, &packetsz);

	switch (rcode) {
	  case 0:
	    totbytes += nbytes;

	    if (flags.verbose>2) {
		showPkt (pktid, srcname, pkttime, packet, nbytes, stdout, mode);
	    if (statefile != 0
		    && last_pkttime - last_burial > decent_interval) {
		bury ();
		last_burial = pkttime;
	    if ((unstuffPkt (srcname, pkttime, packet, nbytes, &unstuffed))==Pkt_pf) {
		  	pf = 			unstuffed->pf;
			tbl=			pfkeys(pf);
			arrkey=			gettbl(tbl,0);
			datalogger=		pfget_string(pfnew,"datalogger");
			duration=		pfget_double(pfnew,"duration");
			errors=			pfget_string(pfnew,"errors");
			evtfilename=	pfget_string(pfnew,"evtfilename");
			evtfilesize=	pfget_int(pfnew,"evtfilesize");
			ft=				pfget_string(pfnew,"ft");
			starttime=		pfget_double(pfnew,"time");
			triggertime=	pfget_double(pfnew,"triggertime");

			if (strcasecmp(ft,"no")==0 || put_tests == 1) {
				for (i=0; i<maxtbl(channels);i++) {
					sscanf(line,"%s %d %lf %d %lf %lf %d %lf",
					if (flags.verbose>1) printf("%s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime));	
					if (chanmatch == 0 || 
							strmatches(parts.src_chan,chanmatch,&hook)) {
						if (flags.verbose) elog_notify(1,"putting detev for %s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime));	
							"time",	triggertime,
							"tron",  starttime - triggertime,
							"troff", starttime - triggertime + duration,
							"snr",(max_g * 1000.0  - min_g * 1000.0)/2.0,
					} else {
						if (flags.verbose>1) elog_notify(1,"ignoring %s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime));	


	    last_pktid = pktid;
	    last_pkttime = pkttime;


    if (statefile != 0)
	bury ();

    end_time = now ();
    delta_t = end_time - start_time;
	if (flags.verbose>1) {
		if (totpkts > 0) {
		elog_notify (1,"\n%.0f %.2f byte packets (%.1f kbytes) in %.3f seconds\n\t%10.3f kbytes/s\n\t%10.3f kbaud\n\t%10.3f pkts/s\n",
			totpkts, totbytes / totpkts, totbytes / 1024,
			totbytes / delta_t / 1024,
			totbytes / delta_t / 1024 * 8,
			totpkts / delta_t);
		} else {

		elog_notify (1,"\nno packets read\n");

    if (orbclose (orbin)) {
	elog_complain (1, "error closing read orb\n");
    if (orbclose (orbout)) {
	elog_complain (1, "error closing write orb\n");
    return 0;
Пример #2
static PyObject *
python_orbreap( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) {
	char	*usage = "Usage: _orbreap(orb)\n";
	int	orbfd;
	int	pktid;
	char	srcname[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE];
	double	pkttime;
	char	*pkt = 0;
	int	nbytes = 0;
	int	bufsize = 0;
	PyObject *obj;
	int	rc;

	if( ! PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "i", &orbfd ) ) {

		if( ! PyErr_Occurred() ) {

			PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, usage );

		return NULL;

	rc = orbreap( orbfd, &pktid, srcname, &pkttime, &pkt, &nbytes, &bufsize );

	if( rc < 0 ) {

		elog_flush( 1, 0 );
		PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, "orbreap failed\n" );

		return NULL;

	obj = Py_BuildValue( "s#", pkt, nbytes );

	free( pkt );

	return Py_BuildValue( "isdOi", pktid, srcname, pkttime, obj, nbytes );
/* Input routine for db records for orbgenloc.  

orb - input orb 
dbtmp - temporary database used by orbpkt2db
hyp - returned data structure (see orbgenloc.h)
last_pktid - if nonzero, call orbseek to start at that location
opt - orbgenloc control structure (see orbgenloc.h)


-1 = error, data returned is invalid
0 = aok
1 = inconsistency error.  Data are certainly incomplete and should
be ignored.

IMPORTANT:  this routine mallocs a single block of memory to 
hold the hyp->assocs structure.  This MUST be freed externally.

orb_arrivals_in (int orb, Dbptr dbtmp, ORB_Hypocenter *hyp, 
int *last_pktid, RTlocate_Options opt)

	int pktid, nbytes, bufsize=0;
	char *packet=NULL;
	char srcname[64];
	double time;
	Dbptr db;
	char *table_name;
	int evid, orid, arid, prefor;
	char auth[64];
	int n;
	int number_skipped;

	if (*last_pktid > -1) orbseek (orb, *last_pktid);

	/* The algorithm here is to the following sequence:
	(1)  hunt for a db packet that is an event record.
	(2)  if the event record is auth=orbassoc, start processing, otherwise
	     ignore it.
	(3)  next hunt for an origin record from orbassoc skipping any
	     other embedded origin records (needed in case other locators 
	     are running)
	(4)  Then grab interleaved assoc->arrival rows.  The algorithm 
	     is smart and hunts for an arrival that matches the arid 
	     of the previous assoc record skipping any other db records
	     that do not match.  

	Important assumptions of this are that only one process is emitting
	assoc records into the orb. In addition, this program will block
	and wait forever if an error causes a missing arrival row to never
	appear that has an arid matching a previous output assoc row.  
	We may need a timeout or skip count parameter to avoid this
	potential pitfall.  

	/* This loop is part (1) of the algorithm */
	while (1) {
		if(orbreap (orb, &pktid, srcname, &time, 
					&packet, &nbytes, &bufsize)) 
			elog_log(0,"orbreap error at packet id %d\nContinuing\n",pktid);
		if (strncmp(srcname, "/db/", 4)) continue;
		db = orbpkt2db (packet, nbytes, dbtmp);
		dbquery (db, dbTABLE_NAME, &table_name);
		if (strcmp(table_name, "event")) continue;
		if (dbgetv (db, 0,
				"auth", hyp->auth,
				"evid", &(hyp->evid),
				"prefor", &prefor,
				0) == dbINVALID) {
			elog_log(0, "orbin: dbgetv() error.\n");
			return (-1);
		if (strcmp(hyp->auth, "orbassoc")) continue;
		*last_pktid = pktid;

		/* This is part (2) */
		while (1) {
			orbreap (orb, &pktid, srcname, &time, 
					&packet, &nbytes, &bufsize);
			if (strncmp(srcname, "/db/", 4)) continue;
			db = orbpkt2db (packet, nbytes, dbtmp);
			dbquery (db, dbTABLE_NAME, &table_name);
			if (strcmp(table_name, "origin")) continue;
			if (dbgetv (db, 0,
					"auth", auth,
					"evid", &evid,
					"orid", &(hyp->orid),
					"nass", &(hyp->nass),
					"ndef", &(hyp->ndef),
					"time", &(hyp->time),
					"lat", &(hyp->lat),
					"lon", &(hyp->lon),
					"depth", &(hyp->depth),
					0) == dbINVALID) {
				elog_log(0, "orbin: dbgetv() error.\n");
				return (-1);
			if (strcmp(auth, "orbassoc")) continue;
			if (evid != hyp->evid) continue;
			if (prefor > 0 && prefor != hyp->orid) continue;
			if (hyp->assocs == NULL || hyp->nass > hyp->assocs_size) {
				if (hyp->assocs) free (hyp->assocs);
				hyp->assocs = (Association *) malloc (hyp->nass*sizeof(Association));
				if (hyp->assocs == NULL) {
					elog_log(1, "orbin: malloc() error.\n");
					return (-1);
				hyp->assocs_size = hyp->nass;

			/* This is parts (3) and (4) for assoc->arrival */
			n = 0;
			while (1) {
				orbreap (orb, &pktid, srcname, &time, 
						&packet, &nbytes, &bufsize);
				if (strncmp(srcname, "/db/", 4)) continue;
				db = orbpkt2db (packet, nbytes, dbtmp);
				dbquery (db, dbTABLE_NAME, &table_name);
				if (strcmp(table_name, "assoc")) continue;
				if (dbgetv (db, 0,
						"orid", &orid,
						"arid", &(hyp->assocs[n].arid),
						"delta", &(hyp->assocs[n].delta),
						"seaz", &(hyp->assocs[n].seaz),
						"esaz", &(hyp->assocs[n].esaz),
						"timeres", &(hyp->assocs[n].timeres),
						"timedef", hyp->assocs[n].timedef,
						0) == dbINVALID) {
					elog_log(0, "orbin: dbgetv() error.\n");
					return (-1);
				if (orid != hyp->orid) continue;
				/* This is the safe code to avoid an infinite loop */
				number_skipped = 0;
				while (number_skipped <= opt.db_record_skip_timeout) {
					orbreap (orb, &pktid, srcname, &time, 
							&packet, &nbytes, &bufsize);
					if (strncmp(srcname, "/db/", 4)) continue;
					db = orbpkt2db (packet, nbytes, dbtmp);
					dbquery (db, dbTABLE_NAME, &table_name);
					if (strcmp(table_name, "arrival")) 
					if (dbgetv (db, 0,
							"arid", &arid,
							"time", &(hyp->assocs[n].time),
							"sta", hyp->assocs[n].sta,
							"chan", hyp->assocs[n].chan,
							"iphase", hyp->assocs[n].iphase,
							0) == dbINVALID) {
						elog_log(0, "orbin: dbgetv() error.\n");
						return (-1);
					if (arid == hyp->assocs[n].arid) break;
				if(number_skipped >= opt.db_record_skip_timeout) 
					elog_log(0,"Record skipping limit reached while hunting for arrival row to match assoc row.\nResynching\nOne or more events were probably skipped\n");
				if (n >= hyp->nass) break;
			return (0);
Пример #4
main( int argc, char **argv )
	thread_t tidHeartbeat;
	int	nbytes_orb;	
	int	nbytes_tp;
	MSG_LOGO putlogo;	/* logo of message     */
	int	res;
	TracePacket tp;
	int     pktid;
	char    srcname[STRSZ];
	double  mytime;
	char    *rawpkt = NULL;
	struct Packet *Pkt = NULL;
	struct PktChannel *pktchan = NULL;
	int	ichan;
	int     bufsize = 0;
	char	*sitedb;
	int	rc;	

	if ( argc != 2 ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "Usage: orb2eworm <configfile>\n" );
		exit( 0 );

	chdir_ewparams( "orb2eworm" );

	elog_init( argc, argv );

	orb2eworm_config( argv[1] );

	logit_init( "orb2eworm", (short) MyModId, MAX_LOGMSG_SIZE, LogSwitch );
	logit( "", "%s: Read command file <%s>\n", argv[0], argv[1] );

	orb2eworm_lookup( );

	if( ( sitedb = getenv( "SITE_DB" ) ) == NULL )
		fprintf(stderr, "Environment variable SITE_DB not defined; ");
		fprintf(stderr, "orb2eworm exiting.\n");
		exit( -1 );

	read_site_db( sitedb );

	OrbFd = orbopen( OrbName, "r&" );
	if( OrbFd < 0 ) 
		logit( "e", "Failed to connect to orb %s--Bye\n", OrbName );
		exit( -1 );
		logit( "", "Connected to orb %s\n", OrbName );

	if( ! STREQ( ChannelSelect, "" ) )
		orbselect( OrbFd, ChannelSelect );

	if( ! STREQ( ChannelReject, "" ) )
		orbreject( OrbFd, ChannelReject );

	tport_attach( &Region, RingKey );
	logit( "", "orb2eworm: Attached to public memory region %s: %d\n",
	      RingName, RingKey );

	StartThread( Heartbeat, 0, &tidHeartbeat );

	putlogo.instid = InstId;
	putlogo.mod = MyModId;
	putlogo.type = TypeTracebuf;

	for( ;; ) 

		/* Accept that heartbeats will be delayed for 
		   now while orbreap blocks */

		rc = orbreap( OrbFd, &pktid, srcname, &mytime,
			&rawpkt, (int *)&nbytes_orb, &bufsize );
		if( rc < 0 )
			elog_clear_register( 1 );

		rc = unstuffPkt( srcname, mytime, rawpkt, nbytes_orb, &Pkt );
		if( rc == 0 )
			logit( "et", "Unstuff failure in orb2eworm for %s\n", srcname );
			elog_clear_register( 1 );

		for( ichan = 0; ichan < Pkt->nchannels; ichan++ )
			pktchan = gettbl( Pkt->channels, ichan );

			if( pktchan_to_tracebuf( pktchan, &tp,
						 mytime, &nbytes_tp  ) )

			res = tport_putmsg( &Region, &putlogo,
					    nbytes_tp, tp.msg );
