Пример #1
/// Handles operations that need to occur before profiling an API call.
/// \param funcId The FuncId corresponding to the API call being traced.
/// \param pWrappedCmdBuf The interface pointer used to invoke the API call.
void VktFrameProfilerLayer::PreCall(FuncId funcId, VktWrappedCmdBuf* pWrappedCmdBuf)
    if (pWrappedCmdBuf->IsProfilingEnabled() && ShouldProfileFunction(funcId))
        osThreadId threadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();
        SampleInfo* pSampleInfo = GetSampleInfoForThread(threadId);

        if (pSampleInfo != nullptr)
            UINT64 nextSampleId = SetNextSampleId(pSampleInfo);

            ProfilerMeasurementId measurementId = {};
            VktUtil::ConstructMeasurementInfo(funcId, nextSampleId, pWrappedCmdBuf, GetParentLayerManager()->GetFrameCount(), pWrappedCmdBuf->FillCount(), measurementId);

            ProfilerResultCode beginResult = pWrappedCmdBuf->BeginCmdMeasurement(&measurementId);

            if (beginResult == PROFILER_SUCCESS)
                pSampleInfo->mSampleId = measurementId.sampleId;
                pSampleInfo->mbBeginSampleSuccessful = true;
                Log(logERROR, "Failed BeginCmdMeasurement. CmdBuf='0x%p' SampleId='%d'\n", pWrappedCmdBuf->AppHandle(), measurementId.sampleId);
            Log(logERROR, "Failed to find or create SampleInfo instance for Thread %d\n", threadId);
Пример #2
/// Handler used after the real runtime implementation of an API call has been invoked.
/// \param pNewAPIEntry The new APIEntry created for the API call invocation.
/// \param pWrappedCmdBuf The interface pointer used to invoke the API call.
/// \param inFuncId The FuncId corresponding to the API call being traced.
void VktFrameProfilerLayer::PostCall(VktAPIEntry* pNewAPIEntry, FuncId inFuncId, VktWrappedCmdBuf* pWrappedCmdBuf)
    // Wait and gather results
    if (pWrappedCmdBuf->IsProfilingEnabled() && ShouldProfileFunction(inFuncId))
        osThreadId threadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();
        SampleInfo* pSampleInfo = GetSampleInfoForThread(threadId);

        if (pSampleInfo != nullptr)
            if (pSampleInfo->mbBeginSampleSuccessful == true)
                ProfilerResultCode endResult = pWrappedCmdBuf->EndCmdMeasurement();

                if (endResult == PROFILER_SUCCESS)
                    pNewAPIEntry->m_sampleId = pSampleInfo->mSampleId;
                    Log(logERROR, "Failed EndCmdMeasurement. CmdBuf='0x%p' SampleId='%d'\n", pWrappedCmdBuf->AppHandle(), pSampleInfo->mSampleId);
                Log(logERROR, "Didn't call EndMeasurement because BeginMeasurement wasn't successful.\n");
            Log(logERROR, "Didn't call EndSample because there was no SampleInfo for Thread %d\n", threadId);
/// This is called before the target function call, and will setup a new ThreadTraceData
/// structure if necessary, but will also track the start time for a function call.
/// \return Nothing.
void MultithreadedTraceAnalyzerLayer::BeforeAPICall()
    // Find the correct ThreadTraceData instance and inject the precall time.
    // A single thread will only ever deal with tracing one function at a time, so we can
    // leave "this" traced function's start time in the per-thread data.
    DWORD threadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();
    ThreadTraceData* currentThreadData = FindOrCreateThreadData(threadId);
    currentThreadData->m_startTime = currentThreadData->mAPICallTimer.GetRaw();
Пример #4
/// Handler used after the real runtime implementation of an API call has been invoked.
/// \param inNewAPIEntry The new APIEntry created for the API call invocation.
/// \param inWrappedInterface The interface pointer used to invoke the API call.
/// \param inFunctionId The FuncId corresponding to the API call being traced.
void DX12FrameProfilerLayer::PostCall(DX12APIEntry* inNewAPIEntry, IUnknown* inWrappedInterface, FuncId inFunctionId)
    Wrapped_ID3D12GraphicsCommandListCustom* pWrappedGraphicsCommandListCustom = static_cast<Wrapped_ID3D12GraphicsCommandListCustom*>(inWrappedInterface);

    // Wait and gather results
    if (pWrappedGraphicsCommandListCustom->IsProfilingEnabled() && ShouldProfileFunction(inFunctionId))
        Wrapped_ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* pWrappedGraphicsCommandList = static_cast<Wrapped_ID3D12GraphicsCommandList*>(inWrappedInterface);

        osThreadId threadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();

        Wrapped_ID3D12CommandList* pCmdList = static_cast<Wrapped_ID3D12CommandList*>(inWrappedInterface);

        if (CommandListSupportsTimestamping(pCmdList) == true)
            SampleInfo* pSampleInfo = GetSampleInfoForThread(threadId);

            if (pSampleInfo != nullptr)
                if (pSampleInfo->mbBeginSampleSuccessful == true)
                    Wrapped_ID3D12GraphicsCommandListCustom* pCmdListCustom = static_cast<Wrapped_ID3D12GraphicsCommandListCustom*>(inWrappedInterface);

                    ProfilerResultCode endResult = pCmdListCustom->EndCmdMeasurement();

                    if (endResult == PROFILER_SUCCESS)
                        inNewAPIEntry->mSampleId = pSampleInfo->mSampleId;
                        Log(logERROR, "Failed EndCmdMeasurement. CmdList='0x%p' SampleId='%d'\n", pWrappedGraphicsCommandList->mRealGraphicsCommandList, pSampleInfo->mSampleId);
                    Log(logERROR, "Didn't call EndMeasurement because BeginMeasurement wasn't successful.\n");
                Log(logERROR, "Didn't call EndSample because there was no SampleInfo for Thread %d\n", threadId);
            Log(logERROR, "Failed to find or create SampleInfo instance for Thread %d\n", threadId);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        afInitializeApplicationCommand::nameThreadInDebugger
// Description:
//   Name the application's main thread in Visual Studio's thread's list.
//   (We assume that the main application's thread is the thread that uses afInitializeApplicationCommand)
// Author:      Yaki Tebeka
// Date:        25/11/2010
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void afInitializeApplicationCommand::nameMainThreadInDebugger()
    // Naming threads in a debugger is only supported on Windows:

    // Do not rename the main thread in Visual Studio:
    if (!afGlobalVariablesManager::instance().isRunningInsideVisualStudio())
        // Name the application's main thread in Visual Studio's thread's list:
        osThreadId mainThreadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();
        gtASCIIString mainThreadName("CodeXL - main thread");
        osNameThreadInDebugger(mainThreadId, mainThreadName);

Пример #6
/// Spawn a worker thread to gather GPU profiler results.
/// \param pTimestampPair A pair of calibration timestamps used to align CPU and GPU timelines.
/// \param pQueue The Queue responsible for executed the profiled workload.
/// \param fenceToWaitOn The fence we want to wait on.
/// \param internalFence True if the fence we're waiting on was created by VulkanServer.
/// \param cmdBufs A vector of command buffers being executed.
void VktWrappedQueue::SpawnWorker(
    CalibrationTimestampPair*            pTimestampPair,
    VktWrappedQueue*                     pQueue,
    VkFence                              fenceToWaitOn,
    bool                                 internalFence,
    const std::vector<VktWrappedCmdBuf*> cmdBufs)
    const UINT cmdBufCount = (UINT)cmdBufs.size();

    if (cmdBufCount > 0)
        static UINT32 s_threadID = 1;

        VktWorkerInfo* pWorkerInfo = new VktWorkerInfo();

        pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.internalFence  = internalFence;
        pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.fenceToWaitOn  = fenceToWaitOn;
        pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.pQueue         = pQueue;
        pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.frameStartTime = VktTraceAnalyzerLayer::Instance()->GetFrameStartTime();

        pWorkerInfo->m_threadInfo.workerThreadCountID = s_threadID++;
        pWorkerInfo->m_threadInfo.parentThreadID = osGetCurrentThreadId();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < cmdBufCount; i++)
            WrappedCmdBufData cmdBufData = {};
            cmdBufData.pCmdBuf           = cmdBufs[i];
            cmdBufData.targetFillID      = cmdBufs[i]->FillCount();
            cmdBufData.profiledCallCount = cmdBufs[i]->GetProfiledCallCount();


        memcpy(&pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.timestampPair, pTimestampPair, sizeof(pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.timestampPair));

        // The push onto m_workerThreadInfo needs to be thread safe
            ScopeLock lock(&m_workerThreadInfoMutex);


            DWORD threadId = 0;
            pWorkerInfo->m_threadInfo.threadHandle = CreateThread(nullptr, 0, ThreadFunc, pWorkerInfo, 0, &threadId);
/// Gets called immediately after the real Present() is called
/// \param queue The queue used to present.
/// \param pPresentInfo Presentation info.
void VktTraceAnalyzerLayer::OnPresent(VkQueue queue, const VkPresentInfoKHR* pPresentInfo)
    VktInterceptManager* pInterceptor = VktLayerManager::GetLayerManager()->GetInterceptMgr();

    if (pInterceptor->ShouldCollectTrace())
        char argumentsBuffer[ARGUMENTS_BUFFER_SIZE];
        sprintf_s(argumentsBuffer, ARGUMENTS_BUFFER_SIZE, "0x%p, 0x%p", queue, pPresentInfo);

        // precall

        // postcall
        DWORD threadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();
        VktAPIEntry* pNewEntry = new VktAPIEntry(threadId, FuncId_vkQueuePresentKHR, argumentsBuffer, nullptr);
Пример #8
//  ThreadPool's thread start routine
//      - All the worker threads will start with this routine
//      - the parameter passed to this thread start routine is "WorkThreadParam"
//          It has
//              threadWorkFunction  :-  thread work function;
//              threadWorkParam     :-  thread param for the "threadWorkFunction"
//              tPool               :-  thread pool object itself
DWORD WINAPI ThreadPool::ThreadExecute(LPVOID param)
    osNameThreadInDebugger(osGetCurrentThreadId(), "PoolThread");

    PrdWorkUnit work;

    if (NULL == param)
        OS_OUTPUT_DEBUG_LOG(L"Invalid arg for worker thread", OS_DEBUG_LOG_ERROR);
        return (DWORD)E_INVALIDARG;

    WorkThreadParam* wParam = (WorkThreadParam*)param;
    ThreadPool* tp = (ThreadPool*)wParam->tPool;

    OS_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEBUG_LOG(OS_DEBUG_LOG_DEBUG, L"Thread (%d) Created", GetCurrentThreadId());

    // the worker cannot be assigned empty work..
    // ThreadPool::fetchwork() will return false on DUMMY work;
    // DUMMY work is used to request the thread to terminate.
    while (tp->FetchWork(&work))
        wParam->threadWorkFunction(wParam->threadWorkParam, (void*)&work);


    // This is to cleanup the Dummy work..
    // Is there a way to verify that we have received dummy work ?
    if (tp->m_workQueue->IsWorkPending())

    // If still some work is pending, emit a warning message
    if (tp->m_workQueue->IsWorkPending())
        OS_OUTPUT_DEBUG_LOG(L"Warning: Still some work is pending in the workqueue or work-in-progress in some other thread...\n",

    OS_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEBUG_LOG(OS_DEBUG_LOG_DEBUG, L"Return from the thread (%d)", GetCurrentThreadId());
    return 0;
Пример #9
/// Profiler results collection worker function.
/// \param lpParam A void pointer to the incoming VktWorkerInfo argument.
/// \returns Always 0.
    VktWorkerInfo* pWorkerInfo = (VktWorkerInfo*)lpParam;

    pWorkerInfo->m_threadInfo.workerThreadID = osGetCurrentThreadId();

    VkResult waitResult = VK_TIMEOUT;

    VkDevice device = pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.pQueue->ParentDevice();
        waitResult = device_dispatch_table(device)->WaitForFences(device, 1, &pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.fenceToWaitOn, VK_TRUE, GPU_FENCE_TIMEOUT_TIME);
    } while (waitResult == VK_TIMEOUT);
    VkQueue queue = pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.pQueue->AppHandle();
    waitResult = device_dispatch_table(queue)->QueueWaitIdle(queue);

    if (pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.timestampPair.mQueueCanBeTimestamped)
        for (UINT i = 0; i < pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.cmdBufs.size(); i++)
            VktWrappedCmdBuf* pWrappedCmdBuf = pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.cmdBufs[i];

            ProfilerResultCode profResult = pWrappedCmdBuf->GetCmdBufResultsMT(pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.executionID, pWorkerInfo->m_outputs.results);

            if (profResult != PROFILER_SUCCESS)
                const char* profilerErrorCode = VktCmdBufProfiler::PrintProfilerResult(profResult);

                // Report that a problem occurred in retrieving full profiler results.
                Log(logERROR, "Failed to retrieve full profiler results: CmdBuf 0x%p, Queue 0x%p, ErrorCode %s\n",
                    pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.cmdBufs[i], pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.pQueue, profilerErrorCode);

    // This will only be set to true if the GPU results have come back in time.
    pWorkerInfo->m_outputs.bResultsGathered = true;

    return 0;
Пример #10
/// Handles operations that need to occur before profiling an API call.
/// \param inWrappedInterface The interface pointer used to invoke the API call.
/// \param inFunctionId The FuncId corresponding to the API call being traced.
void DX12FrameProfilerLayer::PreCall(IUnknown* inWrappedInterface, FuncId inFunctionId)
    Wrapped_ID3D12GraphicsCommandListCustom* pWrappedGraphicsCommandListCustom = static_cast<Wrapped_ID3D12GraphicsCommandListCustom*>(inWrappedInterface);

    // Check if we intend to collect GPU time
    if (pWrappedGraphicsCommandListCustom->IsProfilingEnabled() && ShouldProfileFunction(inFunctionId))
        osThreadId threadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();
        SampleInfo* pSampleInfo = GetSampleInfoForThread(threadId);

        if (pSampleInfo != nullptr)
            // Don't let new sampling begin until this sample is finished with a call to EndSample.
            Wrapped_ID3D12CommandList* pCmdList = static_cast<Wrapped_ID3D12CommandList*>(inWrappedInterface);

            // Only some types of CommandLists can be timestamped. Check the type before proceeding.
            if (CommandListSupportsTimestamping(pCmdList) == true)
                UINT64 nextSampleId = SetNextSampleId(pSampleInfo);

                ProfilerMeasurementId measurementId = {};
                ConstructMeasurementInfo(inFunctionId, nextSampleId, pWrappedGraphicsCommandListCustom, measurementId);

                ProfilerResultCode beginResult = pWrappedGraphicsCommandListCustom->BeginCmdMeasurement(&measurementId);

                if (beginResult == PROFILER_SUCCESS)
                    pSampleInfo->mSampleId = measurementId.mSampleId;
                    pSampleInfo->mbBeginSampleSuccessful = true;
                    Log(logERROR, "Failed BeginCmdMeasurement. CmdList='0x%p' SampleId='%d'\n", pWrappedGraphicsCommandListCustom->mRealGraphicsCommandList, measurementId.mSampleId);
            Log(logERROR, "Failed to find or create SampleInfo instance for Thread %d\n", threadId);
Пример #11
/// Spawn a worker thread to gather GPU profiler results.
/// \param pTimestampPair A pair of calibration timestamps used to align CPU and GPU timelines.
/// \param pQueue The Queue responsible for executed the profiled workload.
/// \param fenceToWaitOn The fence we want to wait on
/// \param internalFence True if the fence we're waiting on was created by VulkanServer
/// \param cmdBufsWithProfiledCalls The array of CommandBuffers being executed.
void VktWrappedQueue::SpawnWorker(
    CalibrationTimestampPair*            pTimestampPair,
    VktWrappedQueue*                     pQueue,
    VkFence                              fenceToWaitOn,
    bool                                 internalFence,
    const std::vector<VktWrappedCmdBuf*> cmdBufs)
    const UINT cmdBufCount = (UINT)cmdBufs.size();

    if (cmdBufCount > 0)
        static UINT32 s_threadID = 1;

        VktWorkerInfo* pWorkerInfo = new VktWorkerInfo();

        pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.internalFence = internalFence;
        pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.fenceToWaitOn = fenceToWaitOn;
        pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.pQueue        = pQueue;
        pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.executionID   = m_executionID;

        pWorkerInfo->m_threadInfo.workerThreadCountID = s_threadID++;
        pWorkerInfo->m_threadInfo.parentThreadID = osGetCurrentThreadId();

        for (size_t index = 0; index < cmdBufCount; index++)

        memcpy(&pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.timestampPair, pTimestampPair, sizeof(pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.timestampPair));

        // The push onto m_workerThreadInfo needs to be thread safe
            ScopeLock lock(&m_workerThreadInfoMutex);


            DWORD threadId = 0;
            pWorkerInfo->m_threadInfo.threadHandle = CreateThread(nullptr, 0, ThreadFunc, pWorkerInfo, 0, &threadId);
Пример #12
/// Insert an APIEntry into the list of entries with profiler results.
/// \param pEntry An APIEntry with a sampled GPU time.
void VktFrameProfilerLayer::StoreProfilerResult(VktAPIEntry* pEntry)
    // Need to lock here to control access into our profiling results map
    ScopeLock profilerResultsLock(&mProfilingResultsMutex);

    UINT32 threadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();

    if (mSampleIdToEntry.find(threadId) == mSampleIdToEntry.end())
        // create a new entry
        SampleIdToAPIEntryMap newMap;
        newMap[pEntry->m_sampleId] = pEntry;

        mSampleIdToEntry[threadId] = newMap;
        SampleIdToAPIEntryMap& mapEntry = mSampleIdToEntry[threadId];
        mapEntry[pEntry->m_sampleId] = pEntry;
Пример #13
/// Insert an APIEntry into the list of entries with profiler results.
/// \param inEntry An APIEntry with a sampled GPU time.
void DX12FrameProfilerLayer::StoreProfilerResult(DX12APIEntry* inEntry)
    UINT32 threadId = osGetCurrentThreadId();

    if (mSampleIdToEntry.find(threadId) == mSampleIdToEntry.end())
        // create a new entry
        SampleIdToAPIEntryMap newMap;
        newMap[inEntry->mSampleId] = inEntry;

        // adding a new thread to the map so need to lock
        ScopeLock profilerResultsLock(&mProfilingResultsMutex);

        mSampleIdToEntry[threadId] = newMap;
        SampleIdToAPIEntryMap& mapEntry = mSampleIdToEntry[threadId];
        mapEntry[inEntry->mSampleId] = inEntry;
Пример #14
/// Profiler results collection worker function.
/// \param lpParam A void pointer to the incoming VktWorkerInfo argument.
/// \returns Always 0.
    VktWorkerInfo* pWorkerInfo = (VktWorkerInfo*)lpParam;

    pWorkerInfo->m_threadInfo.workerThreadID = osGetCurrentThreadId();

    VkResult waitResult = VK_TIMEOUT;

    VkDevice device = pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.pQueue->ParentDevice();
        waitResult = device_dispatch_table(device)->WaitForFences(device, 1, &pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.fenceToWaitOn, VK_TRUE, GPU_FENCE_TIMEOUT_TIME);
    } while (waitResult == VK_TIMEOUT);
    VkQueue queue = pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.pQueue->AppHandle();
    waitResult = device_dispatch_table(queue)->QueueWaitIdle(queue);

    for (UINT i = 0; i < pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.cmdBufData.size(); i++)
        VktWrappedCmdBuf* pWrappedCmdBuf = pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.cmdBufData[i].pCmdBuf;
        UINT64 targetFillId = pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.cmdBufData[i].targetFillID;
        UINT profiledCallCount = pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.cmdBufData[i].profiledCallCount;

        ProfilerResultCode profResult = pWrappedCmdBuf->GetCmdBufResultsMT(targetFillId, profiledCallCount, pWorkerInfo->m_outputs.results);

        if (profResult != PROFILER_SUCCESS)
            const char* profilerErrorCode = VktCmdBufProfiler::PrintProfilerResult(profResult);

            // Report that a problem occurred in retrieving full profiler results.
            Log(logERROR, "Failed to retrieve full profiler results: CmdBuf 0x%p, Queue 0x%p, ErrorCode %s\n",
                pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.cmdBufData[i].pCmdBuf, pWorkerInfo->m_inputs.pQueue, profilerErrorCode);

    return 0;
Пример #15
// Generate a composite log message - then finally send to handler to write and/or display
void _Log(enum LogType type, const char* fmt, ...)
    // check to see if logging of the level is enabled, or if s_LogConsole is specified
    // if not, don't process it.
    int logLevel = SG_GET_INT(OptionLogLevel);

    if (((type - logERROR) > logLevel && s_LogConsole == false))

    // Define buffer to store maximum current log message.
    // Different destinations will receive a subset of this string.
    // On Win32 the entire string is passed to OutputDebugString()

    char fullString[PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH] = "";
    int nLen = 0;
    int nSize;
    bool truncated = false;

    char* pLogString; // String to print to logfile
    char* pConsole;   // String to print to console doesn't include debug information
    char* pRaw;       // Raw string passed in without any additional decoration

    if (truncated == false)
        // Prepend "PerfStudio: " for windows OutputDebugString() messages
        nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "PerfStudio: ");

        if ((truncated = (nSize == -1)) == false)
            nLen += nSize;

    pLogString = &fullString[nLen]; // logfile message doesn't include above WIN32 section

#if (defined PS_LOG_DEBUG) && (defined _DEBUG)

    if (truncated == false)
        // In debug builds, include the __FILE__, __LINE__ and __FUNCTION__ information
        nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "%s(%d) : %s(): ", s_LogFile, s_LogLine, s_LogFunction);

        if ((truncated = (nSize == -1)) == false)
            nLen += nSize;


    // Prepend accurate timestamp
    if (truncated == false)
        gtASCIIString time = GetMicroTimeStr();
        time = time.substr(12);
        nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "%-14s: ", time.asCharArray());

        if ((truncated = (nSize == -1)) == false)
            nLen += nSize;

    pConsole = &fullString[nLen];  // String to print to console starts here

    if (truncated == false)
        // Add the message type string
        switch (type)
            case logERROR:
                nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "Error:   ");

            case logWARNING:
                nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "Warning: ");

            case logMESSAGE:
                nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "Message: ");

            case logTRACE:
                nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "Trace:   ");

            case logASSERT:
                nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "Assert:  ");

            case logDEBUG:
                nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "Debug:   ");

            case logRAW:
                // Skip
                nSize = 0;

                nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "Unknown: ");

        if ((truncated = (nSize == -1)) == false)
            nLen += nSize;

    // Add the module identifier
    if (s_LogModule  && (truncated == false))
        nSize = _snprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, "PID: %10u TID: %10u %-14s: ", osGetCurrentProcessId(), osGetCurrentThreadId(), s_LogModule);

        if ((truncated = (nSize == -1)) == false)
            nLen += nSize;

    if (truncated == false)
        if (SG_GET_INT(OptionLogLevel) >= logTRACE - logERROR)
            // Add the indent
            for (int i = 0; (i < logIndent) && (nLen < PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - 1); i++, nLen++)
                fullString[nLen] = ' ';

            fullString[nLen] = 0;  // Ensure string in buffer remains null terminated
            truncated = (nLen == PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - 1);

    pRaw = &fullString[nLen];  // Raw undecorated string starts here

    // Add the actual Log Message
    if (truncated == false)
        va_list arg_ptr;
        va_start(arg_ptr, fmt);

        nSize = vsnprintf_s(&fullString[nLen], PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - nLen, _TRUNCATE, fmt, arg_ptr);

        if ((truncated = (nSize == -1)) == false)
            nLen += nSize;


    // Check if message has been truncated and clean up accordingly

    if (truncated == true)
        // Truncation occurred - change end of line to reflect this
        char truncationString[] = " ... \n";
        sprintf_s(&fullString[PS_LOG_MAX_LENGTH - sizeof(truncationString)], sizeof(truncationString), "%s", truncationString);

    // Message Constructed. Print to Log, Console, and OutputDebugString as necessary
    if (type == logRAW)
        if (s_LogConsole)
            // Send string to console
            printf("%s", pRaw);

        if (s_LogConsole)
            // Console messages are always printed in console and in log file
            // regardless of logLEVEL
            printf("%s", pConsole);
            // not a console message - filter based on log level
            if ((type - logERROR) <= SG_GET_INT(OptionLogLevel))
                if (type == logTRACE)
                    // Trace messages also go to the console
                    printf("%s", pConsole);
