Пример #1
bool timers_stop(void){
	char i;
	bool result = true;	

	if(is_initialized == false)
		return false;	

	for(i = 0; i < ACTIVE_TIMERS_COUNT; i++)
		result &= timers[i] != NULL && osTimerStop(timers[i])	== osOK;
	return result;	
Пример #2
uint32_t app_timer_stop(app_timer_id_t timer_id)
    app_timer_info_t * p_timer_info = (app_timer_info_t *)timer_id;
    switch (osTimerStop((osTimerId)p_timer_info->id) )
        case osOK:
            return NRF_SUCCESS;

        case osErrorISR:

        case osErrorParameter:
            return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;

        case osErrorResource:
            return NRF_SUCCESS;

            return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;

    // Stop timer without svcCall
    switch (svcTimerStop((osTimerId)p_timer_info->id))
        case osOK:
            return NRF_SUCCESS;

        case osErrorISR:
            return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;

        case osErrorParameter:
            return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;

        case osErrorResource:
            return NRF_SUCCESS;

            return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
Пример #3
	Motor Thread
	Handles the roll and pitch motors. It has three states, Follow, Goto Angle and Stop.
	Follow = simple updates the motor's angles to the values in the global struct.
	Goto = moves the motors to the specified angle over a specified time received from transmitter
	Stop =  simply stops the motors
void motor_thread(void const *argument) {
  struct Values *values = (struct Values*)argument;
  char string[5]= {0};
  uint32_t mscount=0;

		//Follow Mode
		if(values->follow == 1){
			osMutexWait(measureUpdate, osWaitForever);
			motorControl(values->pitch, values->roll, global_pitch, global_roll);
		//Goto Angle Mode
		if(values->follow == 0){
            osSignalWait(0x02, osWaitForever);
            osMutexWait(measureUpdate, osWaitForever);
            measurements.roll += values->rollIncrement;
            measurements.pitch += values->pitchIncrement;
            motorControl(measurements.pitch,measurements.roll, global_pitch, global_roll);
            //Check to see if we reached the desired time
            if (mscount >= values->time) {
                osTimerStop(timerid_motor); //stop timer
                mscount=0; //reset count
                // Delay 
                // Move back to follow mode
                measurements.follow = 1;
    //Stop Mode
    if(values->follow == 3){
Пример #4
osStatus RtosTimer::stop(void)
    return osTimerStop(_id);
Пример #5
void tcpTick(void)
   error_t error;
   uint_t i;
   uint_t n;
   uint_t u;

   //Enter critical section

   //Loop through opened sockets
   for(i = 0; i < SOCKET_MAX_COUNT; i++)
      //Shortcut to the current socket
      Socket *socket = socketTable + i;
      //Check socket type
      if(socket->type != SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM)
      //Check the current state of the TCP state machine
      if(socket->state == TCP_STATE_CLOSED)

      //Is there any packet in the retransmission queue?
      if(socket->retransmitQueue != NULL)
         //Retransmission timeout?
            //When a TCP sender detects segment loss using the retransmission
            //timer and the given segment has not yet been resent by way of
            //the retransmission timer, the value of ssthresh must be updated
               //Amount of data that has been sent but not yet acknowledged
               uint_t flightSize = socket->sndNxt - socket->sndUna;
               //Adjust ssthresh value
               socket->ssthresh = max(flightSize / 2, 2 * socket->mss);

            //Furthermore, upon a timeout cwnd must be set to no more than
            //the loss window, LW, which equals 1 full-sized segment
            socket->cwnd = min(TCP_LOSS_WINDOW * socket->mss, socket->txBufferSize);

            //Make sure the maximum number of retransmissions has not been reached
            if(socket->retransmitCount < TCP_MAX_RETRIES)
               //Debug message
               TRACE_INFO("%s: TCP segment retransmission #%u (%u data bytes)...\r\n",
                  timeFormat(osGetTickCount()), socket->retransmitCount + 1, socket->retransmitQueue->length);

               //Retransmit the earliest segment that has not been
               //acknowledged by the TCP receiver

               //Use exponential back-off algorithm to calculate the new RTO
               socket->rto = min(socket->rto * 2, TCP_MAX_RTO);
               //Restart retransmission timer
               osTimerStart(&socket->retransmitTimer, socket->rto);
               //Increment retransmission counter
               //The maximum number of retransmissions has been exceeded
               tcpChangeState(socket, TCP_STATE_CLOSED);
               //Turn off the retransmission timer

            //TCP must use Karn's algorithm for taking RTT samples. That is, RTT
            //samples must not be made using segments that were retransmitted
            socket->rttBusy = FALSE;

      //Check the current state of the TCP state machine
      if(socket->state == TCP_STATE_CLOSED)

      //The persist timer is used when the remote host advertises
      //a window size of zero
      if(!socket->sndWnd && socket->wndProbeInterval)
         //Time to send a new probe?
            //Make sure the maximum number of retransmissions has not been reached
            if(socket->wndProbeCount < TCP_MAX_RETRIES)
               //Debug message
               TRACE_INFO("%s: TCP zero window probe #%u...\r\n",
                  timeFormat(osGetTickCount()), socket->wndProbeCount + 1);

               //Zero window probes usually have the sequence number one less than expected
               tcpSendSegment(socket, TCP_FLAG_ACK, socket->sndNxt - 1, socket->rcvNxt, 0, FALSE);
               //The interval between successive probes should be increased exponentially
               socket->wndProbeInterval = min(socket->wndProbeInterval * 2, TCP_MAX_PROBE_INTERVAL);
               //Restart the persist timer
               osTimerStart(&socket->persistTimer, socket->wndProbeInterval);
               //Increment window probe counter
               //Enter CLOSED state
               tcpChangeState(socket, TCP_STATE_CLOSED);

      //To avoid a deadlock, it is necessary to have a timeout to force
      //transmission of data, overriding the SWS avoidance algorithm. In
      //practice, this timeout should seldom occur (see RFC 1122
      if(socket->state == TCP_STATE_ESTABLISHED || socket->state == TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT)
         //The override timeout occurred?
         if(socket->sndUser && osTimerElapsed(&socket->overrideTimer))
            //The amount of data that can be sent at any given time is
            //limited by the receiver window and the congestion window
            n = min(socket->sndWnd, socket->cwnd);
            n = min(n, socket->txBufferSize);

            //Retrieve the size of the usable window
            u = n - (socket->sndNxt - socket->sndUna);

            //Send as much data as possible
            while(socket->sndUser > 0)
               //The usable window size may become zero or negative,
               //preventing packet transmission
               if((int_t) u <= 0) break;

               //Calculate the number of bytes to send at a time
               n = min(u, socket->sndUser);
               n = min(n, socket->mss);

               //Send TCP segment
               error = tcpSendSegment(socket, TCP_FLAG_PSH | TCP_FLAG_ACK,
                  socket->sndNxt, socket->rcvNxt, n, TRUE);
               //Failed to send TCP segment?
               if(error) break;

               //Advance SND.NXT pointer
               socket->sndNxt += n;
               //Adjust the number of bytes buffered but not yet sent
               socket->sndUser -= n;

            //Check whether the transmitter can accept more data

            //Restart override timer if necessary
            if(socket->sndUser > 0)
               osTimerStart(&socket->overrideTimer, TCP_OVERRIDE_TIMEOUT);

      //The FIN-WAIT-2 timer prevents the connection
      //from staying in the FIN-WAIT-2 state forever
      if(socket->state == TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT_2)
         //Maximum FIN-WAIT-2 time has elapsed?
            //Debug message
            TRACE_WARNING("TCP FIN-WAIT-2 timer elapsed...\r\n");
            //Enter CLOSED state
            tcpChangeState(socket, TCP_STATE_CLOSED);

      //TIME-WAIT timer
      if(socket->state == TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT)
         //2MSL time has elapsed?
            //Debug message
            TRACE_WARNING("TCP 2MSL timer elapsed (socket %u)...\r\n", i);
            //Enter CLOSED state
            tcpChangeState(socket, TCP_STATE_CLOSED);

            //Dispose the socket if the user does not have the ownership anymore
               //Delete the TCB
               //Mark the socket as closed
               socket->type = SOCKET_TYPE_UNUSED;

   //Leave critical section