Пример #1
// get random seed from wideband noise rssi
void radio_init () {

    // manually reset radio
#ifdef CFG_sx1276_radio
    hal_pin_rst(0); // drive RST pin low
    hal_pin_rst(1); // drive RST pin high
    hal_waitUntil(os_getTime()+ms2osticks(1)); // wait >100us
    hal_pin_rst(2); // configure RST pin floating!
    hal_waitUntil(os_getTime()+ms2osticks(5)); // wait 5ms


    // some sanity checks, e.g., read version number
    u1_t v = readReg(RegVersion);
#ifdef CFG_sx1276_radio
    ASSERT(v == 0x12 ); 
#elif CFG_sx1272_radio
    ASSERT(v == 0x22);
#error Missing CFG_sx1272_radio/CFG_sx1276_radio
    // seed 15-byte randomness via noise rssi
    while( (readReg(RegOpMode) & OPMODE_MASK) != OPMODE_RX ); // continuous rx
    for(int i=1; i<16; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<8; j++) {
            u1_t b; // wait for two non-identical subsequent least-significant bits
            while( (b = readReg(LORARegRssiWideband) & 0x01) == (readReg(LORARegRssiWideband) & 0x01) );
            randbuf[i] = (randbuf[i] << 1) | b;
    randbuf[0] = 16; // set initial index
#ifdef CFG_sx1276mb1_board
    // chain calibration
    writeReg(RegPaConfig, 0);
    // Launch Rx chain calibration for LF band

    // Sets a Frequency in HF band
    u4_t frf = 868000000;
    writeReg(RegFrfMsb, (u1_t)(frf>>16));
    writeReg(RegFrfMid, (u1_t)(frf>> 8));
    writeReg(RegFrfLsb, (u1_t)(frf>> 0));

    // Launch Rx chain calibration for HF band 
#endif /* CFG_sx1276mb1_board */


Пример #2
 * Überprüft ob sich die Räder drehen
boolean_t is_driving(){
	portTickType lastTime = os_getTime();
	uint8_t first = PDR01_P5;

	while (os_getTime() - lastTime < 500){
		if (first == 1 && PDR01_P5 == 0) return TRUE;
		if (first == 0 && PDR01_P5 == 1) return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Пример #3
// called by EXTI_IRQHandler
// (set preprocessor option CFG_EXTI_IRQ_HANDLER=sensorirq)
void sensorirq () {
    if((EXTI->PR & (1<<INP_PIN)) != 0) { // pending
        EXTI->PR = (1<<INP_PIN); // clear irq
        // run application callback function in 50ms (debounce)
        os_setTimedCallback(&irqjob, os_getTime()+ms2osticks(50), irqjob.func);
Пример #4
static void blinkfunc (osjob_t* j) {
    // toggle LED
    ledstate = !ledstate;
    // reschedule blink job
    os_setTimedCallback(j, os_getTime()+ms2osticks(100), blinkfunc);
void do_send(osjob_t* j){
//      Serial.print("Time: ");
//      Serial.println(millis() / 1000);
  printf("Time: %lu\n", (unsigned int) (millis() / 1000));
      // Show TX channel (channel numbers are local to LMIC)
//      Serial.print("Send, txCnhl: ");
//      Serial.println(LMIC.txChnl);
//      Serial.print("Opmode check: ");
        printf("Send, txCnhl: %u Opmode check: ", LMIC.txChnl);
      // Check if there is not a current TX/RX job running
    if (LMIC.opmode & (1 << 7)) {
      //Serial.println("OP_TXRXPEND, not sending");
        printf("OP_TXRXPEND, not sending\n");
    } else {
      // Prepare upstream data transmission at the next possible time.
      //   LMIC_setTxData2(1, mydata, sizeof(mydata)-1, 0);
      char buf[128];
      sprintf(buf, "NYC TTN test packet %u\n", xmit_count++);
      LMIC_setTxData2(1, (unsigned char *) buf, strlen(buf)-1, 0);
      printf("sending %s\n", buf);
    // Schedule a timed job to run at the given timestamp (absolute system time)
    os_setTimedCallback(j, os_getTime()+sec2osticks(TRANSMIT_INTERVAL), do_send);
Пример #6
static void battery_task(void) {
	uint16_t batRaw;
	portTickType lastWakeTime = os_getTime();

	for (;;) {
		os_frequency(&lastWakeTime, 50);

		batRaw = ADC_GetValue(10);
		batRaw *= 39;
		batRaw /= 4;
		batRaw += 550;
		measures[nextPos] = batRaw;
		nextPos = (nextPos + 1) % AVERAGING_WINDOW_SIZE;
Пример #7
//set Parameters for driving and fill the driveParameterBuffer for intertask communication
void drive(int8_t speed, int8_t directionPercent, portTickType duration_ms) {
	driveParameters par;

	par.direction = directionPercent;
	par.speed = speed;
	par.duration = duration_ms;
	par.startTime = os_getTime();
	xQueueSendToFront(driveParameterBuffer, &par, (portTickType)10);
Пример #8
 * Hilfsmethode zum Fahren Etappen fester Länge
void driveDistance(void){

	if (DriveLength > 0){

		if (wheel_turns <= 0){
			wheel_turns = (DriveLength)/HALL_RESOLUTION;
			realdistance = 0;
			//Zwei Wechsel der Sensorwerte = 1 Radumdrehung = 21,04cm
			if ((DriveLength*10) % (int16_t)(HALL_RESOLUTION*10) > ((DriveLength*10)/2)) wheel_turns++; //Faktor 10 weil kein Mod mit double möglich

		if (Drive_Speed > 3 && wheel_turns > 2) wheel_turns = wheel_turns - 2; //weil bremsen so lange dauert

		if ( init == FALSE){
			driveTime = os_getTime();
			init = TRUE;

		if (distance - wheel_turns < 0){

		if (distance - wheel_turns >= 0){
			//Werte zurücksetzen
			wheel_turns = 0;
			init = FALSE;
			realdistance = 0;
			DriveLength = 0;
Пример #9
void bt_send_sensor_data(void) {
	portTickType lastWakeTime;
	wirelessMessage_t msg;
	int16_t bat;

	msg.data[0] = 0;
	msg.dataLength = 16;
	msg.destinationId = 0;
	msg.messageType = PT_ANDROID_SENSORDATA;
	msg.priority = 0;

	lastWakeTime = os_getTime();

	for (;;) {
		os_frequency(&lastWakeTime, 100);

		bat = Battery_GetVoltage();

		msg.data[1] = Us_Data.Front_Distance & 0xff;
		msg.data[2] = (Us_Data.Front_Distance >> 8) & 0xff;
		msg.data[3] = Us_Data.Rear_Distance & 0xff;
		msg.data[4] = (Us_Data.Rear_Distance >> 8) & 0xff;
		msg.data[5] = Us_Data.Left_Distance & 0xff;
		msg.data[6] = (Us_Data.Left_Distance >> 8) & 0xff;
		msg.data[7] = Us_Data.Right_Distance & 0xff;
		msg.data[8] = (Us_Data.Right_Distance >> 8) & 0xff;
		msg.data[9] = linefound;
		msg.data[10] = averagePos & 0xff;
		msg.data[11] = (averagePos >> 8) & 0xff;
		msg.data[12] = (averagePos >> 16) & 0xff;
		msg.data[13] = (averagePos >> 24) & 0xff;
		msg.data[14] = bat & 0xff;
		msg.data[15] = (bat >> 8) & 0xff;
		wirelessSend(WI_IF_BLUETOOTH, &msg);
Пример #10
// called by hal ext IRQ handler
// (radio goes to stanby mode after tx/rx operations)
void radio_irq_handler (u1_t dio) {
    ostime_t now = os_getTime();
    if( (readReg(RegOpMode) & OPMODE_LORA) != 0) { // LORA modem
        u1_t flags = readReg(LORARegIrqFlags);
        if( flags & IRQ_LORA_TXDONE_MASK ) {
            // save exact tx time
            LMIC.txend = now - us2osticks(43); // TXDONE FIXUP
        } else if( flags & IRQ_LORA_RXDONE_MASK ) {
            // save exact rx time
            if(getBw(LMIC.rps) == BW125) {
                now -= LORA_RXDONE_FIXUP[getSf(LMIC.rps)];
            LMIC.rxtime = now;
            // read the PDU and inform the MAC that we received something
            LMIC.dataLen = (readReg(LORARegModemConfig1) & SX1272_MC1_IMPLICIT_HEADER_MODE_ON) ?
                readReg(LORARegPayloadLength) : readReg(LORARegRxNbBytes);
            // set FIFO read address pointer
            writeReg(LORARegFifoAddrPtr, readReg(LORARegFifoRxCurrentAddr)); 
            // now read the FIFO
            readBuf(RegFifo, LMIC.frame, LMIC.dataLen);
            // read rx quality parameters
            LMIC.snr  = readReg(LORARegPktSnrValue); // SNR [dB] * 4
            LMIC.rssi = readReg(LORARegPktRssiValue) - 125 + 64; // RSSI [dBm] (-196...+63)
        } else if( flags & IRQ_LORA_RXTOUT_MASK ) {
            // indicate timeout
            LMIC.dataLen = 0;
        // mask all radio IRQs
        writeReg(LORARegIrqFlagsMask, 0xFF);
        // clear radio IRQ flags
        writeReg(LORARegIrqFlags, 0xFF);
    } else { // FSK modem
        u1_t flags1 = readReg(FSKRegIrqFlags1);
        u1_t flags2 = readReg(FSKRegIrqFlags2);
        if( flags2 & IRQ_FSK2_PACKETSENT_MASK ) {
            // save exact tx time
            LMIC.txend = now;
        } else if( flags2 & IRQ_FSK2_PAYLOADREADY_MASK ) {
            // save exact rx time
            LMIC.rxtime = now;
            // read the PDU and inform the MAC that we received something
            LMIC.dataLen = readReg(FSKRegPayloadLength);
            // now read the FIFO
            readBuf(RegFifo, LMIC.frame, LMIC.dataLen);
            // read rx quality parameters
            LMIC.snr  = 0; // determine snr
            LMIC.rssi = 0; // determine rssi
        } else if( flags1 & IRQ_FSK1_TIMEOUT_MASK ) {
            // indicate timeout
            LMIC.dataLen = 0;
        } else {
            // Do not infinite loop when interrupt triggers unexpectedly
            // Instead, call ASSERT, which calls hal_failed, so there is at least a
            // traceable error. (MK)
    // go from stanby to sleep
    // run os job (use preset func ptr)
    os_setCallback(&LMIC.osjob, LMIC.osjob.func);
Пример #11
 * set drive parameters from driveParameterBuffer if new parameters are available,
 * otherwise stop the car when specified duration expires for security reasons
static void driveTask(void) {
	portTickType duration_ms = 0, directionPercent = 0, currentTime = 0,
			lastWakeTime = 0, startTime = 0;
	driveParameters par;
	int8_t queueReturnValue, speed = 0;
	double Ergebnis[3];
	gps_reducedData_t *own;

	lastWakeTime = os_getTime();

	for (;;) {
//		calls[6]++;
		os_frequency(&lastWakeTime, 1);
		os_frequency(&lastWakeTime, 60);
		currentTime = os_getTime();

		//get new drive commands from queue
		queueReturnValue = xQueueReceive(driveParameterBuffer, &par, 10);
		if (queueReturnValue == pdTRUE) {
			directionPercent = par.direction;
			speed = par.speed;
			startTime = par.startTime;
			duration_ms = par.duration;
		if (hall != start){
			start = !start;
			if (os_getTime() - driveTime > 400){
				#ifdef SLAM_SCENARIO
				own = get_ownCoords();
				SLAM_Algorithm((int32_t)CoordinatesToMap((int32_t)own->x),(int32_t)CoordinatesToMap((int32_t)own->y),(int32_t)uint16DegreeRelativeToX(own->angle),get_accumulateSteeringAngle()/MAX_STEERING_ANGLE, (int32_t) HALL_RESOLUTION, Ergebnis);
//				  send_Element(22);
//				  send_Element((int16_t)Ergebnis[0]);
//				  send_Element((int16_t)Ergebnis[1]);
//				  send_Element(-1);

		//set speed and direction if specified duration not expired, else stop the car
		if (duration_ms < 600){
			if (currentTime - startTime < duration_ms) {
			#ifdef DEBUG2
				printf("\nDRIVE\nset motor speed to %d and angle to %d\n\r", speed,
			} else {
				Drive_SetMotor(0); //stop if time period expired;
				distance = 0;
				realdistance = 0;
			if (speed == 0){
				distance = 0;
				realdistance = 0;
Пример #12
void MappingControllerThread(void) {

	int16_t backLength; // the distance to the center of a crossing
	int16_t w_right, w_left, w_front, w_rear; // the widths of a crossing

	// needed for collecting us sensor data for the information about edges
	int8_t us_pos = 0;
	uint8_t wait_period = 1;
	int8_t k = 1;

	map_node_info node_info; // info about the crossing that shall be saved in the map

	for (;;) {
	//	Seg_Hex(0x8);

		// description of the algorithm for collecting this data:
		// for every edge each 10 ( = NUMBER_US_VALUES) values of us left and right sensor data
		// shall be saved. Therefore the array us_values is filled alternately with
		// left (even positions) and right (odd positions) us sensor data. If the array is full,
		// every second value will be deleted and afterwards only every second measured
		// us sensor data is saved in the array to keep the distance between two values constant.
		// and so on.
		// --> The array will always be at least half-full and contain us sensor values with
		// equal distances between them.
		if (k == wait_period && getWidthFront()==0) {
			// collect us values for edge information
			if (us_pos < 2 * NUMBER_US_VALUES) {
				us_values[us_pos] = Us_Data.Left_Distance; // even value: left
				us_values[us_pos + 1] = Us_Data.Right_Distance; // odd value: right
				us_pos += 2;
			} else {
				// take every second value and increment the wait period
				// the array is half-full afterwards
				uint8_t n;
				for (n = 0; n < NUMBER_US_VALUES; n += 2) {
					us_values[n] = us_values[2 * n];
					us_values[n + 1] = us_values[2 * n + 1];
				us_pos /= 2;
				wait_period = wait_period<<=1; // wait_period * 2
			k = 1; // reset k
		} else

		// ---------------------
		// START of crossing
		if (getCrossingStarted() == 1) {

			uint8_t edge_length;

			// calculate length of last edge
			edge_length = calculateDrivenLen(os_getTime() - getTimeEdgeOld());

			// add edge to map and increase the currentNodeNumber
			addEdge(currentNodeNumber, ++currentNodeNumber, edge_length);

			// reset value

		// ---------------------
		// END of crossing
		if (getCrossingDetected() == 0)
		printf("Crossing detected, MappingController is handling it...\r\n");


		// get the widths and add this information to the node info
		w_left = getWidthLeft();
		w_right = getWidthRight();
		w_front = getWidthFront();
		w_rear = getWidthRear();

		node_info.w0 = w_front;
		node_info.w1 = w_left;
		node_info.w2 = w_rear;
		node_info.w3 = w_right;

		// Filter open doors etc.
		// the width of a corridor must be bigger than 40cm
		if (w_front < 40)
			w_front = 0;
		if (w_rear < 40)
			w_rear = 0;
		if (w_left < 40)
			w_left = 0;
		if (w_right < 40)
			w_right = 0;

		// Drive backwards to center of crossing
		if (w_left != 0 && w_right != 0)
			backLength = (w_right + w_left) / 4;
			backLength = (w_right + w_left) / 2;
		if (backLength == 0) // dead end
			backLength = 20;
		if (w_rear == 0)
			backLength -= 20;
		backLength *= -1; // backwards driving
		printf("Driving %dcm\r\n", backLength);


		// Handle different crossing types
		// width_front = direction the car came from
		// width_rear = direction the car was heading to
		// side_end: 1: coming up, 2: left, 3: straight, 4: right
		// add information about the edge to the map and resume driving
		if (w_left == 0 && w_right == 0 && w_front != 0 && w_rear == 0) {
			addEdgeInfo(last_edge_side, 1, NUMBER_US_VALUES, us_values);
			last_edge_side = 1;
			node_info.crossing_type = DeadEnd;
			turn180(RIGHT, BACKWARDS);
		} else if (w_left != 0 && w_right == 0 && w_front != 0 && w_rear != 0) {
			addEdgeInfo(last_edge_side, 3, NUMBER_US_VALUES, us_values);
			last_edge_side = 3;
			node_info.crossing_type = LeftStraight;
			// Behavior: drive straight ahead!
			resumeDriving(w_left / 2 + 50);
		} else if (w_left == 0 && w_right != 0 && w_front != 0 && w_rear != 0) {
			addEdgeInfo(last_edge_side, 4, NUMBER_US_VALUES, us_values);
			last_edge_side = 4;
			node_info.crossing_type = RightStraight;
			turn90(RIGHT, BACKWARDS);
			resumeDriving(w_rear / 2 + 50);
		} else if (w_left == 0 && w_right != 0 && w_front != 0 && w_rear == 0) {
			addEdgeInfo(last_edge_side, 4, NUMBER_US_VALUES, us_values);
			last_edge_side = 4;
			node_info.crossing_type = RightOnly;
			turn90(RIGHT, BACKWARDS);
			resumeDriving(w_rear / 2 + 50);
		} else if (w_left != 0 && w_right == 0 && w_front != 0 && w_rear == 0) {
			addEdgeInfo(last_edge_side, 2, NUMBER_US_VALUES, us_values);
			last_edge_side = 2;
			node_info.crossing_type = LeftOnly;
			turn90(LEFT, BACKWARDS);
			resumeDriving(w_rear / 2 + 50);
		} else if (w_left != 0 && w_right != 0 && w_front != 0 && w_rear == 0) {
			addEdgeInfo(last_edge_side, 2, NUMBER_US_VALUES, us_values);
			last_edge_side = 2;
			node_info.crossing_type = LeftRight;
			turn90(LEFT, BACKWARDS);
			resumeDriving(w_rear / 2 + 50);
		} else if (w_left != 0 && w_right != 0 && w_front != 0 && w_rear != 0) {
			addEdgeInfo(last_edge_side, 3, NUMBER_US_VALUES, us_values);
			last_edge_side = 3;
			node_info.crossing_type = All;
			// Behavior: drive straight ahead!
			resumeDriving(w_left / 2 + 50);
		} else { // dunno

		// add information about the current node
		addNodeInfo(currentNodeNumber, node_info);
		// reset values
		for (k = 0; k < 2 * NUMBER_US_VALUES; k++) {
			us_values[k] = 0;