Пример #1
void fnCopyLine(void* dst, void* src, int count, int pixelFormat, int transparentColor)			{
	int x;
	u8 *p_dest1 = (u8*)dst;
	u16 *p_dest2 = (u16*)dst;
	u32 *p_dest4 = (u32*)dst;
	u8 *p_src = (u8*)src;
	u32 pixel_value;

	for (x=0;x<count;x++)			{
		//Next pixel palette entry
		pixel_value = p_src[x];
		//True color mode => convert the temporary color to destination format
		if (osl_pixelWidth[pixelFormat] > 8)
			pixel_value = oslConvertColor(pixelFormat, OSL_PF_8888, osl_gifTempPalette[pixel_value]);

		if (osl_pixelWidth[pixelFormat] == 32)			{
			p_dest4[x] = pixel_value;
		else if (osl_pixelWidth[pixelFormat] == 16)
			p_dest2[x] = pixel_value;
		else if (osl_pixelWidth[pixelFormat] == 8)
			p_dest1[x] = pixel_value;
		else if (osl_pixelWidth[pixelFormat] == 4)			{
			p_dest1[x >> 1] &= ~(15 << ((x & 1) << 2));
			p_dest1[x >> 1] |= (pixel_value & 15) << ((x & 1) << 2);
Пример #2
void Buffer::setPixel(int x, int y, OSL_COLOR col) {
   oslSetImagePixel(img, x, y, 
		    oslConvertColor(img->pixelFormat, OSL_PF_8888, col));
Пример #3
OSL_COLOR Buffer::getPixel(int x, int y) {
   return oslConvertColor(OSL_PF_8888, img->pixelFormat, 
			  oslGetImagePixel(img, x, y));