Пример #1
// Top level for running test cases against the current system.
// Attempts to load each plugin in turn, vvmt_core.dll first, then all other DLLs.
	void ivvm_runTestPlugins(void)
		u64 lnHandle;

		// Prepare the test results file
			lnHandle = oss_sharedAsciiOpenFile((s8*)cgcVvmTestLogFile, true, false, true, true, false, true, false, false);
			if (!lnHandle)
				// The log file is an essential, integral component of testing.  We cannot leave it out.
				oss_messageBox(NULL, "Unable to open log file for test results. Terminating.", "Test Failure", false, false, false, false, true);

		// Run the tests, core first, then all other tests
			// vvmt_core.dll -- the core test must be run first and must pass, or the other tests cannot run
			if (ivvm_loadTestsByName(lnHandle, _csu8p(cgcVvmTestsDirectory)/*.\tests\*/, _csu8p(cgcVvmTestCoreDll)/*vvmt_core.dll*/, _csu8p_NULL()))
				// *.dll -- all other tests, but don't run vvmt_core.dll again
				ivvm_loadTestsByName(lnHandle, _csu8p(cgcVvmTestsDirectory)/*.\tests\*/, _csu8p(cgcVvmTestFilePattern)/**.dll*/, _csu8p(cgcVvmTestCoreDll)/*exclude this test*/);
Пример #2
// Assembles the indicated file.vasm, creating a file.bxml
void iAssembleFile(s8* tcPathname)
    u32				lnI, lnMachineCodeBytes, lnErrorCount, lnWarningCount;
    s64				lnHandle, lnFileSize, lnNumread;
    s8*				lcData;
    s8*				lcBxmlPathname;
    SStartEnd		prog;
    SProgram*		lp;			// program
    SVvmmcError*	lve;		// error
    SVvmmcWarning*	lvw;		// warning
    SAssembly*		la;			// assembly info
    SSourceFile*	lsf;		// top-level source file

    // Attempt to open the file
    lnHandle = oss_sharedAsciiOpenFile(tcPathname, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false);
    if (lnHandle < 0)
        // Open file error
        printf(mc_loadResourceAsciiText(IDS_UNABLE_TO_OPEN), tcPathname);
    // If we get here, we're good

    // Get file size
    lnFileSize = oss_sharedAsciiFileSize(lnHandle);
    if (lnFileSize > 0xffffffff)
        // Uhhh... what are they trying to do to us? :-)
        printf(mc_loadResourceAsciiText(IDS_FILE_IS_TOO_BIG), tcPathname);
    if (lnFileSize == 0)
        printf(mc_loadResourceAsciiText(IDS_FILE_IS_ZERO_BYTES), tcPathname);

    // Allocate memory to load
    lcData = (s8*)oss_alloc((u32)lnFileSize, false);
    if (!lcData)
        printf(mc_loadResourceAsciiText(IDS_ERROR_ALLOCATING), lnFileSize, tcPathname);
    // If we get here, memory is allocated

    // Read into it
    lnNumread = oss_sharedAsciiReadFile(lnHandle, lcData, (u32)lnFileSize);
    if (lnNumread != lnFileSize)
        printf(mc_loadResourceAsciiText(IDS_UNABLE_TO_READ_BYTES_FROM), (u32)lnFileSize, tcPathname, lnNumread);
    // We're good

    // Initialize our variables
    memset(&prog, 0, sizeof(prog));

    // Define this initial program to its default empty state
    lp = (SProgram*)vvm_SEChain_append(&prog, vvm_getNextUniqueId(), vvm_getNextUniqueId(), sizeof(SProgram), _COMMON_START_END_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE, NULL);
    printf(mc_loadResourceAsciiText(IDS_ASSEMBLING), tcPathname);

    // Physically translate into machine code, and the output bxml file
    lnMachineCodeBytes = mc_assembleSourceCode(tcPathname, lcData, (u32)lnFileSize, lp);

    // When we get here, we've assembled our source file, with warnings, errors, or whatever
    // Free up our processed memory

    // See where we sit
    if (!lp->_assembly.root)
        // A fatal, unrecoverable error occurred where we didn't even get the initial startup data allocated
    // We're good.
    // Grab the top-level file info
    la		= (SAssembly*)lp->_assembly.root->ptr;			// SAssembly information
    lsf		= (SSourceFile*)la->includeFiles.root->ptr;		// Top-level source file (which contains the master list of all errors, warnings, and source file lines)

    // Report on warnings and errors
    if (!glQuiet)
        // Report warnings
        if (!glIgnoreWarnings)
            lnWarningCount = 0;
            for (lnI = 0; lnI < lsf->warnings.masterCount; lnI++)
                if (lsf->warnings.master[lnI] && lsf->warnings.master[lnI]->used)
                    // Grab the warning data
                    lvw = (SVvmmcWarning*)lsf->warnings.master[lnI]->ptr;
                    printf("--- %s\n---   |W:%u L:%u C:%u - %s\n", lvw->pathName, lvw->code, lvw->lineNumber, lvw->column, lvw->text);

        // Report errors
        lnErrorCount = 0;
        for (lnI = 0; lnI < lsf->errors.masterCount; lnI++)
            if (lsf->errors.master[lnI] && lsf->errors.master[lnI]->used)
                // Grab the warning data
                lve = (SVvmmcError*)lsf->errors.master[lnI]->ptr;
                printf("--- %s\n---   |E:%u L:%u C:%u - %s\n", lve->pathName, lve->code, lve->lineNumber, lve->column, lve->text);

    // Write the output
    lcBxmlPathname = oss_changePathnameExtension(tcPathname, ".bxml");
    mc_saveSnippetsToBxml(lcBxmlPathname, &prog, true);

    // Indicate we've processed another file

    // Indicate our final status
    printf(mc_loadResourceAsciiText(IDS_ERRORS_WARNINGS_FOUND), lsf->errors.masterCount, lsf->warnings.masterCount, tcPathname);

    // Update global totals
    gnErrors	+= lnErrorCount;
    gnWarnings	+= lnWarningCount;