void mcl_ecpbs_printpoint(epoint *p, char *msg) { epoint_norm(p); fprintf(stdout, "%s\t\t", msg); otnum(p->X, stdout); fprintf(stdout, "\t\t"); otnum(p->Y, stdout); }
int main () { /* hailstone numbers */ int iter,r; big x,y,mx; mirsys(400,10); x=mirvar(0); y=mirvar(0); mx=mirvar(0); iter=0; printf("number = \n"); innum(x,stdin); do { /* main loop */ if (compare(x,mx)>0) copy(x,mx); r=subdiv(x,2,y); if (r!=0) { /* what goes up ... */ premult(x,3,x); incr(x,1,x); } /* ... must come down */ else copy(y,x); otnum(x,stdout); iter++; } while (size(x)!=1); printf("path length = %d \n",iter); printf("maximum = \n"); otnum(mx,stdout); return 0; }
int main() { big p,q,dp,dq,m,c,m1; int i,romptr; miracl instance; /* sizeof(miracl)= 2124 bytes from the stack */ #ifndef MR_STATIC miracl *mr_mip=mirsys(&instance,WORDS*8,16); char *mem=memalloc(_MIPP_ ,7); #else miracl *mr_mip=mirsys(&instance,MR_STATIC*8,16); /* size of bigs is fixed */ char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(7)]; /* reserve space on the stack for 7 bigs */ memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(7)); /* clear this memory */ #endif /* Initialise bigs */ p=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,0); q=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,1); dp=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,2); dq=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,3); m=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,4); c=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,5); m1=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,6); romptr=0; init_big_from_rom(p,WORDS,rom,256,&romptr); init_big_from_rom(q,WORDS,rom,256,&romptr); init_big_from_rom(dp,WORDS,rom,256,&romptr); init_big_from_rom(dq,WORDS,rom,256,&romptr); bigbits(_MIPP_ 512,c); /* count clocks, instructions and CPI from here.. */ //for (i=0;i<100000;i++) //{ powmod(_MIPP_ c,dp,p,m); powmod(_MIPP_ c,dq,q,m1); //} /* to here... */ #ifndef MR_NO_STANDARD_IO otnum(_MIPP_ m,stdout); otnum(_MIPP_ m1,stdout); #endif #ifndef MR_STATIC memkill(_MIPP_ mem,7); #else memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(6)); /* clear this stack memory */ #endif mirexit(_MIPPO_ ); /* clears workspace memory */ return 0; }
int main() { FILE *fp; big p,q,g,x,y; long seed; int bits; miracl *mip; /* get common data */ fp=fopen("common.dss","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file common.dss does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); mip=mirsys(bits/4,16); /* use Hex internally */ p=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); g=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(0); y=mirvar(0); innum(p,fp); innum(q,fp); innum(g,fp); fclose(fp); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); powmod(g,q,p,y); if (size(y)!=1) { printf("Problem - generator g is not of order q\n"); return 0; } /* generate public/private keys */ bigrand(q,x); powmod(g,x,p,y); printf("public key = "); otnum(y,stdout); fp=fopen("public.dss","wt"); otnum(y,fp); fclose(fp); fp=fopen("private.dss","wt"); otnum(x,fp); fclose(fp); mirexit(); return 0; }
void zzn2_out(_MIPD_ char *p,zzn2 *x) { printf(p); printf("\n"); redc(_MIPP_ x->a,x->a); redc(_MIPP_ x->b,x->b); otnum(_MIPP_ x->a,stdout); otnum(_MIPP_ x->b,stdout); nres(_MIPP_ x->a,x->a); nres(_MIPP_ x->b,x->b); }
int main() { /* calculate factorial of number */ big nf; /* declare "big" variable nf */ int n; #if MIRACL==16 #ifdef MR_FLASH mirsys(500,10); /* initialise system to base 10, 500 digits per "big" */ #else mirsys(5000,10); /* bigger numbers possible if no flash arithmetic */ #endif #else mirsys(5000,10); /* 5000 digits per "big" */ #endif nf=mirvar(1); /* initialise "big" variable nf=1 */ printf("factorial program\n"); printf("input number n= \n"); scanf("%d",&n); getchar(); while (n>1) premult(nf,n--,nf); /* nf=n!=n*(n-1)*(n-2)*....3*2*1 */ printf("n!= \n"); otnum(nf,stdout); /* output result */ return 0; }
int main() { FILE *fp; int ep,bits; epoint *g,*w; big a,b,p,q,x,y,d; long seed; miracl instance; miracl *mip=&instance; char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(7)]; /* reserve space on the stack for 7 bigs */ char mem1[MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)]; /* and two elliptic curve points */ memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(7)); memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); #ifndef MR_EDWARDS fp=fopen("common.ecs","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file common.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); #else fp=fopen("edwards.ecs","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file edwards.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); #endif mirsys(mip,bits/4,16); /* Use Hex internally */ a=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,0); b=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,1); p=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,2); q=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,3); x=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,4); y=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,5); d=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,6); innum(mip,p,fp); innum(mip,a,fp); innum(mip,b,fp); innum(mip,q,fp); innum(mip,x,fp); innum(mip,y,fp); fclose(fp); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(mip,seed); ecurve_init(mip,a,b,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); /* initialise curve */ g=epoint_init_mem(mip,mem1,0); w=epoint_init_mem(mip,mem1,1); if (!epoint_set(mip,x,y,0,g)) /* initialise point of order q */ { printf("Problem - point (x,y) is not on the curve\n"); exit(0); } ecurve_mult(mip,q,g,w); if (!point_at_infinity(w)) { printf("Problem - point (x,y) is not of order q\n"); exit(0); } /* generate public/private keys */ bigrand(mip,q,d); ecurve_mult(mip,d,g,g); ep=epoint_get(mip,g,x,x); /* compress point */ printf("public key = %d ",ep); otnum(mip,x,stdout); fp=fopen("public.ecs","wt"); fprintf(fp,"%d ",ep); otnum(mip,x,fp); fclose(fp); fp=fopen("private.ecs","wt"); otnum(mip,d,fp); fclose(fp); /* clear all memory used */ memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(7)); memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); return 0; }
int main() { FILE *fp; char ifname[50],ofname[50]; big a,b,p,q,x,y,d,r,s,k,hash; epoint *g; long seed; int bits; miracl instance; miracl *mip=&instance; char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(11)]; /* reserve space on the stack for 11 bigs */ char mem1[MR_ECP_RESERVE(1)]; /* and one elliptic curve points */ memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(11)); memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(1)); /* get public data */ #ifndef MR_EDWARDS fp=fopen("common.ecs","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file common.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); #else fp=fopen("edwards.ecs","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file edwards.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); #endif mirsys(mip,bits/4,16); /* Use Hex internally */ a=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,0); b=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,1); p=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,2); q=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,3); x=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,4); y=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,5); d=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,6); r=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,7); s=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,8); k=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,9); hash=mirvar_mem(mip,mem,10); innum(mip,p,fp); /* modulus */ innum(mip,a,fp); /* curve parameters */ innum(mip,b,fp); innum(mip,q,fp); /* order of (x,y) */ innum(mip,x,fp); /* (x,y) point on curve of order q */ innum(mip,y,fp); fclose(fp); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(mip,seed); ecurve_init(mip,a,b,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); /* initialise curve */ g=epoint_init_mem(mip,mem1,0); epoint_set(mip,x,y,0,g); /* initialise point of order q */ /* calculate r - this can be done offline, and hence amortized to almost nothing */ bigrand(mip,q,k); ecurve_mult(mip,k,g,g); /* see ebrick.c for method to speed this up */ epoint_get(mip,g,r,r); divide(mip,r,q,q); /* get private key of signer */ fp=fopen("private.ecs","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file private.ecs does not exist\n"); return 0; } innum(mip,d,fp); fclose(fp); /* calculate message digest */ printf("file to be signed = "); gets(ifname); strcpy(ofname,ifname); strip(ofname); strcat(ofname,".ecs"); if ((fp=fopen(ifname,"rb"))==NULL) { printf("Unable to open file %s\n",ifname); return 0; } hashing(mip,fp,hash); fclose(fp); /* calculate s */ xgcd(mip,k,q,k,k,k); mad(mip,d,r,hash,q,q,s); mad(mip,s,k,k,q,q,s); fp=fopen(ofname,"wt"); otnum(mip,r,fp); otnum(mip,s,fp); fclose(fp); memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(11)); memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(1)); return 0; }
int main() { int i; FILE *fp; big K,rid,id,w,a,b,n,q1; miracl *mip=mirsys(200,256); for (i=0;i<NPRIMES;i++) { pp[i]=mirvar(0); rem[i]=mirvar(0); } w=mirvar(0); n=mirvar(0); a=mirvar(0); b=mirvar(0); p=mirvar(0); p1=mirvar(0); q1=mirvar(0); K=mirvar(0); lim1=mirvar(0); lim2=mirvar(0); id=mirvar(0); rid=mirvar(0); order=mirvar(0); printf("Enter ID= "); innum(rid,stdin); getprime("trap1.dat"); copy(p,n); getprime("trap2.dat"); multiply(n,p,n); printf("\ncomposite =\n"); cotnum(n,stdout); premult(rid,256,id); while (jack(id,n)!=1) { /* bad identity - id=256*rid+i */ printf("No Discrete Log. for this ID -- incrementing\n"); incr(id,1,id); } getprime("trap1.dat"); copy(p1,q1); pollard(id,b); getprime("trap2.dat"); pollard(id,a); xgcd(p1,q1,K,K,K); subtract(b,a,w); mad(w,K,w,q1,q1,w); if(size(w)<0) add_r(w,q1,w); subdiv(w,2,w); multiply(w,p1,w); add_r(w,a,w); fp=fopen("secret.dat","w"); otnum(rid,fp); cotnum(w,fp); cotnum(n,fp); fclose(fp); printf("\nDiscrete log (secret key) \n"); cotnum(w,stdout); powltr(PROOT,w,n,id); subdiv(id,256,id); otstr(id,mip->IOBUFF); printf("Check Identity= %s\n",mip->IOBUFF); return 0; }
int main() { int ia,ib,promptr; epoint *PA,*PB; big A,B,a,b,q,pa,pb,key,x,y; ebrick2 binst; miracl instance; /* create miracl workspace on the stack */ /* Specify base 16 here so that HEX can be read in directly without a base-change */ miracl *mip=mirsys(&instance,WORDS*HEXDIGS,16); /* size of bigs is fixed */ char mem_big[MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)]; /* we need 10 bigs... */ char mem_ecp[MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)]; /* ..and two elliptic curve points */ memset(mem_big, 0, MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)); /* clear the memory */ memset(mem_ecp, 0, MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); A=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 0); /* Initialise big numbers */ B=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 1); pa=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 2); pb=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 3); key=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 4); x=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 5); y=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 6); q=mirvar_mem(mip,mem_big,7); a=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 8); b=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 9); PA=epoint_init_mem(mip, mem_ecp, 0); /* initialise Elliptic Curve points */ PB=epoint_init_mem(mip, mem_ecp, 1); irand(mip, 3L); /* change parameter for different random numbers */ promptr=0; init_big_from_rom(B,WORDS,rom,WORDS*4,&promptr); /* Read in curve parameter B from ROM */ /* don't need q or G(x,y) (we have precomputed table from it) */ init_big_from_rom(q,WORDS,rom,WORDS*4,&promptr); init_big_from_rom(x,WORDS,rom,WORDS*4,&promptr); init_big_from_rom(y,WORDS,rom,WORDS*4,&promptr); convert(mip,1,A); /* set A=1 */ /* Create precomputation instance from precomputed table in ROM */ ebrick2_init(&binst,prom,A,B,CURVE_M,CURVE_A,CURVE_B,CURVE_C,WINDOW,CURVE_M); /* offline calculations */ bigbits(mip,CURVE_M,a); /* A's random number */ ia=mul2_brick(mip,&binst,a,pa,pa); /* a*G =(pa,ya), ia is sign of ya */ bigbits(mip,CURVE_M,b); /* B's random number */ ib=mul2_brick(mip,&binst,b,pb,pb); /* b*G =(pb,yb), ib is sign of yb */ /* online calculations */ ecurve2_init(mip,CURVE_M,CURVE_A,CURVE_B,CURVE_C,A,B,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); epoint2_set(mip,pb,pb,ib,PB); /* decompress PB */ ecurve2_mult(mip,a,PB,PB); epoint2_get(mip,PB,key,key); /* since internal base is HEX, can use otnum instead of cotnum - avoiding a base change */ printf("Alice's Key= "); otnum(mip,key,stdout); epoint2_set(mip,pa,pa,ia,PB); /* decompress PA */ ecurve2_mult(mip,b,PB,PB); epoint2_get(mip,PB,key,key); printf("Bob's Key= "); otnum(mip,key,stdout); /* clear the memory */ memset(mem_big, 0, MR_BIG_RESERVE(10)); memset(mem_ecp, 0, MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); return 0; }
int main() { big a2,a6,bx,r; big res[4]; epoint *P,*Q; int i,romptr; miracl instance; /* sizeof(miracl)= 2000 bytes from the stack */ #ifndef MR_STATIC #ifdef MR_GENERIC_MT miracl *mr_mip=mirsys(WORDS*NPW,16); #else miracl *mr_mip=mirsys(WORDS*NPW,16); #endif char *mem=(char *)memalloc(_MIPP_ 8); char *mem1=(char *)ecp_memalloc(_MIPP_ 2); #else #ifdef MR_GENERIC_MT miracl *mr_mip=mirsys(&instance,MR_STATIC*NPW,16); /* size of bigs is fixed */ #else miracl *mr_mip=mirsys(&instance,MR_STATIC*NPW,16); #endif char mem[MR_BIG_RESERVE(8)]; /* reserve space on the stack for 8 bigs */ char mem1[MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)]; /* reserve space on stack for 2 curve points */ memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(8)); /* clear this memory */ memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); /* ~668 bytes in all */ #endif /* Initialise bigs */ a2=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,0); a6=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,1); bx=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,2); for (i=0;i<4;i++) res[i]=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,3+i); r=mirvar_mem(_MIPP_ mem,7); /* printf("ROM size= %d\n",sizeof(rom)+sizeof(prom)); */ #ifndef MR_NO_STANDARD_IO #ifdef MR_STATIC printf("n Bigs require n*%d+%d bytes\n",MR_SIZE,MR_SL); printf("n Points require n*%d+%d bytes\n",MR_ESIZE,MR_SL); printf("sizeof(miracl)= %d\n",sizeof(miracl)); #endif #endif /* Initialise Elliptic curve points */ P=epoint_init_mem(_MIPP_ mem1,0); Q=epoint_init_mem(_MIPP_ mem1,1); /* Initialise supersingular curve */ convert(_MIPP_ 1,a2); convert(_MIPP_ B,a6); /* The -M tells MIRACL that this is a supersingular curve */ if (!ecurve2_init(_MIPP_ -M,T,U,V,a2,a6,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE)) { #ifndef MR_NO_STANDARD_IO printf("Problem with the curve\n"); #endif return 0; } /* Get P and Q from ROM */ /* These should have been multiplied by the cofactor 487805 = 5*97561 */ /* 487805 is a cofactor of the group order 2^271+2^136+1 */ romptr=0; init_point_from_rom(P,WORDS,rom,ROMSZ,&romptr); init_point_from_rom(Q,WORDS,rom,ROMSZ,&romptr); #ifndef MR_NO_STANDARD_IO printf( "P= \n"); otnum(_MIPP_ P->X,stdout); otnum(_MIPP_ P->Y,stdout); printf( "Q= \n"); otnum(_MIPP_ Q->X,stdout); otnum(_MIPP_ Q->Y,stdout); #endif bigbits(_MIPP_ 160,r); /* Simple bilinearity test */ tate(_MIPP_ P,Q,res); /* this could break the 4k stack, 2060+668+2996 >4K */ /* so we cannot afford much precomputation in power4 */ power4(_MIPP_ res,r,res); /* res=res^{sr} */ #ifndef MR_NO_STANDARD_IO printf( "\ne(P,Q)^r= \n"); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { otnum(_MIPP_ res[i],stdout); zero(res[i]); } #endif ecurve2_mult(_MIPP_ r,Q,Q); /* Q=rQ */ epoint2_norm(_MIPP_ Q); tate(_MIPP_ P,Q,res); /* Now invert is taken out of Tate, and the stack should be OK */ #ifndef MR_NO_STANDARD_IO printf( "\ne(P,rQ)= \n"); for (i=0;i<4;i++) otnum(_MIPP_ res[i],stdout); #endif /* all done */ #ifndef MR_STATIC memkill(_MIPP_ mem,8); ecp_memkill(_MIPP_ mem1,2); #else memset(mem,0,MR_BIG_RESERVE(8)); /* clear this stack memory */ memset(mem1,0,MR_ECP_RESERVE(2)); #endif mirexit(_MIPPO_ ); /* clears workspace memory */ return 0; }
void mcl_ecpbs_printbig(big b, char *msg) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\t\t", msg); otnum(b, stdout); }
int main() { int promptr; epoint *PB; big A,B,p,a,b,pa,pb,key; ebrick binst; miracl instance; /* create miracl workspace on the stack */ /* Specify base 16 here so that HEX can be read in directly without a base-change */ miracl *mip=mirsys(&instance,WORDS*HEXDIGS,16); /* size of bigs is fixed */ char mem_big[MR_BIG_RESERVE(8)]; /* we need 8 bigs... */ char mem_ecp[MR_ECP_RESERVE(1)]; /* ..and 1 elliptic curve points */ memset(mem_big, 0, MR_BIG_RESERVE(8)); /* clear the memory */ memset(mem_ecp, 0, MR_ECP_RESERVE(1)); A=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 0); /* Initialise big numbers */ B=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 1); pa=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 2); pb=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 3); key=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 4); a=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 5); b=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 6); p=mirvar_mem(mip, mem_big, 7); PB=epoint_init_mem(mip, mem_ecp, 0); /* initialise Elliptic Curve points */ irand(mip, 3L); /* change parameter for different random numbers */ promptr=0; init_big_from_rom(p,WORDS,rom,WORDS*5,&promptr); /* Read in prime modulus p from ROM */ init_big_from_rom(B,WORDS,rom,WORDS*5,&promptr); /* Read in curve parameter B from ROM */ /* don't need q or G(x,y) (we have precomputed table from it) */ convert(mip,-3,A); /* set A=-3 */ /* Create precomputation instance from precomputed table in ROM */ ebrick_init(&binst,prom,A,B,p,WINDOW,CURVE_BITS); /* offline calculations */ bigbits(mip,CURVE_BITS,a); /* A's random number */ mul_brick(mip,&binst,a,pa,pa); /* a*G =(pa,ya) */ bigbits(mip,CURVE_BITS,b); /* B's random number */ mul_brick(mip,&binst,b,pb,pb); /* b*G =(pb,yb) */ /* swap X values of point */ /* online calculations */ ecurve_init(mip,A,B,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); epoint_set(mip,pb,pb,0,PB); /* decompress PB */ ecurve_mult(mip,a,PB,PB); epoint_get(mip,PB,key,key); /* since internal base is HEX, can use otnum instead of cotnum - avoiding a base change */ #ifndef MR_NO_STANDARD_IO printf("Alice's Key= "); otnum(mip,key,stdout); #endif epoint_set(mip,pa,pa,0,PB); /* decompress PA */ ecurve_mult(mip,b,PB,PB); epoint_get(mip,PB,key,key); #ifndef MR_NO_STANDARD_IO printf("Bob's Key= "); otnum(mip,key,stdout); #endif /* clear the memory */ memset(mem_big, 0, MR_BIG_RESERVE(8)); memset(mem_ecp, 0, MR_ECP_RESERVE(1)); return 0; }
int main() { FILE *fp; char ifname[50],ofname[50]; big p,q,g,x,r,s,k,hash; long seed; int bits; miracl *mip; /* get public data */ fp=fopen("common.dss","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file common.dss does not exist\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&bits); mip=mirsys(bits/4,16); /* use Hex internally */ p=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); g=mirvar(0); x=mirvar(0); r=mirvar(0); s=mirvar(0); k=mirvar(0); hash=mirvar(0); innum(p,fp); innum(q,fp); innum(g,fp); fclose(fp); /* randomise */ printf("Enter 9 digit random number seed = "); scanf("%ld",&seed); getchar(); irand(seed); /* calculate r - this can be done offline, and hence amortized to almost nothing */ bigrand(q,k); powmod(g,k,p,r); /* see brick.c for method to speed this up */ divide(r,q,q); /* get private key of signer */ fp=fopen("private.dss","rt"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("file private.dss does not exist\n"); return 0; } innum(x,fp); fclose(fp); /* calculate message digest */ printf("file to be signed = "); gets(ifname); strcpy(ofname,ifname); strip(ofname); strcat(ofname,".dss"); if ((fp=fopen(ifname,"rb"))==NULL) { printf("Unable to open file %s\n",ifname); return 0; } hashing(fp,hash); fclose(fp); /* calculate s */ xgcd(k,q,k,k,k); mad(x,r,hash,q,q,s); mad(s,k,k,q,q,s); fp=fopen(ofname,"wt"); otnum(r,fp); otnum(s,fp); fclose(fp); mirexit(); return 0; }