int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int width = 512; int height = 512; while (EOF != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "x:y:a:w:h:"))) switch (c) { case 'a': angle = atof(optarg); break; case 'x': translation.x = atof(optarg); break; case 'y': translation.y = atof(optarg); break; case 's': scale = atof(optarg); break; case 'w': width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': height = atoi(optarg); break; } if ((argc - optind) != 2) { std::cerr << "need exactly two filename arguments" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const char *infile = argv[optind++]; const char *outfile = argv[optind]; // read the infile cv::Mat inimg = cv::imread(std::string(infile)); cv::Size size(inimg.cols, inimg.rows); cv::Point2d center(size.width / 2, size.height / 2); cv::Rect rect(center.x - width / 2, center.y - height / 2, width, height); // the the transform cv::Mat rotmat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1);<double>(0, 2) += translation.x;<double>(1, 2) += translation.y; std::cout << rotmat << std::endl; // apply the transform cv::Mat outimg(size.width, size.height, CV_32FC1); cv::warpAffine(inimg, outimg, rotmat, size); // write the outfile imwrite(std::string(outfile), outimg(rect)); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
bool CFaceDetect::detectByAsm( const Mat &faceImage,vector<CFaceRect> &rclist,bool onlybig ) { int foundface = 0; float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords (note the 2) //if(!stasm_init("../model",0)) //{ // return ; //} Mat_<unsigned char> matimage = faceImage; //detect face if (!stasm_open_image((const char*), faceImage.cols, faceImage.rows, "image", onlybig?0:1 /*multiface*/, 10 /*minwidth*/)) { //cout<<"detect face failed !!"<<stasm_lasterr()<<endl; return false; } Mat_<unsigned char> outimg(faceImage.clone()); for(;;) { CFaceRect facerect; //find all the face if(!stasm_search_auto(&foundface, landmarks)) { return false; } if(foundface == 0) { break; } facerect.noalign = false; //landmarks inner the image stasm_force_points_into_image(landmarks, faceImage.cols, faceImage.rows); getAsmPointer(landmarks,facerect.rcface); //printLandmarks(landmarks); //drawLandmarks(outimg, landmarks); //markLandmarks(outimg, landmarks); facerect.rcfullface = facerect.rcface; facerect.rclefteye = Rect((int)landmarks[L_LPupil * 2],(int)landmarks[L_LPupil * 2 + 1],1,1); facerect.rcrighteye = Rect((int)landmarks[L_RPupil * 2],(int)landmarks[L_RPupil * 2 + 1],1,1); facerect.rcmouth = Rect((int)landmarks[L_CTopOfTopLip * 2],(int)landmarks[L_CTopOfTopLip * 2 + 1],1,1); //cout<<"eye "<<facerect.rclefteye.x<<" "<<facerect.rclefteye.y<<" "<<facerect.rcrighteye.x<<" "<<facerect.rcrighteye.y<<" "<<facerect.rcmouth.x<<" "<<facerect.rcmouth.y<<endl; outimg(cvRound(landmarks[L_LPupil*2+1]),cvRound(landmarks[2*L_LPupil]))=255; outimg(cvRound(landmarks[L_RPupil*2+1]),cvRound(landmarks[2*L_RPupil]))=255; outimg(cvRound(landmarks[L_CTopOfTopLip*2+1]),cvRound(landmarks[2*L_CTopOfTopLip]))=255; rclist.push_back(facerect); } return true; //imwrite("test_stasm_lib_auto.bmp", outimg); }
void interface::saveImageStart() { bool ok; QString filename = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Save Image..."), QDir::currentPath().append("/"), QLineEdit::Normal, "wallpaper", &ok); if (ok && !filename.isEmpty()) { double worldY, worldX, pixX; QImage outimg(settings::OWidth, settings::OHeight, QImage::Format_RGB32); for (unsigned int y = 0; y < settings::OHeight; y++) for (unsigned int x = 0; x <= ((settings::OWidth* 3)-1); x++) { pixX=x/3; worldY= settings::Height-y*settings::Height/settings::OHeight+settings::YCorner ; worldX= pixX*settings::Width/settings::OWidth+settings::XCorner; std::complex<double> fout=(*f)(worldX,worldY); //run the point through our mathematical function QRgb color = (*c)(fout); //...then turn that complex output into a color per our color wheel outimg.setPixel(x/3, y, color); } filename+=".ppm";; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int l = 128; double tx = 0, ty = 0; while (EOF != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:l:e:x:y:"))) switch (c) { case 'e': epsilon = atof(optarg); break; case 'a': angle = atof(optarg); break; case 'l': l = atoi(optarg); break; case 'x': tx = atof(optarg); break; case 'y': ty = atof(optarg); break; } if ((argc - optind) != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "need exactly two arguments\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const char *infile = argv[optind++]; const char *rotatedfile = argv[optind++]; const char *recoveredfile = argv[optind]; printf("rotate %s by angle %f to %s\n", infile, angle, rotatedfile); cv::Mat inimg = cv::imread(std::string(infile)); int width = inimg.cols; int height = inimg.rows; cv::Mat ingray(width, height, CV_32FC1); cv::cvtColor(inimg, ingray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cv::Point center = cv::Point(width/2, height/2); cv::Mat rotmat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1);<double>(0, 2) += tx;<double>(1, 2) += ty; std::cout << rotmat << std::endl; cv::Mat outimg(width, height, CV_32FC1); cv::warpAffine(ingray, outimg, rotmat, cv::Size(width, height)); imwrite(std::string(rotatedfile), outimg); cv::Mat transform = iteratedTransform(ingray, outimg, l); std::cout << transform << std::endl; inimg = cv::imread(std::string(infile)); cv::Mat recoveredimg(width, height, CV_32FC3); cv::warpAffine(inimg, recoveredimg, transform, cv::Size(width, height)); imwrite(std::string(recoveredfile), recoveredimg); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
// ./Imgs/*.jpg ./Sal/ int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { CV_Assert(argc == 3); string imgW = argv[1], salDir = argv[2]; string imgDir, imgExt; vecS namesNE; CmFile::MkDir(salDir); int imgNum = CmFile::GetNamesNE(imgW, namesNE, imgDir, imgExt); for (int i = 0; i < imgNum; i++){ if (CmFile::FilesExist(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_FT.png")) continue; vector<UINT> img(0);// or UINT* imgBuffer; int width(0); int height(0); PictureHandler picHand; picHand.GetPictureBuffer(imgDir + namesNE[i] + imgExt, img, width, height ); int sz = width*height; Saliency sal; vector<double> salmap(0); sal.GetSaliencyMap(img, width, height, salmap, true); vector<UINT> outimg(sz); for( int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ){ int val = int(salmap[i] + 0.5); outimg[i] = val << 16 | val << 8 | val; } picHand.SavePicture(outimg, width, height, namesNE[i], salDir, 0, "_FT");// 0 is for BMP and 1 for JPEG) Mat sal1u = imread(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_FT.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); imwrite(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_FT.png", sal1u); CmFile::RmFile(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_FT.bmp"); } }
bool CFaceDetect::detectByAsmMarks( const Mat &faceImage,vector<float *> &vlandmarks,bool onlybig ) { int foundface = 0; Mat_<unsigned char> matimage = faceImage; //detect face if (!stasm_open_image((const char*), faceImage.cols, faceImage.rows, "image", onlybig?0:1 /*multiface*/, 10 /*minwidth*/)) { return false; } Mat_<unsigned char> outimg(faceImage.clone()); for(;;) { CFaceRect facerect; float *landmarks = new float[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords (note the 2) //find all the face if(!stasm_search_auto(&foundface, landmarks)) { return false; } if(foundface == 0) { break; } facerect.noalign = false; //landmarks inner the image stasm_force_points_into_image(landmarks, faceImage.cols, faceImage.rows); //printLandmarks(landmarks); //drawLandmarks(outimg, landmarks); //markLandmarks(outimg, landmarks); //imshow("tmp", outimg); vlandmarks.push_back(landmarks); } return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { try { // parse command line if (argc != 3) throw CError(usage, argv[0]); int argn = 1; char *dataFileName = argv[argn++]; char *outstem = argv[argn++]; int writeParams = 1; int writeTimings = 1; FILE *debugfile = createDebugFile(writeParams, outstem, verbose, argc, argv); // Load datafile int width, height, nLabels; std::vector<int> gt, data, lrPairwise, udPairwise; MRF::CostVal *dataCostArray, *hCue, *vCue; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Loading datafile...\n"); LoadDataFile(dataFileName, width, height, nLabels, dataCostArray, hCue, vCue); DataCost *dcost = new DataCost(dataCostArray); SmoothnessCost *scost = new SmoothnessCost(1, 1, 1, hCue, vCue); EnergyFunction *energy = new EnergyFunction(dcost, scost); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Running optimization...\n"); fflush(stderr); int MRFalg = aRunAll; int outerIter, innerIter; MRF *mrf = NULL; for (int numAlg = aICM; numAlg <= aBPM; numAlg++) { outerIter = MAXITER; innerIter = 1; if (MRFalg < aRunAll && numAlg != MRFalg) continue; startAlgInitTimer(); switch (numAlg) { case aICM: mrf = new ICM(width, height, nLabels, energy); innerIter = 5; break; case aExpansion: mrf = new Expansion(width, height, nLabels, energy); break; case aSwap: mrf = new Swap(width, height, nLabels, energy); break; case aTRWS: mrf = new TRWS(width, height, nLabels, energy); break; case aBPS: mrf = new BPS(width, height, nLabels, energy); //innerIter = 5; break; case aBPM: mrf = new MaxProdBP(width, height, nLabels, energy); //innerIter = 2; break; default: throw new CError("unknown algorithm number"); } if (debugfile) fprintf(debugfile, "******* Running %s for up to %d x %d iterations\n", algs[numAlg], outerIter, innerIter); mrf->initialize(); mrf->clearAnswer(); bool initializeToWTA = false; if (initializeToWTA) { if (debugfile) fprintf(debugfile, "performing WTA\n"); CByteImage disp; WTA(dataCostArray, width, height, nLabels, disp); writeDisparities(disp, 255, "WTA.png", debugfile); setDisparities(disp, mrf); } else { mrf->clearAnswer(); } float initTime = getAlgInitTime(); FILE *timefile = createTimeFile(writeTimings, outstem, algs[numAlg], debugfile); runAlg(mrf, numAlg, debugfile, timefile, outerIter, innerIter, initTime); // save resulting labels as image CShape sh(width, height, 1); CByteImage outimg(sh); int n = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { outimg.Pixel(x, y, 0) = 255* mrf->getLabel(n); n++; } } char fname[500]; sprintf(fname, "%s-%s.png", outstem, algs[numAlg]); WriteImageVerb(outimg, fname, 1); delete mrf; } if (writeParams) fclose(debugfile); delete energy; delete scost; delete dcost; delete [] dataCostArray; delete [] hCue; delete [] vCue; } catch (CError &err) { fprintf(stderr, err.message); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return -1; } catch (bad_alloc) { fprintf(stderr, "*** Error: not enough memory\n"); exit(1); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { if (argc != 5) Exit("Usage: test_stasm_lib MULTI MINWIDTH TRACE IMAGE"); const int multi = argv[1][0] - '0'; if (multi != 0 && multi != 1) Exit("Usage: test_stasm_lib MULTI MINWIDTH TRACE IMAGE, " "with MULTI 0 or 1, you have MULTI %s", argv[1]); int minwidth = -1; if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &minwidth) != 1 || minwidth < 1 || minwidth > 100) { Exit("Usage: test_stasm_lib MULTI MINWIDTH TRACE IMAGE with " "MINWIDTH 1 to 100, you have MINWIDTH %s", argv[2]); } const int trace = argv[3][0] - '0'; if (trace < 0 || trace > 1) Exit("Usage: test_stasm_lib MULTI MINWIDTH TRACE IMAGE, with TRACE 0 or 1"); if (!stasm_init("../data", trace)) Exit("stasm_init failed: %s", stasm_lasterr()); const char* path = argv[4]; // image name stasm_printf("Reading %s\n", path); const cv::Mat_<unsigned char> img(cv::imread(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)); if (! // could not load image? Exit("Cannot load %s", path); cv::Mat_<unsigned char> outimg(img.clone()); if (!stasm_open_image((const char*), img.cols, img.rows, path, multi != 0, minwidth)) Exit("stasm_open_image failed: %s", stasm_lasterr()); // Test stasm_search_auto. // The min face size was set in the above stasm_open_image call. float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords int iface = 0; while (1) { stasm_printf("--- Auto Face %d ---\n", iface); int foundface; float estyaw; if (!stasm_search_auto_ext(&foundface, landmarks, &estyaw)) Exit("stasm_search_auto failed: %s", stasm_lasterr()); if (!foundface) { stasm_printf("No more faces\n"); break; // note break } char s[100]; sprintf(s, "\nFinal with auto init (estyaw %.0f)", estyaw); PrintLandmarks(landmarks, s); DrawLandmarks(outimg, landmarks); iface++; if (trace) stasm_printf("\n"); } imwrite("test_stasm_lib_auto.bmp", outimg); if (stasm_NLANDMARKS != 77) { stasm_printf( "Skipping pinned test because stasm_NLANDMARKS is %d not 77\n", stasm_NLANDMARKS); } else if (multi == 0 && minwidth == 25 && iface) { // Test stasm_search_pinned. A human user is not at hand, so gyp by using // points from the last face found above for our 5 start points stasm_printf("--- Pinned Face %d ---\n", iface); float pinned[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords memset(pinned, 0, sizeof(pinned)); pinned[L_LEyeOuter*2] = landmarks[L_LEyeOuter*2] + 2; pinned[L_LEyeOuter*2+1] = landmarks[L_LEyeOuter*2+1]; pinned[L_REyeOuter*2] = landmarks[L_REyeOuter*2] - 2; pinned[L_REyeOuter*2+1] = landmarks[L_REyeOuter*2+1]; pinned[L_CNoseTip*2] = landmarks[L_CNoseTip*2]; pinned[L_CNoseTip*2+1] = landmarks[L_CNoseTip*2+1]; pinned[L_LMouthCorner*2] = landmarks[L_LMouthCorner*2]; pinned[L_LMouthCorner*2+1] = landmarks[L_LMouthCorner*2+1]; pinned[L_RMouthCorner*2] = landmarks[L_RMouthCorner*2]; pinned[L_RMouthCorner*2+1] = landmarks[L_RMouthCorner*2+1]; memset(landmarks, 0, sizeof(landmarks)); if (!stasm_search_pinned(landmarks, pinned, (const char*), img.cols, img.rows, path)) Exit("stasm_search_pinned failed: %s", stasm_lasterr()); PrintLandmarks(landmarks, "Final with pinned init"); outimg = img.clone(); DrawLandmarks(outimg, landmarks); imwrite("test_stasm_lib_pinned.bmp", outimg); // test stasm_convert_shape float newlandmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords memcpy(newlandmarks, landmarks, 2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS * sizeof(float)); stasm_convert_shape(newlandmarks, 68); PrintLandmarks(newlandmarks, "stasm77 to xm2vts"); #if 0 outimg = img.clone(); DrawLandmarks(outimg, newlandmarks, 68); imwrite("test_stasm_lib_68.bmp", outimg); #endif memcpy(newlandmarks, landmarks, 2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS * sizeof(float)); stasm_convert_shape(newlandmarks, 76); PrintLandmarks(newlandmarks, "stasm77 to stasm76"); #if 0 outimg = img.clone(); DrawLandmarks(outimg, newlandmarks, 76); imwrite("test_stasm_lib_76.bmp", outimg); #endif #if 0 memcpy(newlandmarks, landmarks, 2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS * sizeof(float)); stasm_convert_shape(newlandmarks, 22); PrintLandmarks(newlandmarks, "stasm77 to stasm22"); outimg = img.clone(); DrawLandmarks(outimg, newlandmarks, 22); imwrite("test_stasm_lib_22.bmp", outimg); memcpy(newlandmarks, landmarks, 2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS * sizeof(float)); stasm_convert_shape(newlandmarks, 20); PrintLandmarks(newlandmarks, "stasm77 to stasm20"); outimg = img.clone(); DrawLandmarks(outimg, newlandmarks, 20); imwrite("test_stasm_lib_20.bmp", outimg); #endif } return 0; // success }