Пример #1
// offset to 0x47 and output integral n * 188 bytes
void outputTS(unsigned char *ts, unsigned int len, unsigned char width)
	int i, offset;
	int n, rem;
	// The condition can be more strictly,
	// ts[i] = 0x47
	// ts[i+1] = 0x00; or ts[i+1] = 0x40;
	// ts[i+2] = 0x00;
	while((0x47 != ts[i]) && i < len) i++;
	if(len == i)
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Can not find sync byte 0x47 \n");	
	n = (len - i) / 188;
	rem = (len - i) - 188 * n;
	if(0 == n)
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] less than 1 byte \n");	
		outputHex(ts+i, rem, width);	
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] There are %d TS packes \n", n);	
		outputHex(ts+i, n*188, width);	
Пример #2
emfio_showCommand(int command, FILE * file)
	int16_t localErrorCode = EMFIO_OK;
	unsigned char * lastCommandBuffer = 0;
	uint32_t lastCommandSize = 0;

	// Clear the error code.

	int16_t index = (int16_t)command;
	if ((index < 0) || (index >= EMFIO_MAX_NUM_COMMANDS))
		return -1;
	SDLCCommandInfo * pCommand = &emfio_commands[index];
	if (pCommand->initialized == 0)
		return -1;
		if (pCommand->commandReceived != 1)
			// Allocate some memory to hold the last received command.
			lastCommandSize = pCommand->lastCommandSize;
			lastCommandBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(lastCommandSize);

			// Copy the buffer.
			memcpy(lastCommandBuffer, pCommand->lastCommandBuffer, lastCommandSize);

	// Only show if we were successful.
	if (localErrorCode != EMFIO_OK)
		return -1;

	// Output the buffer.
	outputHex(file, lastCommandBuffer, lastCommandSize);

	// Release the buffer.

	return 0;
Пример #3
// args: chno(0-7), in_pid(0-NULL_PID), out_pid, count, out_width
// test_hfpga 
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int hdev = 0;
	int retval = 0;
	int i = 0;
	unsigned char chno;
	unsigned short i_pid,o_pid;

	if(argc < 6)
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Too few arguments !!! \n ");
		return -1;

	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Begin to Test HFPGA dev ... \n\n ");
	hdev = open(UV_HFPGA_DEV_PATH, O_RDWR);
	if(-1 == hdev)
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Cannot open HFPGA dev !!! \n ");
		return -1;	
	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] File %d is opened.\n ", hdev);

	// 0. Read Regs
	// SYS_ID	0x8200,0000	16	RO	
  	// SYS_VERSION	0x8200,0004	16	RO

		hregs.reg = HFPGA_REG_ADDR_SYS_ID; 
		retval = ioctl(hdev, UV_HFPGA_IOCTL_CMD_READ_REGS, &hregs);
		if(0 > retval)
			dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW]  ioctl read id fails!, error code is: %d. \n", retval);
			goto ERR_RETURN;
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] ID: %02x \n", hregs.data);

#if 0	
	hregs.reg = HFPGA_REG_ADDR_SYS_VER;
	retval = ioctl(hdev, UV_HFPGA_IOCTL_CMD_READ_REGS, &hregs);
	if(0 > retval)
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW]  ioctl read version fails!, error code is: %d. \n", retval);
		goto ERR_RETURN;
	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Version: %02x \n", hregs.data);
	// 1. set filter
	for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		pid_map.pid_map[i].in_pid = UV_HFPGA_INVALID_PID_MAP;
		pid_map.pid_map[i].in_pid = UV_HFPGA_INVALID_PID_MAP;
	chno = atoi(argv[1]);
	pid_map.cha = CHANNEL_ALL_BITMAP&(1 << chno);
	i_pid = atoi(argv[2]);
	o_pid = atoi(argv[3]);
	for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		pid_map.pid_map[chno*32+i].in_pid = i_pid+i;
		pid_map.pid_map[chno*32+i].out_pid = o_pid+i;
	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Before write the input Pid Maps is... \n");
        outputChaPidMap(&pid_map, chno);

	retval = ioctl(hdev, UV_HFPGA_IOCTL_CMD_WRITE_PID_MAP, &pid_map);
	if(0 > retval)
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW]  ioctl write pid map fails!, error code is: %d. \n", retval);
		goto ERR_RETURN;
	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Read Pid Maps...\n");

	retval = ioctl(hdev, UV_HFPGA_IOCTL_CMD_READ_PID_MAP, &pid_map);
	if(0 > retval)
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW]  ioctl read pid map fails!, error code is: %d. \n", retval);
		goto ERR_RETURN;
	outputChaPidMap(&pid_map, chno);
	// 2. get data from fifo
	str_data.len = atoi(argv[4]);
	str_data.pdata = sg_buf;
	str_data.addr = atoi(argv[1]);
	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Start Read FIFO...\n");
  	retval = ioctl(hdev, UV_HFPGA_IOCTL_CMD_READ_STR_DATA, &str_data);
	if(0 > retval)
		dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW]  ioctl get data from fifo fails!, error code is: %d. \n", retval);
		goto ERR_RETURN;
	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Return to Read FIFO..Data is: \n");
	outputHex(str_data.pdata, str_data.len, atoi(argv[5]));
	logdata(str_data.pdata, str_data.len);

	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Success and End to Test HFPGA dev \n\n ");

	return 0;	

	dbg_prt("[TEST-HFPGA-RW] Failed and End to Test HFPGA dev \n\n ");
	return -1;
