Пример #1
static void printInfo(systime_t nowSeconds) {
	 * we report the version every 4 seconds - this way the console does not need to
	 * request it and we will display it pretty soon
	if (overflowDiff(nowSeconds, timeOfPreviousPrintVersion) < 4) {
	timeOfPreviousPrintVersion = nowSeconds;
	appendPrintf(&logger, "%s%s%d@%s %s %d%s", RUS_EFI_VERSION_TAG, DELIMETER,
			getRusEfiVersion(), VCS_VERSION,
#if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	printOutPin(CRANK1, boardConfiguration->triggerInputPins[0]);
	printOutPin(CRANK2, boardConfiguration->triggerInputPins[1]);
#if EFI_WAVE_ANALYZER || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	printOutPin(WA_CHANNEL_1, boardConfiguration->logicAnalyzerPins[0]);
	printOutPin(WA_CHANNEL_2, boardConfiguration->logicAnalyzerPins[1]);

	for (int i = 0; i < engineConfiguration->specs.cylindersCount; i++) {
		printOutPin(enginePins.coils[i].name, boardConfiguration->ignitionPins[i]);

		printOutPin(enginePins.injectors[i].name, boardConfiguration->injectionPins[i]);

Пример #2
 * @return Current crankshaft angle, 0 to 720 for four-stroke
float getCrankshaftAngle(time_t time) {
	int timeSinceZeroAngle = overflowDiff(time, rpmState.lastRpmEventTime);

	float cRevolutionTime = getCrankshaftRevolutionTime(rpmState.rpm);

	return 360 * timeSinceZeroAngle / cRevolutionTime;
Пример #3
 * this method is lock-free thread-safe if invoked only from one thread
void saveTpsState(time_t now, float curValue) {
    int tpsNextIndex = (tpsRocIndex + 1) % 2;
    tps_roc_s *cur = &states[tpsRocIndex];
    tps_roc_s *next = &states[tpsNextIndex];

    next->prevTime = cur->curTime;
    next->prevValue = cur->curValue;
    next->curTime = now;
    next->curValue = curValue;

    int diffSysticks = overflowDiff(now, cur->curTime);
    float diffSeconds = diffSysticks * 1.0 / CH_FREQUENCY;
    next->rateOfChange = (curValue - cur->curValue) / diffSeconds;

    // here we update volatile index
    tpsRocIndex = tpsNextIndex;
Пример #4
 * Checks for noise on the trigger input line. Noise is detected by an unexpectedly small time gap between
 * current and previous trigger input events.
 * @return TRUE if noise is detected
static int isNoisySignal(rpm_s * rpmState, int now) {
	int diff = overflowDiff(now, rpmState->lastRpmEventTime);
	return diff == 0;
Пример #5
 * @return true if there was a full shaft revolution within the last second
int isRunning() {
	time_t now = chTimeNow();
	return overflowDiff(now, rpmState.lastRpmEventTime) < CH_FREQUENCY;