Пример #1
static double compress(info * nl, int nn)
    info *p = nl;
    info *q;
    int i, j;
    double s, sc = 0;
    pointf pt;

    for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
	q = p + 1;
	for (j = i + 1; j < nn; j++) {
	    if (overlap(p->bb, q->bb))
		return 0;
	    if (p->pos.x == q->pos.x)
		pt.x = HUGE_VAL;
	    else {
		pt.x = (p->wd2 + q->wd2) / fabs(p->pos.x - q->pos.x);
	    if (p->pos.y == q->pos.y)
		pt.y = HUGE_VAL;
	    else {
		pt.y = (p->ht2 + q->ht2) / fabs(p->pos.y - q->pos.y);
	    if (pt.y < pt.x)
		s = pt.y;
		s = pt.x;
	    if (s > sc)
		sc = s;
    return sc;
Пример #2
int main() {

	while(scanf("%d",&n) && n!=-1) {
		for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
		for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
			for(int j=0;j<n;++j)
				map[i][j] = false;
		for(int i=0;i<n;++i)	
			for(int j=i+1;j<n;++j)
					map[i][j] = map[j][i] = true;
		int Max=0;
		for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
			if(!used[i]) {
				count = 0;
				if(count > Max)	Max = count;
		if(Max == 1)
			printf("The largest component contains %d ring.\n",1);
			printf("The largest component contains %d rings.\n",Max);

	return 0;
Пример #3
void rotpc()
    struct piece pc = brd.pc;
    pc.rotid = (pc.rotid+1) % pc.tet->rotcount;
    if (!overlap(pc)) 
        brd.pc = pc;
Пример #4
    ShardChunkManager* ShardChunkManager::clonePlus( const BSONObj& min , const BSONObj& max , const ShardChunkVersion& version ) {

        // it is acceptable to move version backwards (e.g., undoing a migration that went bad during commit)
        // but only cloning away the last chunk may reset the version to 0
        uassert( 13591 , "version can't be set to zero" , version.isSet() );

        if ( ! _chunksMap.empty() ) {

            // check that there isn't any chunk on the interval to be added
            RangeMap::const_iterator it = _chunksMap.lower_bound( max );
            if ( it != _chunksMap.begin() ) {
            if ( overlap( min , max , it->first , it->second ) ) {
                ostringstream os;
                os << "ranges overlap, "
                   << "requested: " << min << " -> " << max << " "
                   << "existing: " << it->first.toString() + " -> " + it->second.toString();
                uasserted( 13588 , os.str() );

        auto_ptr<ShardChunkManager> p( new ShardChunkManager );

        p->_key = this->_key;
        p->_chunksMap = this->_chunksMap;
        p->_chunksMap.insert( make_pair( min.getOwned() , max.getOwned() ) );
        p->_version = version;
        if( version > _collVersion ) p->_collVersion = version;
        else p->_collVersion = this->_collVersion;

        return p.release();
Пример #5
void mvpcleft()
    struct piece pc = brd.pc;
    pc.pos.x -= 1; 
    if (!overlap(pc))
        brd.pc = pc;
Пример #6
void mvpcright()
    struct piece pc = brd.pc;
    pc.pos.x += 1; 
    if (!overlap(pc))
        brd.pc = pc;
Пример #7
inline ValueType spatialaggregate::OcTreeNode< CoordType, ValueType >::getValueInVolume( const spatialaggregate::OcTreePosition< CoordType >& minPosition, const spatialaggregate::OcTreePosition< CoordType >& maxPosition, CoordType minimumSearchVolumeSize ) {

	if( type == OCTREE_LEAF_NODE ) {

		if( inRegion( minPosition, maxPosition ) )
			return value;

		return ValueType(0);

	else {

		if( !overlap( minPosition, maxPosition ) )
			return ValueType(0);

		if( containedInRegion( minPosition, maxPosition ) )
			return value;

		if( (this->maxPosition[0] - this->minPosition[0]) - minimumSearchVolumeSize <= -OCTREE_EPSILON*minimumSearchVolumeSize ) {
			return value;

		ValueType value = ValueType(0);
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
			value += siblings[i]->getValueInVolume( minPosition, maxPosition, minimumSearchVolumeSize );

		return value;


Пример #8
bool TrackerTLDImpl::Nexpert::operator()(Rect2d box)
    if( overlap(resultBox_, box) < NEXPERT_THRESHOLD )
        return false;
        return true;
Пример #9
 Nq<View0,View1>::propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta&) {
   if (x0.assigned() && x1.assigned()) {
     return overlap(x0.val(),x1.val()) ? ES_FAILED : home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this);
   return ES_FIX;
Пример #10
PyObject* PyBobIpBase_blockOutputShape(PyObject*, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) {
  /* Parses input arguments in a single shot */
  char** kwlist = s_blockOutputShape.kwlist();

  PyBlitzArrayObject* input = 0;
  blitz::TinyVector<int,2> size, overlap(0,0);
  PyObject* flat_ = 0;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O&(ii)|(ii)O!", kwlist, &PyBlitzArray_Converter, &input, &size[0], &size[1], &overlap[0], &overlap[1], &PyBool_Type, &flat_)) return 0;

  auto input_ = make_safe(input);

  if (input->ndim != 2) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "block shape can only be computed from and to 2D arrays");
    return 0;

  if (f(flat_)){
    auto shape = block_shape3(input, size, overlap);
    return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]);
  } else {
    auto shape = block_shape4(input, size, overlap);
    return Py_BuildValue("(iiii)", shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], shape[3]);

  BOB_CATCH_FUNCTION("in block_output_shape", 0)
Пример #11
void getS(int nbf, int *nprim, int *istart,
	  double *xcenter, double *ycenter, double *zcenter, 
	  int *lpower,int *mpower, int *npower, 
      int n2,
	  double *coef, double *alpha, 
	  double *S){
  int i,j,iprim,jprim,jindex,iindex;
  for (j=0; j<nbf; j++){
    for (i=0; i<nbf; i++){
      S[i+j*nbf] = 0.;
      for (jprim=0; jprim<nprim[j]; jprim++){
	jindex = istart[j]+jprim;
	for (iprim=0; iprim<nprim[i]; iprim++){
	  iindex = istart[i]+iprim;
	  S[i+j*nbf] += coef[iindex]*coef[jindex]
Пример #12
TBOX TBOX::intersection(  //shared area box
                      const TBOX &box) const {
  inT16 left;
  inT16 bottom;
  inT16 right;
  inT16 top;
  if (overlap (box)) {
    if (box.bot_left.x () > bot_left.x ())
      left = box.bot_left.x ();
      left = bot_left.x ();

    if (box.top_right.x () < top_right.x ())
      right = box.top_right.x ();
      right = top_right.x ();

    if (box.bot_left.y () > bot_left.y ())
      bottom = box.bot_left.y ();
      bottom = bot_left.y ();

    if (box.top_right.y () < top_right.y ())
      top = box.top_right.y ();
      top = top_right.y ();
  else {
    left = MAX_INT16;
    bottom = MAX_INT16;
    top = -MAX_INT16;
    right = -MAX_INT16;
  return TBOX (left, bottom, right, top);
Пример #13
Vector3d GJKSimplex::computeClosestPointForSubset(Bits subset) {
  // Closest point v = sum(lambda_i * points[i])
  Vector3d v;
  m_maxLengthSquare = 0.0;
  // deltaX = sum of all det[subset][i]
  double deltaX = 0.0;
  int i;
  Bits bit;

  // For each four point in the possible simplex set
  for (i=0, bit=0x1; i<4; i++, bit <<= 1) {
    // If the current point is in the subset
    if (overlap(subset, bit)) {
      // deltaX = sum of all det[subset][i]
      deltaX += m_det[subset][i];

      if (m_maxLengthSquare < m_pointsLengthSquare[i]) {
        m_maxLengthSquare = m_pointsLengthSquare[i];

      // Closest point v = sum(lambda_i * points[i])
      v += m_det[subset][i] * m_points[i];

  assert(deltaX > 0.0);

  // Return the closest point "v" in the convex hull for the given subset
  return (double(1.0) / deltaX) * v;
Пример #14
	point2<T> overlap( const point2<T>& pt, const polygon2<T>& poly ) {
		// check if either is null
		if( pt == point2<T>::null( ) || poly == polygon2<T>::null( ) ) {
			return point2<T>::null( );
		// check bounding box first
		if( overlap( pt, poly.m_bounding_box ) == point2<T>::null( ) ) {
			return point2<T>::null( );

		// check actual polygon
		//   the point should be on the same side of every line making
		//   up the polygon if it is inside
		float dir = poly.direction( poly.m_hull[0], poly.m_hull[1], pt );
		bool side = dir > std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon( );
		for( unsigned int i = 1; i < poly.m_hull.size( ); ++i ) {
			// check last element w/ first
			if( i == poly.m_hull.size( ) - 1 ) {
				dir = poly.direction( poly.m_hull[i], poly.m_hull[0], pt );
			else {
				dir = poly.direction( poly.m_hull[i], poly.m_hull[i+1], pt );
			// different side, can't be inside
			if( side != (dir > std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon( )) ) {
				return point2<T>::null( );

		return pt;
Пример #15
void GJKSimplex::addPoint(const Vector3d& point, const Vector3d& suppPointA, const Vector3d& suppPointB) {

  m_lastFound = 0;
  m_lastFoundBit = 0x1;

  // Look for the bit corresponding to one of the four point that is not in
  // the current simplex
  while (overlap(m_bitsCurrentGJKSimplex, m_lastFoundBit)) {
    m_lastFoundBit <<= 1;

  assert(m_lastFound >= 0 && m_lastFound < 4);

  // Add the point into the simplex
  m_points[m_lastFound] = point;
  m_pointsLengthSquare[m_lastFound] = point * point;
  m_allBits = m_bitsCurrentGJKSimplex | m_lastFoundBit;

  // Update the cached values
  // Compute the cached determinant values
  // Add the support points of objects A and B
  m_suppPointsA[m_lastFound] = suppPointA;
  m_suppPointsB[m_lastFound] = suppPointB;
Пример #16
 NqFloat<View>::propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta&) {
   if (x0.assigned()) {
     return (overlap(x0.val(),c)) ? ES_FAILED : home.ES_SUBSUMED(*this);
   return ES_FIX;
Пример #17
PyObject* PyBobIpBase_block(PyObject*, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) {
  /* Parses input arguments in a single shot */
  char** kwlist = s_block.kwlist();

  PyBlitzArrayObject* input = 0,* output = 0;
  blitz::TinyVector<int,2> size, overlap(0,0);
  PyObject* flat_ = 0;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O&(ii)|(ii)O&O!", kwlist, &PyBlitzArray_Converter, &input, &size[0], &size[1], &overlap[0], &overlap[1], &PyBlitzArray_OutputConverter, &output, &PyBool_Type, &flat_)) return 0;

  auto input_ = make_safe(input), output_ = make_xsafe(output);
  bool flat = f(flat_);

  if (input->ndim != 2) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "blocks can only be extracted from and to 2D arrays");
    return 0;
  bool return_out = false;
  if (output){
    if (output->type_num != input->type_num){
      PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "``input`` and ``output`` must have the same data type");
      return 0;
    if (output->ndim != 3 && output->ndim != 4){
      PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "``output`` must have either three or four dimensions, not %" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "d", output->ndim);
      return 0;
    flat = output->ndim == 3;
  } else {
    return_out = true;
    // generate output in the desired shape
    if (flat){
      auto res = block_shape3(input, size, overlap);
      Py_ssize_t osize[] = {res[0], res[1], res[2]};
      output = (PyBlitzArrayObject*)PyBlitzArray_SimpleNew(input->type_num, 3, osize);
    } else {
      auto res = block_shape4(input, size, overlap);
      Py_ssize_t osize[] = {res[0], res[1], res[2], res[3]};
      output = (PyBlitzArrayObject*)PyBlitzArray_SimpleNew(input->type_num, 4, osize);
    output_ = make_safe(output);

  switch (input->type_num){
    case NPY_UINT8:   if (flat) block_inner<uint8_t,3>(input, size, overlap, output);  else block_inner<uint8_t,4>(input, size, overlap, output); break;
    case NPY_UINT16:  if (flat) block_inner<uint16_t,3>(input, size, overlap, output); else block_inner<uint16_t,4>(input, size, overlap, output); break;
    case NPY_FLOAT64: if (flat) block_inner<double,3>(input, size, overlap, output);   else block_inner<double,4>(input, size, overlap, output); break;
      PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "block does not work on 'input' images of type %s", PyBlitzArray_TypenumAsString(input->type_num));

  if (return_out){
    return PyBlitzArray_AsNumpyArray(output, 0);
  } else

  BOB_CATCH_FUNCTION("in block", 0)
Пример #18
	point2<T> overlap( const point2<T>& pt, const segment2<T>& segment ) {
		// check if either is null
		if( pt == point2<T>::null( ) || segment == segment2<T>::null( ) ) {
			return point2<T>::null( );
		// not working??
		return overlap( pt, make_line( segment ) );
Пример #19
 bool canAttendMeetings(vector<Interval>& intervals) {
     sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), compare);
     int n = intervals.size();
     for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
         if (overlap(intervals[i], intervals[i + 1]))
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #20
bool overlap_any(struct nobjs *pv, struct obj *p, int pad)
    int n, m; struct obj *l;
    for (l = pv->p, m = pv->n, n = 0; n < m; ++n, ++l)
        if (overlap(l, p, pad))
            return true;
    return false;
MonotoneChainOverlapAction::overlap(MonotoneChain& mc1, size_t start1,
		MonotoneChain& mc2, size_t start2)
	mc1.getLineSegment(start1, overlapSeg1);
	mc2.getLineSegment(start2, overlapSeg2);
	overlap(overlapSeg1, overlapSeg2);
Пример #22
void Detection::trainNegative(cv::Mat const & integral)

   cv::Point currentSize;
   cv::Point2d doubleBox;
   doubleBox.x = static_cast<double>(m_boxSize.x);
   doubleBox.y = static_cast<double>(m_boxSize.y);

   // Create a list of bounding boxes to search through
   for( int scaleIdx = 0; scaleIdx < 5; ++scaleIdx)
	   // Calculate the scale for this index
	   double scale = static_cast<double>(scaleIdx)/4.0 + 0.5;

	   // Determine the x values
       currentSize.x = static_cast<int>(scale*doubleBox.x);
       int xMax  = m_size.x - currentSize.x;
       int xStep = xMax / 19;

       if( xStep <= 0)
    	   xMax  = 0;
    	   xStep = 1;

       // Loop over the x-values and generate the y-values
       for( int x = 0; x <= xMax; x += xStep)
          currentSize.y = static_cast<int>(scale*doubleBox.y);
          int yMax  = m_size.y - currentSize.y;
          int yStep = yMax / 19;
          if( yStep <= 0 )
        	  yMax  = 0;
        	  yStep = 1;

          // Loop over y and build the boxes
          for( int y = 0; y <= yMax; y += yStep)
        	  // Create a new contact
        	  Contact newBox;
        	  newBox.position.x = x;
        	  newBox.position.y = y;
        	  newBox.dims.x     = currentSize.x;
        	  newBox.dims.y     = currentSize.y;

        	  if(overlap(newBox) ==  0.)
        		  m_classifier->train(integral,newBox.position, newBox.dims,0);



Пример #23
void PARTICLE::ClipParticles(VERTEX * rect)
	float height = 0;
	int j;
	for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
		height += rect[j].y;
	height /= 4.0f;
	height += 0.2f;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++)
		if (particle[i].active)
			VERTEX drawpos;
			drawpos = particle[i].start_position;
			float age = curtime - particle[i].timestamp;
			VERTEX offset = particle[i].direction.ScaleR(age*particle[i].speed);
			drawpos = drawpos + offset;
			float dimension = 0.5f;
			VERTEX dprect[4];
			dprect[0] = drawpos;
			dprect[0].x -= dimension;
			dprect[0].z -= dimension;
			dprect[1] = drawpos;
			dprect[1].x -= dimension;
			dprect[1].z += dimension;
			dprect[2] = drawpos;
			dprect[2].x += dimension;
			dprect[2].z += dimension;
			dprect[3] = drawpos;
			dprect[3].x += dimension;
			dprect[3].z -= dimension;
			//if (inrect(rect, drawpos))// && drawpos.y > height)
			if (overlap(rect, dprect) && drawpos.y > height)
				if (drawpos.y - height <= 0.2)
					float age = (curtime - particle[i].timestamp);
					particle[i].start_position = drawpos;
					particle[i].start_position.y = height;
					particle[i].longevity = particle[i].longevity - age;
					particle[i].timestamp = curtime;
					particle[i].transparency = particle[i].transparency*(1.0f-age/particle[i].longevity)*1.0f/((float)NUM_ROTATIONS+1.0f);
					particle[i].active = false;
Пример #24
int test(int x, int y){
	int curr = start[x];
	while (curr){
		node n = squares[curr];
		if (overlap(n.y, y)) return 0;
		curr = n.next;
	return 1;
Пример #25
// NOTE: This assumes that free variables are sorted.
bool FreeVarGroup::isDisjoint(FreeVarGroup *other)
	std::vector< omxFreeVar* > overlap(std::max(vars.size(), other->vars.size()));
	std::vector< omxFreeVar* >::iterator it =
		std::set_intersection(vars.begin(), vars.end(),
				      other->vars.begin(), other->vars.end(),
				      overlap.begin(), freeVarComp);
	return it - overlap.begin() == 0;
Пример #26
	bool overlap(const rectangle& ir, const size& valid_input_area, const rectangle & dr, const size& valid_dst_area, rectangle& op_ir, rectangle& op_dr)
		if(overlap(ir, rectangle(0, 0, valid_input_area.width, valid_input_area.height), op_ir) == false)
			return false;

		rectangle good_dr;
		if(overlap(dr, rectangle(0, 0, valid_dst_area.width, valid_dst_area.height), good_dr) == false)
			return false;

		zoom(ir, op_ir, dr, op_dr);

		if(false == covered(op_dr, good_dr))
			op_dr = good_dr;
			zoom(dr, good_dr, ir, op_ir);
		return true;
Пример #27
 NqFloat<View>::post(Home home, View x, FloatVal c){
   if (x.assigned()) {
     if (overlap(x.val(),c))
       return ES_FAILED;
   } else {
     (void) new (home) NqFloat<View>(home,x,c);
   return ES_OK;
Пример #28
// Cycle the current and next piece and check if the board is topped.
void cyclepcs(bool holdset)
    brd.pc = (holdset ? brd.holdpc : newpc());
    brd.holdpc = newpc();
    brd.pc.pos.y = pcheight(brd.pc);
    brd.pc.pos.x = brd.width/2;
    brd.holdpc.pos.y = 0;
    brd.holdpc.pos.x = 2;
    if (brd.grid) brd.topped = overlap(brd.pc);
Пример #29
/*! A temporary Draw (during move/copy operations) of the container contents
 on the screen using the virtual quadTree::tmp_draw() method of the 
 parent object. */
void laydata::tdtlayer::motion_draw(const layprop::DrawProperties& drawprop,
                                                 ctmqueue& transtack) const {
   // check the entire layer for clipping...
   DBbox clip = drawprop.clipRegion();
   if (empty()) return;
   DBbox areal = overlap().overlap(transtack.front());
   if      ( clip.cliparea(areal) == 0       ) return;
   else if (!areal.visible(drawprop.ScrCTM())) return;
   quadTree::motion_draw(drawprop, transtack);
Пример #30
void ba81NormalQuad::layer::detectTwoTier(Eigen::ArrayBase<T1> &param,
					  Eigen::MatrixBase<T2> &mean, Eigen::MatrixBase<T3> &cov)
	if (mean.rows() < 3) return;

	std::vector<int> orthogonal;

	Eigen::Matrix<Eigen::DenseIndex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>
		numCov((cov.array() != 0.0).matrix().colwise().count());
	std::vector<int> candidate;
	for (int fx=0; fx < numCov.rows(); ++fx) {
		if (numCov(fx) == 1) candidate.push_back(fx);
	if (candidate.size() > 1) {
		std::vector<bool> mask(numItems());
		for (int cx=candidate.size() - 1; cx >= 0; --cx) {
			std::vector<bool> loading(numItems());
			for (int ix=0; ix < numItems(); ++ix) {
				loading[ix] = param(candidate[cx], itemsMap[ix]) != 0;
			std::vector<bool> overlap(loading.size());
			std::transform(loading.begin(), loading.end(),
				       mask.begin(), overlap.begin(),
			if (std::find(overlap.begin(), overlap.end(), true) == overlap.end()) {
				std::transform(loading.begin(), loading.end(),
					       mask.begin(), mask.begin(),
	std::reverse(orthogonal.begin(), orthogonal.end());

	if (orthogonal.size() == 1) orthogonal.clear();
	if (orthogonal.size() && orthogonal[0] != mean.rows() - int(orthogonal.size())) {
		mxThrow("Independent specific factors must be given after general dense factors");

	numSpecific = orthogonal.size();

	if (numSpecific) {
		Sgroup.assign(numItems(), 0);
		for (int ix=0; ix < numItems(); ix++) {
			for (int dx=orthogonal[0]; dx < mean.rows(); ++dx) {
				if (param(dx, itemsMap[ix]) != 0) {
					Sgroup[ix] = dx - orthogonal[0];
		//Eigen::Map< Eigen::ArrayXi > foo(Sgroup.data(), param.cols());
		//mxPrintMat("sgroup", foo);