Пример #1
EdgeWeight Point2PhantomNode::GetMinNodeWeight(NodeID node, m2::PointD const & point) const
  static double const kInfinity = numeric_limits<EdgeWeight>::max();
  static double const kReadCrossRadiusMercator = 1.0E-4;
  EdgeWeight minWeight = kInfinity;
  // Geting nodes by geometry.
  vector<NodeID> geomNodes;
  Point2Node p2n(m_routingMapping, geomNodes);

    m2::RectD(point.x - kReadCrossRadiusMercator, point.y - kReadCrossRadiusMercator,
              point.x + kReadCrossRadiusMercator, point.y + kReadCrossRadiusMercator),
    scales::GetUpperScale(), m_routingMapping.GetMwmId());

  sort(geomNodes.begin(), geomNodes.end());
  geomNodes.erase(unique(geomNodes.begin(), geomNodes.end()), geomNodes.end());

  // Filtering virtual edges.
  for (EdgeID const & e : m_routingMapping.m_dataFacade.GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node))
    QueryEdge::EdgeData const data = m_routingMapping.m_dataFacade.GetEdgeData(e, node);
    if (data.forward && !data.shortcut)
      minWeight = min(minWeight, data.distance);

  for (NodeID const & adjacentNode : geomNodes)
    if (adjacentNode == node)
    for (EdgeID const & e : m_routingMapping.m_dataFacade.GetAdjacentEdgeRange(adjacentNode))
      if (m_routingMapping.m_dataFacade.GetTarget(e) != node)
      QueryEdge::EdgeData const data = m_routingMapping.m_dataFacade.GetEdgeData(e, adjacentNode);
      if (!data.shortcut && data.backward)
        minWeight = min(minWeight, data.distance);
  // If we can't determine edge weight.
  if (minWeight == kInfinity)
    return 0;
  return minWeight;
Пример #2
【函数功能】: 查找中间用于视觉校正的路径点
【输    入】:	path : 完整路径队列
				calibPoints : 输出找到的校正点
				bFound : 输出是否找到
【输    出】: 无
【说    明】: 查找范围限定在机器人坐标系前方1m点为中心,0.8m*0.4m的矩形ROI区域
void CPathAgent::FindCalibPoses(std::deque<math::TPoint2D>	&path, 
					 std::deque<math::TPose2D> &calibPoses,   bool &bFound)

	std::deque<SPose2LM> dequePose2LM;
	//std::deque<int> idLands;
	bFound = false;
	if(path.size() < 6)   return;				// 避免路径终点被分割成小段了
	// 遍历路径点,判断在哪个路径点能看到路标
	for (unsigned int i=5; i<(path.size()-5); i++)		// 路径【头5点】和【尾5点】不参与。保证不会出现路径起末点小路径的情况
		TPoint2D p = path.at(i);		// 本次的点
		TPoint2D n = path.at(i+1);		// 后一个点
		TPose2D  p2n( n - p );			// p点到n点的矢量
		if (abs(p2n.x) < 0.000001) // x==0
			p2n.phi = (p2n.y > 0) ? (M_PI/2) : (-M_PI/2);
			float k = p2n.y / p2n.x;
			p2n.phi = (p2n.x > 0) ? atan(k) : (atan(k) + M_PI);
		p2n.phi = wrapToPi(p2n.phi);		// 机器人在该路径点的理想朝向角
		CPose2D robot(p.x, p.y, p2n.phi);// 此点上机器人的大地位姿
		CPose2D center2robot(m_dCalibCenterDistance, 0, 0);		// 查找范围的中心点在机器人坐标系内的坐标
		CPose2D center = robot + center2robot;		// 查找范围的中心点在大地坐标系内的坐标
		// 遍历路标,找到距离0.4米内的路标
		for (int j=0; j<m_iLandMarkNum; j++)
			TPose2D Land = m_pLandMarkPose[j];		// 路标的大地坐标
			////////////// 换算到视野中心点坐标系内判断 ////////////////
			CPose2D LMpose(Land);
			CPose2D Land2Center = LMpose - center;	// 路标在视野中心点坐标系内的坐标
			CPose2D LandCen(0.05, 0.05, 0);			// 路标帖的中心在路标自己坐标系内的坐标
			CPose2D LMC2ViewCenter = Land2Center + LandCen;	// 路标贴中心在视野中心坐标系内的坐标
			if (abs(LMC2ViewCenter.x()) < abs(m_dCalibCenterDistance-0.7))	// 前后范围符合
				if ( ((LMC2ViewCenter.x() >= 0) && (abs(LMC2ViewCenter.y()) < 0.5))
					|| ((LMC2ViewCenter.x() < 0) && (abs(LMC2ViewCenter.y()) < 0.4)) )
					// 先记下这个点,这个路标。下面再一个路标选一个最近的路径点
					double ddis = LMC2ViewCenter.distance2DTo(0,0);
					SPose2LM tpose2LM(robot.x(), robot.y(), robot.phi(), ddis, j);
			///////////////// 换算判断结束 ////////////////////////

			//double dis = center.distance2DTo(Land.x, Land.y);
			//if (dis <= 0.4) // 0.4m半径的圆范围
			//	// 这个路标点满足基本的距离条件,需要进一步判断是否在矩形ROI区域
			//	CPoint2D Land2Center(Land.x - center.x(), Land.y - center.y());	// 路标在center坐标系的坐标
			//	CPose2D  TurnPose(0,0,-center.phi());							// 旋转到机器人朝向的center坐标系
			//	CPoint2D newLand2Center = TurnPose + Land2Center;
			//	if (abs(newLand2Center.x()) < 0.2)	// 在矩形ROI区域
			//	{
			//		// 记下这个点,这个路标。一个路标选一个最近的路径点
			//		SPose2LM tpose2LM(robot.x(), robot.y(), robot.phi(), j);
			//		dequePose2LM.push_back(tpose2LM);
			//	}
	if (dequePose2LM.size() <= 0)		// 没找到校正点
		bFound = false;
		bFound = true;
	// 每个路标只取一个最近校正点
	TPose2D minPose;
	double minDis = 10;
	for (unsigned int i=0; i<dequePose2LM.size(); i++)
		TPose2D tpose(dequePose2LM.at(i).x, dequePose2LM.at(i).y, dequePose2LM.at(i).phi);
		int indexLM = dequePose2LM.at(i).index;
		//CPose2D robot(tpose);
		//CPose2D center2robot(m_dCalibCenterDistance, 0, 0);		// 查找范围的中心点在机器人坐标系内的坐标
		//CPose2D center = robot + center2robot;	// 查找范围的中心点在大地坐标系内的坐标

		//double dis = center.distance2DTo(m_pLandMarkPose[indexLM].x, m_pLandMarkPose[indexLM].y);
		double dis = dequePose2LM.at(i).dis;
		if (dis < minDis)
			minDis = dis;
			minPose = tpose;
		if((i+1) < dequePose2LM.size())
			if (dequePose2LM.at(i+1).index != indexLM)	// 这个路标挑完了
				minDis = 10;
	calibPoses.push_back(minPose);				// 最后一个校正点

Пример #3
int main()
    G4double rot2 = 0*deg;

    Target tar;

    G4ThreeVector p0n( tar.GetLength()/2.0, tar.GetWidth()/2.0, -tar.GetThickness()/2.0);
    G4ThreeVector p1n( tar.GetLength()/2.0,-tar.GetWidth()/2.0, -tar.GetThickness()/2.0);
    G4ThreeVector p2n(-tar.GetLength()/2.0,-tar.GetWidth()/2.0, -tar.GetThickness()/2.0);
    G4ThreeVector p3n(-tar.GetLength()/2.0, tar.GetWidth()/2.0, -tar.GetThickness()/2.0);

    G4ThreeVector p0p( tar.GetLength()/2.0, tar.GetWidth()/2.0, tar.GetThickness()/2.0);
    G4ThreeVector p1p( tar.GetLength()/2.0,-tar.GetWidth()/2.0, tar.GetThickness()/2.0);
    G4ThreeVector p2p(-tar.GetLength()/2.0,-tar.GetWidth()/2.0, tar.GetThickness()/2.0);
    G4ThreeVector p3p(-tar.GetLength()/2.0, tar.GetWidth()/2.0, tar.GetThickness()/2.0);

    G4RotationMatrix rMatrix;
    G4ThreeVector a1(1,0,0);
    G4ThreeVector a2(0,1,0);
    G4ThreeVector a3(-1,0,1);
    G4RotationMatrix rM1; rM1.set(a1, 90.0*deg);
    G4RotationMatrix rM2; rM2.set(a2, 45.0*deg);
    G4RotationMatrix rM3; rM3.set(a3,-45.0*deg + rot2);
    rMatrix = rM1*rM2*rM3;

    //    rMatrix.print(std::cout);

    G4RotationMatrix rotMatrix = rMatrix.inverse();
    std::cout << "phi=" << rotMatrix.getPhi()/deg << std::endl;
    std::cout << "theta=" << rotMatrix.getTheta()/deg << std::endl;
    std::cout << "psi=" << rotMatrix.getPsi()/deg << std::endl;
    G4ThreeVector p0np = rotMatrix*p0n;
    G4ThreeVector p1np = rotMatrix*p1n;
    G4ThreeVector p2np = rotMatrix*p2n;
    G4ThreeVector p3np = rotMatrix*p3n;

    G4ThreeVector p0pp = rotMatrix*p0p;
    G4ThreeVector p1pp = rotMatrix*p1p;
    G4ThreeVector p2pp = rotMatrix*p2p;
    G4ThreeVector p3pp = rotMatrix*p3p;

    std::cout << "p0n: " << p0n << " --> " << p0np << std::endl;
    std::cout << "p1n: " << p1n << " --> " << p1np << std::endl;
    std::cout << "p2n: " << p2n << " --> " << p2np << std::endl;
    std::cout << "p3n: " << p3n << " --> " << p3np << std::endl;

    std::cout << '\n' << std::endl;

    std::cout << "p0p: " << p0p << " --> " << p0pp << std::endl;
    std::cout << "p1p: " << p1p << " --> " << p1pp << std::endl;
    std::cout << "p2p: " << p2p << " --> " << p2pp << std::endl;
    std::cout << "p3p: " << p3p << " --> " << p3pp << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nCenter of the bottom of the target" << std::endl;
    G4ThreeVector tar_bottom_center = 0.5*(p2np+p3np);
    std::cout << tar_bottom_center << std::endl;

    // to compute the offsets
    // we know that the target is shifted 1.38 cm in the negative x direction
    // of the rotated coordinate system. This was computed in the Notes/TargetOffsetCalcs.ods
    // file through the measurement of images of the target in the mount.

    G4double tar_offset = 1.38*cm;
    G4ThreeVector xp = rotMatrix.colX();
    xp *= -1.0*tar_offset;
    std::cout << "The target is actually offset from the base"
            << "\nof the mount slit. The base of the slit then should be"
            << "\ndisplaced by the following vector" << std::endl;
    std::cout << xp << " (mm)" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nThe displacement of the target from the is defined in the FragSimDetConstruction class."
            << "\nThe mount is positioned relative to the position of the target. An absolute"
            << "\nposition is acquired by adding the recently computed offset to the bottom center"
            << "\nof the target." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\nCenter of mount slit = " << tar_bottom_center+xp << " (mm)" << std::endl;

    G4double tar_overhang = 0.25*cm;     //<-- Calculated in TargetOffsetCalcs.ods
                                         // this is the average value of two methods
    G4double mount_slit_width = 2.54*cm;
    std::cout << "\nThe target overhangs the edge of the mount as well. To account for this overhang"
            << "\nthe mount and sh metal plates are shifted in the +y' direction of the rotated coord"
            << "\nsystem."
            << std::endl;
    G4double yp_shift =-1.0*(0.5*(mount_slit_width - tar.GetWidth()) + tar_overhang);
    G4ThreeVector yp = yp_shift*rotMatrix.colY();
    std::cout << "\nOverhang   = " << tar_overhang/cm << " cm";
    std::cout << "\nShift in yp= " << yp_shift/cm << " cm" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nAlso we know that the target is offset by the thickness of the sheet metal"
            << "\nin the new z direction. Therefore, there must be a shift downwards"
            << "\nin the mount along the new z-direction by 0.127 cm."
            << std::endl;

    G4double sh_thickness = 0.127*cm;
    G4ThreeVector zp = rotMatrix.colZ();
    zp *= -1.0*sh_thickness;

    // The following measurements were computed using the 232Th_Inventor_Model_measurements.ods file
    // in the Ubuntu\ One/AnalysisLog folder.
    G4double target_x          =  -0.44*cm;
    G4double target_y          =  -0.01*cm;
    G4double target_z          =  -1.67*cm;

    G4ThreeVector targetPos(target_x, target_y, target_z);
    G4ThreeVector mount_transl = targetPos + tar_bottom_center + xp + yp + zp;
    std::cout << "\n\nThe target offset was " << targetPos << " (mm)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\n\nSlit center should then be at the following location: "
            << mount_transl << " (mm)" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\n\nThe sheet metal inserts used to clamp the target in "
            <<  "\nplace are positioned with the same rotation matrix as "
            <<  "\nthe target but with the following translations"
            << std::endl;

    G4double sh_length = 2.54*cm;
    // The way to compute this is by determining the offset from the center of the
    // target to align the bottom of the insert with the bottom of the target.
    //  These are only aligned in for the 238U data.

    // Prior to rotation and translation, the centers of both the target and the
    // sheet metal will be aligned. The difference can then be computed as :
    G4double sh_shift = 0.5*(tar.GetLength()-sh_length);

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Compute shift for the top plat
    // The shift will be in the rotated x direction
    G4ThreeVector sh_bot_shift_xp = -1.0*(sh_shift + tar_offset) * rotMatrix.colX();
    G4double bsheet_shift_offset = 0*cm;
    G4double bsheet_shift = 0.47*cm + bsheet_shift_offset;
    sh_bot_shift_xp += bsheet_shift*rotMatrix.colX();
    // the next is the actual offset of the sheet metal plate from the bottom of the slit
    // the calculation is found in TargetOffSetCalcs.ods
    G4ThreeVector sh_bot_shift_yp = 0.0*cm * rotMatrix.colY();//    sh_bot_shift += -0.5*yp;

    G4ThreeVector sh_bot_shift_zp = -0.5*(tar.GetThickness()+sh_thickness)*rotMatrix.colZ();

    G4ThreeVector sh_bot_shift = sh_bot_shift_xp + sh_bot_shift_yp + sh_bot_shift_zp;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Compute shift for the bottom plate
    G4ThreeVector sh_top_shift_xp = -1.0*(sh_shift+tar_offset)*rotMatrix.colX();
    // the next is the actual offset of the sheet metal plate from the bottom of the slit
    // the calculation is found in TargetOffSetCalcs.ods
    sh_top_shift_xp += 0.3*cm*rotMatrix.colX();

	G4ThreeVector sh_top_shift_yp = 0.0*cm * rotMatrix.colY();  //    G4ThreeVector  sh_top_shift_yp = 0.5*yp;
    G4ThreeVector sh_top_shift_zp = 0.5*(tar.GetThickness()+sh_thickness)*rotMatrix.colZ();
    G4ThreeVector sh_top_shift = sh_top_shift_xp + sh_top_shift_yp + sh_top_shift_zp;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print results
    std::cout << "\nRotation (rot2): " << rot2/deg << " degrees" 
              << "\nBot. sh. shift): " << bsheet_shift_offset/cm << " (cm)"
              << "\n--------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\nmount_transl   : " << mount_transl << " (mm)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\nins_bot_transl : " << sh_bot_shift + targetPos << " (mm)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\nins_top_transl : " << sh_top_shift + targetPos << " (mm)" << std::endl;

    return 0;