Пример #1
main (int argc, char **argv)
  sc_MPI_Comm         mpicomm;
  int                 mpiret;
  int                 size, rank;

  mpiret = sc_MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
  mpicomm = sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_size (mpicomm, &size);
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
  mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_rank (mpicomm, &rank);
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);

  sc_init (mpicomm, 1, 1, NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT);
  p4est_init (NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT);

  (void) check_backward_compatibility ();
  check_int_types ();

#ifndef P4_TO_P8
  check_all (mpicomm, p4est_connectivity_new_unitsquare (),
             "test_unitsquare", 0xef45243bU, 0xbc5d0907U);
  check_all (mpicomm, p4est_connectivity_new_rotwrap (),
             "test_rotwrap2", 0x266d2739U, 0x29a31248U);
  check_all (mpicomm, p4est_connectivity_new_corner (),
             "test_corner", 0x9dad92ccU, 0x937b27afU);
  check_all (mpicomm, p4est_connectivity_new_moebius (),
             "test_moebius", 0xbbc10f7fU, 0x09b6319eU);
  check_all (mpicomm, p4est_connectivity_new_star (),
             "test_star", 0xfb28233fU, 0x8e8a32b3);
  check_all (mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_new_unitcube (),
             "test_unitcube", 0x2574801fU, 0x312559a7U);
  check_all (mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_new_periodic (),
             "test_periodic3", 0xdc7e8a93U, 0x0787ca2dU);
  check_all (mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_new_rotwrap (),
             "test_rotwrap", 0xa675888dU, 0x626cbe90U);
  check_all (mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_new_twocubes (),
             "test_twocubes", 0x7188978aU, 0x4124bcabU);
  check_all (mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_new_twowrap (),
             "test_twowrap", 0x8e3f994cU, 0x9dd49e94);
  check_all (mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_new_rotcubes (),
             "test_rotcubes", 0xc0e1b235U, 0x974af07a);
  check_all (mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_new_shell (),
             "test_shell", 0x558723a2U, 0x4dedf35eU);
  check_all (mpicomm,
             p8est_connectivity_new_brick (2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 1),
             "test_brick", 0x82174e14U, 0x211da6c5);

  /* clean up and exit */
  sc_finalize ();

  mpiret = sc_MPI_Finalize ();
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);

  return 0;
Пример #2
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int                 mpiret;

  mpiret = sc_MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);

  sc_init (sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, 1, NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT);
  p4est_init (NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT);

#ifndef P4_TO_P8
  test_complete (p4est_connectivity_new_unitsquare (), "unitsquare", 1);
  test_complete (p4est_connectivity_new_periodic (), "2D periodic", 0);
  test_complete (p4est_connectivity_new_rotwrap (), "rotwrap", 0);
  test_complete (p4est_connectivity_new_corner (), "corner", 1);
  test_complete (p4est_connectivity_new_moebius (), "moebius", 1);
  test_complete (p4est_connectivity_new_star (), "star", 1);
  test_complete (p4est_connectivity_new_brick (3, 18, 0, 1),
                 "2D periodic brick", 0);
  test_complete (p4est_connectivity_new_brick (3, 18, 0, 0), "2D brick", 1);
  test_complete (p8est_connectivity_new_unitcube (), "unitcube", 1);
  test_complete (p8est_connectivity_new_periodic (), "3D periodic", 0);
  test_complete (p8est_connectivity_new_rotwrap (), "rotwrap", 0);
  test_complete (p8est_connectivity_new_twowrap (), "twowrap", 1);
  test_complete (p8est_connectivity_new_twocubes (), "twocubes", 1);
  test_complete (p8est_connectivity_new_rotcubes (), "rotcubes", 1);
  test_complete (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (3, 2, 8, 1, 0, 1),
                 "3D periodic brick", 0);
  test_complete (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (3, 2, 8, 0, 0, 0),
                 "3D brick", 1);

  sc_finalize ();

  mpiret = sc_MPI_Finalize ();
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);

  return 0;
Пример #3
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int                 mpiret;

  /* initialize MPI and p4est internals */
  mpiret = sc_MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
  sc_init (sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, 1, NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT);
  p4est_init (NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT);

#ifndef P4_TO_P8
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_unitsquare (), "unitsquare");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_periodic (), "periodic");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_rotwrap (), "rotwrap");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_corner (), "corner");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_pillow (), "pillow");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_moebius (), "moebius");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_star (), "star");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_cubed (), "cubed");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_disk (), "disk");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_brick (3, 2, 0, 0), "brick00");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_brick (3, 2, 0, 1), "brick01");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_brick (3, 2, 1, 0), "brick10");
  test_reduce (p4est_connectivity_new_brick (3, 2, 1, 1), "brick11");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_unitcube (), "unitcube");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_periodic (), "periodic");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_rotwrap (), "rotwrap");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_twocubes (), "twocubes");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_twowrap (), "twowrap");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_rotcubes (), "rotcubes");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0), "brick000");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 1), "brick001");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (4, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0), "brick010");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (4, 3, 2, 0, 1, 1), "brick011");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0), "brick100");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1), "brick101");
  test_reduce (p8est_connectivity_new_brick (4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1), "brick111");
  /* clean up and exit */
  sc_finalize ();

  mpiret = sc_MPI_Finalize ();
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
  return 0;
Пример #4
static void
run_bricks (MPI_Comm mpicomm, int per, int l, int rlevel)
  int                 mpiret;
  int                 tcount;
  double              elapsed_create, elapsed_partition, elapsed_balance;
  char                filename[BUFSIZ];
  p4est_connectivity_t *conn;
  p4est_t            *p4est;

  P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("Run bricks on level %d/%d\n", l, rlevel);
  P4EST_ASSERT (l <= rlevel);

  /* create and refine the forest */

  mpiret = MPI_Barrier (mpicomm);
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
  elapsed_create = -MPI_Wtime ();

  tcount = 1 << l;
#ifndef P4_TO_P8
  conn = p4est_connectivity_new_brick (tcount, tcount, per, per);
  conn = p8est_connectivity_new_brick (tcount, tcount, tcount, per, per, per);
  p4est = p4est_new_ext (mpicomm, conn, 0, rlevel - l, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);

  level_shift = 4;
  refine_level = rlevel - l + level_shift;
  p4est_refine (p4est, 1, refine_fractal, NULL);

  elapsed_create += MPI_Wtime ();

  /* partition the forest */

  mpiret = MPI_Barrier (mpicomm);
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
  elapsed_partition = -MPI_Wtime ();

  p4est_partition (p4est, NULL);

  elapsed_partition += MPI_Wtime ();

  /* balance the forest */

  mpiret = MPI_Barrier (mpicomm);
  SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret);
  elapsed_balance = -MPI_Wtime ();

  p4est_balance (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FULL, NULL);

  elapsed_balance += MPI_Wtime ();

  /* postprocessing */

  P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("Timings %g %g %g\n", elapsed_create,
                            elapsed_partition, elapsed_balance);

  snprintf (filename, BUFSIZ, "brick_%02d_%02d_B", rlevel, l);
  p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est, NULL, filename);

  p4est_destroy (p4est);
  p4est_connectivity_destroy (conn);