Пример #1
int main()
    int a[X][Y] = {
    int b[Y][Z] = {
    int c[X][Z];
    matrix_multiply( &a[0][0], &b[0][0], &c[0][0],X,Y,Z);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
void dagPoseInfo::printDagPoseInfo(MObject& dagPoseNode, unsigned index)
// Description:
//   Given a dagPose and an index corresponding to a joint, print out
//   the matrix info for the joint.
// Return:
//	 None.
    MFnDependencyNode nDagPose(dagPoseNode);

    // construct plugs for this joints world and local matrices
    MObject aWorldMatrix = nDagPose.attribute("worldMatrix");
    MPlug pWorldMatrix(dagPoseNode,aWorldMatrix);

    MObject aMatrix = nDagPose.attribute("xformMatrix");
    MPlug pMatrix(dagPoseNode,aMatrix);

    // get and print the world matrix data
    MObject worldMatrix, xformMatrix;
    MStatus status = pWorldMatrix.getValue(worldMatrix);
    if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
        displayError("Problem retrieving world matrix.");
    } else {
        bool foundMatrix = 0;
        MFnMatrixData dMatrix(worldMatrix);
        MMatrix wMatrix = dMatrix.matrix(&status);
        if (MS::kSuccess == status) {
            foundMatrix = 1;
            unsigned jj,kk;
            for (jj = 0; jj < 4; ++jj) {
                for (kk = 0; kk < 4; ++kk) {
                    double val = wMatrix(jj,kk);
                    fprintf(file,"%f ",val);
        if (!foundMatrix) {
            displayError("Error getting world matrix data.");

    // get and print the local matrix data
    status = pMatrix.getValue(xformMatrix);
    if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
        displayError("Problem retrieving xform matrix.");
    } else {
        bool foundMatrix = 0;
        MFnMatrixData dMatrix(xformMatrix);
        if (dMatrix.isTransformation()) {
            MTransformationMatrix xform = dMatrix.transformation(&status);
            if (MS::kSuccess == status) {
                foundMatrix = 1;
                MMatrix xformAsMatrix = xform.asMatrix();
                unsigned jj,kk;
                for (jj = 0; jj < 4; ++jj) {
                    for (kk = 0; kk < 4; ++kk) {
                        double val = xformAsMatrix(jj,kk);
                        fprintf(file,"%f ",val);
        if (!foundMatrix) {
            displayError("Error getting local matrix data.");
 * calcCLG_OF
 * Main CLG-optical flow (CLG-OF) computation function.
 * Parameters:
 * image1          Pointer to the first image (the "previous" time frame).
 * image2          Pointer to the second image (the "current" time frame).
 * uOut            Pointer to the horizontal component of the CLG-OF solution.
 * vOut            Pointer to the vertical component of the CLG-OF solution.
 * nRows           Number of image rows (same for the CLG-OF vector field).
 * nCols           Number of image columns (same for the CLG-OF vector field).
 * iterations      Number of iterations for iterative solution.
 * alpha           Global smoothing coefficient of the CLG-OF.
 * rho             Local spatio-temporal smoothing coefficient of the CLG-OF.
 * wFactor         SOR relaxation factor, between 0 and 2.
 * verbose         Display/hide messages to the stdout.
 * coupledMode     Iteration type. 1->Pointwise-Coupled Gauss-Seidel, 0->SOR.
int calcCLG_OF(double* image1,
               double* image2,
               double* uOut,
               double* vOut,
               int nRows,
               int nCols,
               int iterations,
               double alpha,
               double rho,
               double wFactor,
               int verbose,
               int coupledMode) {

    if (verbose) {
        printf("  setting up variables\n");

    int i=0, j=0;

    // h, could be less than 1.0.
    double h = 1.0;

    // Matrix to vector.
    double **prevFrame, **currFrame;
    prevFrame = pMatrix(nRows, nCols);
    currFrame = pMatrix(nRows, nCols);

    for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<nCols; j++) {
            prevFrame[i][j] = image1[j + i*nCols];
            currFrame[i][j] = image2[j + i*nCols];

    if (verbose)
        printf("  allocating memory for arrays\n");

    double **u, **v;
    double **dfdx, **dfdxw;
    double **dfdy, **dfdyw;
    double **dfdt, **dfdtw;

    u = pMatrix(nRows, nCols);
    v = pMatrix(nRows, nCols);

    // Derivatives and their warped versions.
    dfdx = pMatrix(nRows, nCols);
    dfdy = pMatrix(nRows, nCols);
    dfdt = pMatrix(nRows, nCols);

    for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<nCols; j++) {
            u[i][j] = 0.0;
            v[i][j] = 0.0;
            dfdt[i][j] = currFrame[i][j] - prevFrame[i][j];

    if (verbose)
        printf("  allocating memory for derivatives matrices\n");

    double **J[JROWS][JCOLS];

    // Because of symmetry, only the upper part is allocated.
    int k, l;
    for (k=0; k<JROWS; k++)
        for (l=k; l<JCOLS; l++)
            J[k][l] = pMatrix(nRows, nCols);

    // Spatial derivatives obtention.
    computeDerivatives(prevFrame, currFrame, dfdx, dfdy, nRows, nCols, verbose);
    // Compute J tensor.
    computeJTensor(dfdx, dfdy, dfdt, J, nRows, nCols);

    if (verbose)
        printf("  local spatio temporal smoothing\n");

    if (rho > 0) {

        k=0, l=0;
        for (k=0; k<JROWS; k++)
            for (l=k; l<JCOLS; l++)
                matrixSmooth(J[k][l], nRows, nCols, rho);


    if (iterations == 0)
        iterations = (int) (nRows * nCols / 8.0);

    if (verbose)
        printf("  performing %i relax iterations\n", iterations);

    int count = 0;
    double error = 1000000;
    double convergenceError = 0.0;

    for (count=0; count<iterations && convergenceError*1.01 < error; count++) {

        if (count > 0)
            error = convergenceError;

        if (coupledMode == 1) {

            if (verbose && count % 50 == 0 && count > 0)
                printf("  iteration %d/%d (P-C Gauss-Seidel), error=%f\n",
                       count, iterations, error);

            convergenceError = relaxPointwiseCoupledGaussSeidel(u, v, J,
                                                                nRows, nCols,
        } else {
            if (verbose && count % 50 == 0 && count > 0)
                printf("  iteration %d/%d (SOR), error=%f\n",
                       count, iterations, error);

            convergenceError = relaxSOR(u, v, J, nRows, nCols, alpha, wFactor);

    // Show debug information.
    if (verbose)
        printf("  filling output after %d iterations, error=%f\n", count, error);

    // Fill output variables.
    for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<nCols; j++) {
            uOut[j + i*nCols] += u[i][j];
            vOut[j + i*nCols] += v[i][j];

    // Free memory.
    if (verbose)
        printf("  freeing memory\n");

    freePmatrix(u, nRows);
    freePmatrix(v, nRows);

    for (k=0; k<JROWS; k++)
        for (l=k; l<JCOLS; l++)
            freePmatrix(J[k][l], nRows);

    freePmatrix(prevFrame, nRows);
    freePmatrix(currFrame, nRows);
    freePmatrix(dfdx,  nRows);
    freePmatrix(dfdy,  nRows);
    freePmatrix(dfdt,  nRows);

    if (verbose)
        printf("calc_clg: done\n");
    return 1;