pa_raop_packet_buffer *pa_raop_packet_buffer_new(pa_mempool *mempool, const size_t size) { pa_raop_packet_buffer *pb = pa_xnew0(pa_raop_packet_buffer, 1); pa_assert(mempool); pa_assert(size > 0); pb->count = 0; pb->size = size; pb->mempool = mempool; pb->packets = pa_xnew0(pa_memchunk, size); pb->seq = pb->pos = 0; return pb; }
pa_bluetooth_backend *pa_bluetooth_native_backend_new(pa_core *c, pa_bluetooth_discovery *y, bool enable_hs_role) { pa_bluetooth_backend *backend; DBusError err; pa_log_debug("Bluetooth Headset Backend API support using the native backend"); backend = pa_xnew0(pa_bluetooth_backend, 1); backend->core = c; dbus_error_init(&err); if (!(backend->connection = pa_dbus_bus_get(c, DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &err))) { pa_log("Failed to get D-Bus connection: %s", err.message); dbus_error_free(&err); pa_xfree(backend); return NULL; } backend->discovery = y; backend->enable_hs_role = enable_hs_role; if (enable_hs_role) profile_init(backend, PA_BLUETOOTH_PROFILE_HEADSET_AUDIO_GATEWAY); profile_init(backend, PA_BLUETOOTH_PROFILE_HEADSET_HEAD_UNIT); return backend; }
pa_cli* pa_cli_new(pa_core *core, pa_iochannel *io, pa_module *m) { char cname[256]; pa_cli *c; pa_client_new_data data; pa_client *client; pa_assert(io); pa_iochannel_socket_peer_to_string(io, cname, sizeof(cname)); pa_client_new_data_init(&data); data.driver = __FILE__; data.module = m; pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, cname); client = pa_client_new(core, &data); pa_client_new_data_done(&data); if (!client) return NULL; c = pa_xnew0(pa_cli, 1); c->core = core; c->client = client; pa_assert_se(c->line = pa_ioline_new(io)); c->client->kill = client_kill; c->client->userdata = c; pa_ioline_set_callback(c->line, line_callback, c); return c; }
pa_context *pa_context_new_with_proplist(pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char *name, pa_proplist *p) { pa_context *c; pa_assert(mainloop); if (pa_detect_fork()) return NULL; pa_init_i18n(); c = pa_xnew0(pa_context, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(c); c->proplist = p ? pa_proplist_copy(p) : pa_proplist_new(); if (name) pa_proplist_sets(c->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, name); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS c->system_bus = c->session_bus = NULL; #endif c->mainloop = mainloop; c->playback_streams = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func); c->record_streams = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func); c->client_index = PA_INVALID_INDEX; c->use_rtclock = pa_mainloop_is_our_api(mainloop); PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_stream, c->streams); PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_operation, c->operations); c->error = PA_OK; c->state = PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED; reset_callbacks(c); #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL #ifdef SIGPIPE pa_check_signal_is_blocked(SIGPIPE); #endif #endif c->conf = pa_client_conf_new(); pa_client_conf_load(c->conf, true, true); c->srb_template.readfd = -1; c->srb_template.writefd = -1; if (!(c->mempool = pa_mempool_new(!c->conf->disable_shm, c->conf->shm_size))) { if (!c->conf->disable_shm) c->mempool = pa_mempool_new(false, c->conf->shm_size); if (!c->mempool) { context_free(c); return NULL; } } return c; }
pa_inotify *pa_inotify_start(const char *filename, void *userdata, pa_inotify_cb cb, pa_core *core) { pa_inotify *i = pa_xnew0(pa_inotify, 1); pa_assert(i); i->core = core; pa_core_ref(core); i->filename = pa_xstrdup(filename); i->callback_data = userdata; i->callback = cb; i->fd = inotify_init1(IN_CLOEXEC|IN_NONBLOCK); if (i->fd < 0) { pa_log("inotify_init1() failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno)); pa_inotify_stop(i); return NULL; } if (inotify_add_watch(i->fd, filename, IN_DELETE_SELF|IN_MOVE_SELF) < 0) { pa_log("inotify_add_watch() failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno)); pa_inotify_stop(i); return NULL; } pa_assert_se(i->io_event = core->mainloop->io_new(core->mainloop, i->fd, PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT, inotify_cb, i)); return i; }
AEC* AEC_init(int RATE, int have_vector) { AEC *a = pa_xnew0(AEC, 1); a->j = NLMS_EXT; AEC_setambient(a, NoiseFloor); a->dfast = a->dslow = M75dB_PCM; a->xfast = a->xslow = M80dB_PCM; a->gain = 1.0f; a->Fx = IIR1_init(2000.0f/RATE); a->Fe = IIR1_init(2000.0f/RATE); a->cutoff = FIR_HP_300Hz_init(); a->acMic = IIR_HP_init(); a->acSpk = IIR_HP_init(); a->aes_y2 = M0dB; a->fdwdisplay = -1; if (have_vector) { /* Get a 16-byte aligned location */ a->w = (REAL *) (((uintptr_t) a->w_arr) - (((uintptr_t) a->w_arr) % 16) + 16); a->dotp = dotp_sse; } else { /* We don't care about alignment, just use the array as-is */ a->w = a->w_arr; a->dotp = dotp; } return a; }
pa_dynarray* pa_dynarray_new(pa_free_cb_t free_cb) { pa_dynarray *array; array = pa_xnew0(pa_dynarray, 1); array->free_cb = free_cb; return array; }
pa_simple_options* pa_simple_options_new(void) { pa_simple_options *o; o = pa_xnew0(pa_simple_options, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(o); o->record = FALSE; o->playback = TRUE; return o; }
pa_simple_options* pa_simple_options_new(void) { pa_simple_options *o; o = pa_xnew0(pa_simple_options, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(o); o->record = false; o->playback = true; return o; }
/* parse sidetone configuration file parameters */ sidetone_args* sidetone_args_new(const char *args) { pa_modargs* ma = NULL; sidetone_args* st_args = NULL; int count = 0 ; st_args = pa_xnew0(sidetone_args, 1); st_args->steps=pa_xnew0(struct mv_volume_steps, 1); ma = pa_modargs_new(args, valid_modargs); if(!ma) { pa_log_error("Failed to parse module arguments"); goto fail; } st_args->modargs = ma; if(!(st_args->mixer = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "mixer", NULL))) { pa_log_error("Failed to read mixer name"); goto fail; } if(!(st_args->control_element = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "control_element", NULL))) { pa_log_error("Failed to parse control element"); goto fail; } if( !(st_args->master_sink = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "master_sink", NULL))) { pa_log_error("Failed to parse master sink name"); goto fail; } if(!(st_args->mainvolume = pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "mainvolume", NULL))) { pa_log_error("failed to search volume string"); } count = parse_volume_steps(st_args->steps, st_args->mainvolume); if (count < 1) { pa_log_error("failed to parse call steps; %s", st_args->mainvolume); goto fail; } return st_args; fail: sidetone_args_free(st_args); return NULL; }
pa_socket_server* pa_socket_server_new(pa_mainloop_api *m, int fd) { pa_socket_server *s; pa_assert(m); pa_assert(fd >= 0); s = pa_xnew0(pa_socket_server, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(s); s->fd = fd; s->mainloop = m; pa_assert_se(s->io_event = m->io_new(m, fd, PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT, callback, s)); s->type = SOCKET_SERVER_GENERIC; return s; }
pa_memblockq* pa_memblockq_new( const char *name, int64_t idx, size_t maxlength, size_t tlength, const pa_sample_spec *sample_spec, size_t prebuf, size_t minreq, size_t maxrewind, pa_memchunk *silence) { pa_memblockq* bq; pa_assert(sample_spec); pa_assert(name); bq = pa_xnew0(pa_memblockq, 1); bq->name = pa_xstrdup(name); bq->sample_spec = *sample_spec; bq->base = pa_frame_size(sample_spec); bq->read_index = bq->write_index = idx; pa_log_debug("memblockq requested: maxlength=%lu, tlength=%lu, base=%lu, prebuf=%lu, minreq=%lu maxrewind=%lu", (unsigned long) maxlength, (unsigned long) tlength, (unsigned long) bq->base, (unsigned long) prebuf, (unsigned long) minreq, (unsigned long) maxrewind); bq->in_prebuf = true; pa_memblockq_set_maxlength(bq, maxlength); pa_memblockq_set_tlength(bq, tlength); pa_memblockq_set_minreq(bq, minreq); pa_memblockq_set_prebuf(bq, prebuf); pa_memblockq_set_maxrewind(bq, maxrewind); pa_log_debug("memblockq sanitized: maxlength=%lu, tlength=%lu, base=%lu, prebuf=%lu, minreq=%lu maxrewind=%lu", (unsigned long) bq->maxlength, (unsigned long) bq->tlength, (unsigned long) bq->base, (unsigned long) bq->prebuf, (unsigned long) bq->minreq, (unsigned long) bq->maxrewind); if (silence) { bq->silence = *silence; pa_memblock_ref(bq->silence.memblock); } bq->mcalign = pa_mcalign_new(bq->base); return bq; }
/* Should be called locked */ static pa_memimport_segment* segment_attach(pa_memimport *i, uint32_t shm_id) { pa_memimport_segment* seg; if (pa_hashmap_size(i->segments) >= PA_MEMIMPORT_SEGMENTS_MAX) return NULL; seg = pa_xnew0(pa_memimport_segment, 1); if (pa_shm_attach_ro(&seg->memory, shm_id) < 0) { pa_xfree(seg); return NULL; } seg->import = i; seg->trap = pa_memtrap_add(seg->memory.ptr, seg->memory.size); pa_hashmap_put(i->segments, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(seg->, seg); return seg; }
pa_threaded_mainloop *pa_threaded_mainloop_new(void) { pa_threaded_mainloop *m; pa_init_i18n(); m = pa_xnew0(pa_threaded_mainloop, 1); if (!(m->real_mainloop = pa_mainloop_new())) { pa_xfree(m); return NULL; } m->mutex = pa_mutex_new(true, true); m->cond = pa_cond_new(); m->accept_cond = pa_cond_new(); pa_mainloop_set_poll_func(m->real_mainloop, poll_func, m->mutex); return m; }
pa_iochannel* pa_iochannel_new(pa_mainloop_api*m, int ifd, int ofd) { pa_iochannel *io; pa_assert(m); pa_assert(ifd >= 0 || ofd >= 0); io = pa_xnew0(pa_iochannel, 1); io->ifd = ifd; io->ofd = ofd; io->mainloop = m; if (io->ifd >= 0) pa_make_fd_nonblock(io->ifd); if (io->ofd >= 0 && io->ofd != io->ifd) pa_make_fd_nonblock(io->ofd); enable_events(io); return io; }
pa_rtsp_client* pa_rtsp_client_new(pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char* hostname, uint16_t port, const char* useragent) { pa_rtsp_client *c; pa_assert(mainloop); pa_assert(hostname); pa_assert(port > 0); c = pa_xnew0(pa_rtsp_client, 1); c->mainloop = mainloop; c->hostname = pa_xstrdup(hostname); c->port = port; c->headers = pa_headerlist_new(); if (useragent) c->useragent = useragent; else c->useragent = "PulseAudio RTSP Client"; return c; }
pa_reserve_wrapper* pa_reserve_wrapper_get(pa_core *c, const char *device_name) { pa_reserve_wrapper *r; int k; char *t; #ifdef HAVE_DBUS DBusError error; dbus_error_init(&error); #endif pa_assert(c); pa_assert(device_name); t = pa_sprintf_malloc("reserve-wrapper@%s", device_name); if ((r = pa_shared_get(c, t))) { pa_xfree(t); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(r) >= 1); PA_REFCNT_INC(r); return r; } r = pa_xnew0(pa_reserve_wrapper, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(r); r->core = c; pa_hook_init(&r->hook, r); r->shared_name = t; pa_assert_se(pa_shared_set(c, r->shared_name, r) >= 0); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS if (!(r->connection = pa_dbus_bus_get(c, DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error)) || dbus_error_is_set(&error)) { pa_log_debug("Unable to contact D-Bus session bus: %s: %s",, error.message); /* We don't treat this as error here because we want allow PA * to run even when no session bus is available. */ return r; } if ((k = rd_acquire( &r->device, pa_dbus_connection_get(r->connection), device_name, _("PulseAudio Sound Server"), 0, request_cb, NULL)) < 0) { if (k == -EBUSY) { pa_log_debug("Device '%s' already locked.", device_name); goto fail; } else { pa_log_debug("Failed to acquire reservation lock on device '%s': %s", device_name, pa_cstrerror(-k)); return r; } } pa_log_debug("Successfully acquired reservation lock on device '%s'", device_name); rd_set_userdata(r->device, r); return r; fail: dbus_error_free(&error); reserve_wrapper_free(r); return NULL; #else return r; #endif }
pa_context *pa_context_new_with_proplist(pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char *name, pa_proplist *p) { pa_context *c; pa_mem_type_t type; pa_assert(mainloop); if (pa_detect_fork()) return NULL; pa_init_i18n(); c = pa_xnew0(pa_context, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(c); c->proplist = p ? pa_proplist_copy(p) : pa_proplist_new(); if (name) pa_proplist_sets(c->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, name); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS c->system_bus = c->session_bus = NULL; #endif c->mainloop = mainloop; c->playback_streams = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func); c->record_streams = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func); c->client_index = PA_INVALID_INDEX; c->use_rtclock = pa_mainloop_is_our_api(mainloop); PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_stream, c->streams); PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_operation, c->operations); c->error = PA_OK; c->state = PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED; reset_callbacks(c); #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL #ifdef SIGPIPE pa_check_signal_is_blocked(SIGPIPE); #endif #endif c->conf = pa_client_conf_new(); pa_client_conf_load(c->conf, true, true); c->srb_template.readfd = -1; c->srb_template.writefd = -1; c->memfd_on_local = (!c->conf->disable_memfd && pa_memfd_is_locally_supported()); type = (c->conf->disable_shm) ? PA_MEM_TYPE_PRIVATE : ((!c->memfd_on_local) ? PA_MEM_TYPE_SHARED_POSIX : PA_MEM_TYPE_SHARED_MEMFD); if (!(c->mempool = pa_mempool_new(type, c->conf->shm_size, true))) { if (!c->conf->disable_shm) { pa_log_warn("Failed to allocate shared memory pool. Falling back to a normal private one."); c->mempool = pa_mempool_new(PA_MEM_TYPE_PRIVATE, c->conf->shm_size, true); } if (!c->mempool) { context_free(c); return NULL; } } return c; }
static void ext_device_manager_read_cb(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o = userdata; int eol = 1; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(o); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(o) >= 1); if (!o->context) goto finish; if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(o->context, command, t, false) < 0) goto finish; eol = -1; } else { while (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_ext_device_manager_info i; memset(&i, 0, sizeof(i)); if (pa_tagstruct_gets(t, & < 0 || pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &i.description) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &i.icon) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i.index) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i.n_role_priorities) < 0) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (i.n_role_priorities > 0) { uint32_t j; i.role_priorities = pa_xnew0(pa_ext_device_manager_role_priority_info, i.n_role_priorities+1); for (j = 0; j < i.n_role_priorities; j++) { if (pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &i.role_priorities[j].role) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &i.role_priorities[j].priority) < 0) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); pa_xfree(i.role_priorities); goto finish; } } /* Terminate with an extra NULL entry, just to make sure */ i.role_priorities[j].role = NULL; i.role_priorities[j].priority = 0; } if (o->callback) { pa_ext_device_manager_read_cb_t cb = (pa_ext_device_manager_read_cb_t) o->callback; cb(o->context, &i, 0, o->userdata); } pa_xfree(i.role_priorities); } } if (o->callback) { pa_ext_device_manager_read_cb_t cb = (pa_ext_device_manager_read_cb_t) o->callback; cb(o->context, NULL, eol, o->userdata); } finish: pa_operation_done(o); pa_operation_unref(o); }
pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper* pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper_get(pa_core *c, const char *device_name) { pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper *w; int k; char *t; #ifdef HAVE_DBUS DBusError error; dbus_error_init(&error); #endif pa_assert(c); pa_assert(device_name); t = pa_sprintf_malloc("reserve-monitor-wrapper@%s", device_name); if ((w = pa_shared_get(c, t))) { pa_xfree(t); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(w) >= 1); PA_REFCNT_INC(w); return w; } w = pa_xnew0(pa_reserve_monitor_wrapper, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(w); w->core = c; pa_hook_init(&w->hook, w); w->shared_name = t; pa_assert_se(pa_shared_set(c, w->shared_name, w) >= 0); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS if (!(w->connection = pa_dbus_bus_get(c, DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error)) || dbus_error_is_set(&error)) { pa_log_debug("Unable to contact D-Bus session bus: %s: %s",, error.message); /* We don't treat this as error here because we want allow PA * to run even when no session bus is available. */ return w; } if ((k = rm_watch( &w->monitor, pa_dbus_connection_get(w->connection), device_name, change_cb, NULL)) < 0) { pa_log_debug("Failed to create watch on device '%s': %s", device_name, pa_cstrerror(-k)); goto fail; } pa_log_debug("Successfully create reservation lock monitor for device '%s'", device_name); rm_set_userdata(w->monitor, w); return w; fail: dbus_error_free(&error); reserve_monitor_wrapper_free(w); return NULL; #else return w; #endif }
pa_simple* pa_simple_new( const char *server, const char *name, pa_stream_direction_t dir, const char *dev, const char *stream_name, const pa_sample_spec *ss, const pa_channel_map *map, const pa_buffer_attr *attr, int *rerror) { pa_simple *p; int error = PA_ERR_INTERNAL, r; CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(rerror, !server || *server, PA_ERR_INVALID, NULL); CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(rerror, dir == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || dir == PA_STREAM_RECORD, PA_ERR_INVALID, NULL); CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(rerror, !dev || *dev, PA_ERR_INVALID, NULL); CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(rerror, ss && pa_sample_spec_valid(ss), PA_ERR_INVALID, NULL); CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(rerror, !map || (pa_channel_map_valid(map) && map->channels == ss->channels), PA_ERR_INVALID, NULL) p = pa_xnew0(pa_simple, 1); p->direction = dir; if (!(p->mainloop = pa_threaded_mainloop_new())) goto fail; if (!(p->context = pa_context_new(pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(p->mainloop), name))) goto fail; pa_context_set_state_callback(p->context, context_state_cb, p); if (pa_context_connect(p->context, server, 0, NULL) < 0) { error = pa_context_errno(p->context); goto fail; } pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(p->mainloop); if (pa_threaded_mainloop_start(p->mainloop) < 0) goto unlock_and_fail; for (;;) { pa_context_state_t state; state = pa_context_get_state(p->context); if (state == PA_CONTEXT_READY) break; if (!PA_CONTEXT_IS_GOOD(state)) { error = pa_context_errno(p->context); goto unlock_and_fail; } /* Wait until the context is ready */ pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(p->mainloop); } if (!(p->stream = pa_stream_new(p->context, stream_name, ss, map))) { error = pa_context_errno(p->context); goto unlock_and_fail; } pa_stream_set_state_callback(p->stream, stream_state_cb, p); pa_stream_set_read_callback(p->stream, stream_request_cb, p); pa_stream_set_write_callback(p->stream, stream_request_cb, p); pa_stream_set_latency_update_callback(p->stream, stream_latency_update_cb, p); if (dir == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) r = pa_stream_connect_playback(p->stream, dev, attr, PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING |PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY |PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE, NULL, NULL); else r = pa_stream_connect_record(p->stream, dev, attr, PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING |PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY |PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE); if (r < 0) { error = pa_context_errno(p->context); goto unlock_and_fail; } for (;;) { pa_stream_state_t state; state = pa_stream_get_state(p->stream); if (state == PA_STREAM_READY) break; if (!PA_STREAM_IS_GOOD(state)) { error = pa_context_errno(p->context); goto unlock_and_fail; } /* Wait until the stream is ready */ pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(p->mainloop); } pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(p->mainloop); return p; unlock_and_fail: pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(p->mainloop); fail: if (rerror) *rerror = error; pa_simple_free(p); return NULL; }