Пример #1
// Limit check a MAX int limit
bool AclData::compareIntMax(const qpid::acl::SpecProperty theProperty,
                            const std::string             theAclValue,
                            const std::string             theLookupValue)
    uint64_t aclMax   (0);
    uint64_t paramMax (0);

        aclMax = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(theAclValue);
    catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
        assert (false);
        return false;

        paramMax = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(theLookupValue);
    catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
        QPID_LOG(error,"ACL: Error evaluating rule. "
                 << "Illegal value given in lookup for property '"
                 << AclHelper::getPropertyStr(theProperty)
                 << "' : " << theLookupValue);
        return false;

    QPID_LOG(debug, "ACL: Numeric greater-than comparison for property "
             << AclHelper::getPropertyStr(theProperty)
             << " (value given in lookup = " << theLookupValue
             << ", value give in rule = " << theAclValue << " )");

    if (( aclMax ) && ( paramMax == 0 || paramMax > aclMax))
        QPID_LOG(debug, "ACL: Max limit exceeded for property '"
                 << AclHelper::getPropertyStr(theProperty) << "'");
        return false;

    return true;
void GaussianMean1DRegressionCompute(const QUESO::BaseEnvironment& env,
    double priorMean, double priorVar, const likelihoodData& dat)
  // parameter space: 1-D on (-infinity, infinity)
  QUESO::VectorSpace<P_V, P_M> paramSpace(
					 env,       // queso environment
					 "param_",  // name prefix
					 1,         // dimensions
					 NULL);     // names

  P_V paramMin(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  P_V paramMax(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  paramMin[0] = -INFINITY;
  paramMax[0] = INFINITY;
  QUESO::BoxSubset<P_V, P_M> paramDomain(
					"paramBox_",  // name prefix
					paramSpace,   // vector space
					paramMin,     // min values
					paramMax);    // max values

  // gaussian prior with user supplied mean and variance
  P_V priorMeanVec(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  P_V priorVarVec(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  priorMeanVec[0] = priorMean;
  priorVarVec[0] = priorVar;
  QUESO::GaussianVectorRV<P_V, P_M> priorRv("prior_", paramDomain, priorMeanVec,

  // likelihood is important
  QUESO::GenericScalarFunction<P_V, P_M> likelihoodFunctionObj(
							      "like_",                   // name prefix
							      paramDomain,               // image set
							      LikelihoodFunc<P_V, P_M>,  // routine
							      (void *) &dat,             // routine data ptr
							      true);                     // routineIsForLn

  QUESO::GenericVectorRV<P_V, P_M> postRv(
      "post_",       // name prefix
       paramSpace);  // image set

  // Initialize and solve the Inverse Problem with Bayes multi-level sampling
  QUESO::StatisticalInverseProblem<P_V, P_M> invProb(
      "",                     // name prefix
      NULL,                   // alt options
      priorRv,                // prior RV
      likelihoodFunctionObj,  // likelihood fcn
      postRv);                // posterior RV


  // compute mean and second moment of samples on each proc via Knuth online mean/variance algorithm
  int N = invProb.postRv().realizer().subPeriod();
  double subMean = 0.0;
  double subM2 = 0.0;
  double delta;
  P_V sample(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  for (int n = 1; n <= N; n++) {
    delta = sample[0] - subMean;
    subMean += delta / n;
    subM2 += delta * (sample[0] - subMean);

  // gather all Ns, means, and M2s to proc 0
  std::vector<int> unifiedNs(env.inter0Comm().NumProc());
  std::vector<double> unifiedMeans(env.inter0Comm().NumProc());
  std::vector<double> unifiedM2s(env.inter0Comm().NumProc());
  MPI_Gather(&N, 1, MPI_INT, &(unifiedNs[0]), 1, MPI_INT, 0,
  MPI_Gather(&subMean, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, &(unifiedMeans[0]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0,
  MPI_Gather(&subM2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, &(unifiedM2s[0]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0,

  // get the total number of likelihood calls at proc 0
  unsigned long totalLikelihoodCalls = 0;
  MPI_Reduce(&likelihoodCalls, &totalLikelihoodCalls, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG,
      MPI_SUM, 0, env.inter0Comm().Comm());

  // compute global posterior mean and std via Chan algorithm, output results on proc 0
  if (env.inter0Rank() == 0) {
    int postN = unifiedNs[0];
    double postMean = unifiedMeans[0];
    double postVar = unifiedM2s[0];
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < unifiedNs.size(); i++) {
      delta = unifiedMeans[i] - postMean;
      postMean = (postN * postMean + unifiedNs[i] * unifiedMeans[i]) /
        (postN + unifiedNs[i]);
      postVar += unifiedM2s[i] + delta * delta *
        (((double)postN * unifiedNs[i]) / (postN + unifiedNs[i]));
      postN += unifiedNs[i];
    postVar /= postN;

    //compute exact answer - available in this case since the exact posterior is a gaussian
    N = dat.dataSet.size();
    double dataSum = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      dataSum += dat.dataSet[i];
    double datMean = dataSum / N;
    double postMeanExact = (N * priorVar / (N * priorVar + dat.samplingVar)) *
      datMean + (dat.samplingVar / (N * priorVar + dat.samplingVar)) * priorMean;
    double postVarExact = 1.0 / (N / dat.samplingVar + 1.0 / priorVar);

    std::cout << "Number of posterior samples: " << postN << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Estimated posterior mean: " << postMean << " +/- "
      << std::sqrt(postVar) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Likelihood function calls: " << totalLikelihoodCalls
      << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\nExact posterior: Gaussian with mean " << postMeanExact
      << ", standard deviation " << std::sqrt(postVarExact) << std::endl;