void dCustomTransformController::PostUpdate(dCustomTransformManager* const manager, dFloat timestep) const
	if (m_calculateLocalTransform) {

		dMatrix parentMatrixPool[128];
		const dSkeletonBone* stackPool[128];

		int stack = 1;
		stackPool[0] = this;
		parentMatrixPool[0] = dGetIdentityMatrix();

		while (stack) {
			dMatrix matrix;

			dMatrix parentMatrix(parentMatrixPool[stack]);
			const dSkeletonBone* const bone = stackPool[stack];

			NewtonBodyGetMatrix(bone->GetBody(), &matrix[0][0]);
			manager->OnUpdateTransform(bone, matrix * parentMatrix * bone->GetBindMatrix());

			parentMatrix = matrix.Inverse();
			for (dList<dSkeletonBone>::dListNode* ptrNode = bone->GetFirst(); ptrNode; ptrNode = ptrNode->GetNext()) {
				parentMatrixPool[stack] = parentMatrix;
				stackPool[stack] = &ptrNode->GetInfo();
Пример #2
DemoEntity::DemoEntity(DemoEntityManager& world, const dScene* scene, dScene::dTreeNode* rootSceneNode, dTree<DemoMesh*, dScene::dTreeNode*>& 	 	meshCache, DemoEntityManager::EntityDictionary& entityDictionary, DemoEntity* parent)
	,m_curPosition (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
	,m_nextPosition (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
	,m_curRotation (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
	,m_nextRotation (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
	,m_lock (0)
	,m_mesh (NULL)
	// add this entity to the dictionary
	entityDictionary.Insert(this, rootSceneNode);

	// if this is a child mesh set it as child of th entity
	dMatrix parentMatrix (GetIdentityMatrix());
	if (parent) {
		Attach (parent);

		dScene::dTreeNode* parentNode = scene->FindParentByType(rootSceneNode, dSceneNodeInfo::GetRttiType());
		dSceneNodeInfo* parentInfo = (dSceneNodeInfo*) parentNode;
		parentMatrix = parentInfo->GetTransform();

	dSceneNodeInfo* info = (dSceneNodeInfo*) scene->GetInfoFromNode (rootSceneNode);
//	SetMatrix(info->GetTransform() * parentMatrix.Inverse4x4());
	dMatrix matrix (info->GetTransform() * parentMatrix.Inverse4x4());
	dQuaternion rot (matrix);

	// set the matrix twice in oder to get cur and next position
	SetMatrix(world, rot, matrix.m_posit);
	SetMatrix(world, rot, matrix.m_posit);

	// if this node has a mesh, find it and attach it to this entity
	dScene::dTreeNode* meshNode = scene->FindChildByType(rootSceneNode, dMeshNodeInfo::GetRttiType());
	if (meshNode) {
		DemoMesh* mesh = meshCache.Find(meshNode)->GetInfo();

	// add all of the children nodes as child nodes
	for (void* child = scene->GetFirstChild(rootSceneNode); child; child = scene->GetNextChild (rootSceneNode, child)) {
		dScene::dTreeNode* node = scene->GetNodeFromLink(child);
		dNodeInfo* info = scene->GetInfoFromNode(node);
		if (info->GetTypeId() == dSceneNodeInfo::GetRttiType()) {
			new DemoEntity (world, scene, node, meshCache, entityDictionary, this);
Пример #3
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetWorldToParent(TimeValue t)
    // This may look back-ass-ward, but that's only because it
    // is. If we've got inheritance filtering on, then our localtoworld
    // is no longer parentl2w * l2p, because we'll be ignoring
    // some of our parent's transform. More precisely, we'll be
    // clobbering parts of the product of our parent's current transform
    // and our current local to parent. So we're going to calculate
    // a parent to world transform here that would get us to the
    // right point and orientation in space, even though it has
    // little or nothing to do with our parent's real transform.
    // Note that we only go through this charade if we've got
    // filtering of inheritance active for this node.
    plMaxNodeBase* parent = (plMaxNodeBase*)GetParentNode();
    if( !GetFilterInherit() )
        return parent->GetWorldToLocal(t);

    // l2w = l2p * parentL2W
    // l2w * parentW2L = l2p
    // parentW2L = w2l * l2p
    Point3 pos;
    float rot[4];
    ScaleValue scl;
    Interval posInv;
    Interval rotInv;
    Interval sclInv;

    Matrix3Indirect parentMatrix(parent->GetNodeTM(t));

    TMComponentsArg cmpts(&pos, &posInv, rot, &rotInv, &scl, &sclInv);
    GetTMController()->GetLocalTMComponents(t, cmpts, parentMatrix);

    Quat q;
    if( cmpts.rotRep == TMComponentsArg::RotationRep::kQuat )
        q = Quat(rot);
        EulerToQuat(rot, q, cmpts.rotRep);

    Matrix3 l2p(true);
    PreRotateMatrix(l2p, q);
    PreRotateMatrix(l2p, scl.q);

    Matrix3 w2l = GetWorldToLocal(t);

    return w2l * l2p;
CustomPointToPoint::CustomPointToPoint(const dVector& pivotInChildInGlobalSpace, const dVector& pivotInParentInGlobalSpace, NewtonBody* const child, NewtonBody* const parent)
	:CustomJoint(6, child, parent)
	dVector dist(pivotInChildInGlobalSpace - pivotInParentInGlobalSpace);
	m_distance = dSqrt(dist % dist);

	dMatrix childMatrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
	dMatrix parentMatrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());

	childMatrix.m_posit = pivotInChildInGlobalSpace;
	parentMatrix.m_posit = pivotInParentInGlobalSpace;
	childMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
	parentMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;

	dMatrix dummy;
	CalculateLocalMatrix(childMatrix, m_localMatrix0, dummy);
	CalculateLocalMatrix(parentMatrix, dummy, m_localMatrix1);
Пример #5
void NodeSet::sort() const
    if (m_isSorted)

    unsigned nodeCount = m_nodes.size();
    if (nodeCount < 2) {
        const_cast<bool&>(m_isSorted) = true;

    if (nodeCount > traversalSortCutoff) {

    bool containsAttributeNodes = false;

    WillBeHeapVector<NodeSetVector> parentMatrix(nodeCount);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) {
        NodeSetVector& parentsVector = parentMatrix[i];
        Node* n = m_nodes[i].get();
        if (n->isAttributeNode()) {
            n = toAttr(n)->ownerElement();
            containsAttributeNodes = true;
        while ((n = n->parentNode()))
    sortBlock(0, nodeCount, parentMatrix, containsAttributeNodes);

    // It is not possible to just assign the result to m_nodes, because some
    // nodes may get dereferenced and destroyed.
    WillBeHeapVector<RefPtrWillBeMember<Node> > sortedNodes;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i)

    const_cast<WillBeHeapVector<RefPtrWillBeMember<Node> >&>(m_nodes).swap(sortedNodes);
Пример #6
void NodeSet::sort() const
    if (m_isSorted)

    unsigned nodeCount = m_nodes.size();
    if (nodeCount < 2) {
        m_isSorted = true;

    if (nodeCount > traversalSortCutoff) {

    bool containsAttributeNodes = false;
    Vector<Vector<Node*>> parentMatrix(nodeCount);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) {
        Vector<Node*>& parentsVector = parentMatrix[i];
        Node* node = m_nodes[i].get();
        if (is<Attr>(*node)) {
            node = downcast<Attr>(*node).ownerElement();
            containsAttributeNodes = true;
        while ((node = node->parentNode()))
    sortBlock(0, nodeCount, parentMatrix, containsAttributeNodes);
    // It is not possible to just assign the result to m_nodes, because some nodes may get dereferenced and destroyed.
    Vector<RefPtr<Node>> sortedNodes;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i)
    m_nodes = WTF::move(sortedNodes);
    m_isSorted = true;
Пример #7
  /// Calculates bone to world transformation.
  /// BoneToWorldMatrix calculates the matrix which transforms a
  /// vertex from the bone space to the world space.
  /// \param head The head vector (relative to tail of parent; in bone space of parent).
  /// \param tail The tail vector (relative to tail of parent; in bone space of parent).
  /// \param roll The roll value in radiant.
  /// \param pParent The parent bone (null if no parent exists).
  /// \return Transformation matrix.
  Matrix ComputeBoneToWorldMatrix(Vector head, Vector tail, float roll, const Bone* pParent)
    // Matrix of parent bone
    Matrix parentMatrix(IdentityMatrix);
    if (pParent != 0)
      parentMatrix = pParent->boneToWorldMatrix;

    // Translate to tail of parent bone.
    // (Remember: Child-bone is always given relative to tail of
    // parent-bone.)
    Matrix lengthTranslation(IdentityMatrix);
    if(pParent != 0)
      lengthTranslation.SetTranslation(Vector(0.0, pParent->length, 0.0));

    // Translate from tail of parent bone to head of current bone
    Matrix rootTranslation(IdentityMatrix);

    // Rotation of bone
    Matrix rotation = BoneRotation(head, tail, roll);

    // Cumulate matrices.
    // Read from right-to-left:
    // (Assume: Vertex is given in coordinate system of current bone.)
    // rootTranslation * rotation ... Transform vertex to coordinates of parent bone
    //                                (relative to tip/joint of parent bone).
    // lengthTranslation ............ Translate vertex to coordinates of parent bone
    //                                (relative to root of parent bone).
    // parentMatrix ................. Transform vertex to world coordinates.
    return parentMatrix * lengthTranslation * rootTranslation * rotation;
Пример #8
void NodeSet::sort() const
    if (m_isSorted)

    unsigned nodeCount = m_nodes.size();
    if (nodeCount < 2) {
        const_cast<bool&>(m_isSorted) = true;

    bool containsAttributeNodes = false;

    Vector<Vector<Node*> > parentMatrix(nodeCount);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) {
        Vector<Node*>& parentsVector = parentMatrix[i];
        Node* n = m_nodes[i].get();
        if (n->isAttributeNode()) {
            n = static_cast<Attr*>(n)->ownerElement();
            containsAttributeNodes = true;
        while ((n = n->parent()))
    sortBlock(0, nodeCount, parentMatrix, containsAttributeNodes);

    // It is not possible to just assign the result to m_nodes, because some nodes may get dereferenced and destroyed.
    Vector<RefPtr<Node> > sortedNodes;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i)

    const_cast<Vector<RefPtr<Node> >& >(m_nodes).swap(sortedNodes);
Пример #9
void update()
    // Initialize function/variables 
    glm::mat4 planetTranslation(1.0f);
    glm::mat4 planetRotation(1.0f);  
    glm::mat4 planetScaling(1.0f); 
    static float angle = 0.0;
    float dt = getDT(); // if you have anything moving, use dt. 

    // Check if we need to stop the cube's rotation 
    if( stopSpin == true )
       // If so, simulate as if no time has gone by (cube will stay wherever
       // it already is)
       dt = 0; 

    // Check if we need to reverse the spinning of the cube
    if( reverseSpin == true )
       angle -= dt * M_PI/2; //move through 90 degrees a second 

       angle += dt * M_PI/2; //move through 90 degrees a second

    // Calculate movement of celestial objects 
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < spaceObjects.size(); i++ )
       // Find the parent planet
       int parentPlanet = spaceObjects[i].objectParentPlanet;
       glm::mat4 parentMatrix(1.0f);  
       spaceObjects[i].objectModel = glm::mat4(1.0f); 
       if( parentPlanet != 0 )
          parentMatrix = spaceObjects[parentPlanet].objectModel; 

       // Update position
       spaceObjects[i].position = glm::vec3(spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionRadius 
                           * sin( angle * spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionSpeed ), 
                           * cos( angle * spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionSpeed ));
       spaceObjects[i].xPos = spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionRadius 
                           * sin( angle * spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionSpeed );

       spaceObjects[i].yPos = 0.0;
       spaceObjects[i].zPos = spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionRadius 
                           * cos( angle * spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionSpeed );

       // Calculate translation matrix for object
       planetTranslation = glm::translate( parentMatrix,
                           * sin( angle * spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionSpeed ), 
                           * cos( angle * spaceObjects[i].objectRevolutionSpeed )));

       // Calculation scaling matrix for each object 
       planetScaling = glm::scale( glm::mat4(1.0f), 
                                   glm::vec3(spaceObjects[i].objectRadius) ); 
       // Calculate the rotation matrix for object
       if( spaceObjects[i].objectIdentifier != 'R' )
          planetRotation = glm::rotate( glm::mat4(1.0f), 
                                        angle * spaceObjects[i].objectSelfRevolution, 
                                        glm::vec3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) );  

          planetRotation = glm::rotate( glm::mat4(1.0f), 
                                        glm::vec3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) );  
       // Calculate the rotation matrix for object

          planetRotation = glm::rotate( glm::mat4(1.0f), 
                                        angle * spaceObjects[i].objectSelfRevolution, 
                                        glm::vec3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) );  

       // Calculate the model matrix - remember, order matters - planet
       spaceObjects[i].objectModel *= planetTranslation * planetRotation * planetScaling;

    // Update the state of the scene
    glutPostRedisplay();//call the display callback