Пример #1
/** A DesktopQuery basically just looks like @desktop "term1", "term2", ... **/
bool DesktopQuery::parse() {
	if (!parseQueryString(queryString, CONTAINER_STRING, NULL, memoryLimit)) {
		syntaxErrorDetected = finished = true;
		ok = false;
	else {
		if (statisticsQuery == NULL)
			statisticsQuery = containerQuery;
		ok = true;
	return ok;
} // end of parse()
Пример #2
int initGet(void)
    int query_string_len;
    const char *query_string;

    query_string = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
    if (query_string == NULL) {
        cgi_errno = CGIERR_NULQSTR;
        return false;

    query_string_len = strlen(query_string);
    if (query_string_len != 0)
        return (parseQueryString(query_string, query_string_len));

    return true;
Пример #3
    bool HttpParser::completeRequest()
        Finally f([this]() { request_ = HttpRequest(); });

#define _(x) case HTTP_##x: request_.method_ = HttpRequest::x; break
#undef _
            request_.method_ = HttpRequest::OTHER;

        if(parser_.http_minor != 0) // treat as HTTP 1.1
            request_.http11_ = true;

        request_.upgrade_ = !!parser_.upgrade;
        request_.keepAlive_ = !!http_should_keep_alive(&parser_);

        if(!parseRequestTarget(request_.rawTarget_, request_.target_, request_.queries_))
            return false;

            // TODO: Content-Type parameters (charset, ...)
            if(parser_.method == HttpRequest::POST &&
                boost::iequals(request_.headers_.at("Content-Type"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
                if(!parseQueryString(request_.rawBody_, request_.queries_))
                    return false;
        catch(const std::out_of_range &)

        return currentCallback_(request_);
Пример #4
void testQueryString() {
  void* ctx;
  parseQueryString(&ctx, "width=640&height=360&video=bigbunny.ogg");
  const char* width = getParameter(ctx, "width");
  const char* height = getParameter(ctx, "height");
  const char* video = getParameter(ctx, "video");
  if(!strcmp(width,"640")) {
      printf("Querystring width esperado:%s - recebido:%s\n", "640", width);
  if(!strcmp(height,"360")) {
      printf("Querystring height esperado:%s - recebido:%s\n", "360", height);
  if(!strcmp(video,"bigbunny.ogg")) {
      printf("Querystring video esperado:%s - recebido:%s\n", "bigbunny.ogg", video);
 * Return paramter value for the given name.  If returned string is empty, it means that the parameter was not present.
 * If the returned string is SSOAgentRequest::EMPTY_PARAM, it means that the parameter is present, without a value.
string SSOAgentRequest::getParameter(string pName) {

	if (params.empty()) {

		string qryStr = this->getQueryString();
		if (!qryStr.empty()) {
			// Read and parse query string into parameters.
		} else if (!strcmp(getMethod().c_str(), "POST")) {
			// Read and parse request body into parametsers.
			DWORD bodySz = this->getBodySize();
			if (bodySz > 0) {
				LPBYTE body = this->getBody();
				jk_log(logger, JK_LOG_DEBUG, "POST Request has a body, type=[%s] size=%d", getContentType().c_str(), bodySz);
				parsePostData(body, bodySz, this->getContentType());
			} else {
				jk_log(logger, JK_LOG_DEBUG, "POST Request has no body");
		} else {
			jk_log(logger, JK_LOG_TRACE, "GET Request has no parameters, method [%s]", getMethod().c_str());

		// Just for debugging purposes
		map<string, string>::iterator i;
		for (i = params.begin() ; i != params.end() ; i++) {
			pair <string, string> p = *i;
			jk_log(logger, JK_LOG_DEBUG, "Populating request with param %s=[%s]", p.first.c_str(), p.second.c_str());

	map<string, string>::const_iterator params_it;
	params_it = params.find(pName);

	// Did we find the parameter ?!
	if (params_it == params.end()) {
		return SSOAgentRequest::EMPTY_STR;
	} else {
		return params_it->second;
bool SSOAgentRequest::parsePostData(LPBYTE body, DWORD bodySize, string contentType) {
	jk_log(logger, JK_LOG_TRACE, "Parsing [%d] bytes of type %s as parameters", bodySize, contentType.c_str());
	char * b = (char*) body;

	string sBody;
	sBody.assign(b, bodySize);
	jk_log(logger, JK_LOG_TRACE, "Body type[%s]\n%s", contentType.c_str(), sBody.c_str());
	if (strcmp(contentType.c_str(), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0) {
		return parseQueryString(sBody);

	} else if (contentType.find("multipart/form-data;") == 0) {
		return parseMimeString(contentType, sBody);

	} else {
		jk_log(logger, JK_LOG_ERROR, "POST Data content type unknown : [%s]", contentType.c_str());
		return false;

Пример #7
bool CDRQuery::parse() {
	// if no container is given, assume default container
	char defaultContainer[MAX_CONFIG_VALUE_LENGTH];
	if (!getConfigurationValue("DEFAULT_RETRIEVAL_SET", defaultContainer))
		strcpy(defaultContainer, DOC_QUERY);

	if (!parseQueryString(queryString, defaultContainer, NULL, memoryLimit)) {
		syntaxErrorDetected = finished = true;
		ok = false;
	else if (((elementCount < 1) || (elementCount > CDR_MAX_SCORER_COUNT)) && (maxLevel > 1)) {
		// @cdr queries may not contain more than CDR_MAX_SCORER_COUNT query terms
		syntaxErrorDetected = finished = true;
		ok = false;
	else {
		if (statisticsQuery == NULL)
			if (visibleExtents != NULL)
				statisticsQuery = new GCLQuery(index, visibleExtents->getExtentList());
		ok = true;
	return ok;			
} // end of parse()
Пример #8
int initPost(void)
    const char *str;
    const char *mpfd="multipart/form-data";
    unsigned int content_length;

    /* get/check content length */
    str = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
    if (str == NULL) {
        cgi_errno = CGIERR_ICONTLEN;
        return false;
    if (!miscStringToUInt(str, &content_length)) {
        cgi_errno = CGIERR_ICONTLEN;
        return false;
    if (content_length == 0) return(true);

    /* get/check content type */
    str = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE");
    if (str == NULL) {
        cgi_errno = CGIERR_UCONTT;
        return 0;

    /* multipart encoded ? */
    if (!strncasecmp(str, mpfd, strlen(mpfd)))

    /* "normal" url encoded ? */
    if (!strcasecmp(str, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
        return(parseQueryString(NULL, content_length));

    cgi_errno = CGIERR_UCONTT;
    return false;
Пример #9
void handleRequest(session_t* session, int connectFd, char* resource, char* postData)
    gchar** data = g_strsplit(resource, "?", 2);
    gchar* file = data[0];
    GHashTable* query = parseQueryString(data[1]);

    bool hasBG = false;
    bool isSlashTest = false;

    if (data[1] == NULL && (g_strcmp0(data[0], "/") == 0))
        generateResponse(session, connectFd, resource, NULL, false, "200", isSlashTest, query, postData);
        if (g_strcmp0(file, "/color") == 0)
            gchar* color = g_hash_table_lookup(query, "bg");
            if (color != NULL)
            	// URI contains /color?bg=x
                hasBG = true;
                generateResponse(session, connectFd, resource, color, hasBG, "200", isSlashTest, query, postData);
                // URI does not contains bg=(...)
                // Check if request contains cookie
                gchar* cookie = g_hash_table_lookup(session->headers, "Cookie");
                if (cookie == NULL)
                    generateResponse(session, connectFd, resource, NULL, hasBG, "200", isSlashTest, query, postData);
                    gchar **pairs = g_strsplit(cookie, "; ", 100);
                    gchar** pair;
                    int size = g_strv_length(pairs), i;

                    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        pair = g_strsplit(pairs[i], "=", 2);

                        if (g_strcmp0(pair[0], "color") == 0)
                            generateResponse(session, connectFd, resource, pair[1], 1, "200", isSlashTest, query, postData);
        else if (g_strcmp0(file, "/test") == 0)
        	isSlashTest = true;
        	generateResponse(session, connectFd, resource, NULL, hasBG, "200", isSlashTest, query, postData);
        	generateResponse(session, connectFd, resource, NULL, false, "404", isSlashTest, query, postData);
Пример #10
	if ( EqualLiteralLength( key, keyLength, "info_hash" ) ) {
		ScrapeCallbackData *cbd = data;
		if ( !cbd->top ) {
			cbd->top = ScrapeData_new( );
			if ( !cbd->top ) return ScrapeError_unknown;
			cbd->last->next = cbd->top;

		if ( dualDecodeInfoHash( value, valueLength, cbd->top->compactHash, cbd->top->infoHash ) != 40 )
			return ScrapeError_malformedInfoHash;

		// ugh.
		cbd->last = cbd->top;
		cbd->top  = cbd->last->next;
	} else
		return ScrapeError_invalidRequest;

	return ScrapeError_okay;

ScrapeError ScrapeData_fromQuery( ScrapeData *scrape, const char *query, size_t queryLength ) {
	ScrapeCallbackData data = { .top = scrape };
	int e = parseQueryString( query, queryLength, ScrapeData_parse, &data );
	if ( e ) return e;
	// this will only be true if no info_hash keys are encountered in the
	// query.
	if ( data.last == NULL ) return 1;
	ScrapeData_dump( scrape );
	return ScrapeError_okay;
Пример #11
bool checkArgs(int argc, char* argv[], char** inFile, outFormat &out, int &rowStart, int &rowEnd)
	char env[256];
	if (argc < 2)
		std::string tmpFile;
		//printf("No input file specified\n");
//#ifdef _DEBUG
#if 1
		*inFile = _strdup("c:\\Users\\David\\Documents\\packets.txt");
		if (GetEnvironmentVariableA("QUERY_STRING", env, 256))
			//printf("<query>%s</query>\n", env);
			parseQueryString(env, rowStart, rowEnd);
		out = XML;
		std::cout << "Filename: ";
		std::getline(std::cin, tmpFile);
		*inFile = _strdup(tmpFile.c_str());
#ifdef _DEBUG
		printf("inFile is %s\n", *inFile);
		return true;
		//return false;	//needs an input file
	if (argc>2)
		*inFile = _strdup(argv[1]);

		for (int i = 2; i <= argc; i++)
			if (strcmp(argv[i], "-x") == 0)
				if (out == CSV)
					printf("-x cannot be specified along with -c\n");
					return false;
					out = XML;
			if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0)
				if (out == XML)
					printf("-c cannot be specified along with -x\n");
					return false;
					out = CSV;
			if (strncmp(argv[i], "-r", 2) == 0)
				//TODO parse beginning and ending rows
			return false;
	return true;
Пример #12
void testparseQueryString()
	int rowStart=-1, rowEnd=-1;
	parseQueryString("rowStart=0&rowEnd=19", rowStart, rowEnd);
	assert(rowStart == 0 && rowEnd == 19);