Пример #1
void printMD5SUM(char *file) {
    int isofd;
    char mediasum[64];
    long long isosize;
    char fragmentsums[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH+1];
    long long fragmentcount = 0;
    int supported;
    int skipsectors;

    isofd = open(file, O_RDONLY);

    if (isofd < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to find install image.\n", file);

    if (parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &supported, fragmentsums, &fragmentcount) < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not get pvd data", file);
	fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to read the disc checksum from the "
			 "primary volume descriptor.\nThis probably "
			 "means the disc was created without adding the "

    printf("%s:   %s\n", file, mediasum);
    if ( (strlen(fragmentsums) > 0) && (fragmentcount > 0) ) {
        printf("Fragment sums: %s\n", fragmentsums);
        printf("Fragment count: %lld\n", fragmentcount); 
Пример #2
int printMD5SUM(char *file) {
    int isofd;
    char mediasum[64];
    long long isosize;
    char fragmentsums[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH+1];
    long long fragmentcount = 0;
    int supported;
    int skipsectors;

    isofd = open(file, O_RDONLY);

    if (isofd < 0) {
        return ISOMD5SUM_FILE_NOT_FOUND;

    if (parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &supported, fragmentsums, &fragmentcount) < 0) {


    printf("%s:   %s\n", file, mediasum);
    if ( (strlen(fragmentsums) > 0) && (fragmentcount > 0) ) {
        printf("Fragment sums: %s\n", fragmentsums);
        printf("Fragment count: %lld\n", fragmentcount); 
        printf("Supported ISO: %s\n", supported ? "yes" : "no");

    return 0;
Пример #3
void printMD5SUM(char *file) {
    int isofd;
    char mediasum[64];
    long long isosize;
    int supported;
    int skipsectors;

    isofd = open(file, O_RDONLY);

    if (isofd < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to find install image.\n", file);

    if (parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &supported) < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not get pvd data", file);
	fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to read the disc checksum from the "
			 "primary volume descriptor.\nThis probably "
			 "means the disc was created without adding the "

    printf("%s:   %s\n", file, mediasum);
Пример #4
static int doMediaCheck(int isofd, char *mediasum, char *computedsum, long long *isosize, int *supported, checkCallback cb, void *cbdata) {
    int rc;
    int skipsectors;
    long long fragmentcount = 0;
    char fragmentsums[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH+1];

    if (parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, isosize, supported, fragmentsums, &fragmentcount) < 0) {

    rc = checkmd5sum(isofd, mediasum, computedsum, cb, cbdata);

    return rc;
Пример #5
static int doMediaCheck(int isofd, char *mediasum, char *computedsum, long long *isosize, int *supported, int quiet) {
    int rc;
    int skipsectors;

    if (parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, isosize, supported) < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read the disc checksum from the "
			 "primary volume descriptor.\nThis probably "
			 "means the disc was created without adding the "
	return -1;

    rc = checkmd5sum(isofd, mediasum, computedsum, quiet);

    return rc;
/* if returns 1 we found status, and mediasum will be checksum */
static int getISOStatusFromFD(int isofd, char *mediasum) {
    char tmpsum[33];
    char fragmentsums[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH+1];
    int skipsectors, isostatus;
    long long isosize, pvd_offset, fragmentcount = 0;

    if (mediasum)
        mediasum[0] = '\0';

    fragmentsums[0] = '\0';

    pvd_offset = parsepvd(isofd, tmpsum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &isostatus,
                          fragmentsums, &fragmentcount);
    if (pvd_offset < 0) {
        logMessage(ERROR, "Could not parse pvd");
        return 0;

    if (mediasum)
        strcpy(mediasum, tmpsum);

    return isostatus;
Пример #7
int implantISOFile(char *fname, int supported, int forceit, int quiet, char **errstr) {
    int i;
    int isofd;
    int nread;
    int dirty;
    int pvd_offset;
    int current_fragment = 0;
    int previous_fragment = 0;
    int nattempt;
    long long isosize, total;
    unsigned char md5sum[16];
    unsigned char fragmd5sum[16];
    unsigned int loc;
    unsigned int bufsize = 32768;
    unsigned char *buf;
    unsigned char orig_appdata[512];
    unsigned char new_appdata[512];
    char mediasum[33];
    char md5str[40];
    char fragstr[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH+1];
    MD5_CTX md5ctx, fragmd5ctx;

    isofd = open(fname, O_RDWR);

    if (isofd < 0) {
	*errstr = "Error - Unable to open file %s\n\n";
	return -1;

    pvd_offset = parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &isosize);
    if (pvd_offset < 0) {
	*errstr = "Could not find primary volumne!\n\n";
	return -1;

    lseek(isofd, pvd_offset + APPDATA_OFFSET, SEEK_SET);
    nread = read(isofd, orig_appdata, 512);

    if (!forceit) {
	dirty = 0;
	for (i=0; i < 512; i++)
	    if (orig_appdata[i] != ' ')
		dirty = 1;

	if (dirty) {
	    *errstr = "Application data has been used - not implanting md5sum!\n";
	    return -1;
    } else {
	/* write out blanks to erase old app data */
	lseek(isofd, pvd_offset + APPDATA_OFFSET, SEEK_SET);
	memset(new_appdata, ' ', 512);
	i = write(isofd, new_appdata, 512);
	if (i<0) {
	    printf("write failed %d\n", i);

    /* now do md5sum */
    lseek(isofd, 0L, SEEK_SET);

    *fragstr = '\0';
    buf = malloc(bufsize * sizeof(unsigned char));

    total = 0;
    /* read up to 15 sectors from end, due to problems reading last few */
    /* sectors on burned CDs                                            */
    while (total < isosize - SKIPSECTORS*2048) {
        nattempt = MIN(isosize - SKIPSECTORS*2048 - total, bufsize);
	nread = read(isofd, buf, nattempt);

	if (nread <= 0)
	MD5_Update(&md5ctx, buf, nread);

        /* if we're onto the next fragment, calculate the previous sum and write */
        current_fragment = total * (FRAGMENT_COUNT+1) / (isosize - SKIPSECTORS*2048);
        if ( current_fragment != previous_fragment ) {
	    memcpy(&fragmd5ctx, &md5ctx, sizeof(MD5_CTX));
            MD5_Final(fragmd5sum, &fragmd5ctx);
            for (i=0; i<FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH/FRAGMENT_COUNT; i++) {
                char tmpstr[2];
                snprintf(tmpstr, 2, "%01x", fragmd5sum[i]);
                strncat(fragstr, tmpstr, 2);
            /*  printf("\nFragment [%i]: %s\n", previous_fragment, fragstr);  */
            previous_fragment = current_fragment;

	total = total + nread;

    MD5_Final(md5sum, &md5ctx);

    *md5str = '\0';
    for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
	char tmpstr[4];
	snprintf (tmpstr, 4, "%02x", md5sum[i]);
	strncat(md5str, tmpstr, 2);

    if (!quiet) {
	printf("Inserting md5sum into iso image...\n");
	printf("md5 = %s\n", md5str);
	printf("Inserting fragment md5sums into iso image...\n");
	printf("fragmd5 = %s\n", fragstr);
	printf("frags = %d\n", FRAGMENT_COUNT);
    /*    memcpy(new_appdata, orig_appdata, 512); */
    memset(new_appdata, ' ', 512);

    loc = 0;
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, "ISO MD5SUM = ", loc);
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, md5str, loc);
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, ";", loc);

    buf = malloc(512 * sizeof(unsigned char));
    snprintf((char *)buf, 512, "SKIPSECTORS = %d", SKIPSECTORS);

    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, (char *)buf, loc);
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, ";", loc);

    if (supported) {
	if (!quiet)
	    printf("Setting supported flag to 1\n");
	loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, "RHLISOSTATUS=1", loc);
    } else {
	if (!quiet)
	    printf("Setting supported flag to 0\n");
	loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, "RHLISOSTATUS=0", loc);
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, ";", loc);

    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, "FRAGMENT SUMS = ", loc);
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, fragstr, loc);
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, ";", loc);

    buf = malloc(512 * sizeof(unsigned char));
    snprintf((char *)buf, 512, "FRAGMENT COUNT = %d", FRAGMENT_COUNT);
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, (char *)buf, loc);
    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, ";", loc);

    loc = writeAppData(new_appdata, "THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS RUNNING MD5SUM ON THIS ISO!!", loc);
    i = lseek(isofd, pvd_offset + APPDATA_OFFSET, SEEK_SET);
    if (i<0)
	printf("seek failed\n");

    i = write(isofd, new_appdata, 512);
    if (i<0) {
	printf("write failed %d\n", i);

    errstr = NULL;
    return 0;
Пример #8
/* both strings must be pre-allocated at least 33 chars in length        */
static int checkmd5sum(int isofd, char *mediasum, char *computedsum, checkCallback cb, void *cbdata) {
    int nread;
    int i, j;
    int appdata_start_offset, appdata_end_offset;
    int nattempt;
    int skipsectors;
    int supported;
    int current_fragment = 0;
    int previous_fragment = 0;
    unsigned int bufsize = 32768;
    unsigned char md5sum[16];
    unsigned char fragmd5sum[16];
    unsigned int len;
    unsigned char *buf;
    long long isosize, offset, pvd_offset, apoff;
    char fragmentsums[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH+1];
    char thisfragsum[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH+1];
    long long fragmentcount = 0;
    MD5_CTX md5ctx, fragmd5ctx;

    if ((pvd_offset = parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &supported, fragmentsums, &fragmentcount)) < 0)

    /*    printf("Mediasum = %s\n",mediasum); */

    /* rewind, compute md5sum */
    lseek(isofd, 0L, SEEK_SET);


    offset = 0;
    apoff = pvd_offset + APPDATA_OFFSET;

    buf = malloc(bufsize * sizeof(unsigned char));
    if (cb)
        cb(cbdata, 0, isosize - skipsectors*2048);

    while (offset < isosize - skipsectors*2048) {
        nattempt = MIN(isosize - skipsectors*2048 - offset, bufsize);

        /*      printf("%lld %lld %lld %d\n", offset, isosize, isosize-SKIPSECTORS*2048, nattempt); */

        nread = read(isofd, buf, nattempt);
        if (nread <= 0)

        if (nread > nattempt) {
            nread = nattempt;
            lseek(isofd, offset+nread, SEEK_SET);
        /* overwrite md5sum we implanted with original data */
        if (offset < apoff && offset+nread >= apoff) {
            appdata_start_offset = apoff - offset;
            appdata_end_offset = MIN(appdata_start_offset+MIN(nread, 512),
                                     offset + nread - apoff);
            len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
            memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
        } else if (offset >= apoff && offset+nread < apoff + 512) {
            appdata_start_offset = 0;
            appdata_end_offset = nread;
            len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
            memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
        } else if (offset < apoff + 512 && offset+nread >= apoff + 512) {
            appdata_start_offset = 0;
            appdata_end_offset = apoff + 512 - offset;
            len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
            memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);

        MD5_Update(&md5ctx, buf, nread);
        if (fragmentcount) {
            current_fragment = offset * (fragmentcount+1) / (isosize - skipsectors*2048);
            /* if we're onto the next fragment, calculate the previous sum and check */
            if ( current_fragment != previous_fragment ) {
                memcpy(&fragmd5ctx, &md5ctx, sizeof(MD5_CTX));
                MD5_Final(fragmd5sum, &fragmd5ctx);
                *computedsum = '\0';
                j = (current_fragment-1)*FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH/fragmentcount;
                for (i=0; i<FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH/fragmentcount; i++) {
                    char tmpstr[2];
                    snprintf(tmpstr, 2, "%01x", fragmd5sum[i]);
                    strncat(computedsum, tmpstr, 2);
                    thisfragsum[i] = fragmentsums[j++];
                thisfragsum[j] = '\0';
                previous_fragment = current_fragment;
                /* Exit immediately if current fragment sum is incorrect */
                if (strcmp(thisfragsum, computedsum) != 0) {
                    return ISOMD5SUM_CHECK_FAILED;
        offset = offset + nread;
        if (cb)
          if(cb(cbdata, offset, isosize - skipsectors*2048)) return ISOMD5SUM_CHECK_ABORTED;

    if (cb)
        cb(cbdata, isosize, isosize - skipsectors*2048);



    MD5_Final(md5sum, &md5ctx);

    *computedsum = '\0';
    for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
        char tmpstr[4];
        snprintf (tmpstr, 4, "%02x", md5sum[i]);
        strncat(computedsum, tmpstr, 2);

    /*    printf("mediasum, computedsum = %s %s\n", mediasum, computedsum); */

    if (strcmp(mediasum, computedsum))
        return ISOMD5SUM_CHECK_FAILED;
        return ISOMD5SUM_CHECK_PASSED;
Пример #9
/* both strings must be pre-allocated at least 33 chars in length        */
static int checkmd5sum(int isofd, char *mediasum, char *computedsum, int quiet) {
    int nread;
    int i, j;
    int appdata_start_offset, appdata_end_offset;
    int nattempt;
    int skipsectors;
    int supported;
    int current_fragment = 0;
    int previous_fragment = 0;
    int printed_frag_status = 0;
    unsigned int bufsize = 32768;
    unsigned char md5sum[16];
    unsigned char fragmd5sum[16];
    unsigned int len;
    unsigned char *buf;
    long long isosize, offset, pvd_offset, apoff;
    char fragmentsums[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH];
    char thisfragsum[FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH];
    long long fragmentcount = 0;
    MD5_CTX md5ctx, fragmd5ctx;

    if ((pvd_offset = parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &supported, fragmentsums, &fragmentcount)) < 0)
	return -1;

    /*    printf("Mediasum = %s\n",mediasum); */

    /* rewind, compute md5sum */
    lseek(isofd, 0L, SEEK_SET);


    offset = 0;
    apoff = pvd_offset + APPDATA_OFFSET;

    buf = malloc(bufsize * sizeof(unsigned char));
    if (!quiet) {
	printf("Percent complete: %05.1f%%", (100.0*offset)/(isosize-skipsectors*2048.0));

    while (offset < isosize - skipsectors*2048) {
	nattempt = MIN(isosize - skipsectors*2048 - offset, bufsize);

	/*	printf("%lld %lld %lld %d\n", offset, isosize, isosize-SKIPSECTORS*2048, nattempt); */

	nread = read(isofd, buf, nattempt);
	if (nread <= 0)

        if (nread > nattempt) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning: read got more data than requested\n");
            nread = nattempt;
            lseek(isofd, offset+nread, SEEK_SET);
	/* overwrite md5sum we implanted with original data */
	if (offset < apoff && offset+nread >= apoff) {
	    appdata_start_offset = apoff - offset;
	    appdata_end_offset = MIN(appdata_start_offset+MIN(nread, 512),
				     offset + nread - apoff);
	    len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
	    memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
	} else if (offset >= apoff && offset+nread < apoff + 512) {
	    appdata_start_offset = 0;
	    appdata_end_offset = nread;
	    len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
	    memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
	} else if (offset < apoff + 512 && offset+nread >= apoff + 512) {
	    appdata_start_offset = 0;
	    appdata_end_offset = apoff + 512 - offset;
	    len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
	    memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);

	MD5_Update(&md5ctx, buf, nread);
        if (fragmentcount) {
            current_fragment = offset * (fragmentcount+1) / (isosize - skipsectors*2048);
            /* if we're onto the next fragment, calculate the previous sum and check */
            if ( current_fragment != previous_fragment ) {
		memcpy(&fragmd5ctx, &md5ctx, sizeof(MD5_CTX));
                MD5_Final(fragmd5sum, &fragmd5ctx);
                *computedsum = '\0';
                j = (current_fragment-1)*FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH/fragmentcount;
                for (i=0; i<FRAGMENT_SUM_LENGTH/fragmentcount; i++) {
                    char tmpstr[2];
                    snprintf(tmpstr, 2, "%01x", fragmd5sum[i]);
                    strncat(computedsum, tmpstr, 2);
                    thisfragsum[i] = fragmentsums[j++];
                thisfragsum[j] = '\0';
                if (!quiet) {
                    printf("   Fragment[%02i/%02lld] -> OK", previous_fragment+1, fragmentcount);
                    printed_frag_status = 1;
                previous_fragment = current_fragment;
                /* Exit immediately if current fragment sum is incorrect */
                if (strcmp(thisfragsum, computedsum) != 0) {
                    if (!quiet) {
                        printf("\nFragment %02i of %02lld is BAD!\n", previous_fragment+1, fragmentcount);
                    return 0;
	offset = offset + nread;
	if (!quiet) {
            if (printed_frag_status) {
                printed_frag_status = 0;
	    printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%05.1f%%", (100.0*offset)/(isosize-skipsectors*2048.0));

    if (!quiet) {
	printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\n%05.1f\n", (100.0*offset)/(isosize-skipsectors*2048.0));



    MD5_Final(md5sum, &md5ctx);

    *computedsum = '\0';
    for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
	char tmpstr[4];
	snprintf (tmpstr, 4, "%02x", md5sum[i]);
	strncat(computedsum, tmpstr, 2);

    /*    printf("mediasum, computedsum = %s %s\n", mediasum, computedsum); */

    if (strcmp(mediasum, computedsum))
	return 0;
	return 1;
Пример #10
/* both strings must be pre-allocated at least 33 chars in length        */
static int checkmd5sum(int isofd, char *mediasum, char *computedsum, int quiet) {
    int nread;
    int i;
    int appdata_start_offset, appdata_end_offset;
    int nattempt;
    int skipsectors;
    int supported;
    unsigned int bufsize = 32768;
    unsigned char md5sum[16];
    unsigned int len;
    unsigned char *buf;
    long long isosize, offset, pvd_offset, apoff;
    MD5_CTX md5ctx;

    if ((pvd_offset = parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &supported)) < 0)
	return -1;

    /*    printf("Mediasum = %s\n",mediasum); */

    /* rewind, compute md5sum */
    lseek(isofd, 0L, SEEK_SET);


    offset = 0;
    apoff = pvd_offset + APPDATA_OFFSET;

    buf = malloc(bufsize * sizeof(unsigned char));
    if (!quiet) {
	printf("Percent complete: %05.1f%%", (100.0*offset)/(isosize-skipsectors*2048.0));

    while (offset < isosize - skipsectors*2048) {
	nattempt = MIN(isosize - skipsectors*2048 - offset, bufsize);

	/*	printf("%lld %lld %lld %d\n", offset, isosize, isosize-SKIPSECTORS*2048, nattempt); */

	nread = read(isofd, buf, nattempt);
	if (nread <= 0)

	/* overwrite md5sum we implanted with original data */
	if (offset < apoff && offset+nread >= apoff) {
	    appdata_start_offset = apoff - offset;
	    appdata_end_offset = MIN(appdata_start_offset+MIN(nread, 512),
				     offset + nread - apoff);
	    len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
	    memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
	} else if (offset >= apoff && offset+nread < apoff + 512) {
	    appdata_start_offset = 0;
	    appdata_end_offset = nread;
	    len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
	    memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
	} else if (offset < apoff + 512 && offset+nread >= apoff + 512) {
	    appdata_start_offset = 0;
	    appdata_end_offset = apoff + 512 - offset;
	    len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
	    memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);

	MD5_Update(&md5ctx, buf, nread);
	offset = offset + nread;
    /* XXX: print only once every few 100ms, in order not to overload a serial console. -stefanp */
	if (!quiet) {
	    printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%05.1f%%", (100.0*offset)/(isosize-skipsectors*2048.0));

    if (!quiet) {
		printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%05.1f%%\n", (100.0*offset)/(isosize-skipsectors*2048.0));



    MD5_Final(md5sum, &md5ctx);

    *computedsum = '\0';
    for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
	char tmpstr[4];
	snprintf (tmpstr, 4, "%02x", md5sum[i]);
	strcat(computedsum, tmpstr);

    /*    printf("mediasum, computedsum = %s %s\n", mediasum, computedsum); */

    if (strcmp(mediasum, computedsum))
	return 0;
	return 1;