Пример #1
char *pathconvert(char* path, BOOL flagtrail, BOOL flagexpand, PathConvertType PType)
    char *convertedPath = NULL;
    if (path)
        wchar_t *wcpath = to_wide_string(path);
        if (wcpath)
            wchar_t *wcconvertedPath = pathconvertW(wcpath, flagtrail, flagexpand, PType);
            if (wcconvertedPath)
                convertedPath = wide_string_to_UTF8(wcconvertedPath);
                wcconvertedPath = NULL;
    return convertedPath;
Пример #2
types::Function::ReturnValue sci_pathconvert(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out)
    PathConvertType PType   = AUTO_STYLE;
    int iPathExpand         = 1;
    int iPathTrail          = 1;

    if (in.size() < 1 && in.size() > 4)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"), "pathconvert" , 1, 4);
        return types::Function::Error;

    if (_iRetCount != 1)
        Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "pathconvert", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    //get type
    if (in.size() > 3)
        if (in[3]->isString() == false || in[3]->getAs<types::String>()->getSize() != 1)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), "pathconvert", 4);
            return types::Function::Error;

        wchar_t* pwstType = in[3]->getAs<types::String>()->get(0);
        if (wcscmp(pwstType, WINDOWS_TYPE) == 0)
            PType = WINDOWS_STYLE;
        else if (wcscmp(pwstType, UNIX_TYPE) == 0)
            PType = UNIX_STYLE;
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: '%s' or '%s' expected.\n"), "pathconvert", 4, _UNIX_TYPE, _WINDOWS_TYPE);
            return types::Function::Error;

    if (in.size() > 2)
        if (in[2]->isBool() == false || in[2]->getAs<types::Bool>()->getSize() != 1)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), "pathconvert", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

        iPathExpand = in[2]->getAs<types::Bool>()->get()[0];

    if (in.size() > 1)
        if (in[1]->isBool() == false || in[1]->getAs<types::Bool>()->getSize() != 1)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), "pathconvert", 2);
            return types::Function::Error;

        iPathTrail = in[1]->getAs<types::Bool>()->get()[0];

    if (in[0]->isDouble() && in[0]->getAs<types::Double>()->isEmpty())
        return types::Function::OK;

    if (in[0]->isString() == false)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Matrix of strings expected.\n"), "pathconvert", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    types::String* pS = in[0]->getAs<types::String>();
    types::String* pOut = new types::String(pS->getRows(), pS->getCols());
    wchar_t** pStr = pOut->get();

    for (int i = 0 ; i < pS->getSize() ; i++)
        pStr[i] = pathconvertW(pS->get(i), (BOOL) iPathTrail, (BOOL) iPathExpand, PType);

    return types::Function::OK;
    //SciErr sciErr;
    //int *piAddressVarOne = NULL;
    //wchar_t **pStVarOne = NULL;
    //int iType1 = 0;
    //int *lenStVarOne = NULL;
    //int m1 = 0, n1 = 0;

    //wchar_t **results = NULL;
    //int i = 0;

    //BOOL flagtrail = TRUE;
    //BOOL flagexpand = TRUE;

    //PathConvertType PType = AUTO_STYLE;

    ///* Check Input & Output parameters */

    //if (Rhs > 3)
    //	int *piAddressVarFour = NULL;
    //	wchar_t *pStVarFour = NULL;
    //	int iType4 = 0;
    //	int lenStVarFour = 0;
    //	int m4 = 0, n4 = 0;

    //	sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 4, &piAddressVarFour);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFour, &iType4);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	if (iType4 != sci_strings)
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 4);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFour, &m4, &n4);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	if ( (m4 != n4) && (n4 != 1) )
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 4);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getMatrixOfWideString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFour, &m4, &n4, &lenStVarFour, &pStVarFour);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	pStVarFour = (wchar_t*)MALLOC(sizeof(wchar_t)*(lenStVarFour + 1));
    //	if (pStVarFour == NULL)
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"),fname);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getMatrixOfWideString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFour, &m4, &n4, &lenStVarFour, &pStVarFour);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	if ( (wcscmp(pStVarFour, L"w") == 0) || (wcscmp(pStVarFour, L"u") == 0) )
    //	{
    //		if (wcscmp(pStVarFour, L"w") == 0)
    //		{
    //			PType = WINDOWS_STYLE;
    //		}
    //		else
    //		{
    //			PType = UNIX_STYLE;
    //		}
    //		if (pStVarFour) {FREE(pStVarFour); pStVarFour = NULL;}
    //	}
    //	else
    //	{
    //		if (pStVarFour) {FREE(pStVarFour); pStVarFour = NULL;}
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: ''w'' or ''u'' string expected.\n"), fname, 4);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //if (Rhs > 2)
    //	int *piAddressVarThree = NULL;
    //	int *piData = NULL;
    //	int iType3	= 0;
    //	int m3 = 0, n3 = 0;

    //	sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddressVarThree);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree, &iType3);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	if (iType3 != sci_boolean)
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), fname, 3);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree, &m3, &n3);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	if ( (m3 != n3) && (n3 != 1) )
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), fname, 3);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree, &m3, &n3,  &piData);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	flagexpand = piData[0];

    //if (Rhs > 1)
    //	int *piAddressVarTwo = NULL;
    //	int *piData = NULL;
    //	int iType2	= 0;
    //	int m2 = 0, n2 = 0;

    //	sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddressVarTwo);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &iType2);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	if (iType2 != sci_boolean)
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), fname, 2);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &m2, &n2);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	if ( (m2 != n2) && (n2 != 1) )
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A boolean expected.\n"), fname, 2);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &m2, &n2,  &piData);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	flagtrail = piData[0];

    //sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne);
    //	printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //	return 0;

    //sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &iType1);
    //	printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //	return 0;

    //if (iType1 == sci_matrix)
    //	sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	if ( (m1 == n1) && (m1 == 0) )
    //	{
    //		sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, m1, n1, NULL);
    //		if(sciErr.iErr)
    //		{
    //			printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //			return 0;
    //		}

    //		LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1;
    //		C2F(putlhsvar)();
    //	}
    //	else
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String array expected.\n"), fname, 1);
    //	}
    //else if (iType1 == sci_strings)
    //	sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	lenStVarOne = (int*)MALLOC(sizeof(int) * (m1 * n1));
    //	if (lenStVarOne == NULL)
    //	{
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"),fname);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	results = (wchar_t **)MALLOC(sizeof(wchar_t*) * (m1 * n1));

    //	if (results == NULL)
    //	{
    //		if (lenStVarOne) {FREE(lenStVarOne); lenStVarOne = NULL;}
    //		freeArrayOfWideString(pStVarOne, m1 * n1);
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"),fname);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getMatrixOfWideString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, lenStVarOne, pStVarOne);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	pStVarOne = (wchar_t**)MALLOC(sizeof(wchar_t*) * (m1 * n1));
    //	if (pStVarOne == NULL)
    //	{
    //		if (lenStVarOne) {FREE(lenStVarOne); lenStVarOne = NULL;}
    //		Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"),fname);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	for( i = 0; i < m1 * n1; i++)
    //	{
    //		pStVarOne[i] = (wchar_t*)MALLOC(sizeof(wchar_t)*(lenStVarOne[i] + 1));
    //		if (pStVarOne[i] == NULL)
    //		{
    //			if (lenStVarOne) {FREE(lenStVarOne); lenStVarOne = NULL;}
    //			freeArrayOfWideString(pStVarOne, m1 * n1);
    //			Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"),fname);
    //			return 0;
    //		}
    //	}

    //	sciErr = getMatrixOfWideString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, lenStVarOne, pStVarOne);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	for( i = 0; i < m1 * n1; i++)
    //	{
    //		results[i] = pathconvertW(pStVarOne[i], flagtrail, flagexpand, PType);
    //	}

    //	sciErr = createMatrixOfWideString(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, m1, n1, results);
    //	if(sciErr.iErr)
    //	{
    //		printError(&sciErr, 0);
    //		return 0;
    //	}

    //	LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1;
    //	C2F(putlhsvar)();

    //	if (lenStVarOne) {FREE(lenStVarOne); lenStVarOne = NULL;}
    //	freeArrayOfWideString(results, m1 * n1);
    //	freeArrayOfWideString(pStVarOne, m1 * n1);
    //	Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
    //	return 0;
    //return 0;
Пример #3
types::Function::ReturnValue sci_gwlib(types::typed_list &in, int /*_iRetCount*/, types::typed_list &out)
    if (in.size() != 1)
        Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "lib", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    types::InternalType* pIT = in[0];

    if (pIT->isString() == false)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), "lib", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    types::String *pS = pIT->getAs<types::String>();

    if (pS->isScalar() == false)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), "lib", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    wchar_t* pstPath = pS->get(0);
    wchar_t* pwstPath = pathconvertW(pstPath, TRUE, TRUE, AUTO_STYLE);
    int err = 0;
    types::Library* lib = loadlib(pwstPath, &err, false, false);

    switch (err)
        case 0 :
            //no error
        case 1:
            char* pst = wide_string_to_UTF8(pstPath);
            Scierror(999, _("%s: %s is not a valid lib path.\n"), "lib", pst);
            return types::Function::Error;
        case 2:
            Scierror(999, "%s: %s", "lib", _("Redefining permanent variable.\n"));
            return types::Function::Error;
        case 3:
            Scierror(999, "%s: %s", "lib", _("Cannot read lib file: Not in proper XML format.\n"));
            return types::Function::Error;
        case 4:
            Scierror(999, "%s: %s", "lib", _("Old binary lib detected. Please recompile it for Scilab 6.\n"));
            return types::Function::Error;

    return types::Function::OK;
Пример #4
types::Function::ReturnValue sci_genlib(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out)
    int succes = 1;
    std::vector<std::wstring> failed_files;
    std::vector<std::wstring> success_files;
    std::vector<std::wstring> funcs;

    wchar_t pstParseFile[PATH_MAX + FILENAME_MAX];
    wchar_t pstVerbose[65535];

    int iNbFile = 0;
    wchar_t *pstParsePath = NULL;
    int iParsePathLen = 0;
    wchar_t* pstLibName = NULL;
    bool bVerbose = false;
    bool bForce = false;

    if (in.size() < 1 || in.size() > 4)
        Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "genlib", 1, 4);
        return types::Function::Error;

    //param 1, library name
    types::InternalType* pIT = in[0];
    if (pIT->isString() == false)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), "genlib", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    types::String *pS = pIT->getAs<types::String>();
    if (pS->getSize() != 1)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), "genlib", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;
    pstLibName = pS->get(0);

    //param 2, library path
    if (in.size() > 1)
        pIT = in[1];
        if (pIT->isString() == false)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), "genlib", 2);
            return types::Function::Error;
        int ierr = 0;
        char* pstr = scigetcwd(&ierr);
        pIT = new types::String(pstr);

    pS = pIT->getAs<types::String>();
    if (pS->isScalar() == false)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), "genlib", 2);
        return types::Function::Error;

    //param 3, force flag
    if (in.size() > 2)
        pIT = in[2];
        if (pIT->isBool() == false)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar boolean expected.\n"), "genlib", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

        types::Bool* p = pIT->getAs<types::Bool>();
        if (p->isScalar() == false)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar boolean expected.\n"), "genlib", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

        bForce = p->get()[0] == 1;

    if (in.size() > 3)
        //verbose flag
        pIT = in[3];
        if (pIT->isBool() == false)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar boolean expected.\n"), "genlib", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

        types::Bool* p = pIT->getAs<types::Bool>();
        if (p->isScalar() == false)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A scalar boolean expected.\n"), "genlib", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

        bVerbose = p->get()[0] == 1;

    wchar_t* pstFile = pS->get(0);
    pstParsePath = pathconvertW(pstFile, TRUE, TRUE, AUTO_STYLE);

    if (in.size() == 1)
        delete pS;

    os_swprintf(pstParseFile, PATH_MAX + FILENAME_MAX, L"%lslib", pstParsePath);

    if (bVerbose)
        os_swprintf(pstVerbose, 65535, _W("-- Creation of [%ls] (Macros) --\n").c_str(), pstLibName);

        //save current prompt mode
        int oldVal = ConfigVariable::getPromptMode();
        //set mode silent for errors
        //restore previous prompt mode

    MacroInfoList lstOld;
    if (FileExistW(pstParseFile))
        //read it to get previous information like md5
        std::wstring libname;
        parseLibFile(pstParseFile, lstOld, libname);

    xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter = openXMLFile(pstParseFile, pstLibName);

    if (pWriter == NULL)
        os_swprintf(pstVerbose, 65535, _W("%ls: Cannot open file ''%ls''.\n").c_str(), L"genlib", pstParseFile);

        out.push_back(new types::Bool(0));
        return types::Function::OK;

    wchar_t **pstPath = findfilesW(pstParsePath, L"*.sci", &iNbFile, FALSE);

    if (pstPath)
        types::Library* pLib = new types::Library(pstParsePath);
        for (int k = 0 ; k < iNbFile ; k++)
            //version with direct parsing
            //parse the file to find all functions
            std::wstring stFullPath = std::wstring(pstParsePath) + std::wstring(pstPath[k]);
            std::wstring stFullPathBin(stFullPath);
            stFullPathBin.replace(stFullPathBin.end() - 3, stFullPathBin.end(), L"bin");
            std::wstring pstPathBin(pstPath[k]);
            pstPathBin.replace(pstPathBin.end() - 3, pstPathBin.end(), L"bin");

            //compute file md5
            FILE* fmdf5 = os_wfopen(stFullPath.data(), L"rb");
            if (fmdf5 == NULL)
                char* pstr = wide_string_to_UTF8(stFullPath.data());
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Cannot open file ''%s''.\n"), "genlib", pstr);
                freeArrayOfWideString(pstPath, iNbFile);
                return types::Function::Error;

            char* md5 = md5_file(fmdf5);

            wchar_t* wmd5 = to_wide_string(md5);
            std::wstring wide_md5(wmd5);

            if (bForce == false)
                //check if is exist in old file
                MacroInfoList::iterator it = lstOld.find(pstPathBin);
                if (it != lstOld.end())
                    if (wide_md5 == (*it).second.md5)
                        //file not change, we can skip it
                        AddMacroToXML(pWriter, (*it).second.name, pstPathBin, wide_md5);
                        pLib->add((*it).second.name, new types::MacroFile((*it).second.name, stFullPathBin, pstLibName));

            if (bVerbose)
                sciprint(_("%ls: Processing file: %ls\n"), L"genlib", pstPath[k]);

            Parser parser;
            parser.parseFile(stFullPath, ConfigVariable::getSCIPath());
            if (parser.getExitStatus() !=  Parser::Succeded)
                if (_iRetCount != 4)
                    std::wstring wstrErr = parser.getErrorMessage();

                    wchar_t errmsg[256];
                    os_swprintf(errmsg, 256, _W("%ls: Error in file %ls.\n").c_str(), L"genlib", stFullPath.data());
                    wstrErr += errmsg;

                    char* str = wide_string_to_UTF8(wstrErr.c_str());
                    Scierror(999, str);

                    freeArrayOfWideString(pstPath, iNbFile);
                    delete pLib;
                    return types::Function::Error;

                succes = 0;

            //serialize ast
            ast::SerializeVisitor* s = new ast::SerializeVisitor(parser.getTree());

            unsigned char* serialAst = s->serialize();
            // Header is : buffer size (4 bytes) + scilab version (4 bytes)
            unsigned int size = *((unsigned int*)serialAst);

            FILE* f = os_wfopen(stFullPathBin.c_str(), L"wb");
            fwrite(serialAst, 1, size, f);

            ast::exps_t LExp = parser.getTree()->getAs<ast::SeqExp>()->getExps();
            for (ast::exps_t::iterator j = LExp.begin(), itEnd = LExp.end() ; j != itEnd ; ++j)
                if ((*j)->isFunctionDec())
                    ast::FunctionDec* pFD = (*j)->getAs<ast::FunctionDec>();
                    const std::wstring& name = pFD->getSymbol().getName();
                    if (name + L".sci" == pstPath[k])
                        if (AddMacroToXML(pWriter, name, pstPathBin, wide_md5) == false)
                            os_swprintf(pstVerbose, 65535, _W("%ls: Warning: %ls information cannot be added to file %ls. File ignored\n").c_str(), L"genlib", pFD->getSymbol().getName().c_str(), pstPath[k]);

                        pLib->add(name, new types::MacroFile(name, stFullPathBin, pstLibName));

            delete s;
            delete parser.getTree();

        symbol::Context* ctx = symbol::Context::getInstance();
        symbol::Symbol sym = symbol::Symbol(pstLibName);
        if (ctx->isprotected(sym) == false)
            ctx->put(symbol::Symbol(pstLibName), pLib);
            Scierror(999, _("Redefining permanent variable.\n"));

            freeArrayOfWideString(pstPath, iNbFile);
            delete pLib;
            return types::Function::Error;

    freeArrayOfWideString(pstPath, iNbFile);

    out.push_back(new types::Bool(succes));

    if (_iRetCount > 1)
        int size = static_cast<int>(funcs.size());
        if (size == 0)
            types::String* s = new types::String(size, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                s->set(i, funcs[i].data());


    if (_iRetCount > 2)
        int size = static_cast<int>(success_files.size());
        if (size == 0)
            types::String* s = new types::String(size, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                s->set(i, success_files[i].data());


    if (_iRetCount > 3)
        int size = static_cast<int>(failed_files.size());
        if (size == 0)
            types::String* s = new types::String(size, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                s->set(i, failed_files[i].data());


    return types::Function::OK;