/* * Returns a string containing all AUR packages given a searchString parameter */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getRemotePackageList(const QString &searchString, bool useCommentSearch) { QByteArray result(""); if (useCommentSearch) result = performQuery("query -Rs " + searchString); else result = performQuery("query -Rs " + searchString); return result; }
// called from calssifieds, events, groups, land, people, and places void LLPanelDirBrowser::onClickSearchCore() { resetSearchStart(); performQuery(); LLFloaterDirectory::sOldSearchCount++; }
/* * Returns a string with the list of all packages available in all repositories * (installed + not installed) * * @param pkgName Used while the user is searching for the pkg that provides a certain file */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getPackageList(const QString &pkgName) { QByteArray result; if (pkgName.isEmpty()) result = performQuery(QStringList("-Ss")); else { QStringList sl; sl << "-Ss"; sl << pkgName; result = performQuery(sl); } return result; }
/* * Given a group name, returns a string containing all packages from it */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getPackagesFromGroup(const QString &groupName) { QByteArray res = performQuery(QString("--print-format \"%r %n\" -Spg " ) + groupName); return res; }
// virtual void LLPanelDirBrowser::prevPage() { mSearchStart -= mResultsPerPage; childSetVisible("< Prev", mSearchStart > 0); performQuery(); }
// virtual void LLPanelDirBrowser::nextPage() { mSearchStart += mResultsPerPage; childShow("< Prev"); performQuery(); }
bool NetworkTask::execute() { bool val = performQuery(); if (val) { return Task::execute(); } else { return false; } }
// virtual void LLPanelDirBrowser::prevPage() { mSearchStart -= mResultsPerPage; if (LLUICtrl* ctrl = findChild<LLUICtrl>("< Prev")) ctrl->setVisible(mSearchStart > 0); performQuery(); }
/* * Given a package name, retrieves the list of all targets needed for its removal */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getTargetRemovalList(const QString &pkgName, const QString &removeCommand) { QString args; args = "-" + removeCommand + "p " + pkgName; QByteArray res = performQuery(args); return res; }
/* * Returns a string with the list of all packages available in all repositories * (installed + not installed) * * @param pkgName Used while the user is searching for the pkg that provides a certain file */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getPackageList(const QString &pkgName) { QByteArray result; if (pkgName.isEmpty()) { #ifdef UNIFIED_SEARCH result = performQuery("query -Rs -"); #else result = performQuery("query -l"); #endif } else { } return result; }
/* * Retrieves the list of targets needed to update the entire system or a given package */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getTargetUpgradeList(const QString &pkgName) { QString args; QByteArray res = ""; if(!pkgName.isEmpty()) { args = "install -n -f -Rs " + pkgName; res = performQuery(args); } else //pkg upgrade { args = "install -un"; res = performQuery(args); } return res; }
/* * Given a package name, returns a string containing all the files inside it */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getPackageContentsUsingPacman(const QString& pkgName) { QStringList args; args << "-Ql"; args << pkgName; QByteArray res = performQuery(args); return res; }
/* * Given a package name, retrieves the list of all targets needed for its removal */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getTargetRemovalList(const QString &pkgName) { QString args; QByteArray res = ""; if(!pkgName.isEmpty()) { args = "remove -R -n " + pkgName; res = performQuery(args); } return res; }
/* * Given a package name and if it is default to the official repositories, * returns a string containing all of its information fields * (ex: name, description, version, dependsOn...) */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getPackageInformation(const QString &pkgName, bool foreignPackage = false) { QStringList args; if(foreignPackage) args << "-Qi"; else args << "-Si"; if (pkgName.isEmpty() == false) // enables get for all ("") args << pkgName; QByteArray result = performQuery(args); return result; }
/* * Retrieves the list of targets needed to update the entire system or a given package */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getTargetUpgradeList(const QString &pkgName) { QString args; if(!pkgName.isEmpty()) { args = "--print-format \"%n %v %s\" -Sp " + pkgName; } else { args = "--print-format \"%n %v %s\" -Spu"; } QByteArray res = performQuery(args); return res; }
/* * Given a complete file path, returns the package that provides that file */ QString UnixCommand::getPackageByFilePath(const QString &filePath) { QStringList sl; sl << "-Qo"; sl << filePath; QString out = performQuery(sl); QStringList s = out.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (s.count() >= 1) { QStringList res = s.at(0).split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); return res.at(res.count()-2); } else return ""; }
GenericLookupDialog::GenericLookupDialog( QWidget * parent ): QDialog(parent) { addAction(MainWindow::instance()->action(MainWindow::LookupDocumentationForCursor)); mQueryEdit = new QLineEdit(this); mResult = new QTreeView(this); mResult->setRootIsDecorated(false); mResult->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); mResult->setHeaderHidden(true); mResult->header()->setStretchLastSection(false); mPreviewDocument = new Document(false); mPreviewEditor = new ScCodeEditor(mPreviewDocument); mPreviewEditor->setReadOnly(true); mPreviewEditor->setVisible(false); mPreviewEditor->setTabChangesFocus(true); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); layout->setSpacing(1); layout->addWidget(mQueryEdit, 0); layout->addWidget(mResult, 2); layout->addWidget(mPreviewEditor, 1); setLayout(layout); connect(mQueryEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(performQuery())); connect(mResult, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onAccepted(QModelIndex))); connect(mResult, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onAccepted(QModelIndex))); mResult->installEventFilter(this); QRect bounds(0,0,600,300); if (parent) { QRect parentRect = parent->rect(); bounds.moveCenter( parent->mapToGlobal( parentRect.center() ) ); } else { QRect availableBounds = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(this); bounds.moveCenter( availableBounds.center() ); } setGeometry(bounds); mQueryEdit->setFocus( Qt::OtherFocusReason ); }
/* * Given a package name and if it is default to the official repositories, * returns a string containing all of its information fields * (ex: name, description, version, dependsOn...) */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getPackageInformation(const QString &pkgName, bool foreignPackage = false) { QString args; if(foreignPackage) { } else { args = "query " + pkgName; } //if (pkgName.isEmpty() == false) // enables get for all ("") // args << pkgName; QByteArray result = performQuery(args); return result; }
/* * Given a complete file path, returns the package that provides that file */ QString UnixCommand::getPackageByFilePath(const QString &filePath) { QString pkgName=""; QString out = performQuery("query -o " + filePath); if (!out.isEmpty()) { int pos = out.indexOf(":"); if (pos != -1) { pkgName = out.left(pos); //Now we have to remove the pkg version... int dash = pkgName.lastIndexOf("-"); if (dash != -1) { pkgName = pkgName.left(dash); } } } return pkgName; }
/* * Returns a string containing all packages no one depends on */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getUnrequiredPackageList() { QByteArray result = performQuery("query -m"); return result; }
void LLPanelDirEvents::onClickToday() { resetSearchStart(); setDay(0); performQuery(); }
/* * Returns a string containing all packages that are not contained in any repository * (probably the ones installed by a tool such as yaourt) */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getForeignPackageList() { QByteArray result = performQuery(QStringList("-Qm")); return result; }
/* * Returns a string containing all packages that are outdated since last DB sync */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getOutdatedPackageList() { //QByteArray result = "qt5-x11extras-5.5.0_2 update x86_64 http://repo.voidlinux.eu/current\nqtchooser-52_1 update x86_64 http://repo.voidlinux.eu/current\nrtkit-0.11_12 update x86_64 http://repo.voidlinux.eu/current\nsudo-1.8.14p3_1 update x86_64 http://repo.voidlinux.eu/current"; QByteArray result = performQuery("install -un"); return result; }
/* * Retrieves the remote dependencies pkg list */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getRemoteDependenciesList(const QString &pkgName) { QByteArray result = performQuery("query -Rx " + pkgName); return result; }
/* * Given a package name, returns a string containing all the files inside it */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getPackageContentsUsingPacman(const QString& pkgName) { QByteArray res = performQuery("query -f " + pkgName); return res; }
void LLPanelDirEvents::onBackBtn() { resetSearchStart(); setDay(mDay - 1); performQuery(); }
/* * Retrieves the given field for a remote package search */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getFieldFromRemotePackage(const QString &field, const QString &pkgName) { QByteArray res = performQuery("query -R -p " + field + " " + pkgName); return res; }
/* * Retrieves the list of installed packages in a special format for TargetList */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getInstalledPackages() { QString args = "query '%n-%v %n#%v"; QByteArray res = performQuery(args); return res; }
void LLPanelDirEvents::onForwardBtn() { resetSearchStart(); setDay(mDay + 1); performQuery(); }
/* * Retrives the list of package groups */ QByteArray UnixCommand::getPackageGroups() { QByteArray res = performQuery(QStringList("-Sg")); return res; }