Пример #1
// Computes a random Perlin noise value in the range [-1,1] based on a 2D input <position> and
//	various Perlin noise parameters.
//	<perlinNoiseGridCellSize>: Noise density.  Larger values produce longer wavelength noise
//		(e.g. gentle, sweeping hills).
//	<numOctaves>: 0 is flat, 1 is simple smoothed noise. Values of 2+ add one or more additional
//		"octave" harmonics.  Each additional octave has double the frequency/density but only a
//		fraction of the amplitude of the base noise.
//	<persistence>: The fraction of amplitude of each subsequent octave, based on the amplitude of
//		the previous octave.  For example, with a persistence of 0.3, each octave is only 30% as
//		strong as the previous octave.
float ComputePerlinNoise2D( const Vector2& position, float perlinNoiseGridCellSize, int numOctaves, float persistence )
	float totalPerlinNoise = 0.f;
	float currentOctaveAmplitude = 1.f;
	float totalMaxAmplitude = 0.f;
	float perlinGridFrequency = (1.f / perlinNoiseGridCellSize);
	for( int octaveNumber = 0; octaveNumber < numOctaves; ++octaveNumber )
		Vector2 perlinPosition( position.x * perlinGridFrequency, position.y * perlinGridFrequency );
		Vector2 perlinPositionFloor( (float) floor( perlinPosition.x ), (float) floor( perlinPosition.y ) );
		Vector2Int perlinCell( (int) perlinPositionFloor.x, (int) perlinPositionFloor.y );
		Vector2 perlinPositionUV = perlinPosition - perlinPositionFloor;
		Vector2 perlinPositionAntiUV( perlinPositionUV.x - 1.f, perlinPositionUV.y - 1.f );
		float eastWeight = MathUtils::SmoothStep( perlinPositionUV.x );
		float northWeight = MathUtils::SmoothStep(perlinPositionUV.y);
		float westWeight = 1.f - eastWeight;
		float southWeight = 1.f - northWeight;

		Vector2 southwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseDirection2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y );
		Vector2 southeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseDirection2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y );
		Vector2 northeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseDirection2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y + 1 );
		Vector2 northwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseDirection2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y + 1 );

		float southwestDot = MathUtils::Dot(southwestNoiseGradient, perlinPositionUV);
		float southeastDot = MathUtils::Dot(southeastNoiseGradient, Vector2(perlinPositionAntiUV.x, perlinPositionUV.y));
		float northeastDot = MathUtils::Dot(northeastNoiseGradient, perlinPositionAntiUV);
		float northwestDot = MathUtils::Dot(northwestNoiseGradient, Vector2(perlinPositionUV.x, perlinPositionAntiUV.y));

		float southBlend = (eastWeight * southeastDot) + (westWeight * southwestDot);
		float northBlend = (eastWeight * northeastDot) + (westWeight * northwestDot);
		float fourWayBlend = (southWeight * southBlend) + (northWeight * northBlend);
		float perlinNoiseForThisOctave = currentOctaveAmplitude * fourWayBlend;

		totalPerlinNoise += perlinNoiseForThisOctave;
		perlinGridFrequency *= 2.f;
		totalMaxAmplitude += currentOctaveAmplitude;
		currentOctaveAmplitude *= persistence;

	if( totalMaxAmplitude != 0.f )
		totalPerlinNoise /= totalMaxAmplitude;

	return totalPerlinNoise;
Пример #2
// Computes a random Perlin noise value based on a 2D input <position> and
//	Perlin noise parameters.  Recursive (for additional octaves).
//	<perlinNoiseGridCellSize>: Noise density.  Larger values produce longer
//		wavelength noise (e.g. gentle, sweeping hills).
//	<numOctaves>: 0 is flat, 1 is simple smoothed noise. Values of 2+ add one
//		or more additional "octave" harmonics.  Each additional octave has
//		double the frequency/density but only a fraction of the amplitude of
//		the base noise.
//	<baseAmplitude>: The minimum (-amplitude) and maximum (+amplitude) values
//		produced by the first octave of the noise.  Note that adding
//		additional octaves can push the final total Perlin noise values above
//		or below the maximum base amplitude; the noise can be "normalized" by
//		the caller (omitted from this function for optimization purposes) via:
//				noise *= A / (A + (A * P))
//		...where A is the <baseAmplitude> and P is the <persistance>.
//	<persistance>: The fraction of amplitude of each subsequent octave, based on the amplitude of the previous octave.  For
//		example, with a persistance of 0.3, each octave is only 30% as strong as the previous octave.
float ComputePerlinNoiseValueAtPosition2D( const Vector2& position, float perlinNoiseGridCellSize,
	int numOctaves, float baseAmplitude, float persistance, int randomSeed )
	int numOctavesRemaining = numOctaves;
	float amplitude = baseAmplitude;
	float gridSize = perlinNoiseGridCellSize;
	float totalPerlinNoise = 0.0f;

	while( numOctavesRemaining > 0 )
		Vector2 perlinPosition = position / gridSize;
		Vector2 perlinPositionFloor( floor( perlinPosition.x ), floor( perlinPosition.y ) );
		IntVec2 perlinCell( (int) perlinPositionFloor.x, (int) perlinPositionFloor.y );
		Vector2 perlinPositionUV = perlinPosition - perlinPositionFloor;
		Vector2 perlinPositionAntiUV( perlinPositionUV.x - 1.f, perlinPositionUV.y - 1.f );
		float eastWeight = SmoothStep( perlinPositionUV.x );
		float northWeight = SmoothStep( perlinPositionUV.y );
		float westWeight = 1.f - eastWeight;
		float southWeight = 1.f - northWeight;

		Vector2 southwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y, randomSeed );
		Vector2 southeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y, randomSeed );
		Vector2 northeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y + 1, randomSeed );
		Vector2 northwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y + 1, randomSeed );

		float southwestDot = DotProduct( southwestNoiseGradient, perlinPositionUV );
		float southeastDot = DotProduct( southeastNoiseGradient, Vector2( perlinPositionAntiUV.x, perlinPositionUV.y ) );
		float northeastDot = DotProduct( northeastNoiseGradient, perlinPositionAntiUV );
		float northwestDot = DotProduct( northwestNoiseGradient, Vector2( perlinPositionUV.x, perlinPositionAntiUV.y ) );

		float southBlend = (eastWeight * southeastDot) + (westWeight * southwestDot);
		float northBlend = (eastWeight * northeastDot) + (westWeight * northwestDot);
		float fourWayBlend = (southWeight * southBlend) + (northWeight * northBlend);
		float perlinNoiseAtThisOctave = amplitude * fourWayBlend;

		-- numOctavesRemaining;
		totalPerlinNoise += perlinNoiseAtThisOctave;
		amplitude *= persistance;
		gridSize *= 0.5f;

	return totalPerlinNoise;
Пример #3
// Computes a random Perlin noise value based on a 2D input <position> and
//	Perlin noise parameters.  Recursive (for additional octaves).
//	<perlinNoiseGridCellSize>: Noise density.  Larger values produce longer
//		wavelength noise (e.g. gentle, sweeping hills).
//	<numOctaves>: 0 is flat, 1 is simple smoothed noise. Values of 2+ add one
//		or more additional "octave" harmonics.  Each additional octave has
//		double the frequency/density but only a fraction of the amplitude of
//		the base noise.
//	<baseAmplitude>: The minimum (-amplitude) and maximum (+amplitude) values
//		produced by the first octave of the noise.  Note that adding
//		additional octaves can push the final total Perlin noise values above
//		or below the maximum base amplitude; the noise can be "normalized" by
//		the caller (omitted from this function for optimization purposes) via:
//				noise *= A / (A + (A * P))
//		...where A is the <baseAmplitude> and P is the <persistance>.
//	<persistance>: The fraction of amplitude of each subsequent octave, based on the amplitude of the previous octave.  For
//		example, with a persistance of 0.3, each octave is only 30% as strong as the previous octave.
float ComputePerlinNoiseValueAtPosition2D( const Vector2& position, float perlinNoiseGridCellSize, int numOctaves, float baseAmplitude, float persistance )
	if( numOctaves == 0 )
		return 0.f;

	Vector2 perlinPosition = position / perlinNoiseGridCellSize;
	Vector2 perlinPositionFloor(floor(perlinPosition.x), floor(perlinPosition.y));
	Vector2Int perlinCell((int)perlinPositionFloor.x, (int)perlinPositionFloor.y);
	Vector2 perlinPositionUV = perlinPosition - perlinPositionFloor;
	Vector2 perlinPositionAntiUV(perlinPositionUV.x - 1.f, perlinPositionUV.y - 1.f);
	float eastWeight = SmoothStep(perlinPositionUV.x);
	float northWeight = SmoothStep(perlinPositionUV.y);
	float westWeight = 1.f - eastWeight;
	float southWeight = 1.f - northWeight;

	Vector2 southwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y );
	Vector2 southeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y );
	Vector2 northeastNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x + 1, perlinCell.y + 1 );
	Vector2 northwestNoiseGradient = GetPseudoRandomNoiseUnitVector2D( perlinCell.x, perlinCell.y + 1 );

	float southwestDot = MathUtils::Dot( southwestNoiseGradient, perlinPositionUV );
	float southeastDot = MathUtils::Dot( southeastNoiseGradient, Vector2( perlinPositionAntiUV.x, perlinPositionUV.y ) );
	float northeastDot = MathUtils::Dot( northeastNoiseGradient, perlinPositionAntiUV );
	float northwestDot = MathUtils::Dot( northwestNoiseGradient, Vector2( perlinPositionUV.x, perlinPositionAntiUV.y ) );

	float southBlend = (eastWeight * southeastDot) + (westWeight * southwestDot);
	float northBlend = (eastWeight * northeastDot) + (westWeight * northwestDot);
	float fourWayBlend = (southWeight * southBlend) + (northWeight * northBlend);
	float perlinNoiseAtThisOctave = baseAmplitude * fourWayBlend;

	float perlinNoiseFromAllHigherOctaves = ComputePerlinNoiseValueAtPosition2D( position,
		0.5f * perlinNoiseGridCellSize, numOctaves - 1, baseAmplitude * persistance, persistance );

	float totalPerlinNoise = perlinNoiseAtThisOctave + perlinNoiseFromAllHigherOctaves;
	return totalPerlinNoise;