Пример #1
 * @brief Sets the fire mode.
static void weapons_fire( unsigned int wid, char *str )
   int i, state;

   /* Set state. */
   state = window_checkboxState( wid, str );
   pilot_weapSetMode( player.p, info_eq_weaps.weapons, state );

   /* Check to see if they are all fire groups. */
   for (i=0; i<PILOT_WEAPON_SETS; i++)
      if (!pilot_weapSetModeCheck( player.p, i ))

   /* Not able to set them all to fire groups. */
   if (i >= PILOT_WEAPON_SETS) {
      dialogue_alert( "You can not set all your weapon sets to fire groups!" );
      pilot_weapSetMode( player.p, info_eq_weaps.weapons, 0 );
      window_checkboxSet( wid, str, 0 );

   /* Set default if needs updating. */
   pilot_weaponSetDefault( player.p );
Пример #2
 * @brief Tries to automatically set and create the pilot's weapon set.
 * Weapon set 0 is for all weapons. <br />
 * Weapon set 1 is for forward weapons. Ammo using weapons are secondaries. <br />
 * Weapon set 2 is for turret weapons. Ammo using weapons are secondaries. <br />
 * Weapon set 3 is for all weapons. Forwards are primaries and turrets are secondaries. <br />
 * Weapon set 4 is for seeking weapons. High payload variants are secondaries. <br />
 * Weapon set 5 is for fighter bays. <br />
 *    @param p Pilot to automagically generate weapon lists.
void pilot_weaponAuto( Pilot *p )
   PilotOutfitSlot *slot;
   Outfit *o;
   int i, level, id;

   /* Clear weapons. */
   pilot_weaponClear( p );

   /* Set modes. */
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 0, 0 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 1, 0 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 2, 0 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 3, 0 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 4, 1 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 5, 1 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 6, 0 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 7, 0 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 8, 0 );
   pilot_weapSetMode( p, 9, 0 );

   /* Set names. */
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 0, "All" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 1, "Forward" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 2, "Turret" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 3, "Fwd/Tur" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 4, "Seekers" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 5, "Fighter Bays" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 6, "Weaponset 7" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 7, "Weaponset 8" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 8, "Weaponset 9" );
   pilot_weapSetNameSet( p, 9, "Weaponset 0" );

   /* Iterate through all the outfits. */
   for (i=0; i<p->outfit_nweapon; i++) {
      slot = &p->outfit_weapon[i];
      o    = slot->outfit;

      /* Must have outfit. */
      if (o == NULL) {
         slot->level = -1; /* Clear level. */

      /* Bolts and beams. */
      if (outfit_isBolt(o) || outfit_isBeam(o) ||
            (outfit_isLauncher(o) && !outfit_isSeeker(o->u.lau.ammo))) {
         id    = outfit_isTurret(o) ? 2 : 1;
         level = (outfit_ammo(o) != NULL) ? 1 : 0;
      /* Seekers. */
      else if (outfit_isLauncher(o) && outfit_isSeeker(o->u.lau.ammo)) {
         id    = 4;
         level = 1;
      /* Fighter bays. */
      else if (outfit_isFighterBay(o)) {
         id    = 5;
         level = 0;
      /* Ignore rest. */
      /* Add to it's base group. */
      pilot_weapSetAdd( p, id, slot, level );
      /* Also add another copy to another group. */
      if (id == 1) { /* Forward. */
         pilot_weapSetAdd( p, 0, slot, level ); /* Also get added to 'All'. */
         pilot_weapSetAdd( p, 3, slot, 0 );     /* Also get added to 'Fwd/Tur'. */
      else if (id == 2) { /* Turrets. */
         pilot_weapSetAdd( p, 0, slot, level ); /* Also get added to 'All'. */
         pilot_weapSetAdd( p, 3, slot, 1 );     /* Also get added to 'Fwd/Tur'. */
      else if (id == 4) { /* Seekers */
         pilot_weapSetAdd( p, 0, slot, level ); /* Also get added to 'All'. */