Пример #1
BinaryTree<DataType>::insert(const DataType &data)
	// insert new data
	if (insert(root, data) != OK) return(NOTOK);

	// check if any iterators are traversing this tree
	if ( ! iterList.isEmpty())
		// now update any iterators
		ListIterator<AbstractIterator<DataType> * > piter(iterList);
		for ( ; ! piter.done(); piter++)
			// save current iterator
			AbstractIterator<DataType> *paiter = piter();

			// get current value
			DataType current = (*paiter)();

			// update iterator
Пример #2
// Form a trace of the async stack starting with the currently running
// generator, if any. For now we just toss in the function name and
// id, as well as the pseudo-frames for context breaks at explicit
// joins. Later we'll add more, like file and line, hopefully function
// args, wait handle status, etc.
Array createAsyncStacktrace() {
  Array trace;
  auto currentWaitHandle = f_asio_get_running();
  if (currentWaitHandle.isNull()) return trace;
  Array depStack =
  for (ArrayIter iter(depStack); iter; ++iter) {
    if (iter.secondRef().isNull()) {
    } else {
      auto wh = objToWaitableWaitHandle(iter.secondRef().toObject());
      auto parents = wh->t_getparents();
      Array ancestors;
      for (ArrayIter piter(parents); piter; ++piter) {
        // Note: the parent list contains no nulls.
        auto parent = objToWaitableWaitHandle(piter.secondRef().toObject());
      Array frameData;
      frameData.set(s_function, wh->t_getname(), true);
      frameData.set(s_id, wh->t_getid(), true);
      frameData.set(s_ancestors, ancestors, true);
      // Continuation wait handles may have a source location to add.
      auto contWh = dynamic_cast<c_AsyncFunctionWaitHandle*>(wh);
      if (contWh != nullptr) addContinuationLocation(frameData, *contWh);
  return trace;
Пример #3
// Form a trace of the async stack starting with the currently running
// generator, if any. For now we just toss in the function name and
// id, as well as the pseudo-frames for context breaks at explicit
// joins. Later we'll add more, like file and line, hopefully function
// args, wait handle status, etc.
static Array createAsyncStacktrace() {
  Array trace;
  auto currentWaitHandle = HHVM_FN(asio_get_running)();
  if (currentWaitHandle.isNull()) return trace;
  Array depStack =
  for (ArrayIter iter(depStack); iter; ++iter) {
    if (iter.secondRef().isNull()) {
    } else {
      auto wh = objToWaitableWaitHandle(iter.secondRef().toObject());
      auto parents = wh->t_getparents();
      Array ancestors;
      for (ArrayIter piter(parents); piter; ++piter) {
        // Note: the parent list contains no nulls.
        auto parent = objToWaitableWaitHandle(piter.secondRef().toObject());
      Array frameData;
      frameData.set(s_function, wh->t_getname(), true);
      frameData.set(s_id, wh->t_getid(), true);
      frameData.set(s_ancestors, ancestors, true);
      // Async function wait handles may have a source location to add.
      if (wh->getKind() == c_WaitHandle::Kind::AsyncFunction) {
        auto afwh = static_cast<c_AsyncFunctionWaitHandle*>(wh);
        addAsyncFunctionLocation(frameData, *afwh);
  return trace;
Пример #4
BinaryTree<DataType>::remove(DataType &data)
	// check if any iterators are traversing this tree
	int status;
	if (iterList.isEmpty())
		return(remove(root, data));
		ListIterator<AbstractIterator<DataType> * > piter(iterList);
		for ( ; ! piter.done(); piter++)
			// save current iterator
			AbstractIterator<DataType> *paiter = piter();

			// check of iterator is done
			if ((*paiter).done()) continue;

			// check if iterator is pointing to deleted node
			if (data == (*paiter)()) (*paiter)++;

		// delete element
		int status = remove(root, data);
		if (status != OK) return(status);

		// reset all iterators
		for (piter.reset(); ! piter.done(); piter++)
			// save current iterator
			AbstractIterator<DataType> *paiter = piter();

			// get current value
			DataType current = (*paiter)();

			// check if iterator is done
			if ( ! (*paiter).done())
	return(remove(root, data));
Пример #5
	// clear binary tree

	// reset all iterators
	ListIterator<AbstractIterator<DataType> * > piter(iterList);
	for ( ; ! piter.done(); piter++)
		// current iterator
		AbstractIterator<DataType> *paiter = piter();

		// reset iterator
Пример #6
void PolygonView::slotApplyColor() {
  bool bVertex = false;
  // change selected vertex
  Q3ListViewItemIterator viter(p_VertexListView);
  for (; viter.current(); ++viter) {
    if (viter.current()->isSelected()) {
      bVertex = true;
      if (((ListItem*)viter.current())->getObjectType() == LISTITEM_VERTEX) {
	// 				Color * color = poly->getColor((*coloritem).second);
	// 				assert(color != NULL);
	// 				color->r = p_EditR->text().toFloat();
	// 				color->g = p_EditG->text().toFloat();
	// 				color->b = p_EditB->text().toFloat();
	// 				color->a = p_EditA->text().toFloat();
	EM_CERR("PolygonView::slotApplyColor vertex");

  // change selected polygon only if no vertex was selected
  Q3ListViewItemIterator piter(p_PolygonListView);
  for (; piter.current() && !bVertex; ++piter) {
    if (piter.current()->isSelected()) {
      if (((ListItem*)piter.current())->getObjectType() == LISTITEM_POLYGON) {
				Polygon3D * poly = (Polygon3D*)((ListItem*)piter.current())->getObject();
				assert(poly != NULL);
				EM_CERR("PolygonView::slotApplyColor polygon");

Пример #7
    bool Grid::addShard( string* name , const ConnectionString& servers , long long maxSize , string& errMsg ) {
        // name can be NULL, so provide a dummy one here to avoid testing it elsewhere
        string nameInternal;
        if ( ! name ) {
            name = &nameInternal;

        ReplicaSetMonitorPtr rsMonitor;

        // Check whether the host (or set) exists and run several sanity checks on this request.
        // There are two set of sanity checks: making sure adding this particular shard is consistent
        // with the replica set state (if it exists) and making sure this shards databases can be
        // brought into the grid without conflict.

        vector<string> dbNames;
        try {
            ScopedDbConnection newShardConn(servers.toString());

            if ( newShardConn->type() == ConnectionString::SYNC ) {
                errMsg = "can't use sync cluster as a shard.  for replica set, have to use <setname>/<server1>,<server2>,...";
                return false;
            BSONObj resIsMongos;
            bool ok = newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "isdbgrid" << 1 ) , resIsMongos );

            // should return ok=0, cmd not found if it's a normal mongod
            if ( ok ) {
                errMsg = "can't add a mongos process as a shard";
                return false;

            BSONObj resIsMaster;
            ok =  newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "isMaster" << 1 ) , resIsMaster );
            if ( !ok ) {
                ostringstream ss;
                ss << "failed running isMaster: " << resIsMaster;
                errMsg = ss.str();
                return false;

            // if the shard has only one host, make sure it is not part of a replica set
            string setName = resIsMaster["setName"].str();
            string commandSetName = servers.getSetName();
            if ( commandSetName.empty() && ! setName.empty() ) {
                ostringstream ss;
                ss << "host is part of set " << setName << ", use replica set url format <setname>/<server1>,<server2>,....";
                errMsg = ss.str();
                return false;
            if ( !commandSetName.empty() && setName.empty() ) {
                ostringstream ss;
                ss << "host did not return a set name, is the replica set still initializing? " << resIsMaster;
                errMsg = ss.str();
                return false;

            // if the shard is part of replica set, make sure it is the right one
            if ( ! commandSetName.empty() && ( commandSetName != setName ) ) {
                ostringstream ss;
                ss << "host is part of a different set: " << setName;
                errMsg = ss.str();
                return false;

            if( setName.empty() ) { 
                // check this isn't a --configsvr
                BSONObj res;
                bool ok = newShardConn->runCommand("admin",BSON("replSetGetStatus"<<1),res);
                ostringstream ss;
                if( !ok && res["info"].type() == String && res["info"].String() == "configsvr" ) {
                    errMsg = "the specified mongod is a --configsvr and should thus not be a shard server";
                    return false;

            // if the shard is part of a replica set, make sure all the hosts mentioned in 'servers' are part of
            // the set. It is fine if not all members of the set are present in 'servers'.
            bool foundAll = true;
            string offendingHost;
            if ( ! commandSetName.empty() ) {
                set<string> hostSet;
                BSONObjIterator iter( resIsMaster["hosts"].Obj() );
                while ( iter.more() ) {
                    hostSet.insert( iter.next().String() ); // host:port
                if ( resIsMaster["passives"].isABSONObj() ) {
                    BSONObjIterator piter( resIsMaster["passives"].Obj() );
                    while ( piter.more() ) {
                        hostSet.insert( piter.next().String() ); // host:port
                if ( resIsMaster["arbiters"].isABSONObj() ) {
                    BSONObjIterator piter( resIsMaster["arbiters"].Obj() );
                    while ( piter.more() ) {
                        hostSet.insert( piter.next().String() ); // host:port

                vector<HostAndPort> hosts = servers.getServers();
                for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < hosts.size() ; i++ ) {
                    if (!hosts[i].hasPort()) {
                    string host = hosts[i].toString(); // host:port
                    if ( hostSet.find( host ) == hostSet.end() ) {
                        offendingHost = host;
                        foundAll = false;
            if ( ! foundAll ) {
                ostringstream ss;
                ss << "in seed list " << servers.toString() << ", host " << offendingHost
                   << " does not belong to replica set " << setName;
                errMsg = ss.str();
                return false;

            // shard name defaults to the name of the replica set
            if ( name->empty() && ! setName.empty() )
                *name = setName;

            // In order to be accepted as a new shard, that mongod must not have any database name that exists already
            // in any other shards. If that test passes, the new shard's databases are going to be entered as
            // non-sharded db's whose primary is the newly added shard.

            BSONObj resListDB;
            ok = newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "listDatabases" << 1 ) , resListDB );
            if ( !ok ) {
                ostringstream ss;
                ss << "failed listing " << servers.toString() << "'s databases:" << resListDB;
                errMsg = ss.str();
                return false;

            BSONObjIterator i( resListDB["databases"].Obj() );
            while ( i.more() ) {
                BSONObj dbEntry = i.next().Obj();
                const string& dbName = dbEntry["name"].String();
                if ( _isSpecialLocalDB( dbName ) ) {
                    // 'local', 'admin', and 'config' are system DBs and should be excluded here
                else {
                    dbNames.push_back( dbName );

            if ( newShardConn->type() == ConnectionString::SET ) 
                rsMonitor = ReplicaSetMonitor::get( setName );

        catch ( DBException& e ) {
            if ( servers.type() == ConnectionString::SET ) {
                ReplicaSetMonitor::remove( servers.getSetName() );
            ostringstream ss;
            ss << "couldn't connect to new shard ";
            ss << e.what();
            errMsg = ss.str();
            return false;

        // check that none of the existing shard candidate's db's exist elsewhere
        for ( vector<string>::const_iterator it = dbNames.begin(); it != dbNames.end(); ++it ) {
            DBConfigPtr config = getDBConfig( *it , false );
            if ( config.get() != NULL ) {
                ostringstream ss;
                ss << "can't add shard " << servers.toString() << " because a local database '" << *it;
                ss << "' exists in another " << config->getPrimary().toString();
                errMsg = ss.str();
                return false;

        // if a name for a shard wasn't provided, pick one.
        if ( name->empty() && ! _getNewShardName( name ) ) {
            errMsg = "error generating new shard name";
            return false;

        // build the ConfigDB shard document
        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.append(ShardType::name(), *name);
                 rsMonitor ? rsMonitor->getServerAddress() : servers.toString());
        if (maxSize > 0) {
            b.append(ShardType::maxSize(), maxSize);
        BSONObj shardDoc = b.obj();

            ScopedDbConnection conn(configServer.getPrimary().getConnString(), 30);

            // check whether the set of hosts (or single host) is not an already a known shard
            BSONObj old = conn->findOne(ShardType::ConfigNS,

            if ( ! old.isEmpty() ) {
                errMsg = "host already used";
                return false;

        log() << "going to add shard: " << shardDoc << endl;

        Status result = clusterInsert( ShardType::ConfigNS,
                                       NULL );

        if ( !result.isOK() ) {
            errMsg = result.reason();
            log() << "error adding shard: " << shardDoc << " err: " << errMsg << endl;
            return false;


        // add all databases of the new shard
        for ( vector<string>::const_iterator it = dbNames.begin(); it != dbNames.end(); ++it ) {
            DBConfigPtr config = getDBConfig( *it , true , *name );
            if ( ! config ) {
                log() << "adding shard " << servers << " even though could not add database " << *it << endl;

        // Record in changelog
        BSONObjBuilder shardDetails;
        shardDetails.append("name", *name);
        shardDetails.append("host", servers.toString());
        configServer.logChange("addShard", "", shardDetails.obj());

        return true;
StatusWith<ShardType> ShardingCatalogManager::_validateHostAsShard(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    std::shared_ptr<RemoteCommandTargeter> targeter,
    const std::string* shardProposedName,
    const ConnectionString& connectionString) {
    auto swCommandResponse = _runCommandForAddShard(
        opCtx, targeter.get(), NamespaceString::kAdminDb, BSON("isMaster" << 1));
    if (swCommandResponse.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::IncompatibleServerVersion) {
        return swCommandResponse.getStatus().withReason(
            str::stream() << "Cannot add " << connectionString.toString()
                          << " as a shard because its binary version is not compatible with "
                             "the cluster's featureCompatibilityVersion.");
    } else if (!swCommandResponse.isOK()) {
        return swCommandResponse.getStatus();

    // Check for a command response error
    auto resIsMasterStatus = std::move(swCommandResponse.getValue().commandStatus);
    if (!resIsMasterStatus.isOK()) {
        return resIsMasterStatus.withContext(str::stream()
                                             << "Error running isMaster against "
                                             << targeter->connectionString().toString());

    auto resIsMaster = std::move(swCommandResponse.getValue().response);

    // Fail if the node being added is a mongos.
    const std::string msg = resIsMaster.getStringField("msg");
    if (msg == "isdbgrid") {
        return {ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "cannot add a mongos as a shard"};

    // Extract the maxWireVersion so we can verify that the node being added has a binary version
    // greater than or equal to the cluster's featureCompatibilityVersion. We expect an incompatible
    // binary node to be unable to communicate, returning an IncompatibleServerVersion error,
    // because of our internal wire version protocol. So we can safely invariant here that the node
    // is compatible.
    long long maxWireVersion;
    Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(resIsMaster, "maxWireVersion", &maxWireVersion);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status.withContext(str::stream() << "isMaster returned invalid 'maxWireVersion' "
                                                << "field when attempting to add "
                                                << connectionString.toString()
                                                << " as a shard");
    if (serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion() >
        ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kFullyDowngradedTo40) {
        // If the cluster's FCV is 4.2, or upgrading to / downgrading from, the node being added
        // must be a v4.2 binary.
        invariant(maxWireVersion == WireVersion::LATEST_WIRE_VERSION);
    } else {
        // If the cluster's FCV is 4.0, the node being added must be a v4.0 or v4.2 binary.
        invariant(serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion() ==
        invariant(maxWireVersion >= WireVersion::LATEST_WIRE_VERSION - 1);

    // Check whether there is a master. If there isn't, the replica set may not have been
    // initiated. If the connection is a standalone, it will return true for isMaster.
    bool isMaster;
    status = bsonExtractBooleanField(resIsMaster, "ismaster", &isMaster);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status.withContext(str::stream() << "isMaster returned invalid 'ismaster' "
                                                << "field when attempting to add "
                                                << connectionString.toString()
                                                << " as a shard");
    if (!isMaster) {
        return {ErrorCodes::NotMaster,
                    << connectionString.toString()
                    << " does not have a master. If this is a replica set, ensure that it has a"
                    << " healthy primary and that the set has been properly initiated."};

    const std::string providedSetName = connectionString.getSetName();
    const std::string foundSetName = resIsMaster["setName"].str();

    // Make sure the specified replica set name (if any) matches the actual shard's replica set
    if (providedSetName.empty() && !foundSetName.empty()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "host is part of set " << foundSetName << "; "
                              << "use replica set url format "
                              << "<setname>/<server1>,<server2>, ..."};

    if (!providedSetName.empty() && foundSetName.empty()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "host did not return a set name; "
                              << "is the replica set still initializing? "
                              << resIsMaster};

    // Make sure the set name specified in the connection string matches the one where its hosts
    // belong into
    if (!providedSetName.empty() && (providedSetName != foundSetName)) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "the provided connection string (" << connectionString.toString()
                              << ") does not match the actual set name "
                              << foundSetName};

    // Is it a config server?
    if (resIsMaster.hasField("configsvr")) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "Cannot add " << connectionString.toString()
                              << " as a shard since it is a config server"};

    // If the shard is part of a replica set, make sure all the hosts mentioned in the connection
    // string are part of the set. It is fine if not all members of the set are mentioned in the
    // connection string, though.
    if (!providedSetName.empty()) {
        std::set<std::string> hostSet;

        BSONObjIterator iter(resIsMaster["hosts"].Obj());
        while (iter.more()) {
            hostSet.insert(iter.next().String());  // host:port

        if (resIsMaster["passives"].isABSONObj()) {
            BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["passives"].Obj());
            while (piter.more()) {
                hostSet.insert(piter.next().String());  // host:port

        if (resIsMaster["arbiters"].isABSONObj()) {
            BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["arbiters"].Obj());
            while (piter.more()) {
                hostSet.insert(piter.next().String());  // host:port

        for (const auto& hostEntry : connectionString.getServers()) {
            const auto& host = hostEntry.toString();  // host:port
            if (hostSet.find(host) == hostSet.end()) {
                return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                        str::stream() << "in seed list " << connectionString.toString() << ", host "
                                      << host
                                      << " does not belong to replica set "
                                      << foundSetName
                                      << "; found "
                                      << resIsMaster.toString()};

    std::string actualShardName;

    if (shardProposedName) {
        actualShardName = *shardProposedName;
    } else if (!foundSetName.empty()) {
        // Default it to the name of the replica set
        actualShardName = foundSetName;

    // Disallow adding shard replica set with name 'config'
    if (actualShardName == NamespaceString::kConfigDb) {
        return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "use of shard replica set with name 'config' is not allowed"};

    // Retrieve the most up to date connection string that we know from the replica set monitor (if
    // this is a replica set shard, otherwise it will be the same value as connectionString).
    ConnectionString actualShardConnStr = targeter->connectionString();

    ShardType shard;

    return shard;
MStatus findTexturesPerPolygon::doIt( const MArgList& )
//  Description:
//      Find the texture files that apply to the color of each polygon of
//      a selected shape if the shape has its polygons organized into sets.
    // Get the selection and choose the first path on the selection list.
	MStatus status;
	MDagPath path;
	MObject cmp;
	MSelectionList slist;
	slist.getDagPath(0, path, cmp);

	// Have to make the path include the shape below it so that
	// we can determine if the underlying shape node is instanced.
	// By default, dag paths only include transform nodes.

	// If the shape is instanced then we need to determine which
	// instance this path refers to.
	int instanceNum = 0;
	if (path.isInstanced())
		instanceNum = path.instanceNumber();

    // Get a list of all sets pertaining to the selected shape and the
    // members of those sets.
	MFnMesh fnMesh(path);
	MObjectArray sets;
	MObjectArray comps;
	if (!fnMesh.getConnectedSetsAndMembers(instanceNum, sets, comps, true))
		cerr << "ERROR: MFnMesh::getConnectedSetsAndMembers\n";

	// Loop through all the sets.  If the set is a polygonal set, find the
    // shader attached to the and print out the texture file name for the
    // set along with the polygons in the set.
	for ( unsigned i=0; i<sets.length(); i++ ) {
		MObject set = sets[i];
		MObject comp = comps[i];

		MFnSet fnSet( set, &status );
		if (status == MS::kFailure) {
            cerr << "ERROR: MFnSet::MFnSet\n";

        // Make sure the set is a polygonal set.  If not, continue.
		MItMeshPolygon piter(path, comp, &status);
		if ((status == MS::kFailure) || comp.isNull())

		// Find the texture that is applied to this set.  First, get the
		// shading node connected to the set.  Then, if there is an input
		// attribute called "color", search upstream from it for a texture
		// file node.
		MObject shaderNode = findShader(set);
		if (shaderNode == MObject::kNullObj)

		MPlug colorPlug = MFnDependencyNode(shaderNode).findPlug("color", &status);
		if (status == MS::kFailure)

		MItDependencyGraph dgIt(colorPlug, MFn::kFileTexture,

		if (status == MS::kFailure)

        // If no texture file node was found, just continue.
		if (dgIt.isDone())
        // Print out the texture node name and texture file that it references.
		MObject textureNode = dgIt.thisNode();
        MPlug filenamePlug = MFnDependencyNode(textureNode).findPlug("fileTextureName");
        MString textureName;
		cerr << "Set: " << fnSet.name() << endl;
        cerr << "Texture Node Name: " << MFnDependencyNode(textureNode).name() << endl;
		cerr << "Texture File Name: " << textureName.asChar() << endl;
        // Print out the set of polygons that are contained in the current set.
		for ( ; !piter.isDone(); piter.next() )
			cerr << "    poly component: " << piter.index() << endl;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Пример #10
    StatusWith<string> isValidShard(const string& name,
                                    const ConnectionString& shardConnectionString,
                                    ScopedDbConnection& conn) {
        if (conn->type() == ConnectionString::SYNC) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "can't use sync cluster as a shard; for a replica set, "
                          "you have to use <setname>/<server1>,<server2>,...");

        BSONObj resIsMongos;
        // (ok == 0) implies that it is a mongos
        if (conn->runCommand("admin", BSON("isdbgrid" << 1), resIsMongos)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "can't add a mongos process as a shard");

        BSONObj resIsMaster;
        if (!conn->runCommand("admin", BSON("isMaster" << 1), resIsMaster)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                          str::stream() << "failed running isMaster: " << resIsMaster);

        // if the shard has only one host, make sure it is not part of a replica set
        string setName = resIsMaster["setName"].str();
        string commandSetName = shardConnectionString.getSetName();
        if (commandSetName.empty() && !setName.empty()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          str::stream() << "host is part of set " << setName << "; "
                                        << "use replica set url format "
                                        << "<setname>/<server1>,<server2>, ...");

        if (!commandSetName.empty() && setName.empty()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                          str::stream() << "host did not return a set name; "
                                        << "is the replica set still initializing? "
                                        << resIsMaster);

        // if the shard is part of replica set, make sure it is the right one
        if (!commandSetName.empty() && (commandSetName != setName)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                          str::stream() << "host is part of a different set: " << setName);

        if (setName.empty()) {
            // check this isn't a --configsvr
            BSONObj res;
            bool ok = conn->runCommand("admin",
                                       BSON("replSetGetStatus" << 1),
            if(!ok && res["info"].type() == String && res["info"].String() == "configsvr") {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              "the specified mongod is a --configsvr and "
                              "should thus not be a shard server");

        // if the shard is part of a replica set,
        // make sure all the hosts mentioned in 'shardConnectionString' are part of
        // the set. It is fine if not all members of the set are present in 'shardConnectionString'.
        bool foundAll = true;
        string offendingHost;
        if (!commandSetName.empty()) {
            set<string> hostSet;
            BSONObjIterator iter(resIsMaster["hosts"].Obj());
            while (iter.more()) {
                hostSet.insert(iter.next().String()); // host:port
            if (resIsMaster["passives"].isABSONObj()) {
                BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["passives"].Obj());
                while (piter.more()) {
                    hostSet.insert(piter.next().String()); // host:port
            if (resIsMaster["arbiters"].isABSONObj()) {
                BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["arbiters"].Obj());
                while (piter.more()) {
                    hostSet.insert(piter.next().String()); // host:port

            vector<HostAndPort> hosts = shardConnectionString.getServers();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) {
                if (!hosts[i].hasPort()) {
                    hosts[i] = HostAndPort(hosts[i].host(), hosts[i].port());
                string host = hosts[i].toString(); // host:port
                if (hostSet.find(host) == hostSet.end()) {
                    offendingHost = host;
                    foundAll = false;
        if (!foundAll) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                          str::stream() << "in seed list " << shardConnectionString.toString()
                                        << ", host " << offendingHost
                                        << " does not belong to replica set " << setName);

        string shardName(name);
        // shard name defaults to the name of the replica set
        if (name.empty() && !setName.empty()) {
            shardName = setName;

        // disallow adding shard replica set with name 'config'
        if (shardName == "config") {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "use of shard replica set with name 'config' is not allowed");

        return shardName;
Пример #11
bool CXRayObjectExport::initializeSetsAndLookupTables( bool exportAll )
// Description :
//    Creates a list of all sets in Maya, a list of mesh objects,
//    and polygon/vertex lookup tables that will be used to
//    determine which sets are referenced by the poly components.
	int i=0,j=0, length;
	MStatus stat;
	// Initialize class data.
	// Note: we cannot do this in the constructor as it
	// only gets called upon registry of the plug-in.
	numSets = 0;
	sets = NULL;
	lastSets = NULL;
	lastMaterials = NULL;
	objectId = 0;
	objectCount = 0;
	polygonTable = NULL;
	vertexTable = NULL;
	polygonTablePtr = NULL;
	vertexTablePtr = NULL;
	objectGroupsTablePtr = NULL;

	// Find all sets in Maya and store the ones we care about in
	// the 'sets' array. Also make note of the number of sets.
	// Get all of the sets in maya and put them into
	// a selection list
	MStringArray result;
	MGlobal::executeCommand( "ls -sets", result );
	MSelectionList * setList = new MSelectionList();
	length = result.length();
	for ( i=0; i<length; i++ )
		setList->add( result[i] );
	// Extract each set as an MObject and add them to the
	// sets array.
	// We may be excluding groups, matierials, or ptGroups
	// in which case we can ignore those sets. 
	MObject mset;
	sets = new MObjectArray();
	length = setList->length();
	for ( i=0; i<length; i++ )
		setList->getDependNode( i, mset );
		MFnSet fnSet( mset, &stat );
		if ( stat ) {
			if ( MFnSet::kRenderableOnly == fnSet.restriction(&stat) ) {
				sets->append( mset );
	numSets = sets->length();
	// Do a dag-iteration and for every mesh found, create facet and
	// vertex look-up tables. These tables will keep track of which
	// sets each component belongs to.
	// If exportAll is false then iterate over the activeSelection 
	// list instead of the entire DAG.
	// These arrays have a corrisponding entry in the name
	// stringArray.
	MIntArray vertexCounts;
	MIntArray polygonCounts;	
	if ( exportAll ) {
		MItDag dagIterator( MItDag::kBreadthFirst, MFn::kInvalid, &stat);

    	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
    	    fprintf(stderr,"Failure in DAG iterator setup.\n");
    	    return false;
		objectNames = new MStringArray();
    	for ( ; !dagIterator.isDone(); dagIterator.next() ) 
    	    MDagPath dagPath;
    	    stat = dagIterator.getPath( dagPath );

			if ( stat ) 
				// skip over intermediate objects
				MFnDagNode dagNode( dagPath, &stat );
				if (dagNode.isIntermediateObject()) 

				if (( dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) &&
					( dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kTransform)))
					// We want only the shape, 
					// not the transform-extended-to-shape.
				else if ( dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
					// We have a mesh so create a vertex and polygon table
					// for this object.
					MFnMesh fnMesh( dagPath );
					int vtxCount = fnMesh.numVertices();
					int polygonCount = fnMesh.numPolygons();
					// we do not need this call anymore, we have the shape.
					// dagPath.extendToShape();
					MString name = dagPath.fullPathName();
					objectNames->append( name );
					objectNodeNamesArray.append( fnMesh.name() );

					vertexCounts.append( vtxCount );
					polygonCounts.append( polygonCount );

		MSelectionList slist;
    	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( slist );
    	MItSelectionList iter( slist );
		MStatus status;

		objectNames = new MStringArray();

		// We will need to interate over a selected node's heirarchy
		// in the case where shapes are grouped, and the group is selected.
		MItDag dagIterator( MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kInvalid, &status);

    	for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ){
			MDagPath objectPath;
			stat = iter.getDagPath( objectPath );

			// reset iterator's root node to be the selected node.
			status = dagIterator.reset (objectPath.node(), 
										MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kInvalid );

			// DAG iteration beginning at at selected node
			for ( ; !dagIterator.isDone(); dagIterator.next() ){
				MDagPath dagPath;
				MObject  component = MObject::kNullObj;
				status = dagIterator.getPath(dagPath);

				if (!status){
					fprintf(stderr,"Failure getting DAG path.\n");
					return false;

                // skip over intermediate objects
                MFnDagNode dagNode( dagPath, &stat );
                if (dagNode.isIntermediateObject()) continue;

				if (( dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) && ( dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kTransform))){
					// We want only the shape, 
					// not the transform-extended-to-shape.
				}else if ( dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)){
					// We have a mesh so create a vertex and polygon table
					// for this object.
					MFnMesh fnMesh( dagPath );
					int vtxCount = fnMesh.numVertices();
					int polygonCount = fnMesh.numPolygons();

					// we do not need this call anymore, we have the shape.
					// dagPath.extendToShape();
					MString name = dagPath.fullPathName();
					objectNames->append( name );
					objectNodeNamesArray.append( fnMesh.name() );
					vertexCounts.append( vtxCount );
					polygonCounts.append( polygonCount );


	// Now we know how many objects we are dealing with 
	// and we have counts of the vertices/polygons for each
	// object so create the maya group look-up table.
	if( objectCount > 0 ) {
		// To export Maya groups we traverse the hierarchy starting at
		// each objectNodeNamesArray[i] going towards the root collecting transform
		// nodes as we go.
		length = objectNodeNamesArray.length();
		for( i=0; i<length; i++ ) {
			MIntArray transformNodeNameIndicesArray;
			recFindTransformDAGNodes( objectNodeNamesArray[i], transformNodeNameIndicesArray );

		if( transformNodeNameArray.length() > 0 ) {
			objectGroupsTablePtr = xr_alloc<bool*>(objectCount);// (bool**) malloc( sizeof(bool*)*objectCount );
			length = transformNodeNameArray.length();
			for ( i=0; i<objectCount; i++ )
//				objectGroupsTablePtr[i] = (bool*)calloc( length, sizeof(bool) );	
				objectGroupsTablePtr[i] = xr_alloc<bool>(length);
                // XXX nitrocaster: remove this 'cause malloc failure shouldn't be handled there
				if ( objectGroupsTablePtr[i] == NULL ) {
					Log("! calloc returned NULL (objectGroupsTablePtr)");
					return false;
//		else{
//			Log("! Can't find transform for node.");
//			return false;
//		}

	// Create the vertex/polygon look-up tables.
	if ( objectCount > 0 ) {
		vertexTablePtr = xr_alloc<bool*>(objectCount);	//(bool**) malloc( sizeof(bool*)*objectCount );
		polygonTablePtr = xr_alloc<bool*>(objectCount);	//(bool**) malloc( sizeof(bool*)*objectCount );
		for ( i=0; i<objectCount; i++ )
//			vertexTablePtr[i] = (bool*)calloc( vertexCounts[i]*numSets, sizeof(bool) );	
			vertexTablePtr[i] = xr_alloc<bool>(vertexCounts[i]*numSets);
            // XXX nitrocaster: remove this 'cause malloc failure shouldn't be handled there
			if ( vertexTablePtr[i] == NULL ) {
				Log("! calloc returned NULL (vertexTable)");
				return false;
//			polygonTablePtr[i] = (bool*)calloc( polygonCounts[i]*numSets, sizeof(bool) );
			polygonTablePtr[i] = xr_alloc<bool>(polygonCounts[i]*numSets);
            // XXX nitrocaster: remove this 'cause malloc failure shouldn't be handled there
			if ( polygonTablePtr[i] == NULL ) {
				Log("! calloc returned NULL (polygonTable)");
				return false;

	// If we found no meshes then return
	if ( objectCount == 0 ) {
		return false;
	// Go through all of the set members (flattened lists) and mark
	// in the lookup-tables, the sets that each mesh component belongs
	// to.
	bool flattenedList = true;
	MDagPath object;
	MObject component;
	MSelectionList memberList;
	for ( i=0; i<numSets; i++ )
		MFnSet fnSet( (*sets)[i] );		
		stat = fnSet.getMembers( memberList, flattenedList );

		if (MS::kSuccess != stat) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Error in fnSet.getMembers()!\n");

		int m, numMembers;
		numMembers = memberList.length();
		for ( m=0; m<numMembers; m++ )
			if ( memberList.getDagPath(m,object,component) ) {

				if ( (!component.isNull()) && (object.apiType() == MFn::kMesh) )
					if (component.apiType() == MFn::kMeshVertComponent) {
						MItMeshVertex viter( object, component );	
						for ( ; !viter.isDone(); viter.next() )
							int compIdx = viter.index();
							MString name = object.fullPathName();
							// Figure out which object vertexTable
							// to get.

							int o, numObjectNames;
							numObjectNames = objectNames->length();
							for ( o=0; o<numObjectNames; o++ ) {
								if ( (*objectNames)[o] == name ) {
									// Mark set i as true in the table
									vertexTable = vertexTablePtr[o];
									*(vertexTable + numSets*compIdx + i) = true;
					else if (component.apiType() == MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent) 
						MItMeshPolygon piter( object, component );
						for ( ; !piter.isDone(); piter.next() )
							int compIdx = piter.index();
							MString name = object.fullPathName();
							// Figure out which object polygonTable
							// to get.
							int o, numObjectNames;
							numObjectNames = objectNames->length();
							for ( o=0; o<numObjectNames; o++ ) {
								if ( (*objectNames)[o] == name ) {
									// Mark set i as true in the table

									// Check for bad components in the set
									if ( compIdx >= polygonCounts[o] ) {
										Msg("! Bad polygon index '%d' found. Polygon skipped",compIdx);
									polygonTable = polygonTablePtr[o];
									*(polygonTable + numSets*compIdx + i) = true;
				else { 

				// There are no components, therefore we can mark
				// all polygons as members of the given set.

				if (object.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) {

					MFnMesh fnMesh( object, &stat );
					if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
						fprintf(stderr,"Failure in MFnMesh initialization.\n");
						return false;

					// We are going to iterate over all the polygons.
					MItMeshPolygon piter( object, MObject::kNullObj, &stat );
					if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
								"Failure in MItMeshPolygon initialization.\n");
						return false;
					for ( ; !piter.isDone(); piter.next() )
						int compIdx = piter.index();
						MString name = object.fullPathName();

						// Figure out which object polygonTable to get.
						int o, numObjectNames;
						numObjectNames = objectNames->length();
						for ( o=0; o<numObjectNames; o++ ) {
							if ( (*objectNames)[o] == name ) {
								// Check for bad components in the set
								if ( compIdx >= polygonCounts[o] ) {
									Msg("! Bad polygon index '%d' found. Polygon skipped",compIdx);
								// Mark set i as true in the table
								polygonTable = polygonTablePtr[o];
								*(polygonTable + numSets*compIdx + i) = true;
					} // end of piter.next() loop
				} // end of condition if (object.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
				} // end of else condifion if (!component.isNull()) 
			} // end of memberList.getDagPath(m,object,component)
		} // end of memberList loop
	} // end of for-loop for sets

	// Go through all of the group members and mark in the
	// lookup-table, the group that each shape belongs to.
	length = objectNodeNamesArray.length();
	if (objectGroupsTablePtr){
		for( i=0; i<length; i++ ) {
			MIntArray groupTableIndicesArray;
			bool *objectGroupTable = objectGroupsTablePtr[i];
			int length2;
			recFindTransformDAGNodes( objectNodeNamesArray[i], groupTableIndicesArray );
			length2 = groupTableIndicesArray.length();
			for( j=0; j<length2; j++ ) {
				int groupIdx = groupTableIndicesArray[j];
				objectGroupTable[groupIdx] = true;
	return true;
StatusWith<ShardType> ShardingCatalogManagerImpl::_validateHostAsShard(
    OperationContext* txn,
    std::shared_ptr<RemoteCommandTargeter> targeter,
    const std::string* shardProposedName,
    const ConnectionString& connectionString) {
    // Check whether any host in the connection is already part of the cluster.
    for (const auto& hostAndPort : connectionString.getServers()) {
        std::shared_ptr<Shard> shard;
        shard = Grid::get(txn)->shardRegistry()->getShardNoReload(hostAndPort.toString());
        if (shard) {
            return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                    str::stream() << "'" << hostAndPort.toString() << "' "
                    << "is already a member of the existing shard '"
                    << shard->getConnString().toString()
                    << "' ("
                    << shard->getId()
                    << ")."};

    // Check for mongos and older version mongod connections, and whether the hosts
    // can be found for the user specified replset.
    auto swCommandResponse =
        _runCommandForAddShard(txn, targeter.get(), "admin", BSON("isMaster" << 1));
    if (!swCommandResponse.isOK()) {
        if (swCommandResponse.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::RPCProtocolNegotiationFailed) {
            // Mongos to mongos commands are no longer supported in the wire protocol
            // (because mongos does not support OP_COMMAND), similarly for a new mongos
            // and an old mongod. So the call will fail in such cases.
            // TODO: If/When mongos ever supports opCommands, this logic will break because
            // cmdStatus will be OK.
            return {ErrorCodes::RPCProtocolNegotiationFailed,
                    str::stream() << targeter->connectionString().toString()
                    << " does not recognize the RPC protocol being used. This is"
                    << " likely because it contains a node that is a mongos or an old"
                    << " version of mongod."};
        } else {
            return swCommandResponse.getStatus();

    // Check for a command response error
    auto resIsMasterStatus = std::move(swCommandResponse.getValue().commandStatus);
    if (!resIsMasterStatus.isOK()) {
        return {resIsMasterStatus.code(),
                str::stream() << "Error running isMaster against "
                << targeter->connectionString().toString()
                << ": "
                << causedBy(resIsMasterStatus)};

    auto resIsMaster = std::move(swCommandResponse.getValue().response);

    // Check whether there is a master. If there isn't, the replica set may not have been
    // initiated. If the connection is a standalone, it will return true for isMaster.
    bool isMaster;
    Status status = bsonExtractBooleanField(resIsMaster, "ismaster", &isMaster);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return Status(status.code(),
                      str::stream() << "isMaster returned invalid 'ismaster' "
                      << "field when attempting to add "
                      << connectionString.toString()
                      << " as a shard: "
                      << status.reason());
    if (!isMaster) {
        return {ErrorCodes::NotMaster,
                << connectionString.toString()
                << " does not have a master. If this is a replica set, ensure that it has a"
                << " healthy primary and that the set has been properly initiated."};

    const string providedSetName = connectionString.getSetName();
    const string foundSetName = resIsMaster["setName"].str();

    // Make sure the specified replica set name (if any) matches the actual shard's replica set
    if (providedSetName.empty() && !foundSetName.empty()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "host is part of set " << foundSetName << "; "
                << "use replica set url format "
                << "<setname>/<server1>,<server2>, ..."};

    if (!providedSetName.empty() && foundSetName.empty()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "host did not return a set name; "
                << "is the replica set still initializing? "
                << resIsMaster};

    // Make sure the set name specified in the connection string matches the one where its hosts
    // belong into
    if (!providedSetName.empty() && (providedSetName != foundSetName)) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "the provided connection string (" << connectionString.toString()
                << ") does not match the actual set name "
                << foundSetName};

    // Is it a config server?
    if (resIsMaster.hasField("configsvr")) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "Cannot add " << connectionString.toString()
                << " as a shard since it is a config server"};

    // If the shard is part of a replica set, make sure all the hosts mentioned in the connection
    // string are part of the set. It is fine if not all members of the set are mentioned in the
    // connection string, though.
    if (!providedSetName.empty()) {
        std::set<string> hostSet;

        BSONObjIterator iter(resIsMaster["hosts"].Obj());
        while (iter.more()) {
            hostSet.insert(iter.next().String());  // host:port

        if (resIsMaster["passives"].isABSONObj()) {
            BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["passives"].Obj());
            while (piter.more()) {
                hostSet.insert(piter.next().String());  // host:port

        if (resIsMaster["arbiters"].isABSONObj()) {
            BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["arbiters"].Obj());
            while (piter.more()) {
                hostSet.insert(piter.next().String());  // host:port

        vector<HostAndPort> hosts = connectionString.getServers();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) {
            const string host = hosts[i].toString();  // host:port
            if (hostSet.find(host) == hostSet.end()) {
                return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                        str::stream() << "in seed list " << connectionString.toString() << ", host "
                        << host
                        << " does not belong to replica set "
                        << foundSetName
                        << "; found "
                        << resIsMaster.toString()};

    string actualShardName;

    if (shardProposedName) {
        actualShardName = *shardProposedName;
    } else if (!foundSetName.empty()) {
        // Default it to the name of the replica set
        actualShardName = foundSetName;

    // Disallow adding shard replica set with name 'config'
    if (actualShardName == "config") {
        return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "use of shard replica set with name 'config' is not allowed"};

    // Retrieve the most up to date connection string that we know from the replica set monitor (if
    // this is a replica set shard, otherwise it will be the same value as connectionString).
    ConnectionString actualShardConnStr = targeter->connectionString();

    ShardType shard;

    return shard;
Пример #13
 void sampling(std::shared_ptr<Mesh<Vertex, Polygon>> mesh, double sample_rate) {
    std::map<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Vertex>, std::shared_ptr<Vertex>>, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Vertex>>> vertex_vertex_interior_vertices_map;

    for (Mesh<Vertex, Polygon>::PolygonIterator piter(mesh); !piter.end(); ++piter)  {

        auto p = *piter;
        auto he_vec = generate_halfedges(p);

        for (auto he : he_vec) {

            auto s = he->source();
            auto t = he->target();

            auto vpair = std::make_pair(t, s);

            if (vertex_vertex_interior_vertices_map.find(vpair) != vertex_vertex_interior_vertices_map.end()) {
//we have got it!
                auto& vec = vertex_vertex_interior_vertices_map[vpair];
                //from rbegin();

                auto existing_v = s;
                for (int i = vec.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    p->add_vertex_after(existing_v, vec[i]);
                    existing_v = vec[i];

            } else {

                double length = (s->point() - t->point()).norm();
                int steps = length / sample_rate;

                std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Vertex>> vertex_vec;

                for (int i = 1; i < steps; ++i) {
                    auto pt = t->point() * i / (double)steps + s->point() * (1.0 - i / (double)steps);
                    auto new_v = std::make_shared<Vertex>(mesh->next_vertex_id(), pt);


                std::swap(vpair.first, vpair.second);
                vertex_vertex_interior_vertices_map[vpair] = vertex_vec;

//add to polygon

                auto existing_v = s;
                for (int i = 0; i < vertex_vec.size(); ++i) {
                    p->add_vertex_after(existing_v, vertex_vec[i]);
                    existing_v = vertex_vec[i];



Пример #14
Abc::Box3d PolyMesh::writeSample( const Abc::OSampleSelector &iSS )
    // First, call base class sample write, which will return bounds
    // of any children.
    Abc::index_t sampleIndex = iSS.getIndex();
    Abc::Box3d bounds = Exportable::writeSample( iSS );

    // If we're not deforming, don't bother with new sample.
    // Do calculate bounds and set them, though.
    if ( sampleIndex != 0 && !m_deforming )
        bounds.extendBy( m_firstSampleSelfBounds );
        m_boundsProperty.set( bounds, iSS );
        return bounds;

    // Make a mesh
    MStatus status;
    MFnMesh mesh( m_dagPath, &status );

    // Make a sample.
    Abc::OPolyMeshSchema::Sample abcPolyMeshSample;

    MPointArray vertices;
    mesh.getPoints( vertices );
    size_t npoints = vertices.length();
    std::vector<Abc::V3f> v3fVerts( npoints );

    Abc::Box3d shapeBounds;
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i )
        const MPoint &vi = vertices[i];
        Abc::V3f pi( vi.x, vi.y, vi.z );
        v3fVerts[i] = pi;
        shapeBounds.extendBy( Abc::V3d( vi.x, vi.y, vi.z ) );
    if ( sampleIndex == 0 )
        m_firstSampleSelfBounds = shapeBounds;
    bounds.extendBy( shapeBounds );

    // Set the bounds sample.
    m_boundsProperty.set( bounds, iSS );

    // Stuff the positions into the mesh sample.
    abcPolyMeshSample.setPositions( Abc::V3fArraySample( v3fVerts ) );

    std::vector<Abc::int32_t> abcIndices;
    std::vector<Abc::int32_t> abcCounts;
    std::vector<Abc::N3f> abcNormals;
    std::vector<Abc::V2f> abcUvs;

    size_t nnormals = mesh.numNormals();
    MFloatVectorArray meshNorms;
    if ( nnormals > 0 )
        mesh.getNormals( meshNorms, MSpace::kObject );
    size_t nuvs = mesh.numUVs();
    MFloatArray meshU;
    MFloatArray meshV;
    if ( nuvs > 0 )
        mesh.getUVs( meshU, meshV );

    if ( sampleIndex == 0 )
        // FIRST SAMPLE

        // Loop over polys.
        size_t npolys = mesh.numPolygons();
        abcCounts.resize( npolys );

        Abc::int32_t faceIndex = 0;
        Abc::int32_t faceStartVertexIndex = 0;

        for ( MItMeshPolygon piter( m_dagPath );
              !piter.isDone(); piter.next(), ++faceIndex )
            Abc::int32_t faceCount = piter.polygonVertexCount();
            abcCounts[faceIndex] = faceCount;
            faceStartVertexIndex += faceCount;

            for ( Abc::int32_t faceVertex = 0;
                  faceVertex < faceCount; ++faceVertex )
                abcIndices.push_back( piter.vertexIndex( faceVertex ) );

                if ( nnormals > 0 )
                    size_t normIndex = piter.normalIndex( faceVertex );
                    const MFloatVector &norm = meshNorms[normIndex];
                    Abc::N3f abcNorm( norm[0], norm[1], norm[2] );
                    abcNormals.push_back( abcNorm );

                if ( nuvs > 0 )
                    int uvIndex = 0;
                    piter.getUVIndex( faceVertex, uvIndex );
                    Abc::V2f abcUv( meshU[uvIndex], meshV[uvIndex] );
                    abcUvs.push_back( abcUv );

        // We have now collected abcIndices, abcStarts, abcNormals, and abcUvs.
        // Put them into the sample.
        abcPolyMeshSample.setIndices( Abc::Int32ArraySample( abcIndices ) );
        abcPolyMeshSample.setCounts( Abc::Int32ArraySample( abcCounts ) );

        if ( nnormals > 0 && m_normals )
            m_normals.set( Abc::N3fArraySample( abcNormals ), iSS );
        if ( nuvs > 0 && m_sts )
            m_sts.set( Abc::V2fArraySample( abcUvs ), iSS );
    else if ( ( nnormals > 0 && m_normals ) ||
              ( nuvs > 0 && m_sts ) )
        // Just gathering normals and uvs.
        // (vertices handled above)
        // Loop over polys.
        Abc::int32_t faceIndex = 0;
        Abc::int32_t faceStartVertexIndex = 0;
        for ( MItMeshPolygon piter( m_dagPath );
              !piter.isDone(); piter.next(), ++faceIndex )
            Abc::int32_t faceCount = piter.polygonVertexCount();
            for ( Abc::int32_t faceVertex = 0;
                  faceVertex < faceCount; ++faceVertex )
                if ( nnormals > 0 )
                    size_t normIndex = piter.normalIndex( faceVertex );
                    const MFloatVector &norm = meshNorms[normIndex];
                    Abc::N3f abcNorm( norm[0], norm[1], norm[2] );
                    abcNormals.push_back( abcNorm );
                if ( nuvs > 0 )
                    int uvIndex = 0;
                    piter.getUVIndex( faceVertex, uvIndex );
                    Abc::V2f abcUv( meshU[uvIndex], meshV[uvIndex] );
                    abcUvs.push_back( abcUv );

        // We have now collected abcNormals, and abcUvs.
        // Put them into the sample.
        if ( nnormals > 0 && m_normals )
            m_normals.set( Abc::N3fArraySample( abcNormals ), iSS );
        if ( nuvs > 0 )
            m_sts.set( Abc::V2fArraySample( abcUvs ), iSS );

    // Set the mesh sample.
    m_polyMesh.getSchema().set( abcPolyMeshSample, iSS );

    return bounds;
StatusWith<ShardType> ShardingCatalogManagerImpl::_validateHostAsShard(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    std::shared_ptr<RemoteCommandTargeter> targeter,
    const std::string* shardProposedName,
    const ConnectionString& connectionString) {

    // Check if the node being added is a mongos or a version of mongod too old to speak the current
    // communication protocol.
    auto swCommandResponse =
        _runCommandForAddShard(opCtx, targeter.get(), "admin", BSON("isMaster" << 1));
    if (!swCommandResponse.isOK()) {
        if (swCommandResponse.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::RPCProtocolNegotiationFailed) {
            // Mongos to mongos commands are no longer supported in the wire protocol
            // (because mongos does not support OP_COMMAND), similarly for a new mongos
            // and an old mongod. So the call will fail in such cases.
            // TODO: If/When mongos ever supports opCommands, this logic will break because
            // cmdStatus will be OK.
            return {ErrorCodes::RPCProtocolNegotiationFailed,
                    str::stream() << targeter->connectionString().toString()
                                  << " does not recognize the RPC protocol being used. This is"
                                  << " likely because it contains a node that is a mongos or an old"
                                  << " version of mongod."};
        } else {
            return swCommandResponse.getStatus();

    // Check for a command response error
    auto resIsMasterStatus = std::move(swCommandResponse.getValue().commandStatus);
    if (!resIsMasterStatus.isOK()) {
        return {resIsMasterStatus.code(),
                str::stream() << "Error running isMaster against "
                              << targeter->connectionString().toString()
                              << ": "
                              << causedBy(resIsMasterStatus)};

    auto resIsMaster = std::move(swCommandResponse.getValue().response);

    // Check that the node being added is a new enough version.
    // If we're running this code, that means the mongos that the addShard request originated from
    // must be at least version 3.4 (since 3.2 mongoses don't know about the _configsvrAddShard
    // command).  Since it is illegal to have v3.4 mongoses with v3.2 shards, we should reject
    // adding any shards that are not v3.4.  We can determine this by checking that the
    // maxWireVersion reported in isMaster is at least COMMANDS_ACCEPT_WRITE_CONCERN.
    // TODO(SERVER-25623): This approach won't work to prevent v3.6 mongoses from adding v3.4
    // shards, so we'll have to rethink this during the 3.5 development cycle.

    long long maxWireVersion;
    Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(resIsMaster, "maxWireVersion", &maxWireVersion);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return Status(status.code(),
                      str::stream() << "isMaster returned invalid 'maxWireVersion' "
                                    << "field when attempting to add "
                                    << connectionString.toString()
                                    << " as a shard: "
                                    << status.reason());
    if (maxWireVersion < WireVersion::COMMANDS_ACCEPT_WRITE_CONCERN) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::IncompatibleServerVersion,
                      str::stream() << "Cannot add " << connectionString.toString()
                                    << " as a shard because we detected a mongod with server "
                                       "version older than 3.4.0.  It is invalid to add v3.2 and "
                                       "older shards through a v3.4 mongos.");

    // Check whether there is a master. If there isn't, the replica set may not have been
    // initiated. If the connection is a standalone, it will return true for isMaster.
    bool isMaster;
    status = bsonExtractBooleanField(resIsMaster, "ismaster", &isMaster);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return Status(status.code(),
                      str::stream() << "isMaster returned invalid 'ismaster' "
                                    << "field when attempting to add "
                                    << connectionString.toString()
                                    << " as a shard: "
                                    << status.reason());
    if (!isMaster) {
        return {ErrorCodes::NotMaster,
                    << connectionString.toString()
                    << " does not have a master. If this is a replica set, ensure that it has a"
                    << " healthy primary and that the set has been properly initiated."};

    const std::string providedSetName = connectionString.getSetName();
    const std::string foundSetName = resIsMaster["setName"].str();

    // Make sure the specified replica set name (if any) matches the actual shard's replica set
    if (providedSetName.empty() && !foundSetName.empty()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "host is part of set " << foundSetName << "; "
                              << "use replica set url format "
                              << "<setname>/<server1>,<server2>, ..."};

    if (!providedSetName.empty() && foundSetName.empty()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "host did not return a set name; "
                              << "is the replica set still initializing? "
                              << resIsMaster};

    // Make sure the set name specified in the connection string matches the one where its hosts
    // belong into
    if (!providedSetName.empty() && (providedSetName != foundSetName)) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "the provided connection string (" << connectionString.toString()
                              << ") does not match the actual set name "
                              << foundSetName};

    // Is it a config server?
    if (resIsMaster.hasField("configsvr")) {
        return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                str::stream() << "Cannot add " << connectionString.toString()
                              << " as a shard since it is a config server"};

    // If the shard is part of a replica set, make sure all the hosts mentioned in the connection
    // string are part of the set. It is fine if not all members of the set are mentioned in the
    // connection string, though.
    if (!providedSetName.empty()) {
        std::set<std::string> hostSet;

        BSONObjIterator iter(resIsMaster["hosts"].Obj());
        while (iter.more()) {
            hostSet.insert(iter.next().String());  // host:port

        if (resIsMaster["passives"].isABSONObj()) {
            BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["passives"].Obj());
            while (piter.more()) {
                hostSet.insert(piter.next().String());  // host:port

        if (resIsMaster["arbiters"].isABSONObj()) {
            BSONObjIterator piter(resIsMaster["arbiters"].Obj());
            while (piter.more()) {
                hostSet.insert(piter.next().String());  // host:port

        for (const auto& hostEntry : connectionString.getServers()) {
            const auto& host = hostEntry.toString();  // host:port
            if (hostSet.find(host) == hostSet.end()) {
                return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                        str::stream() << "in seed list " << connectionString.toString() << ", host "
                                      << host
                                      << " does not belong to replica set "
                                      << foundSetName
                                      << "; found "
                                      << resIsMaster.toString()};

    std::string actualShardName;

    if (shardProposedName) {
        actualShardName = *shardProposedName;
    } else if (!foundSetName.empty()) {
        // Default it to the name of the replica set
        actualShardName = foundSetName;

    // Disallow adding shard replica set with name 'config'
    if (actualShardName == NamespaceString::kConfigDb) {
        return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "use of shard replica set with name 'config' is not allowed"};

    // Retrieve the most up to date connection string that we know from the replica set monitor (if
    // this is a replica set shard, otherwise it will be the same value as connectionString).
    ConnectionString actualShardConnStr = targeter->connectionString();

    ShardType shard;

    return shard;