Пример #1
 *  pixEmbedForRotation()
 *      Input:  pixs (1, 2, 4, 8, 32 bpp rgb)
 *              angle (radians; clockwise is positive)
 *              incolor (L_BRING_IN_WHITE, L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
 *              width (original width; use 0 to avoid embedding)
 *              height (original height; use 0 to avoid embedding)
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) For very small rotations, just return a clone.
 *      (2) Generate larger image to embed pixs if necessary, and
 *          place the center of the input image in the center.
 *      (3) Rotation brings either white or black pixels in
 *          from outside the image.  For colormapped images where
 *          there is no white or black, a new color is added if
 *          possible for these pixels; otherwise, either the
 *          lightest or darkest color is used.  In most cases,
 *          the colormap will be removed prior to rotation.
 *      (4) The dest is to be expanded so that no image pixels
 *          are lost after rotation.  Input of the original width
 *          and height allows the expansion to stop at the maximum
 *          required size, which is a square with side equal to
 *          sqrt(w*w + h*h).
 *      (5) For an arbitrary angle, the expansion can be found by
 *          considering the UL and UR corners.  As the image is
 *          rotated, these move in an arc centered at the center of
 *          the image.  Normalize to a unit circle by dividing by half
 *          the image diagonal.  After a rotation of T radians, the UL
 *          and UR corners are at points T radians along the unit
 *          circle.  Compute the x and y coordinates of both these
 *          points and take the max of absolute values; these represent
 *          the half width and half height of the containing rectangle.
 *          The arithmetic is done using formulas for sin(a+b) and cos(a+b),
 *          where b = T.  For the UR corner, sin(a) = h/d and cos(a) = w/d.
 *          For the UL corner, replace a by (pi - a), and you have
 *          sin(pi - a) = h/d, cos(pi - a) = -w/d.  The equations
 *          given below follow directly.
pixEmbedForRotation(PIX       *pixs,
                    l_float32  angle,
                    l_int32    incolor,
                    l_int32    width,
                    l_int32    height)
l_int32    w, h, d, w1, h1, w2, h2, maxside, wnew, hnew, xoff, yoff, setcolor;
l_float64  sina, cosa, fw, fh;
PIX       *pixd;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);
    if (L_ABS(angle) < MIN_ANGLE_TO_ROTATE)
        return pixClone(pixs);

        /* Test if big enough to hold any rotation of the original image */
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    maxside = (l_int32)(sqrt((l_float64)(width * width) +
                             (l_float64)(height * height)) + 0.5);
    if (w >= maxside && h >= maxside)  /* big enough */
        return pixClone(pixs);

        /* Find the new sizes required to hold the image after rotation.
         * Note that the new dimensions must be at least as large as those
         * of pixs, because we're rasterop-ing into it before rotation. */
    cosa = cos(angle);
    sina = sin(angle);
    fw = (l_float64)w;
    fh = (l_float64)h;
    w1 = (l_int32)(L_ABS(fw * cosa - fh * sina) + 0.5);
    w2 = (l_int32)(L_ABS(-fw * cosa - fh * sina) + 0.5);
    h1 = (l_int32)(L_ABS(fw * sina + fh * cosa) + 0.5);
    h2 = (l_int32)(L_ABS(-fw * sina + fh * cosa) + 0.5);
    wnew = L_MAX(w, L_MAX(w1, w2));
    hnew = L_MAX(h, L_MAX(h1, h2));

    if ((pixd = pixCreate(wnew, hnew, d)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
    pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyColormap(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopySpp(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyText(pixd, pixs);
    xoff = (wnew - w) / 2;
    yoff = (hnew - h) / 2;

        /* Set background to color to be rotated in */
    setcolor = (incolor == L_BRING_IN_BLACK) ? L_SET_BLACK : L_SET_WHITE;
    pixSetBlackOrWhite(pixd, setcolor);

        /* Rasterop automatically handles all 4 channels for rgba */
    pixRasterop(pixd, xoff, yoff, w, h, PIX_SRC, pixs, 0, 0);
    return pixd;
Пример #2
 *  pixSelectByWidthHeightRatio()
 *      Input:  pixs (1 bpp)
 *              thresh (threshold ratio of width/height)
 *              connectivity (4 or 8)
 *              type (L_SELECT_IF_LT, L_SELECT_IF_GT,
 *                    L_SELECT_IF_LTE, L_SELECT_IF_GTE)
 *              &changed (<optional return> 1 if changed; 0 if clone returned)
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The args specify constraints on the width-to-height ratio
 *          for components that are kept.
 *      (2) If unchanged, returns a copy of pixs.  Otherwise,
 *          returns a new pix with the filtered components.
 *      (3) This filters components based on the width-to-height ratios.
 *      (4) Use L_SELECT_IF_LT or L_SELECT_IF_LTE to save components
 *          with less than the threshold ratio, and
 *          L_SELECT_IF_GT or L_SELECT_IF_GTE to remove them.
pixSelectByWidthHeightRatio(PIX       *pixs,
                            l_float32  thresh,
                            l_int32    connectivity,
                            l_int32    type,
                            l_int32   *pchanged)
l_int32  w, h, empty, changed, count;
BOXA    *boxa;
PIX     *pixd;
PIXA    *pixas, *pixad;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (connectivity != 4 && connectivity != 8)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("connectivity not 4 or 8", procName, NULL);
    if (type != L_SELECT_IF_LT && type != L_SELECT_IF_GT &&
        type != L_SELECT_IF_LTE && type != L_SELECT_IF_GTE)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid type", procName, NULL);
    if (pchanged) *pchanged = FALSE;
        /* Check if any components exist */
    pixZero(pixs, &empty);
    if (empty)
        return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);

        /* Filter components */
    boxa = pixConnComp(pixs, &pixas, connectivity); 
    pixad = pixaSelectByWidthHeightRatio(pixas, thresh, type, &changed);

        /* Render the result */
    if (!changed) {
        return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    else {
        if (pchanged) *pchanged = TRUE;
        pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
        count = pixaGetCount(pixad);
        if (count == 0)  /* return empty pix */
            pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
        else {
            pixd = pixaDisplay(pixad, w, h);
            pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
            pixCopyColormap(pixd, pixs);
            pixCopyText(pixd, pixs);
            pixCopyInputFormat(pixd, pixs);
        return pixd;
Пример #3
 *  pixTransferAllData()
 *      Input:  pixd (must be different from pixs)
 *              &pixs (will be nulled if refcount goes to 0)
 *              copytext (1 to copy the text field; 0 to skip)
 *              copyformat (1 to copy the informat field; 0 to skip)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This does a complete data transfer from pixs to pixd,
 *          followed by the destruction of pixs (refcount permitting).
 *      (2) If the refcount of pixs is 1, pixs is destroyed.  Otherwise,
 *          the data in pixs is copied (rather than transferred) to pixd.
 *      (3) This operation, like all others with a pre-existing pixd,
 *          will side-effect any existing clones of pixd.  The pixd
 *          refcount does not change.
 *      (4) When might you use this?  Suppose you have an in-place Pix
 *          function (returning void) with the typical signature:
 *              void function-inplace(PIX *pix, ...)
 *          where "..." are non-pointer input parameters, and suppose
 *          further that you sometimes want to return an arbitrary Pix
 *          in place of the input Pix.  There are two ways you can do this:
 *          (a) The straightforward way is to change the function
 *              signature to take the address of the Pix ptr:
 *                  void function-inplace(PIX **ppix, ...) {
 *                      PIX *pixt = function-makenew(*ppix);
 *                      pixDestroy(ppix);
 *                      *ppix = pixt;
 *                      return;
 *                  }
 *              Here, the input and returned pix are different, as viewed
 *              by the calling function, and the inplace function is
 *              expected to destroy the input pix to avoid a memory leak.
 *          (b) Keep the signature the same and use pixTransferAllData()
 *              to return the new Pix in the input Pix struct:
 *                  void function-inplace(PIX *pix, ...) {
 *                      PIX *pixt = function-makenew(pix);
 *                      pixTransferAllData(pix, &pixt);  // pixt is destroyed
 *                      return;
 *                  }
 *              Here, the input and returned pix are the same, as viewed
 *              by the calling function, and the inplace function must
 *              never destroy the input pix, because the calling function
 *              maintains an unchanged handle to it.
pixTransferAllData(PIX     *pixd,
                   PIX    **ppixs,
                   l_int32  copytext,
                   l_int32  copyformat)
l_int32  nbytes;
PIX     *pixs;


    if (!ppixs)
        return ERROR_INT("&pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if ((pixs = *ppixs) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!pixd)
        return ERROR_INT("pixd not defined", procName, 1);
    if (pixs == pixd)  /* no-op */
        return ERROR_INT("pixd == pixs", procName, 1);

    if (pixGetRefcount(pixs) == 1) {  /* transfer the data, cmap, text */
        pixFreeData(pixd);  /* dealloc any existing data */
        pixSetData(pixd, pixGetData(pixs));  /* transfer new data from pixs */
        pixs->data = NULL;  /* pixs no longer owns data */
        pixSetColormap(pixd, pixGetColormap(pixs));  /* frees old; sets new */
        pixs->colormap = NULL;  /* pixs no longer owns colormap */
        if (copytext) {
            pixSetText(pixd, pixGetText(pixs));
            pixSetText(pixs, NULL);
    } else {  /* preserve pixs by making a copy of the data, cmap, text */
        pixResizeImageData(pixd, pixs);
        nbytes = 4 * pixGetWpl(pixs) * pixGetHeight(pixs);
        memcpy((char *)pixGetData(pixd), (char *)pixGetData(pixs), nbytes);
        pixCopyColormap(pixd, pixs);
        if (copytext)
            pixCopyText(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyDimensions(pixd, pixs);
    if (copyformat)
        pixCopyInputFormat(pixd, pixs);

        /* This will destroy pixs if data was transferred;
         * otherwise, it just decrements its refcount. */
    return 0;
Пример #4
 *  pixCopy()
 *      Input:  pixd (<optional>; can be null, or equal to pixs,
 *                    or different from pixs)
 *              pixs
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) There are three cases:
 *            (a) pixd == null  (makes a new pix; refcount = 1)
 *            (b) pixd == pixs  (no-op)
 *            (c) pixd != pixs  (data copy; no change in refcount)
 *          If the refcount of pixd > 1, case (c) will side-effect
 *          these handles.
 *      (2) The general pattern of use is:
 *             pixd = pixCopy(pixd, pixs);
 *          This will work for all three cases.
 *          For clarity when the case is known, you can use:
 *            (a) pixd = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
 *            (c) pixCopy(pixd, pixs);
 *      (3) For case (c), we check if pixs and pixd are the same
 *          size (w,h,d).  If so, the data is copied directly.
 *          Otherwise, the data is reallocated to the correct size
 *          and the copy proceeds.  The refcount of pixd is unchanged.
 *      (4) This operation, like all others that may involve a pre-existing
 *          pixd, will side-effect any existing clones of pixd.
pixCopy(PIX  *pixd,   /* can be null */
        PIX  *pixs)
l_int32    bytes;
l_uint32  *datas, *datad;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixs == pixd)
        return pixd;

        /* Total bytes in image data */
    bytes = 4 * pixGetWpl(pixs) * pixGetHeight(pixs);

        /* If we're making a new pix ... */
    if (!pixd) {
        if ((pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs)) == NULL)
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
        datas = pixGetData(pixs);
        datad = pixGetData(pixd);
        memcpy((char *)datad, (char *)datas, bytes);
        return pixd;

        /* Reallocate image data if sizes are different */
    if (pixResizeImageData(pixd, pixs) == 1)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("reallocation of data failed", procName, NULL);

        /* Copy non-image data fields */
    pixCopyColormap(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyInputFormat(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyText(pixd, pixs);

        /* Copy image data */
    datas = pixGetData(pixs);
    datad = pixGetData(pixd);
    memcpy((char*)datad, (char*)datas, bytes);
    return pixd;
Пример #5
 *  pixCreateTemplateNoInit()
 *      Input:  pixs
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Makes a Pix of the same size as the input Pix, with
 *          the data array allocated but not initialized to 0.
 *      (2) Copies the other fields, including colormap if it exists.
pixCreateTemplateNoInit(PIX  *pixs)
l_int32  w, h, d;
PIX     *pixd;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);

    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    if ((pixd = pixCreateNoInit(w, h, d)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
    pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyColormap(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyText(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyInputFormat(pixd, pixs);

    return pixd;
Пример #6
 * \brief   pixSetStrokeWidth()
 * \param[in]   pixs  1 bpp pix
 * \param[in]   width  set stroke width to this value, in [1 ... 100].
 * \param[in]   thinfirst  1 to thin all pix to a skeleton first; 0 to skip
 * \param[in]   connectivity  4 or 8, to be used if %thinfirst == 1
 * \return  pixd  with stroke width set to %width, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) See notes in pixaSetStrokeWidth().
 *      (2) A white border of sufficient width to avoid boundary
 *          artifacts in the thickening step is added before thinning.
 *      (3) %connectivity == 8 usually gives a slightly smoother result.
 * </pre>
pixSetStrokeWidth(PIX     *pixs,
                  l_int32  width,
                  l_int32  thinfirst,
                  l_int32  connectivity)
char     buf[16];
l_int32  border;
PIX     *pix1, *pix2, *pixd;


    if (!pixs || (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1))
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (width < 1 || width > 100)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("width not in [1 ... 100]", procName, NULL);
    if (connectivity != 4 && connectivity != 8)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("connectivity not 4 or 8", procName, NULL);

    if (!thinfirst && width == 1)  /* nothing to do */
        return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);

        /* Add a white border */
    border = width / 2;
    pix1 = pixAddBorder(pixs, border, 0);

        /* Thin to a skeleton */
    if (thinfirst)
        pix2 = pixThinConnected(pix1, L_THIN_FG, connectivity, 0);
        pix2 = pixClone(pix1);

        /* Dilate */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "D%d.%d", width, width);
    pixd = pixMorphSequence(pix2, buf, 0);
    pixCopyText(pixd, pixs);
    return pixd;