Пример #1
 * Main random map routine. Generates a random map based on specified
 * parameters.
 * @param OutFileName
 * The path the map should have.
 * @param RP
 * Parameters for generation.
 * @return
 * Pointer to the generated map.
mapstruct *generate_random_map(char *OutFileName, RMParms *RP)
    char **layout;
    mapstruct *theMap;
    int i;

    /* pick a random seed, or use the one from the input file */
    if (RP->random_seed == 0) {
    } else {

    if (RP->difficulty == 0) {
        /* use this instead of a map difficulty */
        RP->difficulty = RP->dungeon_level;
    } else {
        RP->difficulty_given = 1;

    if (RP->expand2x > 0) {
        RP->Xsize /= 2;
        RP->Ysize /= 2;

    layout = layoutgen(RP);

    if (RP->level_increment > 0) {
        RP->dungeon_level += RP->level_increment;
    } else {

    /* rotate the layout randomly */
    layout = rotate_layout(layout, RANDOM() % 4, RP);

    dump_layout(layout, RP);

    /* allocate the map and set the floor */
    theMap = make_map_floor(RP->floorstyle, RP);

    /* set the name of the map. */
    FREE_AND_COPY_HASH(theMap->path, OutFileName);

            RP->dungeon_name[0] ? RP->dungeon_name : OutFileName);

    if (RP->bg_music[0] != '\0') {
        FREE_AND_COPY_HASH(theMap->bg_music, RP->bg_music);

    theMap->difficulty = RP->dungeon_level;

    make_map_walls(theMap, layout, RP->wallstyle, RP);

    put_doors(theMap, layout, RP->doorstyle, RP);

    place_exits(theMap, layout, RP->exitstyle, RP->orientation, RP);

    place_monsters(theMap, RP->monsterstyle, RP->difficulty, RP);

    put_decor(theMap, layout, RP);

    unblock_exits(theMap, layout, RP);
    set_map_darkness(theMap, RP->darkness);

    for (i = 0; i < RP->Xsize; i++) {


    return theMap;
Пример #2
void Worldmap::generate()
// Points_live is used below to track which points to update
  std::vector<Point> points_live;
// Used below when deciding when to turn lakes into ocean
  std::vector<Point> lake_seeds;
  std::vector<Point> city_seeds;
  for (int x = 0; x < WORLDMAP_SIZE; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < WORLDMAP_SIZE; y++) {
      biomes[x][y] = NULL;
      lake[x][y] = LAKE_NOTLAKE;
      city[x][y] = CITY_NOTCITY;
// Randomly seed biomes
  for (std::list<Biome*>::iterator it = BIOMES.instances.begin();
       it != BIOMES.instances.end();
       it++) {
    for (int n = 0; n < WORLDMAP_SIZE / 10; n++) {
      Point p( rng(0, WORLDMAP_SIZE - 1), rng(0, WORLDMAP_SIZE - 1) );
      if ((*it)->has_flag(BIOME_FLAG_LAKE)) {
        lake[p.x][p.y] = LAKE_UNCHECKED;
      if ((*it)->has_flag(BIOME_FLAG_CITY)) {
        city[p.x][p.y] = CITY_HUB;
      biomes[p.x][p.y] = (*it);

  while (!points_live.empty()) {
    std::vector<Point> new_points;
    //std::vector<Point> points_copy = points_live;
    int i = rng(0, points_live.size() - 1);
    std::vector<Point> valid_growth;
    Point p = points_live[i];
    if (p.x > 0 && biomes[p.x - 1][p.y] == NULL) {
      valid_growth.push_back( Point(p.x - 1, p.y) );
    if (p.y > 0 && biomes[p.x][p.y - 1] == NULL) {
      valid_growth.push_back( Point(p.x, p.y - 1) );
    if (p.x < WORLDMAP_SIZE - 1 && biomes[p.x + 1][p.y] == NULL) {
      valid_growth.push_back( Point(p.x + 1, p.y) );
    if (p.y < WORLDMAP_SIZE - 1 && biomes[p.x][p.y + 1] == NULL) {
      valid_growth.push_back( Point(p.x, p.y + 1) );
    if (valid_growth.empty()) { // No valid points - this point is dead!
      points_live.erase(points_live.begin() + i);
    } else {
      Point growth = valid_growth[rng(0, valid_growth.size() - 1)];
      biomes[growth.x][growth.y] = biomes[p.x][p.y];
      lake[growth.x][growth.y] = lake[p.x][p.y];
      if (city[p.x][p.y] == CITY_HUB) {
        city[growth.x][growth.y] = CITY_RAW;
      } else {
        city[growth.x][growth.y] = city[p.x][p.y];
      points_live.push_back( growth );

// Now look at the biomes and randomly select a terrain for each
  for (int x = 0; x < WORLDMAP_SIZE; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < WORLDMAP_SIZE; y++) {
      if (biomes[x][y]) {
        tiles[x][y].terrain = biomes[x][y]->pick_terrain();
      } else {

/* At this point, we have a lot of blobs of terrain, but no ocean!
 * The draw_island function sets altitude to 100 at its center and randomly
 * slopes down in a way that introduces penisulas &c

  int center = WORLDMAP_SIZE / 2, shift = WORLDMAP_SIZE / 10;
  Point island_center( rng(center - shift, center + shift),
                       rng(center - shift, center + shift) );
  std::vector<std::vector<int> > altitude;
  std::vector<int> tmpvec;
  for (int x = 0; x < WORLDMAP_SIZE; x++) {
  for (int x = 0; x < WORLDMAP_SIZE; x++) {

  draw_island(altitude, island_center, 400, 20, 0);

// Now draw several (8) more, small islands
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    Point islet;
    switch (rng(1, 4)) { // Which side to place it along?
      case 1:
        islet.x = rng(0, WORLDMAP_SIZE - 1);
        islet.y = rng(15, 40);
      case 2:
        islet.x = rng(WORLDMAP_SIZE - 41, WORLDMAP_SIZE - 16);
        islet.y = rng(0, WORLDMAP_SIZE - 1);
      case 3:
        islet.x = rng(0, WORLDMAP_SIZE - 1);
        islet.y = rng(WORLDMAP_SIZE - 41, WORLDMAP_SIZE - 16);
      case 4:
        islet.x = rng(15, 40);
        islet.y = rng(0, WORLDMAP_SIZE - 1);
    int size = 80;
    draw_island(altitude, islet, size, 2, i + 1);
    while (one_in(3)) { // island chain
      if (one_in(2)) {
        islet.x -= rng(size / 5, size / 3);
      } else {
        islet.x += rng(size / 5, size / 3);
      if (one_in(2)) {
        islet.y -= rng(size / 5, size / 3);
      } else {
        islet.y += rng(size / 5, size / 3);
      size -= rng(0, 20);
/* Using "i + 1" as the ID means that all islands in the same chain are
 * considered to be the "same" island - for whatever purposes the island ID is
 * ultimately used for (e.g. random_tile_with_terrain()).  TODO: change???
      draw_island(altitude, islet, size, 2, i + 1);

// Now find all lake biomes that are ocean-adjacent and make them shallows.
// Also, all the surviving lakes should become a river seed
  std::vector<Point> river_seeds;
  for (int i = 0; i < lake_seeds.size(); i++) {
    std::vector<Point> lake_points;
    std::vector<Point> live_points;
    lake_points.push_back( lake_seeds[i] );
    live_points.push_back( lake_seeds[i] );
    bool ocean = false;
    while (!live_points.empty()) {
      Point p = live_points[0];
      for (int x = p.x - 1; x <= p.x + 1; x++) {
        for (int y = p.y - 1; y <= p.y + 1; y++) {
          if (x >= 0 && x < WORLDMAP_SIZE && y >= 0 && y < WORLDMAP_SIZE) {
            if (lake[x][y] == LAKE_UNCHECKED) {
              lake_points.push_back( Point(x, y) );
              live_points.push_back( Point(x, y) );
              lake[x][y] = LAKE_CHECKED;
            } else if (!ocean && altitude[x][y] <= 0) {
              ocean = true;
    if (ocean) {
      for (int i = 0; i < lake_points.size(); i++) {
        Point p = lake_points[i];
        altitude[p.x][p.y] = 0;
        //set_terrain(p.x, p.y, "tester");
    } else {
      river_seeds.push_back( lake_seeds[i] );

// For each river seed, draw a river that *tends* to slope down until it hits
// ocean.

  for (int i = 0; i < river_seeds.size(); i++) {
    Point rp = river_seeds[i];
    bool done = false;
// TODO: This occasionally fails to terminate.
    while (!done) {
      if (!tiles[rp.x][rp.y].terrain->has_flag(WTF_NO_RIVER) &&
          !tiles[rp.x][rp.y].terrain->has_flag(WTF_WATER)      ) {
      std::vector<Point> next;
      std::vector<int> chances;
      int total_chance = 0;
      for (int n = 1; n <= 4; n++) {
        int x, y;
        switch (n) {
          case 1: x = rp.x - 1; y = rp.y    ; break;
          case 2: x = rp.x + 1; y = rp.y    ; break;
          case 3: x = rp.x    ; y = rp.y - 1; break;
          case 4: x = rp.x    ; y = rp.y + 1; break;
        if (x < 0 || x >= WORLDMAP_SIZE || y < 0 || y >= WORLDMAP_SIZE ||    
            tiles[x][y].terrain->has_flag(WTF_SALTY) || altitude[x][y] <= 0) {
          done = true;
// no_river tiles are only acceptable if it has the water flag too
        } else if (!tiles[x][y].terrain->has_flag(WTF_NO_RIVER) ||
                   tiles[x][y].terrain->has_flag(WTF_WATER)) {
          next.push_back( Point(x, y) );
          int chance;
          if (altitude[x][y] > altitude[rp.x][rp.y]) {
            //chance = 100 + altitude[rp.x][rp.y] - altitude[x][y];
            chance = 5;
          } else { // Better chance for places we slope down to
            //chance = 150 + altitude[rp.x][rp.y] - altitude[x][y];
            chance = 20;
          if (tiles[x][y].terrain->has_flag(WTF_WATER)) {
            chance += 7;
          total_chance += chance;
      if (chances.empty()) {
        done = true;
// Now pick from among those options.
      if (!done) {
        int index = rng(1, total_chance);
        bool pick_done = false;
        for (int i = 0; !pick_done && i < chances.size(); i++) {
          index -= chances[i];
          if (index <= 0) {
            rp = next[i];
            pick_done = true;

// Take everything with altitude <= 0 and set it to be ocean.
  for (int x = 0; x < WORLDMAP_SIZE; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < WORLDMAP_SIZE; y++) {
      if (altitude[x][y] <= 0 && !biomes[x][y]->has_flag(BIOME_FLAG_NO_OCEAN)) {
        biomes[x][y] = BIOMES.lookup_name("ocean");
// If it's a hub, i.e. a city_seed, try to reposition it within 5 tiles
        if (city[x][y] == CITY_HUB) {
          for (int i = 0; i < city_seeds.size(); i++) {
            if (city_seeds[i].x == x && city_seeds[i].y == y) {
              i = city_seeds.size();
              bool done = false;
              for (int rad = 1; !done && rad <= 5; rad++) {
                for (int rx = x - rad; !done && rx <= x + rad; rx++) {
                  int ry = y - rad;
                  if (rx >= 0 && rx < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                      ry >= 0 && ry < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                      altitude[rx][ry] > 0 && city[rx][ry] != CITY_NOTCITY &&
                      !done) {
                    city[rx][ry] = CITY_RAW;
                    city_seeds.push_back( Point(rx, ry) );
                    done = true;
                  ry = y + rad;
                  if (rx >= 0 && rx < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                      ry >= 0 && ry < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                      altitude[rx][ry] > 0 && city[rx][ry] != CITY_NOTCITY &&
                      !done) {
                    city[rx][ry] = CITY_RAW;
                    city_seeds.push_back( Point(rx, ry) );
                    done = true;
                for (int ry = y - rad; !done && ry <= y + rad; ry++) {
                  int rx = x - rad;
                  if (rx >= 0 && rx < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                      ry >= 0 && ry < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                      altitude[rx][ry] > 0 && city[rx][ry] != CITY_NOTCITY &&
                      !done) {
                    city[rx][ry] = CITY_RAW;
                    city_seeds.push_back( Point(rx, ry) );
                    done = true;
                  rx = x + rad;
                  if (rx >= 0 && rx < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                      ry >= 0 && ry < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                      altitude[rx][ry] > 0 && city[rx][ry] != CITY_NOTCITY &&
                      !done) {
                    city[rx][ry] = CITY_RAW;
                    city_seeds.push_back( Point(rx, ry) );
                    done = true;
        city[x][y] = CITY_NOTCITY;
      } else {
        if (city[x][y] == CITY_HUB) {
          city[x][y] = CITY_RAW;
        int range = tiles[x][y].terrain->beach_range;
        if (range != -1) {
          for (int xn = x - range; xn <= x + range; xn++) {
            for (int yn = y - range; yn <= y + range; yn++) {
              if (xn >= 0 && xn < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                  yn >= 0 && yn < WORLDMAP_SIZE && altitude[xn][yn] <= 0) {
                tiles[x][y].terrain = make_into_beach(tiles[x][y].terrain);

// Erase any remaining below-water cities
  for (int i = 0; i < city_seeds.size(); i++) {
    Point p = city_seeds[i];
    if (tiles[p.x][p.y].terrain->road_cost <= 0 ||
        altitude[p.x][p.y] <= 0) {
      city_seeds.erase(city_seeds.begin() + i);
// Draw some roads between cities.
  if (city_seeds.size() > 1) {
    for (int i = 0; i < city_seeds.size(); i++) {
      Generic_map gmap = get_generic_map();
      Pathfinder pf(gmap);
      Point from = city_seeds[i];
// This is a roll to get any index EXCEPT the current one;
// If we roll the current one, use the last one (which the roll skips)
      int index = rng(0, city_seeds.size() - 2);
      if (index == i) {
        index = city_seeds.size() - 1;
      Point to = city_seeds[index];

      Path path = pf.get_path(PATH_A_STAR, from, to);
      if (path.get_cost() <= 150000) {
        for (int n = 0; n < path.size(); n++) {
          Tripoint p = path[n];
          if (!tiles[p.x][p.y].terrain->has_flag(WTF_NO_ROAD)) {
            if (tiles[p.x][p.y].terrain->has_flag(WTF_BRIDGE)) {
            } else {
              if (city[p.x][p.y] != CITY_NOTCITY) {
                city[p.x][p.y] = CITY_ROAD;

// Now fill in cities!
  for (int i = 0; i < city_seeds.size(); i++) {
    std::vector<Point> active;
    active.push_back( city_seeds[i] );
    bool vertical_blocks = one_in(2);
    int block_size = rng(4, 8);
    while (!active.empty()) {
      int index = 0;
      Point p = active[index];
      if (( vertical_blocks && (p.x % 3 != 0 && p.y % block_size != 0)) ||
          (!vertical_blocks && (p.y % 3 != 0 && p.x % block_size != 0))   ) {
        index = rng(0, active.size() - 1);
        p = active[index];
      active.erase(active.begin() + index);
      bool expansions = false;
      int roads = 0;
      City_status stat = city[p.x][p.y];
      for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
        Point expand;
        switch (n) {
          case 0: expand = Point(p.x - 1, p.y    ); break;
          case 1: expand = Point(p.x + 1, p.y    ); break;
          case 2: expand = Point(p.x    , p.y - 1); break;
          case 3: expand = Point(p.x    , p.y + 1); break;
        if (expand.x >= 0 && expand.x < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
            expand.y >= 0 && expand.y < WORLDMAP_SIZE) {
          if (city[expand.x][expand.y] == CITY_RAW &&
              stat != CITY_BUILDING_CLOSED) {
            if (( vertical_blocks &&
                 (expand.x % 3 == 0 || expand.y % block_size == 0)) ||
                (!vertical_blocks && 
                 (expand.y % 3 == 0 || expand.x % block_size == 0))   ) {
              active.insert(active.begin(), expand);
            } else {
              active.push_back( expand );
            city[expand.x][expand.y] = CITY_BUILDING;
// TODO: Set the distance range based on the city's size?
            if (rl_dist(expand, city_seeds[i]) <= rng(3, 10) ||
                one_in(20)) {
              tiles[expand.x][expand.y].terrain = random_shop();
            } else {
            expansions = true;
          } else if (city[expand.x][expand.y] == CITY_ROAD) {
            if (stat != CITY_BUILDING_CLOSED) {
              active.push_back( expand );
          } else if (city[expand.x][expand.y] == CITY_ROAD_CLOSED) {
          } else if (city[expand.x][expand.y] == CITY_BUILDING && 
                     stat != CITY_BUILDING_CLOSED) {
            city[expand.x][expand.y] = CITY_BUILDING_CLOSED;
        if (!expansions) {
          bool block_closer = (( vertical_blocks && p.x % 3 == 0) ||
                               (!vertical_blocks && p.y % 3 == 0)   );
          if (block_closer) {
            if (vertical_blocks && p.y % block_size != 1 &&
                                   p.y % block_size != block_size - 1) {
              block_closer = false;
            } else if (!vertical_blocks && p.x % block_size != 1 &&
                                           p.x % block_size != block_size - 1) {
              block_closer = false;
          if (roads == 2 && block_closer) {
            city[p.x][p.y] = CITY_ROAD_CLOSED;
          } else if (city[p.x][p.y] == CITY_BUILDING) {
            city[p.x][p.y] = CITY_BUILDING_CLOSED;
          } else if (city[p.x][p.y] == CITY_ROAD) {
            city[p.x][p.y] = CITY_ROAD_CLOSED;
        } else {
          city[p.x][p.y] = CITY_ROAD_CLOSED;

// Take any usued city tiles and make them field
  for (int x = 0; x < WORLDMAP_SIZE; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < WORLDMAP_SIZE; y++) {
      if (city[x][y] == CITY_RAW) {
        biomes[x][y] = BIOMES.lookup_name("grassland");
        int range = tiles[x][y].terrain->beach_range;
        for (int xn = x - range; xn <= x + range; xn++) {
          for (int yn = y - range; yn <= y + range; yn++) {
            if (xn >= 0 && xn < WORLDMAP_SIZE &&
                yn >= 0 && yn < WORLDMAP_SIZE && altitude[xn][yn] <= 0) {
              tiles[x][y].terrain = make_into_beach(tiles[x][y].terrain);
// Finally, place mosnters!